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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Timedog said:
she dances around every single fucking question.

Wow, sucker punched. Now that I've seen more, I see that this was not softball at all. Not bullying, but aimed at exposing the "foreign experience" lie.

God, please, let Sarah Palin and McCain gracefully self-destruct.
Tamanon said:
OK, MSNBC running with the "If they had only done townhalls this race wouldn't be negative" bit, I'm out!

That's pure BS and we all know it. McCain using that talking point to deflect why he's going negative is pure crap. Too bad no one follows up and calls him on this nonsense.


Haunted said:
I just hope she fails so hard at the debate that no amount of media spin (asking democrats: she failed - asking republicans: she was awesome - thanks guys, that's it for tonight) can overshadow the public's perception that she lost and isn't the right person to vote for this november.

Considering her record and her pitiful appearances so far, it might very well happen.

I know the cynical view is "bu-bu-but most americans are dumb so they can relate to dumb candidates", and I hope that is just a silly myth because I don't know about you but I want my fucking presidents to not be undistinguished journalism majors who don't know about baseline shit like the Bush Doctrine.

Similar to the whole "I want a president who is like me" bullshit. Motherfucker, this country would be doomed if the president was like me! I don't want nobody like me NEAR the nuclear button, jesus.

People think Obama had no experience, and I don't care about experience - but I do care about intelligence, grasp of the issues, and political capabilities demonstrated over some forum. And Palin is a disaster in every regard.


Just realized this question was obviously directed towards the forum making my post even more frivolous than intended. Oh well!
artredis1980 said:
i missed it, can someone do an honest comparison of obama vs mccain?
-Possibly immortal
-Has a lot of friends
-Will possibly turn into the Incredible Hulk during a national crisis

-No short term memory
-Still living in the 70s
-Will possibly turn into the Incredible Hulk during a national crisis
-Doesn't know the difference between Sunni and Shia


-Capable of destroying a helicopter with nunchucks while flying through the air on a skateboard
-Superior substantive grasp of every major policy area
-Hypnotic voice capable of solving all legislative crises and international issues through simple persuasion

-Born in a mysterious, suspicious foreign land
-Is Black
-Possibly a terrorist double agent


Amir0x said:
Also the most encouraging thing about that Charlie Gibson thing was that if this is how poorly Palin does during campaign-guidelined "if we think it'll be helpful to our campaign" interviews goes, I cannot wait until the debates.

He started that literally the second Hillary conceded.

If you closed your eyes listening to Obama tonight, it sounded like Bill Clinton from 1992 with all of this talk about young people and service.

Funky Papa

Amir0x said:
:lol @ Palin not knowing what the Bush doctrine was in the interview. Every new details reveals how incompetent she is.

although... maybe that's a good thing, being ignorant of that!
She is a complete ignoramus. At some point the MSM will have to point out why the McCain campaign is sheltering her.

I hate to sound like one of those Politico commenters, but she is just the major of a little town lost in the middle of nowherefuckinAlaska of all places. Anything above that is out of her reach.


Zeliard said:
That's true, Obama has been going towards the center for a while, similar to Bill Clinton (on the way to his win for the presidency). McCain has been moving more towards the right since starting the campaign, however.

McCain's been weird, he's been talking about centrism, populism and bipartisanship on one hand....and then on the other adopting far-right social policies and decrying anything centrist or leftist.

billo: Obama's been doing that service talk his entire campaign, this is pretty much one thing he hasn't tweaked or turned to the center.:lol


Funky Papa said:
So what's the problem? I think that McCain is pretty awful at speeches yet handled his part at Columbia with surprising flair, whereas Obama is a terrific writer but not as eloquent so far.
I think he was talking about how you would likely get 200 'OMG Obama dominated' and 2 'McCain did better' responses.

Really all you need to know is that the questions left little wiggle room for opposing viewpoints. Most of the questions were answered positively with regards to service and no independent watching could seriously make a new judgment as the candidates gave no real contrasting answers. All you need to know is both did fine.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
For the record

Though there was applause in the auditorium over the ROTC line, the crowd on the steps booed.
Candy Crowley is such a shill for the McCain camp. She spins everything about the Obama campaign as negative is always ready to defend McCain's camp as well.


Zeliard said:
CNN is playing and talking about Palin's hilarious Bush Doctrine gaffe.

Bay Buchanan just called it "an excellent response".

Did you hear the laughter from the studio after they played that clip?? :lol :lol

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
CNN just played Palin's response to the Bush doctrine question. She had no clue what it was and she seemed pretty pissed off for some reason. LMAO.


laserbeam said:
yep. there is just people who think the Military is the absolute evil and people shouldn'y have the choice

Eh at Columbia, it's about their "Don't ask, Don't tell" policy. Cal-Berkeley is what you suggest.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Zeliard said:
CNN is playing and talking about Palin's hilarious Bush Doctrine gaffe.

Bay Buchanan just called it "an excellent response".

Goog, time for the MSM to take her down
Cam'Ron 'Ne-Yo, You Mad?' Yes

RODRIGUES: When's the last time you got fired up?
NE-YO: Last time I got fired up?...you know what got me mad? When I watched McCain's speech. That got me mad.
RODRIGUES: I'm not going to get into it.

Newsbusters is a sad, sad operation. They fish for anything and put it up.

And I got a link to this from them Roger Ebert turns his pwn from Marriotti to Palin
I trust the American people will see through Palin, and save the Republic in November. The most damning indictment against her is that she considered herself a good choice to be a heartbeat away. That shows bad judgment.


Gruco said:
-Possibly immortal
-Has a lot of friends
-Will possibly turn into the Incredible Hulk during a national crisis

-No short term memory
-Still living in the 70s
-Will possibly turn into the Incredible Hulk during a national crisis
-Doesn't know the difference between Sunni and Shia


-Capable of destroying a helicopter with nunchucks while flying through the air on a skateboard
-Superior substantive grasp of every major policy area
-Hypnotic voice capable of solving all legislative crises and international issues through simple persuasion

-Born in a mysterious, suspicious foreign land
-Is Black
-Possibly a terrorist double agent
:lol :lol


when is my burrito
Tyrone Slothrop said:
what the fuck is wrong with america. seriously.

Why do you care so fucking much? Is there any reason that you decided to share that opinion with us at this moment?
ABC Palin Interview: What did they edit out?

Part of the conditions.... ABC did the interview on McCain/Roves terms. If they only picked the "good" stuff to show the public..., I'd hate to see what they cut out.
Amir0x said:
:lol @ Palin not knowing what the Bush doctrine was in the interview. Every new details reveals how incompetent she is.

although... maybe that's a good thing, being ignorant of that!
Yeah, it was really embarassing to watch. She had NO CLUE what it was. It's too bad Charlie didn't ask her to explain what it was..but he ended up telling her what it is, I'm sure to help cover up her obvious complete ignorance about it.


Amir0x said:
I know the cynical view is "bu-bu-but most americans are dumb so they can relate to dumb candidates", and I hope that is just a silly myth because I don't know about you but I want my fucking presidents to not be undistinguished journalism majors who don't know about baseline shit like the Bush Doctrine.

Similar to the whole "I want a president who is like me" bullshit. Motherfucker, this country would be doomed if the president was like me! I don't want nobody like me NEAR the nuclear button, jesus.

People think Obama had no experience, and I don't care about experience - but I do care about intelligence, grasp of the issues, and political capabilities demonstrated over some forum. And Palin is a disaster in every regard.
That is the sensible and intelligent approach. But this much basic understanding is pretty much a pre-requisite for any kind of intelligent discourse on politics. I wouldn't even know how to talk to someone who does not agree with the bolded.

It's quite clear that the US needs more people who think like you and less people who voted for Bush in 2004.
Baron Aloha said:
CNN just played Palin's response to the Bush doctrine question. She had no clue what it was and she seemed pretty pissed off for some reason. LMAO.

I suspect she's pissed off because she was prepped for the interview, and this question wasn't covered-- and she knows she about to be skewered.

Gibson did the right thing and kept it civil-- it made her look worse for getting pissed.

Funky Papa

Former GOP senator calls Palin a 'cocky wacko'. Wait, what?

Former Rhode Island Sen. Lincoln Chafee was known for keeping a low-key profile on Capitol Hill, but the Republican -turned -Independent is making waves with his exceedingly blunt comments on newly-minted Republican VP candidate Sarah Palin:

She's a "cocky wacko," he told a Washington think tank earlier this week.

Chafee, the lone Senate Republican to vote against the Iraq war who endorsed Obama's White House bid earlier this year, told an audience at the New America Foundation in Washington Tuesday that Palin's selection has energized Obama backers.

"People were coming into my office, phone calls were flooding in, e-mails were coming in, 'I just sent money to Obama, I couldn't sleep last night' — from the left. To see this cocky wacko up there," he said.

He also described McCain's candidacy as "lackluster” and described the selection of Palin as a throwing "this firestorm, this tornado, into the whole presidential election."


Basics: I don't expect everyone to know everything about the world, but I do expect them to actually care about what's going on and how we get to that situation.


Bay Buchanan at one point said "yeah, all of us pundits know the Bush Doctrine exactly as Charlie Gibson described it, but I don't think it's a big deal."
Gruco said:
Just realized this question was obviously directed towards the forum making my post even more frivolous than intended. Oh well!

-Possibly immortal
-Has a lot of friends
-Will possibly turn into the Incredible Hulk during a national crisis

-No short term memory
-Still living in the 70s
-Will possibly turn into the Incredible Hulk during a national crisis
-Doesn't know the difference between Sunni and Shia


-Capable of destroying a helicopter with nunchucks while flying through the air on a skateboard
-Superior substantive grasp of every major policy area
-Hypnotic voice capable of solving all legislative crises and international issues through simple persuasion

-Born in a mysterious, suspicious foreign land
-Is Black
-Possibly a terrorist double agent
:lol :lol :lol

Just plagiarized and posted to another forum!


PrivateWHudson said:
So can we start talking about 2012 yet? Will the Republicans get their shit together by then? Seriously. What the hell are they doing?
You'd expect the polls to be heavily one sided, but they're not. What the hell is America thinking?


Ignatz Mouse said:
I suspect she's pissed off because she was prepped for the interview, and this question wasn't covered-- and she knows she about to be skewered.

Gibson did the right thing and kept it civil-- it made her look worse for getting pissed.

Yeah they probably didn't prep her on Bush anything. Bush is poison! Don't go there!

Gibson: Bush Doctrine..

Palin: WTF do I do now? lol


deadbeef said:
So, how did Sarah Palin do tonight on her interview?

I'm guessing she didn't do so well based on GAF's response.

She did great in my eyes. Although I may have a different goal from it.


deadbeef said:
So, how did Sarah Palin do tonight on her interview?

I'm guessing she didn't do so well based on GAF's response.

Don't think you can judge off of Gaf's response. Gaf is pretty well locked in on candidates etc. Her interview was for regular America not political savy America.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
mj1108 said:
Oh my, that smirk while responding to whether she is qualified to be

Charlie Gibson sucks for asking about the National Guard and Alaska-Russia thing without questioning those elements.

Why is her bizarre questioning of the value of someone with "decades" of Washington experience cut off? She doesn't finish the thought.

"You can actually see Russia from land, here in Alaska" :lol :lol :lol

She laughs at potentially going to war over NATO violations.

Is this edited from what was broadcast? There are all kinds of weird cuts in her responses... It's occasionally abundantly clear that they're cutting out how chunks of her thoughts.

Her response about what she meant by her "task from God" comment is total horseshit. If that's what she meant, then she has an atrocious command of the English language.

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