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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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*drowns in jizz*
Guy Legend said:
Anyone watch Larry King? Chuck Norris is a fucking retard...

Yeah, he is. The sad thing is theyd rather bring people with 'names' than lesser known people who can actually provide intelligent and knowledgeable discourse and insight. Instead, we get clueless talking heads.


Small balls, big fun!
Huzah said:
Obama still hasn't supported nuclear power plants yet, any energy plan without the support of nuclear power is laughable naive and I can't take him seriously, not to mention the bio fuel mandates he believes in.

Not opposing nuclear power != supporting because it's going to take tremendous political will to push nuclear power with our NIMBY attitude.

Can someone show me that nuclear power is a good option despite apparently being notorious for huge delays and cost overruns?

There are how many countries that get most of their power from nuclear? One, right? With big ass socialist subsidies, no?


I have to add that using EIA's price of oil forcast is idiotic, just look up at their predictions for this year and ask yourself can they really predict the price of oil that far into the future?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Beavertown said:
I don't even see it as a viable temp or stop-gap solution. It would be 10 years before it even started producing oil, and its peak output would be around 700k barrels per day, compared to the 25 million or so that we consume each day.

More like 4-10 years depending on location.
Tyrone Slothrop said:


9/11 terrorist scare bump, it will recede in a week...


Smiles and Cries said:
does O'reilly like Obama?
You know, I do generally genuinely think he has a soft spot for him. Even with their large differences, the two mingled very well in the interviews. His write up about Obama was very positive as well.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
mckmas8808 said:
SHIT! You telling me that the troop didn't hit on Sarah's sister or the kids? What about the tazer thing?

i saw an interview with the guy. he said the tazer thing was actually the one they use to train people on. i.e. the one that cops use on themselves. the nodes are placed on, rather than shot into the skin.. the kid wanted it done on him, and the whole family was there to watch. he put pillows around him and gave him a minimal dose. even though his son was bragging about it for weeks afterward, he still felt it was a lack of judgment on his part. in the end, not as bad as it was made out to be, but still a bit stupid of him.
I am pretty interested in the positives Nuclear energy can provide, but I think most of the asshats who are screaming from the mountain tops 'SUPPORT NEW-CLEAR" would be like "no no no, dont' put that plant in my back yard" as soon as their state/county/city starts talking about real plans.


Mandark said:
Can someone show me that nuclear power is a good option despite apparently being notorious for huge delays and cost overruns?

There are how many countries that get most of their power from nuclear? One, right? With big ass socialist subsidies, no?

Alot of the overuns are:

1. Lack of developed market of nuclear power suppliers
2. Nimby attitude tha fights nuclear power with tooth and nail
3. The general rise in construction materials due inpart to rising cost of fuel

How many countries get most of their power from alternative sources? None? Strawman much?

Nothing wrong with subsidies to the energy market if it's done correctly, there's alot of market failures in the energy market, I mean that's how global warming start isn't it.


Professional Schmuck
I want to go on record for saying that the O'Reilly/O'Bama interviews were EXCELLENT. O'Reilly, while talking over him, putting words in his mouth, and doing his usual antics, provided a PERFECT forum for Obama to prove his readiness, his knowledge, his convictions, and his depth of actual policies that was astounding.

PLEASE GAF, if you haven't seen them already, they are quite good.

Also, it really humanizes O'Reilly in a way I've never seen. He comes across as a worried old man with old ideas and fear of change. It's endearing, if that's possible with him. I actually get the impression that he genuinely likes Obama. I wonder what his coverage for the next month will be like?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
quadriplegicjon said:
i saw an interview with the guy. he said the tazer thing was actually the one they use to train people on. i.e. the one that cops use on themselves. the nodes are placed on, rather than shot into the skin.. the kid wanted it done on him, and the whole family was there to watch. he put pillows around him and gave him a minimal dose. even though his son was bragging about it for weeks afterward, he still felt it was a lack of judgment on his part. in the end, not as bad as it was made out to be, but still a bit stupid of him.

Ah hell that ain't bad at ALL! Isn't this the same party that shoots bebes from BeBe guns at their cousins?

I mean seriously the kid would have gotten hurt more from playing tackle football.

And why is it when people on TV bring that part up, they never explain it like you just did?


Byakuya769 said:
I am pretty interested in the positives Nuclear energy can provide, but I think most of the asshats who are screaming from the mountain tops 'SUPPORT NEW-CLEAR" would be like "no no no, dont' put that plant in my back yard" as soon as their state/county/city starts talking about real plans.

Nuclear energy is a waste if we follow Carter's fucked up policies. We should be making Plants that reprocess fuel rods etc. Sure it will create weapons grade Uranium but we are supposedly a secure country the actual waste left over is so Ridiculously small. France Estimates a family of 4 over the course of 30 years only generates a cigarette lighter sized amount of nuclear waste using the reprocessing method.
Obama mentioned solar, wind and hydroelectrics in his ORILY interview, but he usually lists his energy plan as solar, wind and biodiesel. He must have known mentioning biodiesel would be an easy target for criticism and didnt want to go there.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Huzah said:
Alot of the overuns are:

1. Lack of developed market of nuclear power suppliers
2. Nimby attitude tha fights nuclear power with tooth and nail
3. The general rise in construction materials due inpart to rising cost of fuel

How many countries get most of their power from alternative sources? None? Strawman much?

Nothing wrong with subsidies to the energy market if it's done correctly, there's alot of market failures in the energy market, I mean that's how global warming start isn't it.

So why is it when Obama talks about putting money in the health care you guys call him a socialist?


PantherLotus said:
I want to go on record for saying that the O'Reilly/O'Bama interviews were EXCELLENT. O'Reilly, while talking over him, putting words in his mouth, and doing his usual antics, provided a PERFECT forum for Obama to prove his readiness, his knowledge, his convictions, and his depth of actual policies that was astounding.

PLEASE GAF, if you haven't seen them already, they are quite good.

Also, it really humanizes O'Reilly in a way I've never seen. He comes across as a worried old man with old ideas and fear of change. It's endearing, if that's possible with him. I actually get the impression that he genuinely likes Obama. I wonder what his coverage for the next month will be like?
I'm kind of hoping that O'Reilly will end up like the Grinch and, after having his heart grow three sizes, start backing Obama and tell his GOP commentators to fuck off.

It's not going to happen, but a man can dream. A man can dream.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
laserbeam said:
Nuclear energy is a waste if we follow Carter's fucked up policies. We should be making Plants that reprocess fuel rods etc. Sure it will create weapons grade Uranium but we are supposedly a secure country the actual waste left over is so Ridiculously small. France Estimates a family of 4 over the course of 30 years only generates a cigarette lighter sized amount of nuclear waste using the reprocessing method.

Now picture 20 million cigarette lighters of spent nuclear fuel. I am 100% pro nuclear and we have to do it, but it's not a small challenge to get rid of that material.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
PantherLotus said:
I want to go on record for saying that the O'Reilly/O'Bama interviews were EXCELLENT. O'Reilly, while talking over him, putting words in his mouth, and doing his usual antics, provided a PERFECT forum for Obama to prove his readiness, his knowledge, his convictions, and his depth of actual policies that was astounding.

PLEASE GAF, if you haven't seen them already, they are quite good.

Also, it really humanizes O'Reilly in a way I've never seen. He comes across as a worried old man with old ideas and fear of change. It's endearing, if that's possible with him. I actually get the impression that he genuinely likes Obama. I wonder what his coverage for the next month will be like?

O'Reilly has taken up for Obama sooo many times within the last 3 days. I think he really like him, but just disagrees with him on some issues.

You can see Obama and O'Reilly agreeing a good number of issues.


PantherLotus said:
Also, it really humanizes O'Reilly in a way I've never seen. He comes across as a worried old man with old ideas and fear of change. It's endearing, if that's possible with him. I actually get the impression that he genuinely likes Obama. I wonder what his coverage for the next month will be like?

During the primaries he did show that he likes Obama. Quite surprising. I'm sure he doesn't show it more because Fox News would probably escort him out for being a traitor. ;)

But O'Reilly is only hard on him when he really disagrees with him on something.


OuterWorldVoice said:
Now picture 20 million cigarette lighters of spent nuclear fuel. I am 100% pro nuclear and we have to do it, but it's not a small challenge to get rid of that material.

I agree with you but the issue is our current reactors due to President Carter are not reprocessing capable and generate far higher amounts of waste. The Reprocessing plants literally eat the rods away. Our plants leave us with lots of rods that have to be stored away.

We will never have 100% waste free nuclear but there is no reason for us to be using such waste generating reactors. This is a big issue for me cause I actually live very close to the nations largest Nuclear Power facility.


Posted already? Pretty sensible piece actually.

Obama Can't Win Against Palin


September 11, 2008; Page A13

Of all the advantages Gov. Sarah Palin has brought to the GOP ticket, the most important may be that she has gotten into Barack Obama's head. How else to explain Sen. Obama's decision to go one-on-one against "Sarah Barracuda," captain of the Wasilla High state basketball champs?

It's a matchup he'll lose. If Mr. Obama wants to win, he needs to remember he's running against John McCain for president, not Mrs. Palin for vice president.



Byakuya769 said:
I am pretty interested in the positives Nuclear energy can provide, but I think most of the asshats who are screaming from the mountain tops 'SUPPORT NEW-CLEAR" would be like "no no no, dont' put that plant in my back yard" as soon as their state/county/city starts talking about real plans.

Honestly if anybody is serious on getting off fossil fuels, nuclear HAS to be a large part of the plan as there's no way to get all the baseload power you need from pure renewables. No if's ands buts about it. Not including nuclear power but still wanting to get off fossil fuels just screams that they haven't thought their idea through at all.

Ideal energy setup:

Baseload = Nuclear + Clean Coal + Geothermal
Mid-load = Wind and Solar
Peakload = Natural Gas


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
bafflewaffle said:
Obama mentioned solar, wind and hydroelectrics in his ORILY interview, but he usually lists his energy plan as solar, wind and biodiesel. He must have known mentioning biodiesel would be an easy target for criticism and didnt want to go there.

He also said that he is for Nuclear energy. Something that McCain says that Obama is against. Another lie from the McCain team like normal.


*drowns in jizz*
Trurl said:
I'm kind of hoping that O'Reilly will end up like the Grinch and, after having his heart grow three sizes, start backing Obama and tell his GOP commentators to fuck off.

It's not going to happen, but a man can dream. A man can dream.

I'd like to think so, but nothing I've seen in his history would make me believe he has the balls or the integrity to do that, even if he believes it.


mj1108 said:
During the primaries he did show that he likes Obama. Quite surprising. I'm sure he doesn't show it more because Fox News would probably escort him out for being a traitor. ;)

But O'Reilly is only hard on him when he really disagrees with him on something.
If he is holding back I think it would have more to do with fear of losing his audience, not threats from Fox.


Rhindle said:
Posted already? Pretty sensible piece actually.

Obama Can't Win Against Palin



article said:
GOP operative: Rove has ‘consistent, medium-sized role with the McCain campaign.

Though former Bush political guru Karl Rove insistently denies that he has a working relationship with Sen. John McCain’s (R-AZ) presidential campaign, the evidence that he is an informal adviser continues to mount. Last week, Time magazine described how “Rove speaks regularly with the McCain campaign.” Today, the Hill quotes a GOP operative who says “Rove has had a consistent, ‘medium’-sized role with the McCain campaign”:

A GOP operative said Rove has had a consistent, “medium”-sized role with the McCain campaign.

Another senior Republican official said Rove has good relationships with several of McCain’s senior advisers, and it’s not unusual for him to reach out to them.

As ThinkProgress has previously noted, one reason Rove may be reluctant to admit his ties to the McCain campaign is the fact that he is also reported to be “developing outside groups” to help Republicans and John McCain in November. It is illegal for outside groups to coordinate with campaigns.

Not surprised.
Don't get me wrong, I am definitely for nuclear energy. I just think it becoming a talking point of the republican party is only a result of ppl thinking the plants won't be built in their back yard.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Huzah said:
Honestly if anybody is serious on getting off fossil fuels, nuclear HAS to be a large part of the plan as there's no way to get all the baseload power you need from pure renewables. No if's ands buts about it. Not including nuclear power but still wanting to get off fossil fuels just screams that they haven't thought their idea through at all.

Ideal energy setup:

Baseload = Nuclear + Clean Coal + Geothermal
Mid-load = Wind and Solar
Peakload = Natural Gas

Agreed. Obama agrees with you.


mckmas8808 said:
So why is it when Obama talks about putting money in the health care you guys call him a socialist?

Energy plans will create ALOT more economic growth than socialized health care, and true permanent wealth creation making future social programs more possible.

People that benefit the most from energy plans will be people who pay the most taxes, unlike socialized health care which it's the opposite, so it's more fair.

Energy plan is actually a national security plan so it's actually the job of the federal government, unlike socialized health care.

Obama's health care plan is lacking alot and doesn't address the issue of why health care is expensive and I don't think we can afford it at this current state of our economy.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Byakuya769 said:
Don't get me wrong, I am definitely for nuclear energy. I just think it becoming a talking point of the republican party is only a result of ppl thinking the plants won't be built in their back yard.

In all seriousness. Why would any company want to put a nuclear power plant near neighborhoods?
Turd Blossom aka M.C. Rove aka Svengali aka Darth Sidious said:
Of all the advantages Gov. Sarah Palin has brought to the GOP ticket, the most important may be that she has gotten into Barack Obama's head. How else to explain Sen. Obama's decision to go one-on-one against "Sarah Barracuda," captain of the Wasilla High state basketball champs?

It's a matchup he'll lose. If Mr. Obama wants to win, he needs to remember he's running against John McCain for president, not Mrs. Palin for vice president.
Obama said the lipstick thing in reference to McCain and McCain's campaign still turned it into a Palin thing. Obama HAS been running against McCain.


Professional Schmuck
Byakuya769 said:
Obama did a good job of getting O'reilly to a point where he could stop and say "see bill, now we agree on this"

that's actually his greatest political strength, and if you remember his convention speech, the greatest substance went something like this:

"We may not agree on abortion, but we can definitely agree that unwanted pregnancies should be reduced."

"We may not agree on health care, but we can agree that no child should go without access to everything they need."

"Hunters in rural Minnesota and people that live in urban areas that deal with gang violence may not see eye to eye on gun control, but we can agree that we can we don't need AK-47s and still protect our 2nd amendment rights."


It's brilliant. It sets a pre-established boundary on a discussion that eleviates fears of the most radical on both sides.
mckmas8808 said:
Drip, Drip.....

I've been watching that maddening drip for years.

But yet, Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld still aren't rotting in the Hague, and Rove isn't yet fleeing the country in disgrace.

Wake me up when the water's neck high.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Huzah said:
Energy plans will create ALOT more economic growth than socialized health care, and true permanent wealth creation making future social programs more possible.

People that benefit the most from energy plans will be people who pay the most taxes, unlike socialized health care which it's the opposite, so it's more fair.

Energy plan is actually a national security plan so it's actually the job of the federal government, unlike socialized health care.

Obama's health care plan is lacking alot and doesn't address the issue of why health care is expensive and I don't think we can afford it at this current state of our economy.

Yeah but the people that make the most in taxes live off the backs of people that live in middle class and lower class housing. There's a reason so many people are pissed off about our terrible health care in our country.

Health care is a economy issue too and it needs to be addressed.

But I respect the fact that you expressed an honest answer.


mckmas8808 said:
In all seriousness. Why would any company want to put a nuclear power plant near neighborhoods?

Because we dont' have irrational fears that are propaganded by green peace fools?
mckmas8808 said:
He also said that he is for Nuclear energy. Something that McCain says that Obama is against. Another lie from the McCain team like normal.

And that was good. I'm for Obama, but I thought he deliberately avoided mentioning biodiesel, unlike when he addresses a crowd in his town hall meetings. I'd like to see him address if he thinks there are shortcomings to biodiesel, and what he thinks of methods besides corn.

Byakuya769 said:
Don't get me wrong, I am definitely for nuclear energy. I just think it becoming a talking point of the republican party is only a result of ppl thinking the plants won't be built in their back yard.


mckmas8808 said:
Yeah the problem is Obama really doesn't talk about Palin. The media does. Next.....
The piece works pretty well if you change the title to "Obama Can't Win IF he Tries to Run Against Palin, which is what a Majority of NeoGAF Posters Would Have Him Do."
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