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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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eznark said:
I just liked the picture juxtaposition

I agree with that though. My mom is out looking for Palin glasses

Hillary started the pantsuit trend. Maybe it is all about fashion.
Obama should start wearing his Members Only jacket again.


teruterubozu said:
Hillary started the pantsuit trend. Maybe it is all about fashion.
Obama should start wearing his Members Only jacket again.

If Obama brings back Zubaz I will vote for him.
qwertybob said:
Does anyone see the Mccain and Palin relationship working ?

I cant see it working myself, McCain must hate playing second fiddle.

They can only pretend she's running for president for so long. This is going to fall apart pretty gargantuanly.


Cloudy said:
If Hilary was picked, the Repubs would be bashing Obama on experience/national security right now and saying he's not his own man or whatever. The Biden pick is better in the long run cos he helps in PA and he's not gonna overshadow Obama.

Also, this female vote is being over-stated IMO. Sure there may be many "Hilary" votes out there but they'll be mainly white females who probably wouldn't have voted for him anyways. Also, I'd say the vast majority of women vote with their husband/significant-other and if the guy isn't jumping ship, she isn't either..

When did repub stop bashing Obama on exp and national security? Biden may not overshadow Obama, but Palin sure is. A Hilary pick would eithier 1. Marginlize Sarah Palin or 2. Make McCain pick an old white guy.

Dems dropped the ball on this one, Hilary is Biden x 1.5.

Dude, the Dems are going from a roaring crowd of 80000 in a stadium going crazy for Obama to having him on tv trying to defend lipstick on a pig, who do you think is driving the narrative at this point?


You know, after watching this:


The first thing I thought of was that Big O knew exactly what he was doing with that lipstick comment - the whole point was to draw attention to it and have people listen to him when he goes off about the American people wanting to here about issues and the media's obsession with pointless controversies that hijack the headlines from what matters.

After this...

rSpooky said:

I'm 100% certain of it.

Very cool. :D


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Chrono said:
You know, after watching this:


The first thing I thought of was that Big O knew exactly what he was doing with that lipstick comment - the whole point was to draw attention to it and have people listen to him when he goes off about the American people wanting to here about issues and the media's obsession with pointless controversies that hijack the headlines from what matters.
:lol You know, it'd be pretty fucking great if you were right. I mean, he did have that Letterman interview set up before hand - Obama says a harmless joke the GOP will gobble up, he has to 'answer' for himself on live tv, goes on Letterman and makes fun of the whole situation.


Cheebs said:
That is something we fail to realize. The reps keep saying SHOULD OF PICKED CLINTON! But if he did pick her they would attack day in day out "how can he be for change? He is bringing back the clintons into the white house. that isn't change. McCain is a reformer a maverick, he never has worked in the white house, he is the real change.". It'd be a hard message to counter.

How is this any different from Biden? At least Hilary has a vag. The repub can make any arguement it wants, but do you really think the news cycle will still be "Palin Lipstick on Pig Sexist" if Hilary was VP?
SpeedingUptoStop said:
:lol You know, it'd be pretty fucking great if you were right. I mean, he did have that Letterman interview set up before hand - Obama says a harmless joke the GOP will gobble up, he has to 'answer' for himself on live tv, goes on Letterman and makes fun of the whole situation.

And today all will be forgotten because it is 9/11. Clever if true.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
eznark said:
I don't know. I think sometimes we find a guy we like and put him on a pedestal. I don't for one second think Obama (just like every single other politician ever) hasn't molded, shaped, and yes compromised his views to be acceptable to the greatest number of people. I see no difference in the motives of the two candidates. Obama is likely more "progressive" in his views than he portrays, but that doesn't sell everywhere. McCain is probably more senile than he portrays, that doesn't sell anywhere.

To become a national politician necessarily means selling out your core values, because the same shit doesn't sell in San Francisco and Indiana.

That's just cynicism because the system has failed time and time again. It's cynicism because in the past that's how elections in the country have been fought and won. What's going to be different this time right?

Well... the guy has laid out his plans in his books and has repeated them and his stuck by them. He's not flipped flopped, he hasn't kowtowed to the republicans who slander him ceaselessly nor the democrats that wish to make him a tool to further agenda. He's proving himself, to himself and to those that care.

You have to be lying to yourself if you can say with a straight face that Obama is just been a politician like McCain. If you can't see the obvious gulf between the restraint Obama's campaign shows in continuing to focus on issues, rather than character assassination. Continuing to use a grass roots base, rather than pandering to special interest groups with money. Contrast with McCain's campaign, who has been caught lying repeatedly, betraying his own principles, going against his own words, becoming a husk and a puppet to his party, unable to excise his own will in his own campaign. The guy can't even get the VP he wants, instead having to resort to a 'surprise' (to himself even) third choice, in order to fill a massively transperant political agenda.
Even contrasting between the choice of VPs is massive and telling. Biden, with a long distinguished career of serving his country. He's not rich like so many others in politics. He's been too busy doing what he can while in power to get things done, rather than to line his own pockets. Although he represents a veteran of washington, more than anything else he represents sound, conservative liberal judgement. Which compliments Obama's more idealistic judgement well.
As far as Palin goes... she's honestly the scariest candidate in recent political history, with values on par with Ahmadinejad's... albeit in different colors (fundmanetalist christian, female).

Maybe what we need is a democrat that can campaign like a republican. But that's not what Obama is. It's not what's gotten him elected into senate, and it's not what will help him get into the white house.

Getting him into the whitehouse without sacrificing those values are proof positive that America is ready for change. It's proof that there is an America out there that is more willing to be engaged in the process and the dialogue for national change and issues. It's proof that enough people are sick of the bullshit that plagues the countries politics. It'll be proof that there will be enough people willing to work for their part of the change.

His point rings true; change is not just something that only the government can bring about... the people have to stand up for themselves too and meet halfway. In non-rhetoric terms... if people believe this stuff, they should get out volunteer, talk to the apathetic and help them become a bit more informed. Help change the countries fate.

America now more than at any othertime in recent history, sits at a crossroads. It's now more than ever, up to its people to decide which path to take and not just sit back a chew the cud of apathy and cynicism.

Hopefully history proves him and the people that believe in his message.


Crayon Shinchan said:
Maybe what we need is a democrat that can campaign like a republican. But that's not what Obama is. It's not what's gotten him elected into senate, and it's not what will help him get into the white house.

Actually, that is exactly what got him into the senate. An open records request for Ryan's divorce record that showed some scandalous sex stuff (woo hoo, swingin!) that forced Ryan to withdraw.

Maybe by being in Milwaukee put me on to his political career earlier than many, but the dude is a politician, through and through. He just speaks pretty.


Cheebs said:
He was picked a governing choice, not a electoral choice.
Certain counties in Pennsylvania beg to differ. I think Biden will ensure that PA is a lock for Obama in November, not "leans Dem" or "toss-up". He is basically considered our state's "third senator" in some critical areas.

So... we can talk about convention bounces and how certain sites reflect them in the average and whatnot, but regardless, this election is going to be close. Very, very close. States like Michigan denying voters in key counties their right to go to the polls is not good for Democrats at all. It's an awful case of voter disenfranchisement and it will also hurt Obama's chances. I hope someone steps in...

The way the country is responding to such a corrupt veep nominee with no substance to anything she says whatsoever is very unsettling. Karl Rove says Obama should take his eyes off of Palin completely and exclusively go after McCain, or risk losing tons of focus and losing big in November like Dukakis did when he kept on attacking Quayle. But it isn't that simple. Palin is a media darling. They will not shut up about her. She is popular with the base and many Independent voters. It could be argued that she is basically campaigning for McCain now. Look at the crowds turning out for McCain/Palin opposed to just McCain before he picked her. The difference is disturbingly huge. To be honest, I NEVER thought he'd be able to draw as big of a crowd. It's unreal.

But the question is, how on earth can Obama just make his message exclusively about what's wrong with John McCain, when Sarah Palin is proving herself to be perhaps one of the most influential Vice Presidential nominees in history? We now know they are going to spend more time together than apart. It's going to be hard to not go after Sarah Palin. Look at what she's done for the ticket, for crying out loud. Yet, Obama can't go too negative on her as even 538 seems to suggest, as it could backfire.

He's in a really tough position, but he has to figure something out. I hope he can overcome all of this bullshit.

From 538 today:

This number, from the new FOX News/Opinion Dynamics poll, is not a good one for Democrats:

28. Regardless of how you might vote, which
presidential ticket do you think will bring
the right change to Washington?

              Dem Ticket    Rep Ticket
Total         46            39
Democrats     84             5
Republicans    7            82
Independents  36            38

It's the number at the bottom that ought to be a concern. Obama presently has no edge on "change" among independents. In fact, the Republicans lead in that category by two points.

You think that's because of John McCain? You think that McCain would be polling evenly among independents on "needed change" if he had selected Mitt Romney as his running mate? No, it's because of Sarah Palin.
It goes on. Granted, it is a Fox poll, but if 538 is showing concern it still must carry some weight.


Crayon Shinchan said:
It's not what's gotten him elected into senate, and it's not what will help him get into the white house.

He got elected to the Senate by having Chicago DEM party unseal divorce records of Jack Ryan forcing him to withdraw from the race and be replaced by Alan Keyes.

How can Obama even have a shot of losing given the current environment is a testament to the DEM party.


Diablos said:
Certain counties in Pennsylvania beg to differ. I think Biden will ensure that PA is a lock for Obama in November, not "leans Dem" or "toss-up". He is basically considered our state's "third senator" in some critical areas.

So... we can talk about convention bounces and how certain sites reflect them in the average and whatnot, but regardless, this election is going to be close. Very, very close. States like Michigan denying voters in key counties their right to go to the polls is not good for Democrats at all. It's an awful case of voter disenfranchisement and it will also hurt Obama's chances. I hope someone steps in...

The way the country is responding to such a corrupt veep nominee with no substance to anything she says whatsoever is very unsettling. Karl Rove says Obama should take his eyes off of Palin completely and exclusively go after McCain, or risk losing tons of focus and losing big in November like Dukakis did when he kept on attacking Quayle. But it isn't that simple. Palin is a media darling. They will not shut up about her. She is popular with the base and many Independent voters. It could be argued that she is basically campaigning for McCain now. Look at the crowds turning out for McCain/Palin opposed to just McCain before he picked her. The difference is disturbingly huge. To be honest, I NEVER thought he'd be able to draw as big of a crowd. It's unreal.

But the question is, how on earth can Obama just make his message exclusively about what's wrong with John McCain, when Sarah Palin is proving herself to be perhaps one of the most influential Vice Presidential nominees in history? We now know they are going to spend more time together than apart. It's going to be hard to not go after Sarah Palin. Look at what she's done for the ticket, for crying out loud. Yet, Obama can't go too negative on her as even 538 seems to suggest, as it could backfire.

He's in a really tough position, but he has to figure something out. I hope he can overcome all of this bullshit.

From 538 today:

It goes on. Granted, it is a Fox poll, but if 538 is showing concern it still must carry some weight.

The qualifications of Sarah Palin aside, it was a damn good pick for McCain's campaign. He needed a gamble to have a chance and he got it. Imagine if McCain picked Lieberman, Pawlentry, or Romney, not even hardcore Gopers will care for that ticket.
Jason's Ultimatum said:
So the issue on Palin wanting to ban books at a library in Wasilla was fake? I just received an email that links to Factchecks's saying it's false.
No, she did ask the librarian if she'd ban books if requested and when she said no she was fired. The only part of the story that is false is the claim that she requested specific books.


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Huzah said:
The qualifications of Sarah Palin aside, it was a damn good pick for McCain's campaign. He needed a gamble to have a chance and he got it. Imagine if McCain picked Lieberman, Pawlentry, or Romney, not even hardcore Gopers will care for that ticket.
That's the saddest part about the pick, though.

Is this guy putting "Country First", when he picks someone he doesn't personally agree with or think is qualified to run the country? Absolutely not.

The pick was purely political, and I've said before that it was a good pick for him as a politician...but it's the worst type of pick imaginable for America. The selection of Palin has both warped the message of the campaign radically and shifted the attention away from the issues.

If McCain/Palin get in office, then Palin could easily run and win if she attempted for President.

President Palin.

Say that in your head a few times and see how that sits with you. That is exactly what John McCain is putting on the table with this selection. I think it shows how he absolutely is not putting "Country First", not in the fucking least. That pick is exactly the type of pick that is made to manipulate and shake up voters, not to give them the best possible government he can.

Look at Obama on the other side of the coin. He picks Joe Biden, someone who no one can argue is not prepared for the top seat of the government. His selection gives him more foreign policy credentials in his cabinet, and leaves a worthy successor to the Presidency should anything happen to him.

Who is thinking about the country first here?


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Right before the 9/11 anniversary and right after the McCain campaign spent a week attacking the credibility of the media over Palin, the McCain people pulled out this short-fuse powder keg lipstick controversy. It is a brilliant if not disgusting move. By doing this, McCain seized on the opportunity to smear Obama at a time where the media is once again under scrutiny for being balanced and now with the 9/11 anniversary today, the lipstick smear will have a little more time to go unchecked and fester into fact. It is no surprise since some of the same slimey people who were behind swift-boat in 2004, Harold Ford's demise in Tennessee in 2004, and behind Bush's South Carolina bushwhacking of McCain in 2000 are some of the same people now trying to put McCain and Palin into office in 2008.

For reference: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/02/04/us/politics/04mccain.html


Huzah said:
How can Obama even have a shot of losing given the current environment is a testament to the DEM party.
I disagree except for when it comes to one thing (which I will explain below). Obama is the strongest they've had since Clinton, who won twice. When he got the nomination I breathed a sigh of relief because after Gore and especially Kerry, this is the kind of nominee this party has desperately needed for well over ten years now.

The GOP is once again getting away with making things up and running with it, and a lot of independent voters are letting it shape their opinions, which is just really, really sad. What do you want Obama to do? The same thing? He really can't. McCain is a war hero and you can't be too highly critical of him, or it will backfire. It is ridiculous that certain aspects of John McCain's life and character seem to make him invincible -- really, it's disgusting -- but it is what it is, and I don't see it changing in the next two months. Palin is currently favored by a lot of people in the mainstream media for whatever reasons, and she gets tons of coverage while also getting a free pass many times. Obama can't go too negative on her, because she's not running for President. He can't ignore her either, though. But he can't go too negative. Obama on the other hand is open to all kinds of criticism. He's at the top of the ticket and it's not like he has this long respected history in both Washington and military service to his country. As someone said previously in this thread, it really does feel like it's Barack Obama vs. John McCain and Sarah Palin.

Now, if you want to blame the Democratic party, you COULD blame Hillary. Everyone else in the party was pretty much on the same page this time except her people, especially towards the end. Really, take Hillary out of the picture, and the party would have been getting praise for finally being strong and unified, going into the primary and then election smoothly. But she wanted to make damn certain that she turned the primary season into an angry, bitter bloodbath, and did not give up until the last minute. The Clintons held on for dear life and then some. It was pathetic. As a result, you could probably argue that many potential voters just got totally turned off, and not to mention, were sick of seeing Clinton and Obama on tv day after day after day. They got burned out. Party unity or whatever you want to call it is all fine and good, but I'm sure there were a lot of potential voters we don't even know about who got totally annoyed and disgusted with the end of the primary season and how it basically dominated the news forever.


Palin sucks on the issues, and yet the Obama campaign isn't calling her out on it and making it an issue. Go on tv and ask the public, "If Palin can't face reporters, will she also hide from Kim Il Jong and his million man army if she had to be President?" CALL HER OUT. Get some controversy. Make her face reporters and the issues. But it looks like Obama and Biden will just ignore it and get Kerryed... Let the republicans slam them into the dirt while they wait for teh debates and hope they can show the American people how smart and right they are for the job. The American media will then go on to proclaim it was a close debate, with Palin performing beter than expected, no matter how well the Dems do. People want MORE than the issues. This isn't two candidates arguing in front of a group of well-educated professors who will award the presidency to the guy who presents the most clean and well reasoned argument. It's the GAME of politics. Old politics are old politics because they work.


RubxQub said:
That's the saddest part about the pick, though.

Is this guy putting "Country First", when he picks someone he doesn't personally agree with or think is qualified to run the country? Absolutely not.

The pick was purely political, and I've said before that it was a good pick for him as a politician...but it's the worst type of pick imaginable for America. The selection of Palin has both warped the message of the campaign radically and shifted the attention away from the issues.

If McCain/Palin get in office, then Palin could easily run and win if she attempted for President.

President Palin.

Say that in your head a few times and see how that sits with you. That is exactly what John McCain is putting on the table with this selection. I think it shows how he absolutely is not putting "Country First", not in the fucking least. That pick is exactly the type of pick that is made to manipulate and shake up voters, not to give them the best possible government he can.

Look at Obama on the other side of the coin. He picks Joe Biden, someone who no one can argue is not prepared for the top seat of the government. His selection gives him more foreign policy credentials in his cabinet, and leaves a worthy successor to the Presidency should anything happen to him.

Who is thinking about the country first here?

Argueing Palin's experience compared to Obama is kind of moot don't you think. Yes we know you hate Palin's social views, but luckily the presidency isn't just about enforcing social policies on America, unless you think Palin is going to abolish Roe Wade, force creationism into schools, ban evolution, and somehow remove the seperation of church and state all in one swoop.


kevm3: But they are probably also taking caution. Look at the focus group from yesterday. A lot of Independent voters came to the conclusion (after seeing the lipstick vid) that Obama is showing examples of being sexist. If they go super negative the McCain campaign will play that card once more. And with a mainstream media that is head over heels for this highly corrupt individual, it could backfire. They have to tread lightly. McCain's convention bounce itself may be short-lived, but it sparked all kinds of ridiculous commentary and points of view that do not seem to be fading.
kevm3 said:
Palin sucks on the issues, and yet the Obama campaign isn't calling her out on it and making it an issue. Go on tv and ask the public, "If Palin can't face reporters, will she also hide from Kim Il Jong and his million man army if she had to be President?" CALL HER OUT. Get some controversy. Make her face reporters and the issues. But it looks like Obama and Biden will just ignore it and get Kerryed... Let the republicans slam them into the dirt while they wait for teh debates and hope they can show the American people how smart and right they are for the job. The American media will then go on to proclaim it was a close debate, with Palin performing beter than expected, no matter how well the Dems do. People want MORE than the issues. This isn't two candidates arguing in front of a group of well-educated professors who will award the presidency to the guy who presents the most clean and well reasoned argument. It's the GAME of politics. Old politics are old politics because they work.

People here are overreacting. There's still so much time left from here to November. You don't think they're letting Palin burn herself out?

If anything, we've got the 527s : /


Can anyone name one major competitive sport that you can win without attacking? You can't win in football if you have zero offense. You can't win in basketball if you don't score any points. The best you can do is hold the enemy to a tie at 0 points. If you want to win this political game, you have to go on the attack. The thing is, the Democrats don't even have to play dirty with lies like McCain... There is so much material on McCain and Palin ON TAPE that it would be a cakewalk to show their incompetence. Old politics are old politics because it works! I mean the republicans basically infer that Obama is some kind of pedophile in an ad, stating he wants to teach sex ed to little kids... And no return fire.

If something doesn't change, we're going to sit here and watch Obama slide in the polls and yet somehow hope the magical college kids or new voters appear and save the day, which they won't. It's insanity. Doing the same things over and over, yet magically expecting different results.
Huzah said:
When did repub stop bashing Obama on exp and national security? Biden may not overshadow Obama, but Palin sure is. A Hilary pick would eithier 1. Marginlize Sarah Palin or 2. Make McCain pick an old white guy.

Dems dropped the ball on this one, Hilary is Biden x 1.5.

Dude, the Dems are going from a roaring crowd of 80000 in a stadium going crazy for Obama to having him on tv trying to defend lipstick on a pig, who do you think is driving the narrative at this point?

Looks like you're controlling the narrative. The whole idea that McCain would have went with a conventional choice against a doubly "historic" ticket is completely baseless. Do you guys think that there can only be one woman per presidential election? McCain still had to energize his base, as well as keep his ticket from looking like "attack of the old white men part 84".

This whole armchair quarterback analysis is getting old, especially this cynical "why was she looked over, she was so good" crap from people completely uninterested in any Obama ticket.


Freedom = $1.05 said:
People here are overreacting. There's still so much time left from here to November. You don't think they're letting Palin burn herself out? If anything, we've got the 527s : /

Were I an Obama supporter I would be somewhat nervous. For all intents and purposes this is his first major campaign (no gift-wrapped win over Alan Keyes counts for anything) so no one really knows how he will respond to adversity. Even the fight with Clinton was fairly smooth sailing, as they couldn't draw sharp and distinct lines between each other.

If McCain can somehow take Obama's biggest strength, his star power, and dampen it with his own manufactured star, then Obama is forced to adapt, something he has not had to do yet.

I've pretty much come around to the idea that the Palin pick is terrible for the country, but it has made this shit exponentially more interesting.
Gaborn said:
That's my point. Both camapaigns need to take responsibility for their surrogates remarks. Obama's calling McCain's campaign on fear mongering and smears but it's letting it's own surrogates make equally ridiculous statements. It's simply not helpful but it's worse for Obama because he's been campaigning on "change" and yet his surrogates are engaging in smear tactics (hell, look at Wesley Clark's meltdown which suddenly the Obama campaign backed away from as if they NEVER told him to say it :lol :lol :lol )
As long as we're calling out surrogates, once again, Gaborn, you're shilling for McCain and making assumptions of Democrats (that you make a sanctimonious point of claiming you never do) that you don't make of Republicans. Do you have any evidence that the Obama campaign told Clark to say that? "At some point in the interview, Bob Schieffer is going to ask a nonsensical question about McCain being qualified because he was a POW, we want you to respond like this." You also pejoratively characterize his answer as a "meltdown." Plus, where's your outrage over McCain co-opting the "change" theme and yet completely abandoning his personal pledge to run a clean campaign? You're being disingenuous and partisan, which would be fine except for your pretense to not cheer for a particular horse.
Huzah said:
Argueing Palin's experience compared to Obama is kind of moot don't you think. Yes we know you hate Palin's social views, but luckily the presidency isn't just about enforcing social policies on America, unless you think Palin is going to abolish Roe Wade, force creationism into schools, ban evolution, and somehow remove the seperation of church and state all in one swoop.

She can drop nukes on Iran/Syria/whoever, and she sure might if she thinks Jesus wants her to as part of some End Times role for the US in the Armageddon that she thinks is impending.

If she does that, it will destabilize the global economy and destroy ours.

Americans should be terrified of that woman.


Well I just checked fivethirtyeight.com for the first time today, and DAMN! I never thought it would be this close...

So, as Nate Silver predicted, today is the peak of the Republican convention bump. Now we play the waiting game.

How long will it take for McCain's high polling numbers to drop? Oh please, please drop!
Seriously guys, do you really think that the Obama campaign -- the same campaign that successfully generated the first ever nomination of a black candidate -- is this incompetent? Do you really think that they don't have a plan?

Have some faith man. They look at the polls just like we do (and may have even better data). They understand the tactics at play here. They also understand the implications of the Palin pick.

I think they realized fairly quickly that they didn't have to attack her early on as the media was all over her, digging up dirt; there was no point in wasting energy (and there probably still isn't since many of the issues like Trooper-gate are still festering). What positive press has she gotten (outside of Fox news)? The papers and news don't talk about what a great leader she will be, they don't talk about how great her policies are, they only talk about her scandals and fluff pieces or how she's affecting polling. She's energized the base and really, my take is that nothing Obama could have done would have prevented or changed anyone's mind if they fell in love with her.

I mean, you're talking about people who still think she's qualified. What could Obama possibly have done to sway these people? Nothing.

We'll see the first wave of direct confrontation in a few weeks from now when Biden takes her to task. Until then, I think if I'm Obama's campaign, I'm not worried about her because the people that are swayed by her cannot and could not have been won in the first place. They're not reasonable people and they're not going to listen to the message anyways; they'll easily overlook any flaws you can point out in their glowing acceptance of her.

It's pretty clear to me why Obama has downsized his more recent campaigning: he's starting to unravel the details of his policies. These are more nuanced speeches which go deeper into the issues concerning the specific audience he's addressing like educators, factory workers, etc. These types of speeches would not work in a large stadium like setting because you lose that focus and the ability to have Q/A. I'm certain that he will return to the big-draw style of campaigning, but they also need time to unravel the detail of their policies.


Diablos said:
kevm3: But they are probably also taking caution. Look at the focus group from yesterday. A lot of Independent voters came to the conclusion (after seeing the lipstick vid) that Obama is showing examples of being sexist. If they go super negative the McCain campaign will play that card once more. And with a mainstream media that is head over heels for this highly corrupt individual, it could backfire. They have to tread lightly. McCain's convention bounce itself may be short-lived, but it sparked all kinds of ridiculous commentary and points of view that do not seem to be fading.
The lipstick was a dumb gaffe by Obama and wasn't a real attack of any kind. What Obama and Biden need to do is provoke Palin over and over to give her opinion on issues, whihc is her obvious weak point. Might as well car her "I dunno" Palin, because she has no opinion on any real issues. It can't be construed as sexist if the camp posts Palin on video saying she has no opinion on Iraq, Freddie Mac, etc.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
SnakeXs said:
So I think I'm gonna head out to Ground Zero to see Obama and McCain. Was trying/hoping to get into the event they were participating in at Columbia University, but it fell through.

Will likely have pics later, unless this turns out to be a disaster.
I'm here! It's kind of crazy already! They were setting up the guard rails yesterday. Basically all of 114th street is closed and you can't cross at most of the non-main entrances to campus.

Honestly if people were asking Obama if his thoughts on America were those of Wright's/Ayers then someone needs to ask Palin point blank - "do you think the end times are near?" Cause I believe that someone truly feeling that way will let it affect policy decisions.


beermonkey@tehbias said:
She can drop nukes on Iran/Syria/whoever, and she sure might if she thinks Jesus wants her to as part of some End Times role for the US in the Armageddon that she thinks is impending.

If she does that, it will destabilize the global economy and destroy ours.

Americans should be terrified of that woman.

The next dem campaign should run with that message, they can't lose with that message.
Y2Kev said:
I'm here! It's kind of crazy already! They were setting up the guard rails yesterday. Basically all of 114th street is closed and you can't cross at most of the non-main entrances to campus.

Will you be giving us reports of awesomeness?
kevm3 said:
The lipstick was a dumb gaffe by Obama and wasn't a real attack of any kind. What Obama and Biden need to do is provoke Palin over and over to give her opinion on issues, whihc is her obvious weak point. Might as well car her "I dunno" Palin, because she has no opinion on any real issues. It can't be construed as sexist if the camp posts Palin on video saying she has no opinion on Iraq, Freddie Mac, etc.

I think what they're doing is engineering a trap.

Look, if they call her out now in the press, any mistakes she makes or falsehoods she claims is meaningless because no one is really paying attention. Aside from that, calling her out now on specific policy issues is fruitless because they'll have time to prepare whatever answer they want. You can't have a proxy debate through the press because it doesn't play to the strengths of Obama and Biden (deep knowledge of the topics) since it neutralizes the on-your-toes thinking that is required.

They're trying not to reveal their hand too early. No point in grilling her through the press; she'll be exposed when the debates come around. Aside from that, as the three presidential debates take place, it'll further emphasize to the American public who the actual presidential candidates are and further remove her from the spotlight. What's been kind of lost in all this is McCain and I think that when the presidential debates come around, it'll put him front and center again and it will give them the perfect opportunity to throw the knockout punch.


kevm3 said:
The lipstick was a dumb gaffe by Obama and wasn't a real attack of any kind. What Obama and Biden need to do is provoke Palin over and over to give her opinion on issues, whihc is her obvious weak point. Might as well car her "I dunno" Palin, because she has no opinion on any real issues. It can't be construed as sexist if the camp posts Palin on video saying she has no opinion on Iraq, Freddie Mac, etc.

That won't work. You have to wait for her to mess up first to do that or the McCain campaign will just stump/put out an add that says "You're wrong this is how she feels" and she can just say whatever the McCain talking point for that is.


Now that the news has broken that Sarah Palin requested an earmark for studying the DNA of harbor seals, it seems worth recalling this:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVynnfY-UZY&eurl=http://tpmelectioncentral.talkingpointsmemo.com/2008/09/flashback_mccain_ad_attacked_b.php

That's right: During the GOP primary, in the fall of last year, none other than John McCain ran an ad attacking both the Bridge to Nowhere, which Palin of course favored, and earmarks for studying the DNA of animals, which Palin requested. Now McCain is busy remaking Palin as the Joan of Arc of anti-earmarks


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
TheKingsCrown said:
Will you be giving us reports of awesomeness?
I'll have photos soon. But I didn't get into the event. I got into the lottery but they only had 100 tickets for 15,000 applicants.
CharlieDigital said:
I think what they're doing is engineering a trap.

Look, if they call her out now in the press, any mistakes she makes or falsehoods she claims is meaningless because no one is really paying attention. Aside from that, calling her out now on specific policy issues is fruitless because they'll have time to prepare whatever answer they want. You can't have a proxy debate through the press because it doesn't play to the strengths of Obama and Biden (deep knowledge of the topics) since it neutralizes the on-your-toes thinking that is required.

They're trying not to reveal their hand too early. No point in grilling her through the press; she'll be exposed when the debates come around. Aside from that, as the three presidential debates take place, it'll further emphasize to the American public who the actual presidential candidates are and further remove her from the spotlight. What's been kind of lost in all this is McCain and I think that when the presidential debates come around, it'll put him front and center again and it will give them the perfect opportunity to throw the knockout punch.

I tend to agree that Obama is this smart, after all, look at what he did in Chicago. However, without knowing it can be very stressful to his supporters lol.
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