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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Cheebs said:
Why the hell is Biden campaigning in Texas....?

They are helping other Dems win smaller elections. There was a very interesting article about the plan Dean and Daschle started after the 2004 election for 2008. Obama's community organizing strategy enhanced it. It's in this thread somewhere..


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Cheebs said:
I love the sketch he did where he took a shower with amy poehler
Why did you ignore my post before that one :(



About one-third of the absentee ballot applications received at the Hamilton
County Board of Elections have been ruled invalid because Republican Sen. John McCain’s presidential campaign printed a version of the form with an extra, unneeded box on it.

In a narrow interpretation of Ohio law, Democratic Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner says many of the McCain forms have not been completed properly. If the box stating the person is an eligible elector -- or qualified voter – is not checked, Brunner said, the application is no good.

Even though the box is unneeded, by not checking it voters are essentially admitting they’re not eligible, Brunner said.

“I have not seen a ruling that indirectly impacts voters to the enormity of this since I’ve been here,’’ Hamilton County Board of Elections Deputy Director John Williams said of his nearly five-year tenure at the board.

More than 750 absentee ballot requests in Hamilton County have been invalidated because of Brunner’s ruling, Williams said.

Absentee voting begins in 19 days, or on Sept. 30.

If a registered Ohio voter’s application is rejected, Brunner said, “We said you have to notify them within 48 hours and we also suggest that (Board of Elections) send them a new application.”

That means county Boards of Election must contact tens of thousands of voters and ask them to fill out a new, valid form in time to vote for the Nov. 4 election.
The McCain campaign says it mailed out about 1 million of the faulty forms.

"The form contains the necessary requirements and has been accepted in past elections, so this election should be no different,’’ Jon Seaton, McCain’s regional campaign manager,’ said today. "Qualified voters who request absentee ballots should receive them.’’

“If I were a voter, I wouldn’t be very happy,” Brunner said. “I’m stuck with the law. You shouldn’t have to check a box.”

Million absentee ballot requests sent out by McCain are ineligible because of a random thing they added to the form for no reason. Oops.
Gaborn said:
Then there's no advantage to having more. Equality means everyone is equal, meaning everyone should pay EXACTLY the same percentage in taxes if you believe taxes should exist.
So, you see no difference between someone who makes $10,000 per year losing $1,000 and someone who makes $1,000,000 only having $900,000?


Wow, Palin is an airhead. Unprovoked? :lol

This crap is heavily edited too. I can't believe McCain is doing this to win. Shameful...


vumpler said:
Holy god Palin just dropped a ton :( Why did she do this interview? Holy shit.

This was supposed to be the easy interview and people were gonna really like her folksy good-gal approach to blah blah blah.

She's gonna get murdered in an actual debate.

Matt Damon was right. It's now everyone for themselves.


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Cheebs said:
I missed it!

But Ralph Nader has them all beat:
I know I haven't posted in PoliGAF as fervently as I used to...but I hadn't realized my stock was this low.

I went on intrade on RubxQub for Top PoliGAFer was trading at 1.6...ONE POINT FUCKING SIX?!

...How the mighty have fallen...how the mighty...have...fallen.
Tamanon said:

Million absentee ballot requests sent out by McCain are ineligible because of a random thing they added to the form for no reason. Oops.

I have a couple of those ballot requests from McCain right here (I'm just east of Cinci); since they sent them to me and I'm not on any Republican mailing list I assume they sent them to everybody, at least those in Republican strongholds like here.

Brunner is very partisan, though. Then again, so was Blackwell. I guess it all evens out.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
adamsappel said:
So, you see no difference between someone who makes $10,000 per year losing $1,000 and someone who makes $1,000,000 only having $900,000?

Equality is caused by percentages, didn't you know?
RubxQub said:
I know I haven't posted in PoliGAF as fervently as I used to...but I hadn't realized my stock was this low.

I went on intrade on RubxQub for Top PoliGAFer was trading at 1.6...ONE POINT FUCKING SIX?!

...How the mighty have fallen...how the mighty...have...fallen.

You need a face in your avatar.


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PrivateWHudson said:
You need a face in your avatar.

*throws shit everywhere in a McCainy rage*


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Cheebs said:
I've already done all of that at EMU first lol. I even left hidden messages around for him to find when I discovered he went to EMU
ahahaha wtf I didn't know you were in Michigan either. wtf poligaf, emu meet up this weekend?

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!

September 11, 2008, 5:17 pm
Palin Drops “Bridge to Nowhere” Reference in Speech
By Monica Davey

In speech after speech to crowds in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia in recent days, Gov. Sarah Palin, the Republican candidate for vice president, has made sure to mention the so-called Bridge to Nowhere, the Alaska project that has become the symbol of earmarks, and what she portrays as her “thanks but no thanks” position on it.

When she landed in Fairbanks in her home state on Wednesday night, though, the bridge was notably absent from an (otherwise mostly similar) speech she made inside an airplane hangar before her homestate crowd.

Ever since she first said it, two weeks ago, critics have questioned her claim that she “told Congress, ‘thanks but no thanks on that Bridge to Nowhere.’”

Her relationship with the bridge to the tiny Alaskan island of Gravina was actually more complicated. In 2006, she expressed support for the bridge project. Later, as support for the project was vanishing in Washington, she announced she was abandoning the project. (Alaska was still able to keep the federal money once intended for the bridge and direct it to other projects.)


The Republicans have been riding their convention bounce for awhile but now that they actually have to start going in front of reporters and not wholly sympathetic crowds, I think their numbers will evaporate again. They just have nothing to offer independant voters. Most of the independents will either stay home or vote Obama. Nothing about McCain/Palin makes people say "I have to go out and vote for them right now" except maybe the desire to keep Obama out of office. I don't think there will be enough people who hate Obama that much for McCain to win. There's my punditry for the night.

Palin was so bad Lanny Davis was critical of her on Hannity and Colmes. Georgia+NATO=war being scary was the reason.

Coming up after the break:
Powerful POW tape!
Amir0x said:
I would probably be a Republican if it was the party of twenty five~ years ago.

Eisenhower = good. Teddy Roosevelt = good. Reagan, he just created (with Greenspan) this crazy deficit spending as we know it today (plus looting Social Security). Not a true Republican.


Isn't it amazing how Obama goes on and faces a guy who would do his best to attempt to throw Obama off his game and to ask him thehardest questions possible.. a guy that was predisposed to dislike Obama, and Obama ended up impressing the guy. And here, we have Palin getting thrown a somewhat soft interview and she is looking flustered. What's utterly amazing is you can see skips in the video where they obviously edited material out. What's even worse is that what was shown still makes her look out of her element! If Obama and Biden can shift the focus onto Palin giving impromptu responses to issues of substance, she's going to be in trouble. If they sit and let Palin do the rah rahing while tossing bombs at Obama and Biden, Palinw ill be on her game. If they take her out of that element and push the focus onto her competence as VP or potential president, then she is in deep.


So...tonight's experiment proved two things to me.

1. Palin was basically picked as a re-roll, cosmetic makeover to the ticket. Yet, when she got in the spotlight, she was embarrassingly naive/uninformed. And this was softball stuff.

2. McCain can't draw by himself, yet keeping Palin in the spotlight without media contact is going to be a tough sell. And with the debates coming up, she's going to look even dumber.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Palin's interview is mind-blowing. it's like asking an idealistic/moralistic teenager who's somewhat knowledgeable of current events a sundry of foreign policy questions.



kevm3 said:
Isn't it amazing how Obama goes on and faces a guy who would do his best to attempt to throw Obama off his game and to ask him thehardest questions possible.. a guy that was predisposed to dislike Obama, and Obama ended up impressing the guy. And here, we have Palin getting thrown a somewhat soft interview and she is looking flustered. What's utterly amazing is you can see skips in the video where they obviously edited material out. What's even worse is that what was shown still makes her look out of her element! If Obama and Biden can shift the focus onto Palin giving impromptu responses to issues of substance, she's going to be in trouble. If they sit and let Palin do the rah rahing while tossing bombs at Obama and Biden, Palinw ill be on her game. If they take her out of that element and push the focus onto her competence as VP or potential president, then she is in deep.

I know, imagine if McCain or Palin went on the Daily show or something. They won't even go on Meet the Press last I heard.


scorcho said:
Palin's interview is mind-blowing. it's like asking an idealistic/moralistic teenager who's somewhat knowledgeable of current events a sundry of foreign policy questions.


Palin reminded me of what it would be like if a GAF poster were interviewed for VP.
kevm3 said:
Isn't it amazing how Obama goes on and faces a guy who would do his best to attempt to throw Obama off his game and to ask him thehardest questions possible.. a guy that was predisposed to dislike Obama, and Obama ended up impressing the guy. And here, we have Palin getting thrown a somewhat soft interview and she is looking flustered. What's utterly amazing is you can see skips in the video where they obviously edited material out. What's even worse is that what was shown still makes her look out of her element! If Obama and Biden can shift the focus onto Palin giving impromptu responses to issues of substance, she's going to be in trouble. If they sit and let Palin do the rah rahing while tossing bombs at Obama and Biden, Palinw ill be on her game. If they take her out of that element and push the focus onto her competence as VP or potential president, then she is in deep.

Yep. I liked Obama from the beginning just for the little shit like going outside to talk with the people that couldn't get in to see one of his speeches. The Bill O' interview pushed me off the fence for Obama. Regardless of whether or not I agree with him on the issues, I have every faith that he can run the country. Palin just scares the shit out of me.
scorcho said:
Palin's interview is mind-blowing. it's like asking an idealistic/moralistic teenager who's somewhat knowledgeable of current events a sundry of foreign policy questions.


To be fair is it a surprise in the least? We all knew she wasn't an especially bright bulb and nothing in her background suggests she has any sort of knowledge about these issues. What she will cobble together from tutoring is a basic knowledge of the events for the debate to spit out talking points and bring no insight or true knowledge to the ticket. It was purely a political pick and sadly I see no evidence that the media will even press very much on it. Certainly the more rabid supporters of the ticket won't especially care.

If the democrats want to make hay on this they need to go on offense with her and attack every single flub she spouts out there aggressively.


vumpler said:

Holy shit that's one of the funnies videos I've ever seen! I didn't know McCain that type of comedic timing. Bravo

The episode was pretty good overall, as I remember. There was a good Darrel Hammond-as-Tim Russert interview too, but it could've been a later episode.


I think at a certain point the media - being the media - was obviously going to backlash against someone who is refusing to be open. And someone who, when they are open in extremely controlled settings, shows such sign of disaster... that's blood the media smells in the water. Now they want to tear at it and see how deep this shit goes.

Palin's got some studying to do to prepare for those debates. The expectations are low, so the extreme-right will always spin whatever performance she has as "good"... but the important thing is the independents. If Biden can be gentle enough while handing down them facts, we could swiftly put this Palin crap to rest as a considerable threat.
Stoney Mason said:
To be fair is it a surprise in the least? We all knew she wasn't an especially bright bulb and nothing in her background suggests she has any sort of knowledge about these issues. What she will cobble together from tutoring is a basic knowledge of the events for the debate to spit out talking points and bring no insight or true knowledge to the ticket. It was purely a political pick and sadly I see no evidence that the media will even press very much on it. Certainly the more rabid supporters of the ticket won't especially care.

If the democrats want to make hay on this they need to go on offensive with her and attack every single flub she spouts out there aggressively.
Yeah, not really surprising, but still pretty unwatchable. I turned it off after two minutes - it was embarrassing. The sheer depth of her lack of knowledge was frightening. She was making it up as she went, half blabber, half republican talking points.


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Baby Milo said:
holy shit!:lol :lol :lol :lol

makes me almost want to vote for him
All the cold calls I did to encourage voters to vote in the primaries for Barack is catching up with me...I'm...swinging votes the other way :(



First tragedy, then farce.
I am a due dilligance analyst at a brokerage firm, and I know more about the world than our potential VP..... and all I do is read FT and the economist.

Im really fucking scared. If McCain wins, Im going to take up religion and pray nothing happens to McCain.


Small balls, big fun!
PrivateWHudson said:
I'm really hoping it's absolutely lethal. Give the Republicans four years without a majority or Presidency, and let them regroup. Gain a little ground in 2012 - 2014 and get back in the Whitehouse by 2016 with an almost libertarian platform.

I wish you luck with that, though it's hard to keep a straight face while doing so.


Mandark said:
I wish you luck with that, though it's hard to keep a straight face while doing so.

If Obama wins the election, I wonder if the Republicans will even wait until he is in office in January to start the investigations. It will be 4 straight years of non-stop investigations.


Setec Astronomer
deadbeef said:
If Obama wins the election, I wonder if the Republicans will even wait until he is in office in January to start the investigations. It will be 4 straight years of non-stop investigations.
Without holding a single committee chair? Oh wait, Lieberman.
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