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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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CharlieDigital said:
I also want to point out that people who want Obama to run more ads or attack McCain/Palin through ads are out of touch here.
I don't want him to run attack ads necessarily, I just want him to swipe back when attacked. The lip stick thing is a perfect example. When they have false outrage or smears, he just needs to get out there and say "no, this is stupid, here's why, you know better than this, the American people know better than this, let's keep out eyes on the prize folks." His response yesterday was perfect, just make sure it keeps happening. Anything beyond that the media and attack dogs can take care of.

Cloudy said:

I was wondering why no one mentioned this. Maybe we'll hear about it next week..
Hm, I feel like we have seen a strangely large number of ridiculed Obama campaign proposals suddenly become conventional wisdom over a fairly short time frame.


Bacon of Hope
Been following this thread here and there so not sure if these comments are sitll relevant or have been beatin into the ground already but whatever...

Saying he should have picked Hillary for VP is such a knee-jerk reaction. I am so glad Obama is looking at what is right for the country long term. Who knows how Hillary would have handled things as VP anyway, essentially settling for "2nd Place" she may have been pretty bitter and not as much of an asset to Obamas campaign as people may imagine.

Also saying Obama should fight fire with fire and "get mad"...I dunno.. One thing that draws me to Obama is how he is calm cool and collected. Thats the type of guy Id want to run my country. When you see him say things like "Ive been called worse on the basketball court.." and just brush it off, you see it takes a lot to get him fired up. IMO, if people are easily riled up, they end up making bad decisions (McCain maybe? The debates should shed light on that).


Deku said:
1. I'm not American.

2. I'm shedding light to the mood here, not so much flipping out.

But there's no denying the polls have turned badly again Obama and pinning hopes of debates as many seem to think is a guaranteed obama/bin win is a big gamble.

no.. they havent. Its a CONVENTION BUMP. The polls have retreated, the only outlier being Gallup right now. Obama is up FIVE in Ohio in the latest poll. All the scenarios people have been posting have assumed Ohio will go republican. If he wins Ohio, its over.


Deku said:
1. I'm not American.

2. I'm shedding light to the mood here, not so much flipping out.

But there's no denying the polls have turned badly again Obama and pinning hopes of debates as many seem to think is a guaranteed obama/bin win is a big gamble.
I don't like the "will" attitude some people had, and of course the polls turned against Obama it's the post-convention bump we all saw coming miles away.

Why is Ohio going Obama so good?


force push the doodoo rock
Deku said:
1. I'm not American.

2. I'm shedding light to the mood here, not so much flipping out.

But there's no denying the polls have turned badly again Obama and pinning hopes of debates as many seem to think is a guaranteed obama/bin win is a big gamble.

I hope you realize your comments aren't doing anything to help the thread at all. If you're gonna troll, I'm sure there is some place in the gaming forum you can go.
Ohio's a big college state too, and especially in this election, I expect to see a huge turnout in the university counties.

I think Obama has a very VERY god shot at winning there, considering how CLOSE it's been in Ohio the last two elections.
Odrion said:
I don't like the "will" attitude some people had, and of course the polls turned against Obama it's the post-convention bump we all saw coming miles away.

Why is Ohio going Obama so good?

There's a lot of underground shit we're not seeing. I wouldn't be surprised if Ohio has become inundated with mailers from the big unions slamming McCain.


gcubed said:
please no :lol
Um, I said I was ignoring them. :lol

Rasmussen will be out with Michigan, Idaho, and Wyoming tonight, and Research 2000 will have North Carolina out today.

BrandNew said:
Ohio's a big college state too, and especially in this election, I expect to see a huge turnout in the university counties.
I'm going to be watching the activity in the window that lets people register and vote at the same time very carefully. Obama is going to have people swarming over the universities during that week, and apparantly he's going to be in the state for several days of the window as well, raising awareness.


Incognito said:
There's a lot of underground shit we're not seeing. I wouldn't be surprised if Ohio has become inundated with mailers from the big unions slamming McCain.

and Ohio is the register and vote early state correct? These polls have nothing of that included, which will bank quite a few extra votes for Obama
GhaleonEB said:
Um, I said I was ignoring them. :lol

Rasmussen will be out with Michigan, Idaho, and Wyoming tonight, and Research 2000 will have North Carolina out today.

Daily Kos will be posting their daily polls starting today too, IIRC. He'll be posting everything. Should be lots of fun.


gkrykewy said:
Very interesting and nuanced essay: "What Makes People Vote Republican":

Worthwhile reading from any viewpoint IMO.
Good article, that really highlights what democrats may be doing wrong. I finished Haidt's book right before Rick Davis made his comments about this election not really being about issues, and with that, I knew exactly what he was talking about.

Haidt gave a talk for the New Yorker in 2007 as well, which covers the same issues as the article, but with slides!



gkrykewy said:
The same day voting thing in Ohio - isn't that late this month? - could wind up being a VERY big deal.

if other polls and multiple consecutive polls start showing him 5% ahead consistently, i think the vote early thing seals the deal for him.


BrandNew said:
Ohio's a big college state too, and especially in this election, I expect to see a huge turnout in the university counties.

I think Obama has a very VERY god shot at winning there, considering how CLOSE it's been in Ohio the last two elections.

If the primaries showed us anything, it is that Obama has succeeded in doing what Kerry only thought he had done, getting the younger demo out to vote.

I see Palin as largely re-igniting the Repub base that had been cool on McCain, whereas Obama is energizing the base & legitimately bringing in NEW voters. If Obama can stay positive or even in Ohio heading into election day, I don't see how he wouldn't pull out the victory.
BrandNew said:
I think Obama has a very VERY god shot at winning there, considering how CLOSE it's been in Ohio the last two elections.

CNN's poll from today also shows Obama with a surprising 5 point lead there.


Cheebs said:
Ferraro's husband got caught in a lot of legal trouble, that is why she imploded. Not cause people got bored of her or the novelty.

Thankfully (if she's guilty) Palin herself might be in some legal trouble soon.
GhaleonEB said:
I'm going to be watching the activity in the window that lets people register and vote at the same time very carefully. Obama is going to have people swarming over the universities during that week, and apparantly he's going to be in the state for several days of the window as well, raising awareness.

They need to watch their back at Miami of Ohio. Now that they dissolved the Western College Program, there's nothing staunching the flow of their relentlessly conservative Republican student base.

Unless things have changed drastically since 1998.


when is my burrito
Deku said:
Thanks for the reply. I will probably keep asking this until things stabilize.

The hand wringing is really hard to slog through, and reading blog posts from who knows where for a ray of light is also not my cup of tea.

In all seriousness I am very concerned about Obama's candidacy. Charlie Rose had Tom Freidman (sp) on yesterday and he was talking about ET (environment technologies) and how the US needs to lead on this to catch the next wave of technological innovations. And like all super powers, leading this field will augment American power elsewhere.

What he's worried about is that America is not going to step up to the challenge and will be instead decline slowly, kind of like the frog in the pot of water that slowly comes to a boil. We will all wake up one day and find America as a 2nd rate power and McCain/Palin seems set to make this happen.

Seriously don't worry about it so much. The Democratic party always handwrings over its candidate. "Republicans fall in line and Democrats fall in love" is an old saying that hasn't changed in a very long time. We're on top of McCain's convention bump, Palin has not been vetted by the American people yet, and we've not gotten to the debates.

40 million Americans or thereabouts identify themselves as Republicans. That fact GUARANTEES that it will be close. There are still 54 days to the election. A lot can change but it WILL be close.


sp0rsk said:
I hope you realize your comments aren't doing anything to help the thread at all. If you're gonna troll, I'm sure there is some place in the gaming forum you can go.

sp0rks, I realize my comments probably didn't help but I'm not trolling.

Not everyone follow this thread page by page . I check it this morning before work and reload throughout the day, there's usually not enough time to read everything.

Reading a wall of 'omg, obama isn't attacking enough' or 527 talk, doesn't really add anything either. At least my post got the real data some face time. The Ohio numbers were posted by 100 + posts prior and didn't get very much replies. I missed it.

that's certainly encouraging.


100% logic failure rate
As far as campaign advice goes I'll defer to the man who toppled the Clinton machine when it comes to running an election. If this black guy can't when a presidential election under these conditions I don't think it can be done, but I think he will win.
I have to make a correction, the Repubs haven't sued the Ohio secretary of state over the same-day voting thing yet, but they are threatening to.


tanod said:
For everything people criticize the campaign for, they are doing A LOT of things right. Also, it has always been a good rule that you don't attack your opponent when you're ahead. It just drives down your favorables. The longer Obama keeps the perception of the high ground, the more people will move in his direction. It worked against Hillary and it will work against John McCain.

At this stage in the race: favorability, values, and strength on particular issues are the only polls that matter. Head-to-heads do not. You can see with the number of undecideds slowly moving down that people are being more willing to make a final judgement so now is the time to solidify your image which is what Obama is doing. When that's sufficiently done, then he can rip McCain in the debates and onwards until the election.
I agree and what really impresses me about Obama is his maturity in all this. He's like the calm in the middle of the storm. Unlike Kerry who seemed aloof to the criticisms/lies/smears thrown at him, Obama faces them and picks and chooses his battles....he's walking a fine line and it seems to be frustrating to both his base and republicans. His base wants to see him on the attack and his opponents want to drag him down into banal arguments and he won't have either of them. Lets see if it works out!


BenjaminBirdie said:
Somehow I don't foresee an emotionally riveting and desperate drive to Obama and McCain's apartment only to find it and their place of business destroyed...
no but you get to hear McCain constantly mention his war memories


i am puzzled as to why Hillary Clinton has said anything significant on Palin; it almost seems like she wants Obama to lose so she can run again in 4 years. She is the only one who can attack Palin without causing any backlash.
vangace said:
i am puzzled as to why Hillary Clinton has said anything significant on Palin; it almost seems like she wants Obama to lose so she can run again in 4 years. She is the only one who can attack Palin without causing any backlash.

Not this shit again.
vangace said:
i am puzzled as to why Hillary Clinton has said anything significant on Palin; it almost seems like she wants Obama to lose so she can run again in 4 years. She is the only one who can attack Palin without causing any backlash.

Any woman seriously persuaded by Palin is probably not that much of a Democrat in the first place.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009









They put up these shiteous black gate things that usually are only reserved for graduation to control traffic.








will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
eznark said:
Were I an Obama supporter I would be somewhat nervous. For all intents and purposes this is his first major campaign (no gift-wrapped win over Alan Keyes counts for anything) so no one really knows how he will respond to adversity. Even the fight with Clinton was fairly smooth sailing, as they couldn't draw sharp and distinct lines between each other.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Tommie Hu$tle said:
I think Obama needs to hammer home the fact that the President authorized attacks in Pakistan and the McCain was against it.
meh. Obama said he was willing to depending on the circumstances. i'm loathe to point to Bush doing the same since no one knows what metrics he's using to approve of the strike.

from a PR perspective i think it just plays into the McCain's narrative of bucking his party. it's a no-win for Obama.
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