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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Some comparisons:

[b]Year State  Bush         Democrat      Difference(Bush-Dem) House[/b]
[b]2000[/b] CO     884,047      738,470       145,577              2D4R      
2000 MO     1,189,521    1,110,826     78,695               4D5R
2000 NC     1,607,238    1,236,721     370,517              5D7R
2000 NM     286,417      286,783       -366                 1D1R
2000 NV     301,539      279,949       21,590               1D2R
2000 OH     2,294,167    2,117,741     176,426              8D11R
2000 VA     1,431,654    1,221,094     210,560              4D6R1Ind
2000 WV     329,708      291,088       38,700               2D1R
[b]2002[/b] No change for any state in the House according to CNN, your most trusted source for news.
[b]2004[/b] CO     1,101,255    1,001,732     99,523               3D4R
2004 MO     1,455,713    1,259,171     196,542              4D5R
2004 NC     1,961,166    1,525,849     435,317              6D7R
2004 NM     376,930      370,942       5,988                1D2R
2004 NV     418,690      397,190       21,500               1D2R
2004 OH     2,859,764    2,741,165     118,599              5D13R
2004 VA     1,716,959    1,454,742     262,217              3D8R
2004 WV     423,778      326,541       97,237               2D1R
[b]2006[/b] CO                                                     4D3R
2006 MO                                                     4D5R
2006 NC                                                     7D6R
2006 NM                                                     1D2R
2006 NV                                                     1D2R
2006 OH                                                     7D11R
2006 VA                                                     3D8R
2006 WV                                                     2D1R

NV has been annoyingly close for two elections in a row. I'm guessing Republican turnout will be really high like last time thanks to Palin. Obama's GOTV efforts need to be really big.
Back from my undeserved ban during Baby-Gate...

This was my last post on the Baby-Gate matter a full 12 hours before the OP had the 5-day ban warning.

Point taken. This is only day 3? I'm sure this will get debunked in a few days anyway. I'll drop it.

I got banned for saying that??? Go look at my post history, nowhere was I trying to spread the Baby-Gate smears. I'm a little bitter because I've been posting on GA since 1999 and I've never come close to being banned, so it's a bit annoying to get banned for the above statement.

Meanwhile over the past week in-between freaking out about the polls many of you guys were in a frenzy trumping up every other unsubstantiated rumor and half truth (AIP Membership, cutting special needs funding, banning books, Bristol's drinking, Bristol's boyfriends Myspace page, and etc). Where was the moral outrage then? If you want to follow Obama by taking the high road at least be consistent.

Anyway a few random observations from the past few days.

- Has everybody forgotten (not just PoliGaf) that we're in the post convention bounce for McCain? His convention ended less than week ago. It seems the media is pretty much ignoring the fact that we're in a post convention bounce too. Remember Obama's bounce was short-circuited because McCain made his VP pick the very next day the Dem convention ended. I'm sure that stunted the bounce a bit. The Rep convention has the advantage of going last so they can get a full uninterrupted bounce from their convention. I really don't get why PoliGaf (and Dems) around the country are on suicide watch. Just wait a couple of weeks for the polls to settle before getting overly concerned.

- The best time to post on PoliGaf is at night. Your post might actually sit on the last page for a couple of hours. During the day by the time you hit submit, it's already sunken 5 pages back.

- The Bill O'reily Obama interview was excellent! I'm glad you guys kept reposting the links. His interview was TEN times better than Keith Olberman's. The interview is a great example of how being a little tough can lead to a much more insightful interview. BillO clearly got Obama off talking points but Obama did a fantastic job of explaining his positions in a real way and showed he can think quick on his feet. It showed Obama knows damn well what he's talking about and he's not just a puppet of his campaign or teleprompter speaker. A softball interview doesn't do this. I felt energized after watching that interview.

- It's going to be fun to see McCain campaign by himself again... :lol The crowds will go from 22,000 back down to 100. It can't be good for his ego or his image as the top of the ticket. But it looks like they're going to be campaigning again together real soon.

A few predictions for the ABC Palin interview tomorrow:
- Gibson will ask about the Bridge to Nowhere, but he won't ask any follow up questions and will accept whatever spin Palin spews.
- In one of the interview segments, Palin will hold Trig during the interview.
- Gibson will make one passive question about TrooperGate and then Palin will respond that she can't comment on an on-going investigation.
- Gibson will ask what it's like to have a son go off to Iraq. Palin will go "I'm so proud blah bla blah" and then say the surge was a success so I'm not worried.
- Gibson won't ask a single meaningful follow up question during the first two interview segments. He might find his balls in the final segment but it depends on the setting. If they're strolling around the Alaskan wilderness, he'll probably just ask her about moose-burgers.


force push the doodoo rock
There's an election going on for prime minister here and there's one woman running for election and shes running on the platform of, you guessed it, "change." In English!


The Chosen One said:
Has everybody forgotten (not just PoliGaf) that we're in the post convention bounce for McCain? His convention ended less than week ago. It seems the media is pretty much ignoring the fact that we're in a post convention bounce too. Remember Obama's bounce was short-circuited because McCain made his VP pick the very next day the Dem convention ended. I'm sure that stunted the bounce a bit. The Rep convention has the advantage of going last so they can get a full uninterrupted bounce from their convention. I really don't get why PoliGaf (and Dems) around the country are on suicide watch. Just wait a couple of weeks for the polls to settle before getting overly concerned.

I was hoping the bounce wouldn't mean three days of a sustained +5 for McCain in Gallup. I was hoping it would be on its way down by now. I'm going to be really worried if it's still +5 tomorrow. We've come too far this election to just let the future slip away now. And it's really fucking frustrating when one candidate wants to serve the American people and the other candidate just wants power.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
So I think I'm gonna head out to Ground Zero to see Obama and McCain. Was trying/hoping to get into the event they were participating in at Columbia University, but it fell through.

Will likely have pics later, unless this turns out to be a disaster.


And it's really fucking frustrating when one candidate wants to serve the American people and the other candidate just wants power.

That is crazy talk, both are politicians.

What ever happened to the DU pill popping story?

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
eznark said:
That is crazy talk, both are politicians.

What ever happened to the DU pill popping story?

It's really fucking frustrating when one politician has the cajones to stick to his values that helped him rise to power in the first place, and has an obvious love for the country its people and for progress, while the other has betrayed himself time and time again in a flailing attempt to get into power. If he betrays himself... how the fuck is he not going to let down or even betray the trust of his constituents when elected?


quadriplegicjon said:
speaking of baby-gate. i heard an interesting runor the other day.. they are getting quite creative now.. but, cant really say much else.. since its 'ban-able' and all.

lol so why say anything? got me all curious now :(


Crayon Shinchan said:
It's really fucking frustrating when one politician has the cajones to stick to his values that helped him rise to power in the first place, and has an obvious love for the country its people and for progress, while the other has betrayed himself time and time again in a flailing attempt to get into power. If he betrays himself... how the fuck is he not going to let down or even betray the trust of his constituents when elected?

I'm wondering just how soon he really reached his breaking point in Vietnam if he bent over this quickly for the people that fucked him in 2000.


formerly sane
Crayon Shinchan said:
It's really fucking frustrating when one politician has the cajones to stick to his values that helped him rise to power in the first place, and has an obvious love for the country its people and for progress, while the other has betrayed himself time and time again in a flailing attempt to get into power. If he betrays himself... how the fuck is he not going to let down or even betray the trust of his constituents when elected?

You forgot politics isn't about truth of one's character rather the appearance of the two. Perception is everything not what really happened. Good Point but your post is exactly why democrats lose time and time again to these sociopaths hijacking the conservative and republican base of this country.

Anihawk stop with the humour I may die of drowning with the drinking I'm doing and reading your posts as the same time.


The Chosen One said:
I got banned for saying that??? Go look at my post history, nowhere was I trying to spread the Baby-Gate smears. I'm a little bitter because I've been posting on GA since 1999 and I've never come close to being banned, so it's a bit annoying to get banned for the above statement.

You could have been here since 1824, but we specifically made it a point to say that the factually false baby smear was not to be discussed. You kept discussing it (and, btw, you got banned for your big bullshit post on the subject prior to the one you quoted) and so you got banned. Being here for years does not exempt you from listening to simple guidelines.


LCGeek said:
You forgot politics isn't about truth of one's character rather the appearance of the two. Perception is everything not what really happened. Good Point but your post is exactly why democrats lose time and time again to these sociopaths hijacking the conservative and republican base of this country.

Anihawk stop with the humour I may die of drowning with the drinking I'm doing and reading your posts as the same time.

I'm not trying to be funny.


Good morning again..

New Quinnipiac polls conducted Sept 5-9:

Florida: McCain 50, Obama 43
Ohio: McCain 44, Obama 49
Pennsylvania: McCain 45, Obama 48


Not too shabby. For all of the media's fanfare of doom for Obama, McCain doesn't look too impressive in the week following his convention. I'm having a hard time believing that Ohio number set though; the voters up there aren't bright enough to give us such a margin of victory.. or are they?


I think this may be the "big drug story:" McCain used his power/influence as a senator to protect his wife from being arrested for activities surrounding her painkiller addiction.


My take? It won't be sexy enough for the media to run with it. Zzzzzz..


It also looks like Obama is back over 50 on Intrade; they're also now taking bids for Biden to drop-out, interestingly enough.

Stay safe, Texas gaffers.. Ike is going to bump political coverage off of the front pages for a few days. (And if it hits Houston, get ready for gas prices to jump again..)


Politics isn't a logical sport. It's called a game for a reason. The good ol' boy who just wants to help the nation doesn't win. You have to let the American public know why YOU are qualified and the other side IS NOT. The Dems are trying to be issue guys over and over and keep losing.

It doesn't matter if the other side is being truthful if the American populace believes they are. This is why Obama must ATTACK those lies and set the record straight. He has to control not only the public's perception of himself, but of the opposition as well. He's doing well in controlling his own narrative, but why he isn't making more attempts to control the Palin narrative and is basically giving the GOP a free pass boggles my mind.I know I'm sounding like a broken record, but it's really agitating me that the campaign isn't doing more to call Palin out on not knowing the issues. As much as people say it's about McCain, no it's not. Palin is what is putting McCain over the edge. Call her out on not answering questions from reporters.

He's been doing more to address her lately, but to be frank, it isn't enough.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
LCGeek said:
You forgot politics isn't about truth of one's character rather the appearance of the two. Perception is everything not what really happened. Good Point but your post is exactly why democrats lose time and time again to these sociopaths hijacking the conservative and republican base of this country.

Anihawk stop with the humour I may die of drowning with the drinking I'm doing and reading your posts as the same time.

It's meaningless to win when you betray your principles to that extent. If you want Obama to win in a republican style, then he simply becomes a McCain with blue colors. What is the meaning in that?

That sort of person is not someone that can bring change, even if in power.

I agree, his campaign does need to do what it can to be firm... but like I've said before, there are a lot of ways they can assert themselves without betraying their principles. I'm confident that Obama who has run the tightest presidential campaign to date will have a very capable plan to do that.


HylianTom said:
Ohio: McCain 44, Obama 49
Pennsylvania: McCain 45, Obama 48

Ohio: +5 for Obama since the last poll (mid-August) and +1 for McCain
PA: -1 for Obama since the last poll and +3 for McCain (also mid-August)

FL: +3 for McCain (same time as above). Even for Obama.

FL is looking increasingly like a lost cause. But Bill Clinton's going down there? Might do some good. Ohio numbers look positive, especially when you consider this is during McCain's bounce.


formerly sane
Crayon Shinchan said:
It's meaningless to win when you betray your principles to that extent. If you want Obama to win in a republican style, then he simply becomes a McCain with blue colors. What is the meaning in that?

That sort of person is not someone that can bring change, even if in power.

Winning is winning especially when you get to rewrite the rules of history. What does truth matter when you get to write your own definition in the end? Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire even if you don't want too.

There's a big difference between being a sellout and fighting back.
AniHawk said:
I was hoping the bounce wouldn't mean three days of a sustained +5 for McCain in Gallup. I was hoping it would be on its way down by now. I'm going to be really worried if it's still +5 tomorrow.

Meh. Since last Thursday what has happened? Palin has blanketed the news still and McCain and Palin went through a several key states and drew some big crowds and then Pig-Gate happened on Tuesday/Wednesday, which was to the McCain campaign's benefit. I don't think the polls will settle until Obama gets a few news cycles back in his favor and Palin is out of the media chatter for a least a few days. I don't think this will happen til at least late next week at the earliest.

Remember you need to see the forest within the trees. As long as Obama has a slight edge going into the debates, then it's his election to lose. If he outperforms McCain in the debates, then Obama will be in good shape.

The downside to Palin's popularity is that it's not really rubbing off on McCain. Once the "newness" of Palin wears off, IMO I think it's possible you could see an enthusiasm drop for McCain. Right now Palin is a blank slate (the way Obama was a year ago) so people are projecting their ideals on her. But as soon as she submits to a few hard-hitting interviews, goes through the debate, and goes through the TrooperGate ordeal, I think some of the sheen will come off and her approval rating/popularity will come back down to Earth.

That said, if Obama loses for silly reasons then it's our country's fault. We deserve whatever mess we get in the next 4-8 years because clearly too many Americans can be manipulated and distracted by superficial issues. The country as a whole isn't ready for true change yet.


Crayon Shinchan said:
It's meaningless to win when you betray your principles to that extent. If you want Obama to win in a republican style, then he simply becomes a McCain with blue colors. What is the meaning in that?

That sort of person is not someone that can bring change, even if in power.

I agree, his campaign does need to do what it can to be firm... but like I've said before, there are a lot of ways they can assert themselves without betraying their principles. I'm confident that Obama who has run the tightest presidential campaign to date will have a very capable plan to do that.

So it would be better for Obama to lose while looking like a good guy than hitting back and keeping a war monger in McCain out of office and an utter incompetent in Palin? In no way should this presidential race be even this tight after 2 terrible Bush administrations. Didn't Kerry just 'focus on the issues' and hope the American people would get it last election?

I'm sorry, but if it requires Obama to get a little dirty to get in office, he needs to do it. America is more important than Obama's ego. America can't stand having in office a president who by his own admission doesn't know much about the economy, has shown strong hawkish tendencies, and a vice president who has an opinion on nothing.

How it keeps going is the Republicans are magnificent at managing campaigns, but terrible in office, and the Democrats are awful at campaigns, yet seem to have the right talent for office.

Think about the last Dem we had in office. It was Clinton, somebody who was called 'dirty' and someone who had the reputation of knowing how to play the game. Think of our last two dems who just lost. no such reputation, and Kerry especially, just taking the beatings and not fighting back. Maybe that's saying something.


The Chosen One said:
That said, if Obama loses for silly reasons then it's our country's fault. We deserve whatever mess we get in the next 4-8 years because clearly too many Americans can be manipulated and distracted by superficial issues. The country as a whole isn't ready for true change yet.

It won't just be 4-8 years. McCain and Palin may be gone in that time, but their court appointees will be with us for decades.


The Chosen One said:
Meh. Since last Thursday what has happened? Palin has blanketed the news still and McCain and Palin went through a several key states and drew some big crowds and then Pig-Gate happened on Tuesday/Wednesday, which was to the McCain campaign's benefit. I don't think the polls will settle until Obama gets a few news cycles back in his favor and Palin is out of the media chatter for a least a few days. I don't think this will happen til at least late next week at the earliest.

Remember you need to see the forest within the trees. As long as Obama has a slight edge going into the debates, then it's his election to lose. If he outperforms McCain in the debates, then Obama will be in good shape.

The downside to Palin's popularity is that it's not really rubbing off on McCain. Once the "newness" of Palin wears off, IMO I think it's possible you could see an enthusiasm drop for McCain. Right now Palin is a blank slate (the way Obama was a year ago) so people are projecting their ideals on her. But as soon as she submits to a few hard-hitting interviews, goes through the debate, and goes through the TrooperGate ordeal, I think some of the sheen will come off and her approval rating/popularity will come back down to Earth.

That said, if Obama loses for silly reasons then it's our country's fault. We deserve whatever mess we get in the next 4-8 years because clearly too many Americans can be manipulated and distracted by superficial issues. The country as a whole isn't ready for true change yet.

On the subject of interviews, I really doubt the GOP is gonna give her anything but a Charlie Gibson type interview. They know the best thing about her is her sheen, and they wont let anyone take it off.


The Chosen One said:
. As long as Obama has a slight edge going into the debates, then it's his election to lose. If he outperforms McCain in the debates, then Obama will be in good shape.
YEah , but even if Mccain loses the debate, I fear he and his staff will just yell random words about God, country, 911 honor,pow and finish with Drill baby drill and the sheep will flock in without hesitation.
I think the bump is more about a fired up Republican base after the Palin pick, not wavering opinions. The ball is in Obama's court now. I hope this isn't all about waiting for Republicans to lose their luster.
Amir0x said:
You could have been here since 1824, but we specifically made it a point to say that the factually false baby smear was not to be discussed. You kept discussing it (and, btw, you got banned for your big bullshit post on the subject prior to the one you quoted) and so you got banned. Being here for years does not exempt you from listening to simple guidelines.

I wasn't implying I was exempt from being banned since I've been here since 1824. I was just hoping if I got banned it would be for something more substantive instead of being trigger banned like a joke character.

Also what was bullshit that I said prior to that post? You may disagree with what I said but I wasn't "smearing" anyone. I was speaking in generalities. Like I said, I really don't know what I was banned for especially since other posters made the exact same observations as I did and didn't get banned. And I even agreed to drop the subject completely.

But whatever.... what under a bridge.


I'm really curious exactly who is polled in both the national and state polls. I know it's supposed to be a cross section, but I wonder how much they take into account people under 30 who may have a staggering showing at the polls this year compared with previous elections. I know for the first time in my life I'm really paying attention to CNN, AP, and Reuters as well as listening to XMPR (XM's version of NPR). This is after having not voted in either of the two previous presidential elections.


teruterubozu said:
I think the bump is more about a fired up Republican base after the Palin pick, not wavering opinions. The ball is in Obama's court now. I hope this isn't all about waiting for Republicans to lose their luster.

Actually, fivethirtyeight is saying that Independents are choosing McCain over Obama. And Gallup took that joke poll I did at the start of McCain's bump and turned it into fact for independents (showing a fucking 25 point lead over Obama).
Schlep said:
I'm really curious exactly who is polled in both the national and state polls. I know it's supposed to be a cross section, but I wonder how much they take into account people under 30 who may have a staggering showing at the polls this year compared with previous elections. I know for the first time in my life I'm really paying attention to CNN, AP, and Reuters as well as listening to XMPR (XM's version of NPR). This is after having not voted in either of the two previous presidential elections.

Considering that cell phone users make up a siginifcant number, I would say they've got the under 30 base covered pretty well.


Gallup polls cellphones, and they happen to be the one showing mccain the farthest ahead so it doesn't seem to be a factor.


So far Joe Biden is proving to be virtually worthless in drawing up votes. If he keeps on with the performance that he's been delivering, then I won't have any confidence in him 'destroying' Palin in the debates. He'll play too nice and be too 'focused on the issues,' while not pressing Palin and making her look incompetent, which he needs to do.

I mean the guy said he thinks Hillary would be a better pick than him. What kind of nonsense is that to say in such a tight race? What happened to the attack dog Joe Biden? He's looking about as ferocious as a hamster right now.
Schlep said:
I don't even believe that. Everyone from 8 to 80 has a cell phone now.

I don't know for sure, but there was a lot of debate about this during the primaries. Google "cell phones polls politics" and you get a shitload of articles debating this topic.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
Maybe a bit OT, but has the movies and pictures of McCain being released 35 years ago in hanoi made it here yet?


Cheebs said:
He was picked a governing choice, not a electoral choice.

Kinda dumb when you have advisors to do the former. The vp has always been historically an electoral choice. You can ignore this if you want but this race would have been done if hilary was picked.


Cheebs said:
He was picked a governing choice, not a electoral choice.
Well he needs to start shifting himself and becoming a benefit as an electorial choice, because if he doesn't, he's not going to get to aid in governing. It's basically 2 on 1 right now, McCain and Palin vs Obama. Biden is virtually invisible and that's not something that can happen... And no, I don't trust school students or whatever magical new voters the campaign is supposedly ringing up. The strategy of the Obama campaign needs to stiffen up. In a week, if the polls don't start changing, it will basically confirm the ineffectivity of the current 'let the pubs slide' strategy.


Crayon Shinchan said:
It's really fucking frustrating when one politician has the cajones to stick to his values that helped him rise to power in the first place, and has an obvious love for the country its people and for progress, while the other has betrayed himself time and time again in a flailing attempt to get into power. If he betrays himself... how the fuck is he not going to let down or even betray the trust of his constituents when elected?

I don't know. I think sometimes we find a guy we like and put him on a pedestal. I don't for one second think Obama (just like every single other politician ever) hasn't molded, shaped, and yes compromised his views to be acceptable to the greatest number of people. I see no difference in the motives of the two candidates. Obama is likely more "progressive" in his views than he portrays, but that doesn't sell everywhere. McCain is probably more senile than he portrays, that doesn't sell anywhere.

To become a national politician necessarily means selling out your core values, because the same shit doesn't sell in San Francisco and Indiana.

EDIT: oh, and the DU pill popping story was a reference to some post at democratunderground saying WaPo was about to break a prescription drug story.


formerly sane
kevm3 said:
Well he needs to start shifting himself and becoming a benefit as an electorial choice, because if he doesn't, he's not going to get to aid in governing. It's basically 2 on 1 right now, McCain and Palin vs Obama. Biden is virtually invisible and that's not something that can happen... And no, I don't trust school students or whatever magical new voters the campaign is supposedly ringing up. The strategy of the Obama campaign needs to stiffen up. In a week, if the polls don't start changing, it will basically confirm the ineffectivity of the current 'let the pubs slide' strategy.

Yeah but don't stress yourself at the lack of a reaction. The McCain faction isn't stupid this is when Obama can be at his weakest like any other candidate. Get them flustered and watch the inevitable Gaf ensure. I still think Pig Gate is a ploy by obama to nail to them McCain with during the debates like other things. McCain and camp can bring all the croc tears lets see what happens in a live situation when they are called on it with no way to control the perception people are seeing.

Gametime is the debates right now they are putting all the pieces of the chessboard in to play. Unfortunately Obama is gonna have to make some sacrifices for the time being like giving them Time and heat off bush.


Huzah said:
Kinda dumb when you have advisors to do the former. The vp has always been historically an electoral choice. You can ignore this if you want but this race would have been done if hilary was picked.

If Hilary was picked, the Repubs would be bashing Obama on experience/national security right now and saying he's not his own man or whatever. The Biden pick is better in the long run cos he helps in PA and he's not gonna overshadow Obama.

Also, this female vote is being over-stated IMO. Sure there may be many "Hilary" votes out there but they'll be mainly white females who probably wouldn't have voted for him anyways. Also, I'd say the vast majority of women vote with their husband/significant-other and if the guy isn't jumping ship, she isn't either..


Cloudy said:
If Hilary was picked, the Repubs would be bashing Obama on experience/national security right now and saying he's not his own man or whatever.
That is something we fail to realize. The reps keep saying SHOULD OF PICKED CLINTON! But if he did pick her they would attack day in day out "how can he be for change? He is bringing back the clintons into the white house. that isn't change. McCain is a reformer a maverick, he never has worked in the white house, he is the real change.". It'd be a hard message to counter.


eznark said:
Palin, McCain to spend more time together than apart...

Go to Drudge and check out the above headline and the picture accompanying it. Hilarious.
He can't draw crowds without her. The base doesn't give a shit about him, but they adore her. His first event on his own yesterday was a complete mess and was overwhelmed by people shouting Obama and had to cut it short. Thus he needs her to get the crowds so he can get his message out to them.
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