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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Tommie Hu$tle said:
I think Obama needs to hammer home the fact that the President authorized attacks in Pakistan and the McCain was against it.

I debated someone back in the last political thread about us taking action in Pakistan and how that was crazy because they had nukes!

I could quote them but why rub it in really...



Palin having her buddy, the Alaska Attorney General, kill subpoenas in the investigation.

Palin May Quash Subpoenas in Trooper-Gate Probe

The stand-off between Sarah Palin and the state legislators investigating Trooper-Gate threatens to continue, with the Alaska Attorney General's office saying it may "move to quash subpoenas" if they are issued by legislators in tomorrow's hearing.

Just three weeks ago, Palin had pledged full cooperation with the investigation from her and her staff and had even requested that the state attorney general conduct his own parallel investigation alongside the probe commissioned by state legislators.

Palin is utterly corrupt.
Cloudy said:
Check out this tax-plan comparison by the "liberal" media:


Obama's plan clearly gives money back to every family but at the last second they decided to up the income of the family making $213,000 to $250,000 to show how they'd owe more. WTF!

And I love how they made sure they found a black family making $30,000 to show how Obama will give blacks all your money :lol

Wooow, fact based reporting there. That guys business is going to pull a 15% increase, I mean come on. Even if it did he would have been hit with a 6% increase under McCain's plan as well. When are these idiots in the media going to realize that trying to forcefully make stuff "balanced" does not equate to it being fair and factual.
soul creator said:
hopium vs. fear toxins

that's what this election comes down to




By Matt Frei
BBC News, Washington

Can the presidential candidates please stop obsessing about tedious issues like the broken economy and the creeping resurgence of the Taleban?

Can we stop talking about the melting ice caps and hurricane highways, the conspicuously absent Kim Jong-il or the new permafrost between Russia and the West?

Can we please ignore the two strategic Russian bombers which landed in Venezuela today, evoking unpleasant memories of the Cold War in America's backyard?

Can we just stop fretting about the record number of foreclosures and the meltdown on Wall Street?

Please - let us have a real eyeball-to-eyeball, toe-to-toe debate about lipstick and pigs.


Who has Barack Obama's comment "that you can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig" really offended?

Who has it not offended?

The famously thin-skinned porcine population of the US is up in trotters about the imputation of cross-dressing.

The lipstick industry is getting ready to file a lawsuit under the Serious Misuse of Cosmetic Products Act (which actually does not exist yet but is already being "war-gamed" on K Street, the hub of Washington's lobby industry).

Oh yes and then we have Sarah Palin, the governor of Alaska who first introduced lipstick into the summer campaign by wearing it and by making the ribald observation that the difference between a hockey mom and a pit-bull is, yes, lipstick.

The governor of Alaska has become a kind of campaign superhero who can morph like liquid mercury.

Oddly enough she was not offended by Barack Obama's remarks.

In fact it is the kind of thing this pistol-packing moose-slayer might have said herself.

But her campaign advisers and those blushing violets around the uber-sensitive John McCain are more offended than nuns in a nudist romp.

The Republican Party that used to pride itself on red meat and red necks is behaving like a bunch of fruitarians in a sausage factory.

The proud founding member of the "bad boys club" at the US Naval Academy, John "Wayne" McCain himself is hanging the noose of sexism around the feline Barack Obama, who is more in touch with his inner woman than any candidate since Hillary Clinton.

And the Republicans are getting away with it.

This is electioneering genius; it makes Karl Rove look like Bob the Builder.


John McCain has found Barack Obama's Achilles heel and he is busy firing one small-but-vicious arrow after another into it.

He can do this, thanks to a combination of chutzpah and Sarah Palin.

The governor of Alaska has become a kind of campaign superhero who can morph like liquid mercury.

One minute she is Joan of Arc.

You blink and she has become Germaine Greer, the champion of feminism.

The former Miss Congeniality - are we even allowed to say that anymore? - has turned out to be an electoral force field around the ageing John McCain.

She repels critics and attracts followers, an odd kind of magnet.

Maybe she is actually an early product of the Cern atom smasher creating new matter somewhere near Geneva.

Joe Biden, Mr Obama's running mate, has clearly been swallowed up by the witness protection programme.

Sarah Palin never leaves her nominee's side.

She is a crowd-puller, a poll-booster, a star-turn.

My eyes gravitate automatically towards her and yesterday I caught myself thinking, albeit briefly: "Who is that grinning old man shadowing her on stage the whole time? Her father? Her uncle? Her lawyer? Oops. Sorry, John."

But we should not blame pigs or lipstick or Republicans.

If this is a crisis it is largely of Barack Obama's own making.

The brazen agent of change, the audacious interpreter of American dreams, the rousing rhetorician is sounding like an electoral actuary.

The Democratic nominee has been boxed into a corner, endlessly reacting to the outrageous slurs and arrows, unable to steer the conversation towards the issues and the future.

Ever since Sarah Palin has erupted onto the scene, Barack Obama has been caught like a moose in headlights.

He needs to rediscover his mojo, appeal to the voter's gut and not just their frontal lobe or he too will become Alaskan road-kill.



I hope Obama has some ads in the can for tomorrow concerning the faux lipstick controversy.

Something along the lines of
"You just lost your job. Your house is being foreclosed. You're paying over $3 a gallon for gas. You can't afford health insurance....So what does John McCain want to talk about? Not the issues. Not solutions. He wants to talk about lipstick on a pig. (show this quote in the background: ""This election is not about issues" -- Rick Davis, McCain Campaign Manager"

Barak Obama will lower taxes for the middle class, create 5 million new jobs, and make health care affordable.

"I'm Barak Obama, and I approve this message."

GhaleonEB said:
Palin is utterly corrupt.
Too bad the voting public doesn't seem to know that.
Stoney Mason said:
I debated someone back in the last political thread about us taking action in Pakistan and how that was crazy because they had nukes!

I could quote them but why rub it in really...

I mean to me this is really about issues and this poses a stark difference between Obama and McCain. You could say after 7.5 years of failed poilices the Bush Administration is starting to look at Obama's plans as a way for success.

1. Speaking with emeinies - Obama was for it, everyone else was against it, Bush has changed and done it.

2. Time table for Iraq - Obama was for it, Most of the GOP was against it, Bush has changed and started to work on it.

3. Attacking Pakistan - Obama was for it, Everyone was against it, Bush has changed and done it.

As far as stragety, Obama has to keep the focus on John McCain, who gives a shit about Palin and her lipstick or her fucked up ex-Brother in law, or her knocked up daughter. None of those things affect the american populace.
These are not three minor points but huge foriegn policy points that are important to the US people. I think he should force McCain to explain why he still feels that these policies are of value to stay as the were until recently?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
GhaleonEB said:

Palin having her buddy, the Alaska Attorney General, kill subpoenas in the investigation.

Palin is utterly corrupt.
Honestly, if she wanted to cooperate three weeks ago, maybe the McCain campaign is behind this. Since she's not standing up and telling him to fuck off, she's as guilty as he is, but she seems to fucking stupid to me to be corrupt. Disingenuous and a little advantageous, but corrupt? Eh.

edit: Btw, the Fox News truck is out there and I don't see an MSNBC/CNN truck or anything. Clearly fox news wins.
scorcho said:
meh. Obama said he was willing to depending on the circumstances. i'm loathe to point to Bush doing the same since no one knows what metrics he's using to approve of the strike.

from a PR perspective i think it just plays into the McCain's narrative of bucking his party. it's a no-win for Obama.

I think a good ad could be crafted around the Obama line about following him to hell but not following him to the cave he lives in combined with Obama's earlier more aggressive tonal stance on Pakistan and Republican criticism of it. Basically a hypocrisy and judgment issue.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Glad to see team Obama happy again with the news of Ohio. I'd hate to see so many people be pondering suicide after their first election.
Tommie Hu$tle said:
I mean to me this is really about issues and this poses a stark difference between Obama and McCain. You could say after 7.5 years of failed poilices the Bush Administration is starting to look at Obama's plans as a way for success.

1. Speaking with emeinies - Obama was for it, everyone else was against it, Bush has changed and done it.

2. Time table for Iraq - Obama was for it, Most of the GOP was against it, Bush has changed and started to work on it.

3. Attacking Pakistan - Obama was for it, Everyone was against it, Bush has changed and done it.

These are not three minor points but huge foriegn policy points that are important to the US people. I think he should force McCain to explain why he still feels that these policies are of value to stay as the were until recently?

I roughly agree. There is a fine line to tread of course but I think Obama can be a little more offensive on the foreign policy front even though this will ultimately come down to an election on domestic issues.


Y2Kev said:
Honestly, if she wanted to cooperate three weeks ago, maybe the McCain campaign is behind this. Since she's not standing up and telling him to fuck off, she's as guilty as he is, but she seems to fucking stupid to me to be corrupt. Disingenuous and a little advantageous, but corrupt? Eh.

edit: Btw, the Fox News truck is out there and I don't see an MSNBC/CNN truck or anything. Clearly fox news wins.
Right after she was picked, McCain sent a bunch of his campaign lawyers into Alaska. Seven witnesses, all of whom said they would cooperate, said they would no longer.

On the same day.

If only the press would ask McCain about this.

McCain has gone four weeks without a press conference, and three weeks without taking questions from citizens at a town hall meeting.


~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Cloudy said:
Check out this tax-plan comparison by the "liberal" media:


Obama's plan clearly gives money back to every family but at the last second they decided to up the income of the family making $213,000 to $250,000 to show how they'd owe more. WTF!

And I love how they made sure they found a black family making $30,000 to show how Obama will give blacks all your money :lol

that was pretty good


Huzah said:
How is this any different from Biden?
Gee I dunno, maybe it's different because Biden has never been directly related to a Presidential administration before, while Hillary has?

People greatly exaggerate what Hillary's appeal would have been as not only Vice President, but dare I say it, President as well. This is a result of many people, I believe, getting all scared by McCain's reaction. Do you really think his campaign would have treated her with so much respect and dignity that they wouldn't be smearing the shit out of her right now? C'mon...

Obama is more than likely going to get PA, Ohio is looking good for him too. And I'm telling you right now, anyone who thought Hillary would take Ohio and especially Florida with ease is an idiot. PRIMARIES ARE NOT THE GENERAL ELECTION. The only two "rust belt" states that she really would have done a lot better in would probably be like Indiana, and uhh, West Virginia.


I want to reiterate the point made by earlier posters that handwringing is best replaced with actual action. Donate money. Make some phone calls. You don't even have to go anywhere. The Obama site gives you a list to call.

I'm holding a fundraiser on the night of the first debate. It'll also be a gaming party (this was the original angle to attract people; the best free day ended up being September 26, though, so we turned it into a debate watch party too). It's 2 weeks away but we've already got over 20 attendees signed up. If they each donate $20 (minimum to enter) that's $400. I'm hoping they give more, though. I'm assuming we'll end up with 30 attendees, which guarantees $600, but I want $700 or $800. I'll squeeze those bastards for money once they're here.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
GhaleonEB said:
Right after she was picked, McCain sent a bunch of his campaign lawyers into Alaska. Seven witnesses, all of whom said they would cooperate, said they would no longer.

On the same day.

If only the press would ask McCain about this.

and nobody seems to care, so i guess they should drop it and go after the fact sarah palin is a pig or something


McCain has gone four weeks without a press conference, and three weeks without taking questions from citizens at a town hall meeting.

:lol Guess he can only withstand certain forms of enhanced interrogation.


Tommie Hu$tle said:
1. Speaking with emeinies - Obama was for it, everyone else was against it, Bush has changed and done it.

2. Time table for Iraq - Obama was for it, Most of the GOP was against it, Bush has changed and started to work on it.

3. Attacking Pakistan - Obama was for it, Everyone was against it, Bush has changed and done it.

1. McCain can say pre conditions.

2. McCain can say no line in the sand dead lines.

Going from McCan is the same as Bush, and Bush done the same as Obama, you get McCain is the same as Obama! I don't know how well it will play, it may just show that the GOP is not incompetent and change isn't needed and McCain can spin it in many ways that could back fire.
Stoney Mason said:
I think a good ad could be crafted around the Obama line about following him to hell but not following him to the cave he lives in combined with Obama's earlier more aggressive tonal stance on Pakistan and Republican criticism of it. Basically a hypocrisy and judgment issue.

-ominous female voice-
"Barack Obama says we should talk with Iran." (show news cast of bush administration doing so after he suggested that)

"He said that he would consider military strikes in Pakistan without approval of the Pakistani government" (show Bush's signing off to do so)

"Apparently he already is the president. Now who is really more of the same?"

"I'm John McCain and I approve this message.
The Blue Jihad said:

heh, people always say "negative ads appeal to people's base emotions, that's why they work!" But some seem to forget that Obama appeals to people's emotions as well...he just happens to emphasize the more positive ones. Republicans tend to emphasize the negative ones. That's why I predict that once we start to get closer to the election, Obama will move back towards to big sweeping rallies and inspirational speeches.

so yeah, it'll be hopium vs. fear toxins, lol
Stoney Mason said:
I roughly agree. There is a fine line to tread of course but I think Obama can be a little more offensive on the foreign policy front even though this will ultimately come down to an election on domestic issues.

Yes this is mostly to defend his flank. He should be aggressive on domestic issues like job creation, wage increases, and education. I think he will get alot of people in his fold if he can talk to those issues.

I know he has talked about this before but, how about using our crumbling infrastructures as an opportunity to mix job creation with green initatiaves. Or asking the government to become more fuel efficient to help with cost savings to the tax payers.

Hell if you could make more fuel efficient battlecruisers, tanks, and jets that would trickle down to the civilian sector pretty quickly.
Huzah said:
Or maybe alot of American want the gov to just leave them alone and don't buy into wealth redistribution and class warfare.

Yes I know the GOP has recently totally sucked on that aspect as well.
Yes, on all accounts and if by recently you mean Nixon, Reagan, Bush I and Bush II then you would be correct.

Also, they don't believe in class warfare? Was it not Nixon that started the whole "culture war" thing?
Byakuya769 said:
-ominous female voice-
"Barack Obama says we should talk with Iran." (show news cast of bush administration doing so after he suggested that)

"He said that he would consider military strikes in Pakistan without approval of the Pakistani government" (show Bush's signing off to do so)

"Apparently he already is the president. Now who is really more of the same?"

"I'm John McCain and I approve this message.

I think most people think those are the right calls however (Joe Public I mean). The distinction is between Obama and Mccain and Mccain's insistence that he will "follow him to hell" without ever saying what that means. Tough Talk without plans or substance is the key imo and a recurring theme.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!

Bloomberg is on it

Palin May Move to Block Subpoenas in Trooper Case (Update2)

By Timothy J. Burger and Tony Hopfinger

Sept. 11 (Bloomberg) -- A top law enforcement official in Alaska Governor Sarah Palin's administration is considering steps to block a legislative probe into allegations she improperly fired the state's No. 1 police official.

The legislature's report on the conduct of Republican vice presidential nominee Palin may be released next month, just weeks before the presidential election.


polyh3dron said:
Yes, on all accounts and if by recently you mean Nixon, Reagan, Bush I and Bush II then you would be correct.

Also, they don't believe in class warfare? Was it not Nixon that started the whole "culture war" thing?

I'll take tax cuts and deficits over tax raises and deficits.

I'm going to make a distinction between economic class war fare and values cultural war fare.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Stoney Mason said:
I think a good ad could be crafted around the Obama line about following him to hell but not following him to the cave he lives in combined with Obama's earlier more aggressive tonal stance on Pakistan and Republican criticism of it. Basically a hypocrisy and judgment issue.
i'm not sure Obama should be pointing to this policy as an example of his strengths since it's a murky situation. we don't know what this strike is about, who the target(s) are, and what the eventual outcome (civilian casualties, government/public response, etc.) will be. official Pakistani policy has been to co-opt dissidents in the tribal region by including them into local governance, and now that Musharraf is gone it's not as if we can blissfully tramp into another country's sovereign borders and upset local policy without incident.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!


The NATIONAL ENQUIRER’S exclusive ongoing investigation of GOP VP Nom Sarah 'Barracuda' Palin’s goes far beyond a mere teen pregnancy crisis this week!

The Enquirer’s team of reporters has combed the Alaskan wilderness to discover the hidden truth about Gov. Palin’s family, which has become a central part of her political identity.

The ENQUIRER has learned exclusively that Sarah's oldest son, Track, was addicted to the power drug OxyContin for nearly the past two years, snorting it, eating it, smoking it and even injecting it.
And as Track, 19, heads to Iraq as part of the U.S. armed forces, Sarah and her husband Todd were powerless to stop his wild antics, detailed in the new issue of The ENQUIRER, which goes on sale today.

THE ENQUIRER also has exclusive details about Track's use of other drugs, including cocaine, and his involvement in a notorious local vandalism incident.

“I’ve partied with him (Track) for years,” a source disclosed. “I’ve seen him snort cocaine, snort and smoke OxyContin, drink booze and smoke weed.”

The source also divulged the girls would do anything for Track and he’d use his local celebrity status to manipulate other guys “to get them to steal things he wanted.”

“He finally did what a lot of troubled kids here do,” the source divulged. “You join the military.”

And as Gov. Palin has billed the state of Alaska for various expenses related to her children, as reported by The Washington Post, The ENQUIRER's investigation reveals that she was so incensed by 17-year-old Bristol's pregnancy that she banished her daughter from the house.

Another family friend revealed pre-prego Bristol was as much of a hard partier as Track was.

“Bristol was a huge stoner and drinker. I’ve seen her smoke pot and get drunk and make out with so many guys. All the guys would brag that the just made out with Bristol.”

When Sarah found out the teen was pregnant by high schooler Levi Johnston, she was actually banished from the house. As part of the cover-up, Palin quickly transferred Bristol to another high school and made her move in with Sarah’s sister Heather 25 miles away!

And the ENQUIRER also learned that Levi Johnston, the baby mamma’s future wedded dada, who was glad handed by John McCain at the GOP Convention, isn’t too happy about his impending shotgun nups either.

“Levi got dragged out of the house to go to Minnesota,” Levi’s friend told The ENQUIRER. “Levi realizes he’s stuck being with Bristol because her mom is running for Vice President.”

The friend also confided that both Bristol and Levi “broke up a few times and they definitely messed around with other people.”

Meanwhile, as members of the Palin family’s war viciously over “Trooper-Gate” and claims of Sarah’s extramarital affair have turned the political race into a chaotic arena of threats, denials and vicious attacks by political black ops, The ENQUIRER has discovered shocking new details about the red-hot affair scandal!

For the full story of the secrets Sarah Palin is trying to hide – pick up the new ENQUIRER!



mckmas8808 said:
Yeah likw I said last page the press is catching on to Obama's lead in Ohio. http://cbsnews.com/blogs/2008/09/11/politics/horserace/entry4438899.shtml

If Obama wins Ohio this race is over.
I've been eyeing Ohio and if McCain loses it, he has 0% chance of winning. Bush won it by only two points in 2004 and tons of Dems have registered between 2004 and 2008. Not only this, but about 40,000 colleague students will be able to register AND vote on the same day beginning in a couple of weeks. If the polls stay close (i.e. 1-2% either way), then McCain will have problems on election night.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
So basically Palin is goin to get away with killing the subpenas tomorrow right?

Oh and Gallups in 5 minutes.
Huzah said:
I'll take tax cuts and deficits over tax raises and deficits.

I'm going to make a distinction between economic class war fare and values cultural war fare.
Interesting man you are.

You'd rather have the country owned by China sooner then later?


scorcho said:
i'm not sure Obama should be pointing to this policy as an example of his strengths since it's a murky situation. we don't know what this strike is about, who the target(s) are, and what the eventual outcome (civilian casualties, government/public response, etc.) will be. official Pakistani policy has been to co-opt dissidents in the tribal region by including them into local governance, and now that Musharraf is gone it's not as if we can blissfully tramp into another country's sovereign borders and upset local policy without incident.

Exactly. Plus, you never know if he puts it in an ad, suddenly that military report will actually come out and say that there were a bunch of civilians killed as alleged.
soul creator said:
heh, people always say "negative ads appeal to people's base emotions, that's why they work!" But some seem to forget that Obama appeals to people's emotions as well...he just happens to emphasize the more positive ones. Republicans tend to emphasize the negative ones. That's why I predict that once we start to get closer to the election, Obama will move back towards to big sweeping rallies and inspirational speeches.

so yeah, it'll be hopium vs. fear toxins, lol

I'd drink to that assessment. A few of my coworkers were totally moved by Obama's acceptance speech and his subsequent large venue deliveries. There's enormous potential in his ability to connect in the old style of feel-good inspiration.

What's really strange is how apt the analogy is, too. Obama is Batman, and McCain is Scarecrow. One's strong, confident, and determined. The other is decrepit, wrinkled, and ineffective on his own. One has rules and principles. The other fights dirty and toys with women.

Obama really is the goddamn Batman. He's the hero America needs right now, but probably not the one it deserves.
scorcho said:
i'm not sure Obama should be pointing to this policy as an example of his strengths since it's a murky situation. we don't know what this strike is about, who the target(s) are, and what the eventual outcome (civilian casualties, government/public response, etc.) will be. official Pakistani policy has been to co-opt dissidents in the tribal region by including them into local governance, and now that Musharraf is gone it's not as if we can blissfully tramp into another country's sovereign borders and upset local policy without incident.

He doesn't have to speak exactly to this situation. But what he wants to do is create the impression he will take bold steps to defend US troops and counter the whole "read terrorist their rights." angle.
Eee Hee Hee

FactCheck.org fact checks McCain's use of FactCheck.org, and accuses him of distortion.

'We don't object to people reprinting our articles. In fact, our copyright policy encourages it. But we've also asked that "the editorial integrity of the article be preserved" and told those who use our items that "you should not edit the original in such a way as to alter the message."'

The organization also calls McCain's ad "less than honest," which will appear in the next ad as "honest."
scorcho said:
i'm not sure Obama should be pointing to this policy as an example of his strengths since it's a murky situation. we don't know what this strike is about, who the target(s) are, and what the eventual outcome (civilian casualties, government/public response, etc.) will be. official Pakistani policy has been to co-opt dissidents in the tribal region by including them into local governance, and now that Musharraf is gone it's not as if we can blissfully tramp into another country's sovereign borders and upset local policy without incident.

The issue is indeed complex like all issues are and I applaud Obama's generally complex takes on them but I also think you have to occasionally boil them down and simplify them for the general public at large. Obama as the guy who will do what it takes to get Osama is a nice general image and a contradiction of most of mainstream spin that Obama is a diplomat and Mccain is a war general who will follow Osama to the gates of hell. I think Obama has enough credibility established on the diplomat side to use that for the more aggressive stance on Osama which I kinda think is what Americans want. It's mainly a political move I'll admit. In reality they would most likely both do the same thing if they had actionable intelligence on Osama but I would like Mccain to admit that which was the original Obama position.

And don't you know I had to spell check that a few times so I didn't have an Osama/Obama mix up.
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