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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Holy Shit at the interview. Even given somewhat softball questions, she flubs.

I gotta think the shineis going to wear off at least *some* of her polling. Especially if she's allowed to falter on her own and people stop throwing rocks at her personal life.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Amir0x said:
youtube comments always make me smile:

maybe this was a GAFer being sarcastic though

"Do you think Revered Wright loves America as much as you do?"
Amir0x said:
everytime he says this (since back to the start of the primaries), GAF always has this same joking reaction.

Every time!

yep (I don't actually disagree though, since he's usually talking in terms of parenting)


:lol @ Palin not knowing what the Bush doctrine was in the interview. Every new details reveals how incompetent she is.

although... maybe that's a good thing, being ignorant of that!
artredis1980 said:
so what is the honest consensus, did palin crash and burn in the abc interview?

You likely won't get a consensus, but I'd say she was scraping the bottom of the barrel. Having bullshitted professors in class before, having seen other people trying to bullshit professors, having read and written my fair share of complete bs papers...

...Palin sucked. What I saw in that interview was classic stalling and bullshitting behavior. Instead of directly answering a direct question, she meandered along unrelated gibberish (answer about foreign policy credentials). Instead of using logic and rationality, she tried to rely on emotional pandering (her answer to Bush Doctrine). With no reasonable platform to stand on, she tried to pull in a completely different argument (her national security into energy policy rebuttal was laughable).

So yeah. I'd say she crashed and burned.


Only caught the tail end of that forum, but I thought Obama was doing well. He can stutter and take too long to get to his point sometimes, but here he spoke briskly, concicely and didn't stutter around and pause. I think he'll do better at the debates than in the the Dem primary ones.

Also - new Nevada poll.


McCain by one point. That's actually better than Obama's been polling there over the past few months.


Also the most encouraging thing about that Charlie Gibson thing was that if this is how poorly Palin does during campaign-guidelined "if we think it'll be helpful to our campaign" interviews goes, I cannot wait until the debates.

bill0527 said:
Tonight...Obama has started his run to the middle.

He started that literally the second Hillary conceded.

Funky Papa

Illuminati said:
:lol :lol :lol on this forum?
So what's the problem? I think that McCain is pretty awful at speeches yet handled his part at Columbia with surprising flair, whereas Obama is a terrific writer but not as eloquent so far.


when is my burrito
Amir0x said:
:lol @ Palin not knowing what the Bush doctrine was in the interview. Every new details reveals how incompetent she is.

although... maybe that's a good thing, being ignorant of that!

We're not in a position to second guess Sarah Palin's right to do what she needs to do.

Might I also add that we're not in a position to second guess Sarah Palin's right to defend herself.

I think when you do some deep thinking about the challenges Sarah Palin and Ameirca faces, we need to understand that we're not in a position to second guess Sarah Palin's right to not know what the fuck she is talking about.

Part 3 is up: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lj3iNxZ8Dww


Amir0x said:
Also the most encouraging thing about that Charlie Gibson thing was that if this is how poorly Palin does during campaign-guidelined "if we think it'll be helpful to our campaign" interviews goes, I cannot wait until the debates.

He started that literally the second Hillary conceded.
I just hope she fails so hard at the debate that no amount of media spin (asking democrats: she failed - asking republicans: she was awesome - thanks guys, that's it for tonight) can overshadow the public's perception that she lost and isn't the right person to vote for this november.

Considering her record and her pitiful appearances so far, it might very well happen.


Amir0x said:
He started that literally the second Hillary conceded.

That's true, Obama has been going towards the center for a while, similar to Bill Clinton (on the way to his win for the presidency). McCain has been moving more towards the right since starting the campaign, however.


force push the doodoo rock
The Palin interview was really, really hard to watch. The part where she tried to dance around her quest from god or whatever comment was just bad. Quoting Lincoln my ass.

Seeing her panic during a softball interview, its gonna be interesting to see her in a debate.


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