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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Funky Papa

PrivateWHudson said:
So can we start talking about 2012 yet? Will the Republicans get their shit together by then? Seriously. What the hell are they doing?
God, I hope not. The party needs to reinvent itself (or at very least clean its act) and that will take some serious time.

It is not like it was superawesome 20 years ago, but the damage inflicted by Bush and his cronies has been almost lethal.


PrivateWHudson said:
So can we start talking about 2012 yet? Will the Republicans get their shit together by then? Seriously. What the hell are they doing?

Don't jinx us. We haven't won the election yet. :p


ShOcKwAvE said:
Palin thinks, apparently, that energy policy is the foundation of foreign policy.

Biden is going to own...

Well, that philosophy has held sway for many ears, we just don't mention it!


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Holy shit. As a McCain Palin ticket supporter the 2 minutes they showed of the interview was full of her saying "Charlie.." and the whole Bush doctrine bit didn't go over well. She shouldn't have just started talking around it. I hate when any politician does that... The obama campaign is going to run ramped on this.. At least try.



Interesting note:

Since Rachel Maddow's extremely highly watched premire (far far more than MSNBC predicted) her ratings continued to RISE each night since. As of last night she now beats Keith Olbermann in the ratings, Maddow is now officially the most watched cable news show not on fox news.

Amir0x said:
I would probably be a Republican if it was the party of twenty five~ years ago.
I would have been one in the 70's I bet. Sadly cause of Nixon. :lol I have this weird love of him that I can't explain, I read more biographies of him than any other politician ever, I dunno what it is about him but I suspect I would have supported him back then.


when is my burrito
If this was the cut up version, I can't imagine the horror of the whole thing. You think Charlie sounded annoyed because they had to keep cutting out shit answers and trying again.

Cheebs said:
Interesting note:

Since Rachel Maddow's extremely highly watched premire (far far more than MSNBC predicted) her ratings continued to RISE each night since. As of last night she now beats Keith Olbermann in the ratings, Maddow is now officially the most watched cable news show not on fox news.
I like my political commentators light on the blowhard-edness.


Cheebs said:
Interesting note:

Since Rachel Maddow's extremely highly watched premire (far far more than MSNBC predicted) her ratings continued to RISE each night since. As of last night she now beats Keith Olbermann in the ratings, Maddow is now officially the most watched cable news show not on fox news.



Gruco said:
Just realized this question was obviously directed towards the forum making my post even more frivolous than intended. Oh well!

-Possibly immortal
-Has a lot of friends
-Will possibly turn into the Incredible Hulk during a national crisis

-No short term memory
-Still living in the 70s
-Will possibly turn into the Incredible Hulk during a national crisis
-Doesn't know the difference between Sunni and Shia


-Capable of destroying a helicopter with nunchucks while flying through the air on a skateboard
-Superior substantive grasp of every major policy area
-Hypnotic voice capable of solving all legislative crises and international issues through simple persuasion

-Born in a mysterious, suspicious foreign land
-Is Black
-Possibly a terrorist double agent
:lol :lol well done sir
deadbeef said:
So, how did Sarah Palin do tonight on her interview?

I'm guessing she didn't do so well based on GAF's response.
If GAF's response is negative, that means the rest of the country like her interview.


tanod said:
If this was the cut up version, I can't imagine the horror of the whole thing. You think Charlie sounded annoyed because they had to keep cutting out shit answers and trying again.

He was probably annoyed that he was carrying water this whole time and now he had to carry an extra-large bucket.:lol


Illuminati said:
If GAF's response is negative, that means the rest of the country like her interview.
The forum really toppled the media attention of palin's interview so there really is no talk about it much.


3rdman said:
I just realized who she reminds me of!


Yeah. Let's put Putin's head on Peter Stormaire saying "Oh, snap!" as Palin shoots a gun at him and all that comes out is a POW! flag.

"I think I'm gonna barf."


Bulla564 said:
In that interview, whenever she would go "blah blah blah... Ccchhhhaaaarlie" in that tone, it reminded me of that video with the unicorns and Charlie.


Oh nnnoooooo.

I will never get that out of my head.

Any how, my dad converted my grandparents to Obama recently. My dad's original conversation with his parent's led to his conversion to Obama. They were originally Hillary supporters and then McCain supporters. It's amazing since they didn't support Obama in the first place because they couldn't put up with "those people" when they lived in Detroit (that comment made my dad not speak to them for a good couple weeks, and pushed him decidedly in Obama's camp). I suspect that part of that is senility, since I never heard anything but the opposite from them when I was growing up. I hope, at least.
Funky Papa said:
God, I hope not. The party needs to reinvent itself (or at very least clean its act) and that will take some serious time.

It is not like it was superawesome 20 years ago, but the damage inflicted by Bush and his cronies has been almost lethal.

I'm really hoping it's absolutely lethal. Give the Republicans four years without a majority or Presidency, and let them regroup. Gain a little ground in 2012 - 2014 and get back in the Whitehouse by 2016 with an almost libertarian platform.
Cheebs said:
Interesting note:

Since Rachel Maddow's extremely highly watched premire (far far more than MSNBC predicted) her ratings continued to RISE each night since. As of last night she now beats Keith Olbermann in the ratings, Maddow is now officially the most watched cable news show not on fox news.

If KO was on I think he would show Gob saying 'I've made a huge mistake'


The more Palin is asked about specifics, the more she will falter. It's obvious she's not an 'intellectual pick." She's there to get cheers from the crowds with Raa Raa nonsense. Honestly, she's McCain's cheerleader. If the Obama camp can call her out and put her in a spotlight to where she has to answer serious policy questions, her most severe weakness, they will do a lot to destroy that Palin mystique. She's popular right now because people aren't aware of just how unprepared, intellectually, she is to be VP or possibly president. Provoke the McCain camp into putting her in situations where she has to answer questions while running ads with her constant, "I don't know's" in response to questions.


PrivateWHudson said:
I'm really hoping it's absolutely lethal. Give the Republicans four years without a majority or Presidency, and let them regroup. Gain a little ground in 2012 - 2014 and get back in the Whitehouse by 2016 with an almost libertarian platform.

You definitely don't want this ticket to win. Evangelical Veep, Neocon hawk foreign policy. The worst wings of the party.

And Biden might be fund-raising in Texas.


Tamanon said:
You definitely don't want this ticket to win. Evangelical Veep, Neocon hawk foreign policy. The worst wings of the party.
That's the good thing of a total loss of all branches of government. The party reforms. I would LOVE to be able to vote in an election where I am conflicted on which party to support. A Teddy Roosevelt type of Republican would get my vote, easily.
mj1108 said:

Holy shit. Setting women back 50 years. I didn't realize she was so uninformed.

ShOcKwAvE said:
Palin thinks, apparently, that energy policy is the foundation of foreign policy.

Biden is going to own...

As much as I hate Joe Biden, I absolutely agree that he would crush Palin in a debate. The flip side, is that voters might react negatively to Biden if he comes off too harsh, especially if has one of his famous slips of the tongue.
God damn, she tap-danced around the same question in the same way three times (Israel-Iran question).

She is a fool.

I like how she tried to get him to tell her what the Bush Doctrine was without actually asking.

This is what happens when you ask a robot to do something that is outside of its programming.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
kame-sennin said:
Holy shit. Setting women back 50 years. I didn't realize she was so uninformed.

As much as I hate Joe Biden, I absolutely agree that he would crush Palin in a debate. The flip side, is that voters might react negatively to Biden if he comes off too harsh, especially if has one of his famous slips of the tongue.
Holy god Palin just dropped a ton :( Why did she do this interview? Holy shit.
kame-sennin said:
Holy shit. Setting women back 50 years. I didn't realize she was so uninformed.

As much as I hate Joe Biden, I absolutely agree that he would crush Palin in a debate. The flip side, is that voters might react negatively to Biden if he comes off too harsh, especially if has one of his famous slips of the tongue.

With her attitude I think people are going to get over the hockey mom by the time of the interview. My friend put it best "I don't need to know anything else about her. I know she is the annoying ass neighbor who's too nosy and too much of a control freak who can't keep her house in order. Top that off with being a career small town politician.. no sale."

Soon enough everything bad about hockey/soccer mom's will start to come to light in her personality. Sure Charlie Gibson was getting tired of hearing a snarky "charlie" every few seconds, and hopefully america will get tired of her as well.
Rayme said:
Do you mean "born and raised" Alaskans? No, we don't.

maybe not, but in my recent travels up there i will say she sounds like a lot of 'born and raised' alaskan's i met. especially to those of us in the lower48... it is similar to a canadian accent, but...not. its...an alaskan accent, or at least similar to those not familiar with all the subtleties
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