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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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140.85 said:
Well, she agrees with you there. She never did imply such a thing. But I've already quoted her so I'm obviously wasting my time here. It's as if you guys want ignore what she actually said.
"pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right also for this country. That our leaders, our national leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God. That's what we have to be praying for, that there is a plan and that plan is God's plan. Bless them with your prayers."

How can you not understand something like that? Fine you don't want the hand to point to Iraq then lets look at the fact that she's talking about the military. So Jesus/G-d likes war? He likes humans killing humans?

Funky Papa said:
Holy crap, she truly has NO FUCKING IDEA. Scroll down for the video.
:lol :lol Mistakes have been made.
140.85 said:
Well, she agrees with you there. She never did imply such a thing. But I've already quoted her so I'm obviously wasting my time here. It's as if you guys want ignore what she actually said.

Here's the thing, man. Answer me this. If she doesn't presume to know God's plan, then why would she even entertain the notion that the Iraq War is part of God's plan? If she believes it impossible to know God's plan, she never would have even mentioned God's plan in any capacity whatsoever. And yet she made a specific point about God's plan in what you quoted.

Then here in Gibson's interview, when he pressed her on it, she floundered and scrambled to come up with a hackjob reply, trying to sound politically correct.

You tell me there's nothing bizarre going on.


sevenchaos said:
"pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right also for this country. That our leaders, our national leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God. That's what we have to be praying for, that there is a plan and that plan is God's plan. Bless them with your prayers."

How can you not understand something like that? Fine you don't want the hand to point to Iraq then lets look at the fact that she's talking about the military. So Jesus/G-d likes war? He likes humans killing humans?

How can you not understand?

To Christians, like Palin, God is good, and God has a plan, and by following God's plan and doing his will, people do good.

So pray that our troops do good. Pray that our leaders have a plan and it's to do good.

Obama prays every morning that he will be an instrument of God's will.


I don't care about the God stuff, I care about the fact that she actually doesn't have a plan or idea about anything outside of the borders. Look, seeing Russia from Alaska is a great joke, we'll all have a laugh, but that's actually being presented as credible proof that she can control our brave men and women in the armed forces. People's husbands, wives, children, parents, in the hands of someone who thinks we should give enough of a damn about Georgia of all places, to declare war on a Superpower.


saelz8 said:
I don't see how Georgia being in NATO is a good idea.

I think keeping them out of the NATO house leaves options in regards to how to respond if they happened to be attacked again. There would be no binding obligations of formal association, but we would still have the options that include whatever our expected response would be if they were a part of NATO.
Then you have no idea of what the point of NATO is. The whole point of NATO is a pact to prevent attacks. If the NATO states want Georgia or whoever to join then they should join. It is no different thinking than if any other NATO country was attacked. There is no point to NATO if it does not collectively respond according to its charter.

If Georgia is in NATO and is attacked. NATO must respond.

What is the difference between one NATO country and another? There are several NATO countries that share borders with Russia. Don't give me this buffer shit.


has calmed down a bit.
MightyHedgehog said:
Palin being President should scare the shit out of any sane person....regardless of party affiliation.

It doesn't scare me. She's not the most qualified, yeah, but she'll have enough people around her and she'll do what she has to do.

Funky Papa

Frank the Great said:
Ok. Maybe this WILL get some attention.

That is just utterly embarrassing. The look on her face :lol
You can clearly see the "!" sign over her head as the question hits her only functioning brain cell. It is bewildering.


Funky Papa said:
Holy crap, she truly has NO FUCKING IDEA. Scroll down for the video.

Indefensible. Gibson actually had to explain to her what the Bush Doctrine is.

GIBSON: Do you agree with the Bush doctrine?

: In what respect, Charlie?

GIBSON: The Bush -- well, what do you -- what do you interpret it to be?

PALIN: His world view.

GIBSON: No, the Bush doctrine, enunciated September 2002, before the Iraq war.

PALIN: I believe that what President Bush has attempted to do is rid this world of Islamic extremism, terrorists who are hell bent on destroying our nation. There have been blunders along the way, though. There have been mistakes made. And with new leadership, and that's the beauty of American elections, of course, and democracy, is with new leadership comes opportunity to do things better.

GIBSON: The Bush doctrine, as I understand it, is that we have the right of anticipatory self-defense, that we have the right to a preemptive strike against any other country that we think is going to attack us. Do you agree with that?

It's embarrassing even in print. On camera, with her visible confusion, it's even worse.
JayDubya said:
How can you not understand?

To Christians like Palin, God is good, and God has a plan, and by following God's plan and doing his will, people do good.

So pray that our troops do good. Pray that our leaders have a plan and it's to do good.

Obama prays every morning that he will be an instrument of God's will.

But what the hell is God's plan, and who decides it?

That is the scary part.

GhaleonEB said:
Holy fuck. That was PAINFUL. :lol

"In what respect, Charlie?"

She might as well have asked, "What the hell is that, Charlie?"



Funky Papa said:
Holy crap, she truly has NO FUCKING IDEA. Scroll down for the video.
It's a shame that Gibson gave her the context of the time that the Bush Doctrine comes from. I get the impression that if he hadn't she could have just as easily talked about free trade as terrorism, haha.

"His world view." *blinks*
JayDubya said:
How can you not understand?

To Christians like Palin, God is good, and God has a plan, and by following God's plan and doing his will, people do good.

So pray that our troops do good. Pray that our leaders have a plan and it's to do good.

Obama prays every morning that he will be an instrument of God's will.

One group in your reply uses "God's will" as a springboard for absolutes in government.

The other uses "God's will" as a springboard to genuinely help those in need.
JayDubya said:
How can you not understand?

To Christians like Palin, God is good, and God has a plan, and by following God's plan and doing his will, people do good.

So pray that our troops do good. Pray that our leaders have a plan and it's to do good.

Obama prays every morning that he will be an instrument of God's will.

There is so much other stuff to call her on, I don't understand why the god issue is the one they insist on. But, I've seen enough religi-gaf threads to know that this is horribly important to this message board. Then again, if the dems cared about the election, they would leave religion alone and try to persuade voters, rather than ridiculing them.

People wonder why dems can't win... Maybe it has something to do with sticking their noses up at 2/3 of the country?
JayDubya said:
How can you not understand?

To Christians, like Palin, God is good, and God has a plan, and by following God's plan and doing his will, people do good.

So pray that our troops do good. Pray that our leaders have a plan and it's to do good.

Obama prays every morning that he will be an instrument of God's will.
Right there in her quote talking about our national leaders sending them out on a "task from G-d". And again I ask does G-d like killing? Does he want us fighting wars?


Zeliard said:
Indefensible. Gibson actually had to explain to her what the Bush Doctrine is.

GIBSON: Do you agree with the Bush doctrine?

: In what respect, Charlie?

GIBSON: The Bush -- well, what do you -- what do you interpret it to be?

PALIN: His world view.

GIBSON: No, the Bush doctrine, enunciated September 2002, before the Iraq war.

PALIN: I believe that what President Bush has attempted to do is rid this world of Islamic extremism, terrorists who are hell bent on destroying our nation. There have been blunders along the way, though. There have been mistakes made. And with new leadership, and that's the beauty of American elections, of course, and democracy, is with new leadership comes opportunity to do things better.

GIBSON: The Bush doctrine, as I understand it, is that we have the right of anticipatory self-defense, that we have the right to a preemptive strike against any other country that we think is going to attack us. Do you agree with that?

It's embarrassing even in print. On camera, with her visible confusion, it's even worse.

The funniest part is that it also seemed to catch Gibson completely off guard that she had no clue.:lol
Trurl said:
It's a shame that Gibson gave her the context of the time that the Bush Doctrine comes from. I get the impression that if he hadn't she could have just as easily talked about free trade as terrorism, haha.

"His world view." *blinks*

Sorry, but there's no blinking allowed here. By the word of Sarah Palin, blinking means you aren't ready to dish out the change.
Bulla564 said:
His show is comprised on tacking on these talking points to the new news of the day, and to every interview/caller etc. The more talking points he can string together in one sentence, the more excited he gets.

So its a republican version of Tony Hawk. I can dig that.
to be fair, the "god's plan" stuff kinda applies to any Christian. And yes, it is quite contradictory no matter what context it's used in. Even if you think "god's plan" is to help innocent old ladies, that's still presuming to know what god wants. God could in fact, just be an asshole who hates old ladies. Of course, it's much nicer when people think that wars aren't part of god's plan.

It's still slightly unsettling when politicians use it in non-church related areas, but meh. That said, she still crazy as hell for plenty of other reasons, lol.


SnakeswithLasers said:
There is so much other stuff to call her on, I don't understand why the god issue is the one they insist on. But, I've seen enough religi-gaf threads to know that this is horribly important to this message board. Then again, if the dems cared about the election, they would leave religion alone and try to persuade voters, rather than ridiculing them.

People wonder why dems can't win... Maybe it has something to do with sticking their noses up at 2/3 of the country?

It has nothing to do with sticking your nose up at anyone. It's called motherfucking separation of church and state, a concept that Bush failed entirely to understand, and not a mistake we want to see repeated again. How is this so difficult to grasp? We don't want any more faith-based agendas.


Funky Papa said:
Jesus Christ, people, this woman could be the next President of the United States. I mean, she makes Bush look like a scholar.
Quick, somebody ask Bush what the Bush Doctrine is!


has calmed down a bit.
Tamanon said:
The funniest part is that it also seemed to catch Gibson completely off guard that she had no clue.:lol

That was totally embarrassing. Totally. She is CLEARLY not as prepped as she needs to be for the debates. This was NOT the softball interview I was anticipating. :lol

McCain, Biden, and Obama would've had no issues fielding that question.
Zeliard said:
It has nothing to do with sticking your nose up at anyone. It's called motherfucking separation of church and state, a concept that Bush failed entirely to understand, and not a mistake we want to see repeated again. How is this so difficult to grasp?

It's called choosing your battles? Why not rattle off the legitimate complaints that you have about her that EVERYONE will agree with, rather than focusing on something that is just going to endear her to the entire red area of the country?

I understand that you're just venting--but it seems like dems are insistent on "protecting the poor middle americans from themselves" instead of really convincing them that we are all americans and deserve better leadership. It's just so divisive.

Edit: Also, don't claim that you understand the separation of church and state so wisely when the footage you're talking about is her in a CHURCH and not her making a policy decision...


Funky Papa said:
Jesus Christ, people, this woman could be the next President of the United States. I mean, she makes Bush look like a scholar.
I've been quasi-serious before, but that is literally [/Biden] scary.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
JayDubya said:
I guess that's why they're praying that they're following it, then, huh?

She is "State" right, and thus supposed to be operating separately from "Church?"

Or are you OK with the State taxing you to pay for what she believes to be an ostensibly religious enterprise?

I know your answer will be way more tortured than my question. But I had to ask.


VanMardigan said:
It doesn't scare me. She's not the most qualified, yeah, but she'll have enough people around her and she'll do what she has to do.

But with that logic then technically couldn't anybody be President and VP regardless of credentials?


sevenchaos said:
Right there in her quote talking about our national leaders sending them out on a "task from G-d". And again I ask does G-d like killing? Does he want us fighting wars?

It's not a statement of fact.

It's a request to other members of a congregation to pray that the actions of American troops and leadership are guided by a higher wisdom that she so happens to believe in and that their presumed good intentions also result in good actions being done.

As someone who wants all American troops out of pretty much every other country out there, I certainly don't disagree with pulling out of Iraq ASAP. As someone who is an atheist, I don't pretend to understand the Christian perspective very well. But this Palin quote is horribly misrepresented.
Zeliard said:
It has nothing to do with sticking your nose up at anyone. It's called motherfucking separation of church and state, a concept that Bush failed entirely to understand, and not a mistake we want to see repeated again. How is this so difficult to grasp?

Exactly. I knew there was a reason why I liked Zeliard. And strangely, it had to do with more than just his stylish Fear and Loathing avatar. lol

What Zel just said here is precisely the big problem with any politicians coming out and talking about "God's plan." Because religion is based around absolutes, especially when it comes to morality and rules. Government principles guided by absolutes don't turn out well. We've seen this time and time again throughout history. And if anyone isn't too sharp on their global history, they can just look at the past 8 years to see what happens when absolutes guide government principles.
GhaleonEB said:
I've been quasi-serious before, but that is literally [/Biden] scary.

The scary thing isn't necessarily her lack of expertise on...anything, the scary thing is WHO would be teaching and molding her as she learned on the job.


remember me
Funky Papa said:
Holy crap, she truly has NO FUCKING IDEA. Scroll down for the video.

Obama talked about energy independence on David Lettermen last night when Letterman asked him what he'd have done differently after 9/11. So that's not really a fair thing to attack her on.
Door2Dawn said:
What the hell is up with all this hyperbole?

Yeah, to us it's awful and LoLtastic, but I still see Republicans jumping up and cheering when she says shit like:

"I believe that what President Bush has attempted to do is rid this world of Islamic extremism, terrorists who are hell bent on destroying our nation."

They love that shit.


Strap on your hooker ...
Man, I really despise people who constantly repeat the name of the person they're talking to during a conversation. Especially in such a cutting, derogatory tone.
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