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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
sevenchaos said:
Right there in her quote talking about our national leaders sending them out on a "task from G-d".

How can you willfully ignore the quotation right in front of you? If I call my Dad right now and ask him to pray for me, to pray that what I do at work tomorrow will be God's will - a task from God - you honestly think that I am making a declarative statement to him that I believe that what I'm going to do at work tomorrow IS God's will?
PALIN: Charlie, if there is legitimate and enough intelligence that tells us that a strike is imminent against American people, we have every right to defend our country. In fact, the president has the obligation, the duty to defend.

Deja vu!


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
johnsmith said:
Obama talked about energy independence on David Lettermen last night when Letterman asked him what he'd have done differently after 9/11. So that's not really a fair thing to attack her on.

He at least made a related point. America was motivated and enthused to help, and Bush wanted people to shop. He suggested urging Americans to ease off gas would have done more and something he would have *gasp* done differently.


has calmed down a bit.
Pakkidis said:
But with that logic then technically couldn't anybody be President and VP regardless of credentials?

Yeah, almost. Would need a ton of help, fo sho. But I don't think that the country would disintegrate. If anything, she'll do bad enough where the Democrats will go in as favorites again and have a third straight opportunity to blown an election.


teruterubozu said:
Yeah, to us it's awful and LoLtastic, but I still see Republicans jumping up and cheering when she says shit like:

"I believe that what President Bush has attempted to do is rid this world of Islamic extremism, terrorists who are hell bent on destroying our nation."

They love that shit.
And most Americans don't know what the Bush doctrine is, for that matter. Only if the press tears into this will that moment be really exposed.

Status of hopes: not up.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
140.85 said:
How can you willfully ignore the quotation right in front of you? If I call my Dad right now and ask him to pray for me, to pray that what I do at work tomorrow will be God's will - a task from God - you honestly think that I am making a declarative statement to him that I believe what I'm going to do at work tomorrow IS God's will?

If you call your dad and ask him to pray for that, but don't believe it, it makes you seem CRAZY.

So there's that.
I gotta say this isn't what I expected from Gibson. I'm sure there will be introductory fluff pieces in there, but the clips I've seen so far have him doing his job. This woman could be president of the United States, we need to know where she stands and whether she's up to the task. Those answers are embarrassing at worst
GhaleonEB said:
And most Americans don't know what the Bush doctrine is, for that matter. Only if the press tears into this will that moment be really exposed.

Status of hopes: not up.

But most Americans will expect the possible future POTUS *shudders* to have a clue, even if they don't.


OuterWorldVoice said:
If you call your dad and ask him to pray for that, but don't believe it, it makes you seem CRAZY.

So there's that.

Again, there's a difference between a declarative statement and a request for other people's positivity and well-wishing.

Humility, for starters.


VanMardigan said:
It doesn't scare me. She's not the most qualified, yeah, but she'll have enough people around her and she'll do what she has to do.
My GOD! Thats literally word for word what my brother told me about Bush in late 1999...Are we (as a country) really incapable of learning from out mistakes?


Jason's Ultimatum said:
So the issue on Palin wanting to ban books at a library in Wasilla was fake? I just received an email that links to Factchecks's saying it's false.
The *list* is false. The incident as described in the Kilkenny email appears to be true. At least, currently. Fact check are working through the Kilkenny mail with the intent of posting an article on it in the future.
Tamanon said:
But....what will McCain say now? He always talks about how he'll bring Victory in Iraq, but he also says he always listens to the commanders on the ground.....

uh that pulling out now would be a disaster, there's more work to be done, Petraues says the surge has changed violence levels on the ground, etc

All of which aren't true of course, well outside of the first one

Funky Papa

PhoenixDark said:
I gotta say this isn't what I expected from Gibson. I'm sure there will be introductory fluff pieces in there, but the clips I've seen so far have him doing his job. This woman could be president of the United States, we need to know where she stands and whether she's up to the task. Those answers are embarrassing at worst
She'd be putty in the hands of the neocons. So much for their waning influence in the Republican party.

Guy Legend said:
I cannot wait for the Biden - Palin debate.
As I said, they better keep a mop handy. Biden is going to murder her on live TV without even trying.


SnakeswithLasers said:
It's called choosing your battles? Why not rattle off the legitimate complaints that you have about her that EVERYONE will agree with, rather than focusing on something that is just going to endear her to the entire red area of the country?

I understand that you're just venting--but it seems like dems are insistent on "protecting the poor middle americans from themselves" instead of really convincing them that we are all americans and deserve better leadership. It's just so divisive.

Edit: Also, don't claim that you understand the separation of church and state so wisely when the footage you're talking about is her in a CHURCH and not her making a policy decision...

I don't see how it's divisive. Any true Christian or someone of another religion would realize quickly how ridiculous it is to ascribe God to the act of killing other human beings, particularly in a country we never had any business being in (this is also why those "Islamic" terrorists, yeah, they're not Islamic). If anything is divisive, it's the right-wing in this country pretending they have some monopoly on faith ("Godless liberals", etc).

As far as your edit, when Palin states that "our leaders" sent soldiers to Iraq on a task from God, she is in fact tying religion directly to policy despite whatever current environment she's in. She was essentially giving a stump speech in that church, saying the kinds of things that are exactly what Bush believes, and we all saw the result(s) of that.

But to answer your question, yes, that's only one of many issues with her. It all adds up.


Setec Astronomer
3rdman said:
My GOD! Thats literally word for word what my brother told me about Bush in late 1999...Are we (as a country) really incapable of learning from out mistakes?
Exactly. Surrounding yourself with "qualified" people when you aren't intelligent or skilled enough on your own to keep everyone under your thumb is a breeding ground for cronyism, incompetence, and corruption.


Hitokage said:
Ok, today was incredibly boring until now. I suppose some might think it a shame MoveOn already used "Betrayus" because obviously he hasn't heard Palin mention that victory is in sight.
There's a reason the BBC is reporting it. I haven't seen it mentioned on any news sites, just blogs.
140.85 said:
How can you willfully ignore the quotation right in front of you? If I call my Dad right now and ask him to pray for me, to pray that what I do at work tomorrow will be God's will - a task from God - you honestly think that I am making a declarative statement to him that I believe that what I'm going to do at work tomorrow IS God's will?
If you make that choice to call your father and those words come out of your mouth some part of you must hope what you'll be doing is apart of G-d's plan.
Funky Papa said:
She'd be putty in the hands of the neocons. So much for their waning influence in the Republican party.

Exactly, which I'm less concerned about her lack of knowledge and more concerned about the people who will be prepping her. McCain is not a neocon, despite his cheerleading for Bush. But McCain has surrounded himself with a mix of lobbyists and neocons who clearly have as much - if not more - control of his campaign than he does; if he can't control his campaign how can he possibly control his presidency. These are the people who will be molding Palin for 4-8 years. Palin is everything conservatives claim Obama is: a pretty, non-threatening trojan horse for extremism of every kind.


BenjaminBirdie said:

The Georgia/NATO answer is, basically, Headline News. They ran it as THE soundbyte from the interview on CNN before the Forum.

I'm still torn as to whether that's a good thing or not.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
sevenchaos said:
If you make that choice to call your father and those words come out of your mouth some part of you must hope what you'll be doing is apart of G-d's plan.

Precisely! And hope should never be confused with conviction.


The Blue Jihad said:
Exactly. I knew there was a reason why I liked Zeliard. And strangely, it had to do with more than just his stylish Fear and Loathing avatar. lol

For what it's worth, I think you're pretty kickass as well. :p

What Zel just said here is precisely the big problem with any politicians coming out and talking about "God's plan." Because religion is based around absolutes, especially when it comes to morality and rules. Government principles guided by absolutes don't turn out well. We've seen this time and time again throughout history. And if anyone isn't too sharp on their global history, they can just look at the past 8 years to see what happens when absolutes guide government principles.

I don't understand why people are really arguing it. Nobody here is hating on God or religion, we're just saying that it really doesn't need to be playing a part in gauging the direction and creation of various policies, as it has done so for 8 years under Bush's rule. Is that really so bad? That's not an insult to religion at all - if anything, it's an insult to God and probably blasphemous to presume that you have any idea what he may think and consider.
Tamanon said:
But....what will McCain say now? He always talks about how he'll bring Victory in Iraq, but he also says he always listens to the commanders on the ground.....
"General Patreaus? More like General Betray-Us? amirite guyz?"
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