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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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BenjaminBirdie said:
I think she would have done herself a much better service if she said, "You know what, Charlie? As you might have heard, I'm a bit new at some of this stuff. Could you remind me what the Bush Doctrine is?" Charlie would have laughed, America would have swooned, and the whole thing would have been defused pretty much instantly.

Just imagine her up against Biden in three weeks. She's been sequestered from the press for the past three weeks doing non-stop policy cramming. Biden will destroy her.
Zeliard said:
She's dancing around this "God's plan" question in such a blatant fashion. :lol

Yeah. And if you go back and watch that church video again, you can tell what was her original thought and then what's the quick backtrack clarification. It's the same kind of weird rhythm as this part of the interview.


saelz8 said:
I don't see how Georgia being in NATO is a good idea.

I think keeping them out of the NATO house leaves options in regards to how to respond if they happened to be attacked again. There would be no binding obligations of formal association, but we would still have the options that include whatever our expected response would be if they were a part of NATO.

I have to agree with you on this. And because they are PfP ,NATO still has a strong ally at the border of Russia.
Hannity got sanitized.

“I’m not here to be insulted, either,” Kuttner said. “You’re doing RNC talking points.”

Ooh, that really got to Ol’ Bullyboy. “I don’t have any RNC – these are HANNITY talking points,” he said. He waved his papers like Joseph McCarthy. “I write the talking points.”

Kuttner said, “Oh, yeah, right.”

“You spew this line...” Hannity began.

Kuttner retorted, “I don’t spew any goddamn line. Stop insulting me or I’m walking off the set.”

Funky Papa

edit: what the fuck, she actually said she could SEE Russia when asked what the proximity had to do with anything?
:lol :lol :lol

Sweet Jesus, there's your international issues expert, Republicans. Biden is going to murder her. Somebody bring a mop and a bucket.


Agent Icebeezy said:
Glad the rest of the country will see her as a dunce that doesn't know anything. :D
Clearly you're talking about England? Denmark? Germany? Any country but America. Because I'm sure most people will buy the tripe and say she's a "strong patriotic woman."
Zeliard said:
Wait, so what did she say about the Bush Doctrine?

She played like it was basically Bush's general approach to combat terror and basically had no idea that it was

a phrase used to describe various related foreign policy principles of United States president George W. Bush, created in the wake of the September 11, 2001 attacks. The phrase initially described the policy that the United States had the right to treat countries that harbor or give aid to terrorist groups as terrorists themselves, which was used to justify the invasion of Afghanistan. Later it came to include additional elements, including the controversial policy of preventive war, which held that the United States should depose foreign regimes that represented a threat to the security of the United States, even if that threat was not immediate (used to justify the invasion of Iraq), a policy of supporting democracy around the world, especially in the Middle East, as a strategy for combating the spread of terrorism, and a willingness to pursue U.S. military interests in a unilateral way. Some of these policies were codified in a National Security Council text entitled the National Security Strategy of the United States published on September 20, 2002.


What was the question about the Bush Doctrine and what was her answer?

This seems pretty important, I mean, hasn't it been the justification for all of the military actions of these past years?:lol


bish gets all the credit :)
ronito said:
Clearly you're talking about England? Denmark? Germany? Any country but America. Because I'm sure most people will buy the tripe and say she's a "strong patriotic woman."

"She doesn't know much, just like me. That is why I will vote for her."
A large percentage of the populace will think like this. This woman is terrifying.
Tom_Cody said:
Yes. To my eyes this interview could cost McCain the election. If she is this bad after being prepped for an entire week she is definitely going to get ripped apart as the election continues. The debate is going to be a bloodbath.

The questions aren't even surprising. These are questions that she would have had to have known were coming and she is barely capable of answering them.
She's just spitting back talking points, same as what McCain did at Saddleback church.
polyh3dron said:
Charile Gibson: "Doesn't that take some hubris?"

She probably doesn't even know what hubris means.

I didn't like 3 years ago, since then it gets used a lot and there was a book with the title.

Guy Legend

ViperVisor said:
Hannity got sanitized.

“I’m not here to be insulted, either,” Kuttner said. “You’re doing RNC talking points.”

Ooh, that really got to Ol’ Bullyboy. “I don’t have any RNC – these are HANNITY talking points,” he said. He waved his papers like Joseph McCarthy. “I write the talking points.”

Kuttner said, “Oh, yeah, right.”

“You spew this line...” Hannity began.

Kuttner retorted, “I don’t spew any goddamn line. Stop insulting me or I’m walking off the set.”


Hannity is absolutely disgusting.


ViperVisor said:
Hannity got sanitized.

“I’m not here to be insulted, either,” Kuttner said. “You’re doing RNC talking points.”

Ooh, that really got to Ol’ Bullyboy. “I don’t have any RNC – these are HANNITY talking points,” he said. He waved his papers like Joseph McCarthy. “I write the talking points.”

Kuttner said, “Oh, yeah, right.”

“You spew this line...” Hannity began.

Kuttner retorted, “I don’t spew any goddamn line. Stop insulting me or I’m walking off the set.”
You owe me big time for listening to that. I feel all dirty having to listen to that Hannity crap. Thing that's scary is that people believe him.
Also worth mentioning is her "I didn't blink" nonsense. The problems facing this country over the last 8 years is due exactly to this "Never blink, never hesitate" knee-jerk reaction mentality. "Never hesitate" is exactly why we need mega-reform.

Additionally, her "I don't presume to know God's plan" is a load of horseshit, because the very act of her discussing God's plan is her presuming to know it. The very notion of treating the Iraq War as "God's plan" is presuming to know God's plan. If she doesn't presume to know God's plan, she never would have mentioned it in the church speech that Gibson quoted.


I think ronito's got it.

And people defending Palin's "God's task" comment aren't understanding the underlying problem.
ViperVisor said:
Hannity got sanitized.

“I’m not here to be insulted, either,” Kuttner said. “You’re doing RNC talking points.”

Ooh, that really got to Ol’ Bullyboy. “I don’t have any RNC – these are HANNITY talking points,” he said. He waved his papers like Joseph McCarthy. “I write the talking points.”

Kuttner said, “Oh, yeah, right.”

“You spew this line...” Hannity began.

Kuttner retorted, “I don’t spew any goddamn line. Stop insulting me or I’m walking off the set.”

Lowest unemployment in 40 years? That sounds like bullshit to me


An unemployment rate of around 4% isn't bad but the unemployment rate is not the best indicator on jobs in America. It doesn't take into account underemployment which is a major problem, or discouraged job seekers.

2008's numbers on average have been pretty fucking horrible so far


I thought she did better in the last segment with the questions about Iraq and her comments made from her church. I cant wait to watch the rest of this.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
The Blue Jihad said:
Additionally, her "I don't presume to know God's plan" is a load of horseshit, because the very act of her discussing God's plan is her presuming to know it. The very notion of treating the Iraq War as "God's plan" is presuming to know God's plan. If she doesn't presume to know God's plan, she never would have mentioned it in the church speech that Gibson quoted.

That makes no sense whatsoever. Please explain how believing a plan exists makes you privy to the plan.


formerly sane
ViperVisor said:
Hannity got sanitized.

“I’m not here to be insulted, either,” Kuttner said. “You’re doing RNC talking points.”

Ooh, that really got to Ol’ Bullyboy. “I don’t have any RNC – these are HANNITY talking points,” he said. He waved his papers like Joseph McCarthy. “I write the talking points.”

Kuttner said, “Oh, yeah, right.”

“You spew this line...” Hannity began.

Kuttner retorted, “I don’t spew any goddamn line. Stop insulting me or I’m walking off the set.”

Mucho fucking respect for Robert not putting up with BS rnc shit. Yep on your network boys you got called out. Bring in more people like this and for sure it will taint your precious pool of propaganda and spin on information.


polyh3dron said:
Charile Gibson: "Doesn't that take some hubris?"

She probably doesn't even know what hubris means.

She probably thinks it's a certain strand of moose meat.

BenjaminBirdie said:
She played like it was basically Bush's general approach to combat terror and basically had no idea that it was

The Blue Jihad said:
Vagaries about Bush's war against "Islamic extremists."

Then when Gibson told her what the Bush Doctrine actually is, she scrambled for a reply.

This is going beyond funny and venturing into the realm of the surreal. Do she and the rest of the right even realize how well-versed on foreign policy Biden is? She doesn't know what the Bush Doctrine is?

I get uncomfortable when people mock McCain's age, but there's no denying it's a real (and unfortunate) possibility that the guy may not live out his first term in full. How does anyone believe that Palin is ready to take the mantle? She doesn't know what the Bush Doctrine is, which has been setting our foreign policy for the past 7 years, and she thinks the fact that Alaska is near Russia is somehow relevant F.P. experience.

The VP debate is nothing more than sending sheep to the slaughter.


ViperVisor said:
Hannity got sanitized.

“I’m not here to be insulted, either,” Kuttner said. “You’re doing RNC talking points.”

Ooh, that really got to Ol’ Bullyboy. “I don’t have any RNC – these are HANNITY talking points,” he said. He waved his papers like Joseph McCarthy. “I write the talking points.”

Kuttner said, “Oh, yeah, right.”

“You spew this line...” Hannity began.

Kuttner retorted, “I don’t spew any goddamn line. Stop insulting me or I’m walking off the set.”

That was fucking sickening. That's journalism? God damn.


ViperVisor said:
Hannity got sanitized.

“I’m not here to be insulted, either,” Kuttner said. “You’re doing RNC talking points.”

Ooh, that really got to Ol’ Bullyboy. “I don’t have any RNC – these are HANNITY talking points,” he said. He waved his papers like Joseph McCarthy. “I write the talking points.”

Kuttner said, “Oh, yeah, right.”

“You spew this line...” Hannity began.

Kuttner retorted, “I don’t spew any goddamn line. Stop insulting me or I’m walking off the set.”

lol what a lame


ViperVisor said:
Hannity got sanitized.

“I’m not here to be insulted, either,” Kuttner said. “You’re doing RNC talking points.”

Ooh, that really got to Ol’ Bullyboy. “I don’t have any RNC – these are HANNITY talking points,” he said. He waved his papers like Joseph McCarthy. “I write the talking points.”

Kuttner said, “Oh, yeah, right.”

“You spew this line...” Hannity began.

Kuttner retorted, “I don’t spew any goddamn line. Stop insulting me or I’m walking off the set.”

I love how the guy literally called Hannity a fool right to his face. We need more of this kind of thing to tone down their bluster and bullshit.


ronito said:
You owe me big time for listening to that. I feel all dirty having to listen to that Hannity crap. Thing that's scary is that people believe him.

Ditto; I don't even know why I bothered clicking that. The next time I see Hannity on a show, Jerry Springer better be hosting.
140.85 said:
That makes no sense whatsoever. Please explain how believing a plan exists makes you privy to the plan.

It's simple. If you presume to not know what's involved in God's plan, then you absolutely should not attempt to imply there's a connection between a current war and God's plan. Because attempting to establish some sort of connection between the current war and God's plan is presuming that you DO know what's involved in God's plan.
PhoenixDark said:
Lowest unemployment in 40 years? That sounds like bullshit to me


An unemployment rate of around 4% isn't bad but the unemployment rate is not the best indicator on jobs in America. It doesn't take into account underemployment which is a major problem, or discouraged job seekers.

2008's numbers on average have been pretty fucking horrible so far

Don't forget what O Reilly said! 20% more revenue under Bush than Clinton. That's if you don't adjust for inflation! :lol


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
The Blue Jihad said:
It's simple. If you presume to not know what's involved in God's plan, then you absolutely should not attempt to imply there's a connection between a current war and God's plan. Because attempting to establish some sort of connection between the current war and God's plan is presuming that you DO know what's involved in God's plan.

Well, she agrees with you there. She never did imply such a thing. But I've already quoted her so I'm obviously wasting my time here. It's as if you guys want ignore what she actually said.


The Blue Jihad said:
It's simple. If you presume to not know what's involved in God's plan, then you absolutely should not attempt to imply there's a connection between a current war and God's plan. Because attempting to establish some sort of connection between the current war and God's plan is presuming that you DO know what's involved in God's plan.

GIBSON: You said recently, in your old church, "Our national leaders are sending U.S. soldiers on a task that is from God." Are we fighting a holy war?

PALIN: You know, I don't know if that was my exact quote.

GIBSON: Exact words.



I've tried to listen to Hannity's radio show every day for a long time, and you guys need to understand this about him:

He has talking points, misinformed, out of context, debunked talking points ENGRAVED in his brain. He trusts that these BULLSHIT talking points will instill fear/anger/disgust in the highly ignorant sect of conservatives that listen to his show, and they work, based on the people that post on his web forum.

His show is comprised on tacking on these talking points to the new news of the day, and to every interview/caller etc. The more talking points he can string together in one sentence, the more excited he gets.


Who was it on McCain's advisor staff that said we were in a "holy war"? I want to say it's Scheunmann but it might've been someone lower. I remember getting a bit more scared after that.

Bulla: Yeah, the frequency any time he makes a point about Obama he talks about being in the pews for 20 years, Ayers, Rezko.:lol


Connoisseur Of Tedium
OMG I am just watching the Palin interview and she had no idea what the Bush doctrine was. Seriously she is the most unqualified vp selection ever.
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