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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Stoney Mason said:
And the republican base is full of jesus freaks who like to moralize and impose their hypocritcial value systems on other people.

See we can all throw random lob attacks at either side. It's just that easy!
I'd rather be in the party with the smart people. Heaven forbid someone should be learned.
Branduil said:
Okay, fine, I'll stop now. But frankly I'm quite disgusted with those decrying shooting wolves as barbaric while not having any problems with abortion. GAF loves to drone on and on about how conservatives are idiots for not voting like them, but if you want to truly get an idea of why that is, take a look in the mirror. Many conservatives are fueled by disgust because they feel that there are many on the left who care more about wild animals than human beings, and really this thread doesn't do a lot to dispel that notion.

If anyone in this thread truly, actually cares about understanding the other side, they should try to understand how they themselves are viewed, and why that is. In my view, GAF has a massive empathy blind-spot, and many here are content to nurture that blind-spot, rather than confront it.
Conservatives lied to the American people about Iraq having something to do with 9/11 and about WMDs. The lied to the whole world and based on these lies went to war with Iraq and these lies are responsible for countless deaths. I would counter that Conservatives care more about some goo in a petri dish than they do about actual human lives.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
minus_273 said:
because the democratic base is far left places like the north east and the west coast. It's full of academics who like to lecture people. Go back and listen to an al gore speech.

Yeah, because who the hell wants to listen to smart people?


Bumblebeetuna said:
Uh... why does it say "no recorded wolf attacks" at the end, but right before it, it says they are "almost non-existent". (actually it says existAnt, yay for links anyone can edit and change to whatever they want :lol)

Wolves attack 3 women and 2 dogs

Wolf is killed after biting young boy and trying to drag him into woods

That's all fine and dandy that wolves rarely attack humans but like my post said, that isn't the only problem. Animals attacks aren't uncommon, and with less wolves around that leaves more wildlife for the humans to use. Furthermore just google wolf attack Alaska and you'll see reports on the attacks and the underlining theme that wolves aren't scared of the humans anymore and are getting more and more aggressive. That's another reason why airborne same day wolf hunting was kept legal in the state.

Yeah, it might not be morally fair to shoot a wolf from a plane but hey, nature isn't fair. It's no different than some dude perched in a tree with a high powered rifle scoped in on some unsuspecting deer or something.
I laughed at that =(


minus_273 said:
because the democratic base is far left places like the north east and the west coast. It's full of academics who like to lecture people. Go back and listen to an al gore speech.

Eh, it's not like the most revered member of the GOP's movement was a hollywood actor and governor of the far left California!


Clothed, sober, cooperative
minus_273 said:
because the democratic base is far left places like the north east and the west coast. It's full of academics who like to lecture people. Go back and listen to an al gore speech.

Perhaps you would also like The Guy Next Door performing brain surgery on a relative, or designing new engine systems for NASA, or researching a Cancer cure.

The President of the United States should be the BEST of us. The elite. The smartest. The most moral. The most capable. Not the fucking median. This is not up for debate.


polyh3dron said:
Conservatives lied to the American people about Iraq having something to do with 9/11 and about WMDs. The lied to the whole world and based on these lies went to war with Iraq and these lies are responsible for countless deaths. I would counter that Conservatives care more about some goo in a petri dish than they do about actual human lives.
What does this mythical hivemind you call "Conservatives" have to do with reality?


TheFightingFish said:
The gubernatorial race in 2004 here in Washington was the closest one ever in US history. The Republican Rossi was leading by a few hundred in the initial machine counts but ended up losing by 129 votes in the final manual count. Still lots of bad blood over that and Washington is becoming even more blue / red divided between Seattle and the whole rest of the state. I pretty positive that it will still go blue but I would expect it to be closer then 2004.

According to electoral-vote, in 2004 Kerry won WA by 8 points. If WA is as close as you suggest this time though, wtf.

suaveric said:
wait a second, when did Obama Ok 527s? It's about damn time.
*sigh* It really is a necessary evil... but I fucking hate 527 ads.

BenjaminBirdie said:
This is true. I mean, holy shit. "Certain death"?
That is pretty serious, to be honest.

Gallup poll seems to be showing some eventual good news for Obama. He's sneaking up on McCain's lead. The question is, can Obama go back to consistently maintaining a lead, or is he like McCain was where a certain number is always his ceiling while McCain can always tend to break away from it?


The Lamonster said:
god what a fucking disater this election is becoming

From a political standpoint Biden was a mistake. Even he thinks so:

“Hillary Clinton is as qualified or more qualified than I am to be vice president of the United States of America,” Mr. Biden said Wednesday in Nashua, N.H. “Quite frankly, it might have been a better pick than me.”

In Columbia, Mo., this week, Mr. Biden urged a paraplegic state official to stand up to be recognized. “Chuck, stand up, let the people see you,” Mr. Biden shouted to State Senator Chuck Graham, before realizing, to his horror, that Mr. Graham uses a wheelchair.

“Oh, God love ya,” Mr. Biden said. “What am I talking about?”


OuterWorldVoice said:
Perhaps you would also like The Guy Next Door performing brain surgery on a relative, or designing new engine systems for NASA, or researching a Cancer cure.

The President of the United States should be the BEST of us. The elite. The smartest. The most moral. The most capable. Not the fucking median. This is not up for debate.

then why vote? Everyone take a test, the bestest, most smartest most moralist gets to be president. They don't have to be elitist though, everyone hates elitists.
ronito said:
I'd rather be in the party with the smart people. Heaven forbid someone should be learned.

If he's going to troll at least make it not so easy to troll right back. How does he think all these right wing think tanks emerge? And where does he think George Bush graduated? Mississippi state juco...
Clevinger said:



Tamanon said:
Yes, that was discussed days ago, the question he was asked was incredibly negative against Clinton, so he was talking her up.

I'm sure he was, still I think it's a fair point. I do not believe McCain would have a lead right now if Hillary was Obama's VP choice.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Branduil said:
Keep deflecting, guys. The longer you never have to look at yourselves, the more self-righteous you can become.

Talk about a self-righteous post.


Gaborn said:
I'm sure he was, still I think it's a fair point. I do not believe McCain would have a lead right now if Hillary was Obama's VP choice.

Clearly Obama underestimated that McCain would pick somebody who completely undermined his entire campaign message. Of course *NOW* Hillary would be better, because Palin wouldn't have been chosen. Needs to finetune his future sight.


Branduil said:
Keep deflecting, guys. The longer you never have to look at yourselves, the more self-righteous you can become.
the irony express arrived a lot earlier than expected today. Oh well. All aboard!
Diablos said:

According to electoral-vote, in 2004 Kerry won WA by 8 points. If WA is as close as you suggest this time though, wtf.

Even though they told all of us Democrats to stop whining about the 2000 presidential election, Eastern Washington is still very bitter about the 2004 Gubernatorial election. There are billboards over in Spokane for Dino Rossi (Republican nominee) slamming Seattle.


Tamanon said:
Clearly Obama underestimated that McCain would pick somebody who completely undermined his entire campaign message. Of course *NOW* Hillary would be better, because Palin wouldn't have been chosen. Needs to finetune his future sight.

Obama went safe with Biden, McCain took a gamble and it's paid off with the electorate so far. Biden simply isn't an interesting pick. Hillary's flaws aside she would've been an INTERESTING pick and would've potentially forced McCain to be more conventional with his choice.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Evlar said:
What do you think? Are you? Have you spent any time thinking about whether or not you're wrong?

Gaborn said:
Obama went safe with Biden, McCain took a gamble and it's paid off with the electorate so far. Biden simply isn't an interesting pick. Hillary's flaws aside she would've been an INTERESTING pick and would've potentially forced McCain to be more conventional with his choice.

Obama didn't go "Safe" with Biden, he went with someone that would actually help him in his presidency.

How has McCain deflected criticism of Palin's readiness? "Oh, she'll learn on the job! It's okay guys!"

McCain picked Palin to win an election. Obama picked Biden to help govern better. Period. Full Stop.


distantmantra said:
Even though they told all of us Democrats to stop whining about the 2000 presidential election, Eastern Washington is still very bitter about the 2004 Gubernatorial election. There are billboards over in Spokane for Dino Rossi (Republican nominee) slamming Seattle.
Do you think it will seriously put your state in play, though?


Evlar said:
What do you think? Are you? Have you spent any time thinking about whether or not you're wrong?
If I'm spending time on this thread, how can I not? It's not as if I'm ignoring people's points, and it's not as if some people aren't stereotyping every single conservative, on this very page even. Why do none of you confront that? Why are you content with people espousing garish caricatures of opposing thought?


Branduil said:
Keep deflecting, guys. The longer you never have to look at yourselves, the more self-righteous you can become.

No amount of reflection is going to convince me that a clump of DNA in a woman's fallopian tube should be prioritized over a social and sentient creature.

Gaborn said:
From a political standpoint Biden was a mistake. Even he thinks so:

What an out-of-nowhere reply


Gaborn said:
Obama went safe with Biden, McCain took a gamble and it's paid off with the electorate so far. Biden simply isn't an interesting pick. Hillary's flaws aside she would've been an INTERESTING pick and would've potentially forced McCain to be more conventional with his choice.

We really can't know how it'd turn out, considering how much dirty laundry is on Hillary. She's quite a galvanizing person for the base right too. Of course armchair punditry is easy, we just declare something that could've possibly happened is better or worse.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
Branduil said:
Keep deflecting, guys. The longer you never have to look at yourselves, the more self-righteous you can become.

Do you think statements like this encourage people to listen to you? Don't get me wrong, I think you have a point in saying that Republicans aren't inherently evil. I live in one of the reddest states in the country and the evidence is as plain as day that most Republicans have good intentions. I just don't agree with them on the issues. I have a feeling that calling the folks in this thread self-righteous is just going to make them ignore you and never take you seriously. It can be tough to be the only person representing a certain viewpoint, but simply trying to rile people up isn't going to get you anywhere.
Diablos said:
Do you think it will seriously put your state in play, though?

No, not really. Seeing Washington being viewed as a "swing" state today really surprised me. Western Washington has more people than Eastern Washington, and we're more in favor of Obama.
Branduil said:
If I'm spending time on this thread, how can I not? It's not as if I'm ignoring people's points, and it's not as if some people aren't stereotyping every single conservative, on this very page even. Why do none of you confront that? Why are you content with people espousing garish caricatures of opposing thought?

Dude conservatives do to the same thing all the time. Stop whining as if you are a persecuted minority. And I personally have mentioned the group think by liberals on the board many times. If there were 50 conservatives here they would be group thinking the same way. The few conservatives that are on the board tend to demonstrate this anyway by reguritating some of the same talking points.


Branduil said:
If I'm spending time on this thread, how can I not? It's not as if I'm ignoring people's points, and it's not as if some people aren't stereotyping every single conservative, on this very page even. Why do none of you confront that? Why are you content with people espousing garish caricatures of opposing thought?
Maybe you should spend less time staring at people you disagree with and more time thinking about your own viewpoints if self-criticism really is important to you.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Branduil said:
If I'm spending time on this thread, how can I not? It's not as if I'm ignoring people's points, and it's not as if some people aren't stereotyping every single conservative, on this very page even. Why do none of you confront that? Why are you content with people espousing garish caricatures of opposing thought?

Many of us don't have much sympathy for "conservatives" telling us what to do after eight years of debauchery. Until the GOP proves they are in the right frame of mind to change their ways and actually care about governing rather than keeping the status quo, then they will deserve all the shit they can get.

It also doesn't help that two of the loudest GOPers on here are Minus, 148.5, etc.
Guileless said:
You're shortchanging Joe Biden, he lied too!
He voted for the war based on the lies presented to him by Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and the rest of Bush's cronies. He believed his President as did many of us. We now know that they deliberately lied.
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