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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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polyh3dron said:
Did I miss the part where Obama voted for a bill legalizing aerial hunting and kiling of humans?
Sorry, you're right. Aerial abortions would be kind of extreme, even for the most far-left liberal.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
Branduil said:
It wouldn't work. When American people are dead and dying, no one wants to see a political ad trying to capitalize on their deaths. Neither McCain nor Obama could get away with that.

You are right. It is a bad idea. I want to see them press the attack, but that isn't the right way to go.


Branduil said:
It wouldn't work. When American people are dead and dying, no one wants to see a political ad trying to capitalize on their deaths. Neither McCain nor Obama could get away with that.
Uhhh....you did watch the 9/11 video on the RNC right? Right? NINEELEVENPOWNINEELEVEN!!


Ike will and should get the coverage this weekend. But I couldn't help but laugh at the CNN.com top story and picture:


Waiting until the very last second, apparantly.


Branduil said:
Sorry, you're right. Aerial abortions would be kind of extreme, even for the most far-left liberal.
If only he could shoot the fetus as it walked in the wild from the plane. THEN the right wing would be fine with it. It's a personal choice between the hunter and the fetus.


ronito said:
There's no story there.

I personally feel that it's a logical choice between the hurricane and its prey.
And to think, hitokage was getting on my case for claiming some people care more about wolves than humans.
ronito said:
Uhhh....you did watch the 9/11 video on the RNC right? Right? NINEELEVENPOWNINEELEVEN!!
Terrorist attacks are viewed a bit differently than natural disasters.


Setec Astronomer
Branduil: Ok, stop deflecting the issue onto abortion. The issues of human pregnancy--complications coming to term, health of mother, government oversight into medical practice--aren't the same as those of wildlife populations, especially considering we aren't the ones having any trouble with population growth.

And to think, hitokage was getting on my case for claiming some people care more about wolves than humans.
No, I was getting on your case for throwing out a red herring. :p


ronito said:
Ah so,

Death by nature = untouchable
Death by murder = exploitable for your gains

I didn't say it was right. But that's the way it would be viewed. Natural disasters aren't viewed as something that can usually be prevented, while terrorist attacks are.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Anyone else think that everytime a GOP strategist says that Palin appeals to the "average American", that it feels like it's an elitist argument? Think about it.

What are they saying with "you are not an average American, you wouldn't understand"? It's just code for "you are not good enough!"

What would happen if someone said that Obama appeals to the higher-educated American and that the "average American" wouldn't understand? They would be screaming "BLOODY ELITISTS" from the top of their lungs.
Hitokage said:
Hey, they got a proper evacuation going for Gustav. If wanton destruction sells the idea to get the fuck out of the way, then I'm for it.

But then the news coverage was more about "see what happens when gov't fails to act, and people fail to evacuate." I think the Katrina coverage did good, but the constant storm coverage we're getting now is over the top. Do a dual screen or something, but I want to hear about world/united states issues.. not about one hurricane all day on every channel.


Hitokage said:
Branduil: Ok, stop deflecting the issue onto abortion. The issues of human pregnancy--complications coming to term, health of mother, government oversight into medical practice--aren't the same as those of wildlife populations, especially considering we aren't the ones having any trouble with population growth.

No, I was getting on your case for throwing out a red herring. :p
Okay, fine, I'll stop now. But frankly I'm quite disgusted with those decrying shooting wolves as barbaric while not having any problems with abortion. GAF loves to drone on and on about how conservatives are idiots for not voting like them, but if you want to truly get an idea of why that is, take a look in the mirror. Many conservatives are fueled by disgust because they feel that there are many on the left who care more about wild animals than human beings, and really this thread doesn't do a lot to dispel that notion.

If anyone in this thread truly, actually cares about understanding the other side, they should try to understand how they themselves are viewed, and why that is. In my view, GAF has a massive empathy blind-spot, and many here are content to nurture that blind-spot, rather than confront it.


Branduil said:
I didn't say it was right. But that's the way it would be viewed. Natural disasters aren't viewed as something that can usually be prevented, while terrorist attacks are.
It looks to me like deaths from hurricanes are much more preventable than terrorist attacks, if we wanted to put serious effort and money and legal tools into the effort. Look at Cuba: Three direct strikes by powerful hurricanes so far this year and only five deaths.


Setec Astronomer
Branduil said:
Okay, fine, I'll stop now. But frankly I'm quite disgusted with those decrying shooting wolves as barbaric while not having any problems with abortion. GAF loves to drone on and on about how conservatives are idiots for not voting like them, but if you want to truly get an idea of why that is, take a look in the mirror. Many conservatives are fueled by disgust because they feel that there are many on the left who care more about wild animals than human beings, and really this thread doesn't do a lot to dispel that notion.

If anyone in this thread truly, actually cares about understanding the other side, they should try to understand how they themselves are viewed, and why that is. In my view, GAF has a massive empathy blind-spot, and many here are content to nurture that blind-spot, rather than confront it.
Don't equate pro-choice with pro-abortion, and we'll both be going places. ;)


mckmas8808 said:
Some of you Obama suicidersare freaking crazy. CALM THE FUCK DOWN! Obama hs got this.
Even if polls are showing Obama +15, right through until November the 5th I'll be terrified of Bradley.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
artredis1980 said:
Here is a question:

Why do people think Democrats are elitist when more than 70% of the poverty line or under vote for democrats?

The altruism of their policies, probably.
artredis1980 said:
Here is a question:

Why do people think Democrats are elitist when more than 70% of the poverty line or under vote for democrats?

Elitist is sociological code for not culturally like you. Another variation of the who do you want to drink a beer with meme.


Branduil said:
Okay, fine, I'll stop now. But frankly I'm quite disgusted with those decrying shooting wolves as barbaric while not having any problems with abortion.
I'm not a fan of hunting, but I support legal hunting with practical restrictions. Like, say, not letting people chase animals down in helicopters to the point of exhaustion and then shooting them.

I'm also not a fan of abortions, but I think women should have the right to choose, as long as practical restrictions are in place, such as how late in the term they are allowed.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Hitokage said:
Don't equate pro-choice with pro-abortion, and we'll both be going places. ;)

I think the bigger argument is that how can people that are so staunchly pro-life be such huge barbarians when it comes to animals and actual grown ass people [pro-guns, pro-death penalty, full cognitive dissonance].


Setec Astronomer
Many poor people are urban poor, and Democrats in general cater more to an urban demographic where society is close-knit and fairly unsheltered.

reilo said:
I think the bigger argument is that how can people that are so staunchly pro-life be such huge barbarians when it comes to animals and actual grown ass people [pro-guns, pro-death penalty, full cognitive dissonance].
That line of argument involves continuing the discussion. :p


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Hitokage said:
Many poor people are urban poor, and Democrats in general cater more to an urban demographic where society is close-knit.

That line of argument involves continuing the discussion. :p

OH FINE. Close the discussion when someone actually starts making intellectually honest points.
GhaleonEB said:
I'm not a fan of hunting, but I support legal hunting with practical restrictions. Like, say, not letting people chase animals down in helicopters to the point of exhaustion and then shooting them.

I'm also not a fan of abortions, but I think women should have the right to choose, as long as practical restrictions are in place, such as how late in the term they are allowed.

Xisiqomelir said:

Uh... why does it say "no recorded wolf attacks" at the end, but right before it, it says they are "almost non-existent". (actually it says existAnt, yay for links anyone can edit and change to whatever they want :lol)

Wolves attack 3 women and 2 dogs

Wolf is killed after biting young boy and trying to drag him into woods

That's all fine and dandy that wolves rarely attack humans but like my post said, that isn't the only problem. Animals attacks aren't uncommon, and with less wolves around that leaves more wildlife for the humans to use. Furthermore just google wolf attack Alaska and you'll see reports on the attacks and the underlining theme that wolves aren't scared of the humans anymore and are getting more and more aggressive. That's another reason why airborne same day wolf hunting was kept legal in the state.

Yeah, it might not be morally fair to shoot a wolf from a plane but hey, nature isn't fair. It's no different than some dude perched in a tree with a high powered rifle scoped in on some unsuspecting deer or something.


Hitokage said:
Don't equate pro-choice with pro-abortion, and we'll both be going places. ;)
You're right, it's not equivalent. I don't think everyone's who pro-choice is maliciously, gleefully wanting to kill babies. I just think they're sadly misguided, and it's a case where being misguided is resulting in the wanton slaughter of human beings. So forgive me for being harsh. Earlier AniHawk accused me of lacking empathy, and I found that ironic because so many here would rightly recognize the flaw in his logic if I applied it to abortion, yet no one called him out on it except me.

I'm thankful for this thread, though, because it keeps me mindful of the dangers of staying in an echo chamber for too long.


captmcblack said:
These ads are amazing...how can you donate to make sure they get on TV?

More of ads like the Planned Parenthood and wolves ad have to be on TV, and they have to be on REGULARLY.

The organisation behind the Wolf ad has a site here:


They are accepting donations to help run the ad further here:


They also have another site here:


Not much on the Wolf ad on that site though, from what I can see (but plenty of other information on Wolves).


Branduil said:
You're right, it's not equivalent. I don't think everyone's who pro-choice is maliciously, gleefully wanting to kill babies. I just think they're sadly misguided, and it's a case where being misguided is resulting in the wanton slaughter of human beings. So forgive me for being harsh. Earlier AniHawk accused me of lacking empathy, and I found that ironic because so many here would rightly recognize the flaw in his logic if I applied it to abortion, yet no one called him out on it except me.
That's the impasse with abortion, though. I read what you just wrote and think you do lack empathy - for women. You frame it around the babies. That's the abortion debate in a nutshell.


One final note, since reilo insisted on a final barb: the "cognitive dissonance" accusation is EXACTLY the kind of flawed argument I was talking about before which relies more on strawmen of conservatives than actual people and beliefs.
GhaleonEB said:
That's the impasse with abortion, though. I read what you just wrote and think you do lack empathy - for women. You frame it around the babies. That's the abortion debate in a nutshell.
Yet you would complain if I accused you of lacking empathy for babies. So why is okay for YOU to do it? That's what I want people to think about.


artredis1980 said:
Here is a question:

Why do people think Democrats are elitist when more than 70% of the poverty line or under vote for democrats?

because the democratic base is far left places like the north east and the west coast. It's full of academics who like to lecture people. Go back and listen to an al gore speech.


Just got back from lunch and had a message from my mom. She wasn't screwing around...

she got Sarah Palin glasses.

Which is stronger? Palinism of Obamatology? I now have relatives in both camps of zealotry...I'll report my findings.
minus_273 said:
because the democratic base is far left places like the north east and the west coast. It's full of academics who like to lecture people. Go back and listen to an al gore speech.

And the republican base is full of jesus freaks who like to moralize and impose their hypocritcial value systems on other people.

See we can all throw random lob attacks at either side. It's just that easy!
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