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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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*drowns in jizz*
Can you people please stop quoting Branduil? There's a reason I have him on ignore. Id suggest everyone do the same.


aka iby.h
BrandNew said:

GOLD :lol

I think it will only go down for McCain from here, has been really see the real Palin.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
So are the liberal 527s going to be on attack mode against McCain or what? If so, get ready for O Reilly hammering them and Obama for the smear campaign against McCain. :lol
Democrats have been trying the "stop the smear campaign!" tactic for three campaigns now and it hasn't gotten them anywhere. Let's see if the Republicans have better luck, eh?
AniHawk said:
Media's got a lot:

5 liberal attack ads
Rick Davis and John McCain meeting with Anne Hathaway's corrupt ex
McCain says nah, she never accepted earmarks

Which gets more play? I dunno.
I hope it's the wolves. The others are just boring politics, but hearing talking heads debate whether or not wolves should be fucking shot from planes is pure hilarity.


Bah damn NY. They threw us off the street 10mins before he showed up. Couldn't get anywhere close enough to make an impact :(
Jason's Ultimatum said:
So are the liberal 527s going to be on attack mode against McCain or what? If so, get ready for O Reilly hammering them and Obama for the smear campaign against McCain. :lol

They'll definitely go right after the hunting one, since it's Palin-centric (and thus a boneheaded mistake) but everything else will be hilarious to watch.
sp0rsk said:
That wolf hunting ad is pretty harsh.
To some degree I would think that the motor city madman Ted Nugent should even agree with that. He is into bow hunting. Where is the sport in running down wolves with an airplane until they are exhausted, landing, and then just shooting them?


speculawyer said:
To some degree I would think that the motor city madman Ted Nugent should even agree with that. He is into bow hunting. Where is the sport in running down wolves with an airplane until they are exhausted, landing, and then just shooting them?

A lot of people underestimate how much most hunters look down on aerial shooting. That's not hunting, that's just the equivalent of getting your jollies by shooting at cans.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Andrea Mitchell: "Do we really want someone like us? Do we really want someone like me? I don't want someone like me, because I wouldn't be ready to be president."

:lol :lol
AniHawk said:
Media's got a lot:

5 liberal attack ads
Rick Davis and John McCain meeting with Anne Hathaway's corrupt ex
McCain says nah, she never accepted earmarks

Which gets more play? I dunno.

IKE. All day everyday until it dissipates...


Setec Astronomer
BenjaminBirdie said:
This is true. I mean, holy shit. "Certain death"?
If your house gets inundated and at best you're stuck treading water without food or drinking water, then yeah, I might say so.


BenjaminBirdie said:
If it helps any, your posts are intelligent and I always look forward to reading them.
I have to edit heavily. The all start out as a variation of "OMG WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE" and end up pretty reasonable. :p

On that note, Rasmussen has Obama down five in MO - which is a lot better than I thought he'd do. Nate from fivethirtyeight said he expected a big bounce for McCain there, and this is actually a bit better for Obama than their last poll. So I'm not selling all my hope just yet.


reilo said:
Andrea Mitchell: "Do we really want someone like us? Do we really want someone like me? I don't want someone like me, because I wouldn't be ready to be president."

:lol :lol

She stole the Jon Stewart argument!


Comparing the killing of wolves (who actually feel pain) with the removing of a non-sentient piece of flesh? What a fucktarded person.


mckmas8808 said:
Anihawk why aren't you breaking down the day-to-day numbers of the Gallup poll anymore?

I live and die by your breakdown.

Once it went to 5 point days twice in a row, I've had no clue what's actually been going on. But if I had to guess:

Today's numbers:
Tuesday: M+5
Wednesday: M+3
Thursday: M+1
Average: McCain + 3

I did this by going day-by-day since my last post. So these numbers are bullshit, but they were once based on real numbers. So they might be true. Maybe.
GhaleonEB said:
I have to edit heavily. The all start out as a variation of "OMG WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE" and end up pretty reasonable. :p

On that note, Rasmussen has Obama down five in MO - which is a lot better than I thought he'd do. Nate from fivethirtyeight said he expected a big bounce for McCain there, and this is actually a bit better for Obama than their last poll. So I'm not selling all my hope just yet.

I like 538's Road Trip post. I'm looking forward to watching that unfold.


Stridone said:
Comparing the killing of wolves (who actually feel pain) with the removing of a non-sentient piece of flesh? What a fucktarded person.
A wolf will never be a human. Call me specie-ist but I care more about humans than wolves.


reilo said:
Andrea Mitchell: "Do we really want someone like us? Do we really want someone like me? I don't want someone like me, because I wouldn't be ready to be president."

:lol :lol

Whoa, she said that? Everything I've seen, she's always been giving props to the GOP.


Setec Astronomer
Byakuya769 said:
Media loves its wanton destruction. And yea, people will die... but what does sticking reporters with cameras chronicling big waves do to help change that?
Hey, they got a proper evacuation going for Gustav. If wanton destruction sells the idea to get the fuck out of the way, then I'm for it.
It's become pathological. John McCain just claimed on TV that Sarah Palin has never requested an earmark for her state -- when actually her state gets more earmarks than any other state in the country. And this year she asked for $197 million worth of them herself.

Even the AP couldn't ignore his lying -- even though they phrased it in their own anemic way. "When pressed about Palin's record of requesting and accepting such money for Alaska, McCain ignored the record and said: "Not as governor she didn't."

For the record Palin requested $197 million this year and $256 million last year. Per capita, that's $288 this year and $376 last year.

To give you some perspective, Palin herself requested at least ten times the dollar value of earmarks as most states get total every year.

Johnny thought he was being so clever by limiting it to her time as governor. Nope, sorry John, that didn't work either.

But you know . . . I don't think he is lying . . . he is just bullshitting because he really doesn't have a clue as to what he is talking about. Mccain just gets these rough narratives in his brain and then ad-libs facts onto them.

For example, she put a jet on eBay and eventually sold it (at a very reduced price to a contributor to her campaign . . hmmm) becomes "She sold a jet on eBay . . . FOR A PROFIT!".

I'm sorry but the guy is seeming a bit senile and having lots of 'senior moments'.
Wolves in Alaska pose threats to civilians as well as their animals, such as dogs, etc. They also kill off a lot of wildlife that people in Alaska could and would kill themselves for food, etc. Doesn't most of Canada have a year round wolf hunting season?

Shooting them from a plane is no different than shooting them with a gun on the ground and I can't believe anyone is freaking out about it :lol That ad is a joke. The bullets from a plane are somehow more painful than a bullet from someone on the ground? They both kill the wolves. The wolves feel pain either way. There is nothing barbaric and nothing savage about cutting off a dead wolves leg.

Maybe there is a difference regarding the sport of hunting but killing wolves in Alaska is less about sport and more about survival so it doesn't apply. All this ad would do if shown across the country is piss off people who hunt and enjoy owning guns.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
Maybe they can score some Hurricane Ike points by doing a 'John McCain and Bush eating cake during Katrina' attack ad. I suppose it might be below the belt, but I bet it would work.


Branduil said:
A wolf will never be a human. Call me specie-ist but I care more about humans than wolves.

If this was actually true you'd stop torturing us with your silliness. Why do you hate humans, Branduil? Why must you shoot us from some remote, possibly elevated, place, with such awful, awful posts? We are getting tired of it, some even reaching exhaustion from lack of patience.


Branduil said:
A wolf will never be a human. Call me specie-ist but I care more about humans than wolves.

So if the more wolves we kill, the more babies we save. Now at least I understand where you're coming from.
Bumblebeetuna said:
Wolves in Alaska pose threats to civilians as well as their animals, such as dogs, etc. They also kill off a lot of wildlife that people in Alaska could and would kill themselves for food, etc. Doesn't most of Canada have a year round wolf hunting season?

Shooting them from a plane is no different than shooting them with a gun on the ground and I can't believe anyone is freaking out about it :lol That ad is a joke. The bullets from a plane are somehow more painful than a bullet from someone on the ground? They both kill the wolves. The wolves feel pain either way. There is nothing barbaric and nothing savage about cutting off a dead wolves leg.

Maybe there is a difference regarding the sport of hunting but killing wolves in Alaska is less about sport and more about survival so it doesn't apply. All this ad would do if shown across the country is piss off people who hunt and enjoy owning guns.

I'm guessing you're a Mephiskapheles fan, so I'm giving you a pass.



AniHawk said:
Whoa, she said that? Everything I've seen, she's always been giving props to the GOP.
Don't know about Mitchell's politics specifically but her husband is from the "free market" wing of the Republican party- fiscally pro-business, pro-growth but nuanced/moderate on social issues and foreign policy. That's the wing that isn't necessarily thrilled with Sarah Palin.


Captain Pants said:
Maybe they can score some Hurricane Ike points by doing a 'John McCain and Bush eating cake during Katrina' attack ad. I suppose it might be below the belt, but I bet it would work.
It wouldn't work. When American people are dead and dying, no one wants to see a political ad trying to capitalize on their deaths. Neither McCain nor Obama could get away with that.
Evlar said:
Don't know about Mitchell's politics specifically but her husband is from the "free market" wing of the Republican party- fiscally pro-business, pro-growth but nuanced/moderate on social issues and foreign policy. That's the wing that isn't necessarily thrilled with Sarah Palin.

Isn't "her husband" Alan Greenspan?
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