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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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djtiesto said:
I usually find Republican girls, on the whole, to be much more attractive than Democrats :(

A lot of those girls actually look pretty cute.
I agree with your first sentence, but the second one, not so much.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
If you haven't already, you should read this:


Empathy is an important virtue of a person with liberal values... and the article helps you to understand a bit of the psychology that goes on in conservative minds... without resorting to unconstructive and belittling labels like crazy, fundie, dogmatic, etc.

But essentially, it's saying that there's a broader spectrum of innate human morality that we 'enlightened' liberals seem to have forgotten by staunching our emotions when they are not logically or rationally justified.

If we can co-opt these moral feelings that we've left behind, leaving the republicans to a complete advantage in those areas... we may well be able to turn a new corner of liberalism.

These missing moral values in the liberal code... they seem to be expressed fully in Obama; and the inkling we have of it is when we think the man is honest, forthright, decent person.

If liberals as a group can resonate that message... then there will be hope after all.
The Lamonster said:

I'm so conflicted

big lips = racism?


djtiesto said:
I usually find Republican girls, on the whole, to be much more attractive than Democrats :(

A lot of those girls actually look pretty cute.
majority of college campuses are democrats. there are plenty of good looking ones.
Y2Kev said:
soooo are they saying they are pigs?

Don't you see what's going on here? McCain supporters putting on BIG LIPS.... they are obviously being racist.

Oh and I don't care that Palin went to Warren for spiritual help... but what it says to me is that she may not be quite tough enough for this line of work. That is what should be gleaned from this.
artredis1980 said:
my wife hates obama cuz i watch him on tv all the time, she hates Palin even more saying 'she looks like an evil witch'

pics or you don't have a wife

FLORIDA: A Florida ballot initiative that would ban same-sex marriage in Florida looks like it's in trouble, according to a poll released earlier this week. "The ballot measure to ban same-sex marriage in Florida continues to be in trouble, a new poll released Monday by Quinnipiac University found, so promoters are now pinning their hopes on presidential politics to push them over the top. The poll found Florida voters support the same-sex marriage ban by 55-41 percent, but that falls short of the 60 percent needed to become law. Supporters say that both Sarah Palin, the right-leaning Alaskan governor credited for firing up the Republican's conservative base, and the historic candidacy of Democrat Barack Obama will bring out more proponents of Amendment 2."

what the fuck is wrong with Florida? There are so many democrats there but a group of old people beat them to the polls every four years.


Strap on your hooker ...
Huzah said:
I'll take tax cuts and deficits over tax raises and deficits.
The longer you let a problem fester, the more uncomfortable the solution will be when it can no longer go unignored.

Let's say the hole just keeps getting bigger and we have to scrap Social Security as a measure to set things right (a very likely outcome considering it's not so healthy to begin with). SS is your money, borrowed from every paycheck you have earned in your entire working life, with the understanding that you will be paid back. Which sounds better, a small, temporary tax increase or a retroactive lifelong pay cut? You're missing the forest for the trees.

anyone remember that episode where Seinfeld's dad gets into trouble with the old people community when he gets a new cadillac?


thats florida...


PhoenixDark said:
what the fuck is wrong with Florida? There are so many democrats there but a group of old people beat them to the polls every four years.

Old people in general vote like its going out of style. When you have states with high populations of old people, they make a big difference.

Look at Social Security policy, there are some very basic things the Feds could do to help alleviate some problems with the program, but all politicians are so afraid of pissing off old people, nothing ever gets done.

Euthenize em'


shooting blanks
artredis1980 said:

anyone remember that episode where Seinfeld's dad gets into trouble with the old people community when he gets a new cadillac?


thats florida...


I wish those old people would just croak already they'll prolly be gone before the next election but they ruin it for us youngins


lawblob said:
Old people in general vote like its going out of style. When you have states with high populations of old people, they make a big difference.

Look at Social Security policy, there are some very basic things the Feds could do to help alleviate some problems with the program, but all politicians are so afraid of pissing off old people, nothing ever gets done.

Euthenize em'
And the kicker is that Obama's proposals are much, much better for seniors than McCain's. They are voting against their interests.
One thing is for sure, while Obama has been relatively sitting back, the Republicans have become a little overzealous and they have given him SO much ammo that he can unload right back in their faces. I think that starting tomorrow we're going to see a different Obama campaign, one of righteous indignation.


Granted, I am the only one still on the subject, but I came across a couple very interesting articles o nuclear power today.

First one discusses the types of cost overruns that plants are having, particularly given that it's been so long since so many have been built. Increasing commodity costs, along with soup to nuts costs including interest, etc, are making things spiral out of control. Cost estimates are up to $6000 per kilowatt, which is kind of a lot.

Second one discusses how much of a role nuclear power can play in the near term for carbon reduction, and concludes not much. The issue here is the time horizon to build plants, along with bottlenecks for various components in the supply chain.

So basically, even disregarding waste, I don't see anything suggesting the nuclear power as a primary near-term component of energy solutions. The idea of subsidizing it just looks like a ton of pork, really.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
lawblob said:
Old people in general vote like its going out of style. When you have states with high populations of old people, they make a big difference.

Look at Social Security policy, there are some very basic things the Feds could do to help alleviate some problems with the program, but all politicians are so afraid of pissing off old people, nothing ever gets done.

Euthenize em'


if you're a retiree, what do you do all day?

Let me give you my grandparents' schedule before they died. This is when I was in grammar school:

5 AM: Wake up from your pseudosleep of 4 hours.
6 AM: Come over to my house and wait for me to wake up
8 AM: I wake up, there is a ready made bowl of cereal for me when I get downstairs
9 AM: Take me to school
10 AM: Daytime TV
12 PM: Drive to school to wait to pick me up
3 PM: Get out of school
4 PM: Dinner
5-6:45 PM: Pre-Jeopardy Rituals
7 PM: Jeopardy, the order of people who may win is as follows for my grandma: First, Italians. Then people who looked poor. Then Jews. Then Blacks. Then Irish. Always Irish last. Always.
8 PM: Go home, watch Golden Girls repeats
9 PM: "Go to sleep"
10-1 AM: Toss and turn while whining about every ache in the world

Election day adds a nice schedule of events for old people.


PhoenixDark said:
what the fuck is wrong with Florida? There are so many democrats there but a group of old people beat them to the polls every four years.
Um, same-sex marriage bans are passing in practically every state its on the ballot. Doesn't matter how red or blue it is, most people in the US are against it.


polyh3dron said:
One thing is for sure, while Obama has been relatively sitting back, the Republicans have become a little overzealous and they have given him SO much ammo that he can unload right back in their faces. I think that starting tomorrow we're going to see a different Obama campaign, one of righteous indignation.
I'm hoping so. They've dabbled lightly in calling McCain/Palin out for their lies. I'd love to see that go full-force.

First Read keeps reminding me how close this stuff is:

Countdown to the first presidential debate: 15 days
Countdown to the vice presidential debate: 21 days
Countdown to the second presidential debate 26 days
Countdown to the third presidential debate: 34 days
Countdown to Election Day 2008: 54 days

Two weeks to the first debate. Three the veep debate.

It doesn't feel that long ago that we were talking about 100 days to the election.


PhoenixDark said:
pics or you don't have a wife


what the fuck is wrong with Florida? There are so many democrats there but a group of old people beat them to the polls every four years.

South Florida is diverse with larger urban populations. North and Central Florida is a patchwork of small suburban cities, college towns and rural communities.

Shorter: For every open-minded urbanite there is a redneck to balance things out.
:lol :lol

Does anyone listen to Ed Schultz?

There was an interview with John McCain somewhere in Maine (i think). The interviewer pressed him on naming a specific example of Palin's national security experience. After a short pause McCain's example was energy.


sk3 said:
Um, same-sex marriage bans are passing in practically every state its on the ballot. Doesn't matter how red or blue it is, most people in the US are against it.

The demographics supporting anti-gay marriage amendments is quickly fading. I admit it is a smart tactical move by Republicans to put it on the ballot, might as well make hay while the sun shines; but the numbers indicat that public opinion is turning very fast on the issue, it wouldn't surprise me to see referendums on the ballot in these states in about 10-15 years repealing these referendums.


Gibson - Palin interview info:

The first interview is expected to happen before today's deployment ceremony for Palin's son, Track. We should expect to see the first clips around 4pmET. Portions will be included in stories on ABCNews.com, and on ABC News Radio, but the approximately one-minute clips will be made available to all media. "Our goal is to turn the material as fast as we can," ABC News spokesman Jeffrey Schneider tells TVNewser, adding, "There's a real overriding public interest in hearing from Gov. Palin."

The second sit-down is expected to take place after tonight's World News which will air live at 2:30pmAKDT (Alaska Daylight Time). Expect those clips to appear first on Nightline tonight, then more on GMA Friday. The third interview will occur tomorrow and will air on tomorrow's World News as well as the 20/20 special at 10pmET/PT.


cjdunn said:
South Florida is diverse with larger urban populations. North and Central Florida is a patchwork of small suburban cities, college towns and rural communities.

Shorter: For every open-minded urbanite there is a redneck to balance things out.
Florida 49-49 tie confirmed then. :p
GhaleonEB said:
I'm hoping so. They've dabbled lightly in calling McCain/Palin out for their lies. I'd love to see that go full-force.

First Read keeps reminding me how close this stuff is:

Countdown to the first presidential debate: 15 days
Countdown to the vice presidential debate: 21 days
Countdown to the second presidential debate 26 days
Countdown to the third presidential debate: 34 days
Countdown to Election Day 2008: 54 days

Two weeks to the first debate. Three the veep debate.

It doesn't feel that long ago that we were talking about 100 days to the election.

They should just do a debate each night. One in every state for the next 50 days. Seems more productive than just shaking hands and kissing babies.
GhaleonEB said:
It doesn't feel that long ago that we were talking about 100 days to the election.
Yep, I was just thinking that. This thing will be over before we know it.

That means...

Get the fuck out there and donate your time and money and talk to your friends, coworkers, neighbors and family. GO GO GO GO GO!


Crayon Shinchan said:
If you haven't already, you should read this:


Empathy is an important virtue of a person with liberal values... and the article helps you to understand a bit of the psychology that goes on in conservative minds... without resorting to unconstructive and belittling labels like crazy, fundie, dogmatic, etc.

But essentially, it's saying that there's a broader spectrum of innate human morality that we 'enlightened' liberals seem to have forgotten by staunching our emotions when they are not logically or rationally justified.

If we can co-opt these moral feelings that we've left behind, leaving the republicans to a complete advantage in those areas... we may well be able to turn a new corner of liberalism.

These missing moral values in the liberal code... they seem to be expressed fully in Obama; and the inkling we have of it is when we think the man is honest, forthright, decent person.

If liberals as a group can resonate that message... then there will be hope after all.

The responses are just as good as the article itself, don't miss them if you haven't read them.


The Lamonster said:

I'm so conflicted
For a while I thought these were Obama supporters wearing McCain shirts to make fun of the lipstick thing. It took me a while to realize that they were serious.


lawblob said:
The demographics supporting anti-gay marriage amendments is quickly fading. I admit it is a smart tactical move by Republicans to put it on the ballot, might as well make hay while the sun shines; but the numbers indicat that public opinion is turning very fast on the issue, it wouldn't surprise me to see referendums on the ballot in these states in about 10-15 years repealing these referendums.
I don't know about that. Old people are change kryptonite, and all the baby boomers are going to be in retirement at that time, which means their generation is going to vote more.

I haven't see any polls lately, but I don't think public opinion on gay rights is reversing until you get to the under 40yr demographics.
BenjaminBirdie said:
Dude ate Cosi?!?

That's like the equivalent of eating at like Au Bon Pain. Jesus, get something good! You're presidents!

More importantly why is Bill still eating pizza. Maybe it was a special treat but I thought he changed his diet after his health scares :(


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
I still find it hard to believe young people (lates teens) are voting McCain. Not only does it seem a little against their interests....don't they feel a little left out? I mean, Obama's one cool mofo. The popular kid at school. A vote for mccain is like a vote for the Geology club or some wack shit.


I'm thinking 9/11 and the Palin softball game will give McCain some more gallup points in the coming days. He's gonna have a clear lead until the debates.


Wait, so this footage of McCain being released from a Vietnamese prison, limping and saluting, was released to the public, today? 9/11? :lol And people wonder why there's still a huge market for tin-foil.

Where's Toxic Adam? I need one of his sarcastic "THE TIMING! THE TIMING!!" posts.
538 on Michigan

Race. Lastly, stemming back to the Detroit Riots of 1967, which triggered massive white flight into the city's wealthy suburbs (Detroit, at 82 percent African-American, remains the country's blackest major city), Michigan is not devoid of racial politics. Just one African American, former Secretary of State Richard H. Austin, has ever held statewide office in Michigan. And the area around Howell in Livingston County is a former Ku Klux Klan hotbed. The racial tensions aren't as overt as they once were, but nevertheless, the de facto segregation between Detroit and the suburbs creates little interaction between the state's black and white communities, and the combination of Kilpatrick and the difficult economic situation may evoke some latent prejudice.

I don't think racial tensions have much of anything to do with things here. People are hurting here, and while they don't like Bush they clearly trust McCain far more. In the end Obama will win the state so I'm not concerned: these polls are underpolling the black vote, thus not taking into account the massive Wayne County (Detroit) turnout that should happen.


bob_arctor said:
Wait, so this footage of McCain being released from a Vietnamese prison, limping and saluting, was released to the public, today? 9/11? :lol And people wonder why there's still a huge market for tin-foil.

Where's Toxic Adam? I need one of his sarcastic "THE TIMING! THE TIMING!!" posts.
Dude, don't mock it. I found it rather POW POW POWERFUL
SpeedingUptoStop said:
I still find it hard to believe young people (lates teens) are voting McCain. Not only does it seem a little against their interests....don't they feel a little left out? I mean, Obama's one cool mofo. The popular kid at school. A vote for mccain is like a vote for the Geology club or some wack shit.

Trying to figure out why people would selflessly vote against their self interests? You must be a Democrat.


The VP debates will be interesting, only because MSM has been ignoring Biden for so long.

I find Palin's voice EXTREMELY irritating and Im CANADIAN!!!!!!!!

Huffington said it best on Larry King last night. Obama has to connect with the people again, he needs to get angry with the government, the people need to feel his anger.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
PhoenixDark said:
538 on Michigan

I don't think racial tensions have much of anything to do with things here. People are hurting here, and while they don't like Bush they clearly trust McCain far more. In the end Obama will win the state so I'm not concerned: these polls are underpolling the black vote, thus not taking into account the massive Wayne County (Detroit) turnout that should happen.
Yea, the state's seems heavily democrat (governor, detroit mayor, Kerry won it, etc), sO i don't worry too much. Still though, I look around sometimes and wonder "Are these people really gonna vote for Obama?"


Setec Astronomer
Gruco said:
Granted, I am the only one still on the subject, but I came across a couple very interesting articles o nuclear power today.

First one discusses the types of cost overruns that plants are having, particularly given that it's been so long since so many have been built. Increasing commodity costs, along with soup to nuts costs including interest, etc, are making things spiral out of control. Cost estimates are up to $6000 per kilowatt, which is kind of a lot.

Second one discusses how much of a role nuclear power can play in the near term for carbon reduction, and concludes not much. The issue here is the time horizon to build plants, along with bottlenecks for various components in the supply chain.

So basically, even disregarding waste, I don't see anything suggesting the nuclear power as a primary near-term component of energy solutions. The idea of subsidizing it just looks like a ton of pork, really.
Thanks for the links.
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