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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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You've got to be fucking kidding.

Rick Warren Says Palin Sought Him Out for Guidance

The Saddleback Church pastor tells a Los Angeles radio station the Alaska Governor called him Thursday, he asked how he could pray for her.

Warren says Palin “asked me to send her some bible verses on how do you deal with the unfair, unjust attacks and the mean-spirited criticism that comes in


tanod said:
The thing that pisses me off about factcheck is that the media is supposed to be doing exactly what they're doing. Fucking bullshit!!
It's on the front page of MSNBC.com right now, via Newsweek, FWIW.


Thunder Monkey said:
Interesting man you are.

You'd rather have the country owned by China sooner then later?

When have the dem ever raised taxes to close up deficits? Was this ever a policy platform? At least Bush I did it once. I rather have no deficits, but right now both parties ain't getting that done.




You can smoke OxyContin? Huh news to me.. but google says it can be done.

When I was 19 I did more drugs than that, if you look behind the curtains of most American families you will find the druggies and people that get knocked up.. this does nothing but make her look more like 'us'.

I just hope we move off Sara and get to Mccain he is after all the guy that would be running the nation prior to getting a grabber.
Huzah said:
When have the dem ever raised taxes to close up deficits? Was this ever a policy platform? At least Bush I did it once. I rather have no deficits, but right now both parties ain't getting that done.
There's still a bit of a difference.

McCain will likely keep spending at it's current level, while lowering taxes further. At least Obama plans to have a little money to pay for his schemes. And it's not like you're going to get taxed more under Obama. Unless you happen to make in excess of $600,000 a year.
If she has to run to her pastor and ask for guidance and prayer over this silly shit, how the fuck can she handle the pressure of being president? Blows my mind. There is no room for thin-skinned people at the top levels of elected office.
Huzah said:
When have the dem ever raised taxes to close up deficits? Was this ever a policy platform? At least Bush I did it once. I rather have no deficits, but right now both parties ain't getting that done.

i sense a speculawyer.jpg coming on
Exis said:
When I was 19 I did more drugs than that, if you look behind the curtains of most American families you will find the druggies and people that get knocked up.. this does nothing but make her look more like 'us'.
Let me just preface this by saying that this debate will never get sparked by the campaigns, and never get brought up in the debates. It's a minefield, and one Obama needs to not enter.

However, just as a liberal on the sidelines, Palin is a walking contradiction in the culture war, doing more harm than good for the so-called "small town values" that she promotes. I can't fathom why I'm supposed to look at her and her family and think "if only the rest of the country followed her lead, we'd be in better shape."


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Rick Warren is a plant. He was always behind McCain. Why would Rick feel the need to publicize this information?

I believe we all know.:/
beermonkey@tehbias said:
If she has to run to her pastor and ask for guidance and prayer over this silly shit, how the fuck can she handle the pressure of being president? Blows my mind. There is no room for thin-skinned people at the top levels of elected office.

It's more of playing this victim crap and all it's meant to do is distract.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
There should be some sort of mandate that says if Mccain wins and dies during his term, the office is passed over Palin and given to Obama.
mckmas8808 said:
Rick Warren is a plant. He was always behind McCain. Why would Rick feel the need to publicize this information?

I believe we all know.:/

Now this is true, the faith forum itself was a joke.
Check out this tax-plan comparison by the "liberal" media:


Obama's plan clearly gives money back to every family but at the last second they decided to up the income of the family making $213,000 to $250,000 to show how they'd owe more. WTF!

And I love how they made sure they found a black family making $30,000 to show how Obama will give blacks all your money

WTF!! What kind of stupid ass bait and switch was that??? Why not just get a family that makes over $250k in profits to begin with!! Talk about crap journalism.


shooting blanks
Byakuya769 said:
I'm not debating you on this.. but um, how has he been a bigot?

idk he used to seem more tolerant before but now he seems to be going out of his way to help mccain/palin. i read the purpose driven life (mom gave it to me) and he seemed real chill and open to other people's opinions and beliefs...and to not pressure them so much...that faith forum just really made me hate him. a gun toting, war promoting woman who wants to destroy the environment doesnt seem like a good christian to me...idk, just my opinion.
BigGreenMat said:
WTF!! What kind of stupid ass bait and switch was that??? Why not just get a family that makes over $250k in profits to begin with!! Talk about crap journalism.

Not to mention Obama doing the most for the lower income black family...


Lemonz said:
It begins.

I really do think McCain is going to see a backlash. His campaign has suddenly gone off the deep end to the extent that it's almost like a spoof of what a mudslinging campaign looks like.

My mother (staunch Republican, McCain supporter, and someone who even has fears about Obama's ties to Islam) seems to be having more and more trouble defending McCain's actions. I doubt that she will switch sides (not ruling it out, though) but it's pretty clear that her image of McCain as a fantastically honorable hero is in conflict with what she is seeing.
The Lamonster said:
Crazy talk. No offense to anybody here, but religious shit like this is BATSHIT INSANE.

I don't even think that's what bothered me, it's that he's couching this totally played 'Victim' card in the frame of this (I'm guessing) fictional conversation. That's what was mystifying.


I'm watching CNN today for the first time--- We have a Presidential Forum to watch tonight?!

I don't even know what to expect.
RapeApe said:
McCain: Palin Has National Security Experience Because She Knows About ‘Energy’

Got damn this is pathetic. Alaska being close to Russia would have been a better answer. Hay guyz don't worry about terrorist, our VP knows about solar/wind/oil technologies.
You know, just for one second, let's give her the benefit of the doubt.

All right, John, she knows her stuff. How about letting her demonstrate this?


The Lamonster said:
Not when I saw it. But like I said earlier, hopefully this is the closest McCain will ever get.

/Chuck Todd

its the same as yesterday, they havent even posted the new polls that were released this morning


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Y2Kev said:
soooo are they saying they are pigs?

I usually find Republican girls, on the whole, to be much more attractive than Democrats :(

A lot of those girls actually look pretty cute.


djtiesto said:
I usually find Republican girls, on the whole, to be much more attractive than Democrats :(

A lot of those girls actually look pretty cute.
are you on some sort of bizzaro internet or something?

Anyhoo, who ever heard of a nice piece of elephant?
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