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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Gaborn said:
Which is why I think it was a smart pick. Election coverage is often not as much about issues as politicos would like, it's about style, it's about buzz, it's about sex appeal, it's about appealing to people on an emotional level, forming that connection. That's something that Reagan was GREAT at in his speeches, it's something that Clinton was an absolute MASTER of, and it's something that Obama showed he was just as good at as either of them. But now Palin's got the buzz and that's part of why McCain has the lead today. Tomorrow? Who knows, but right now it puts Obama on the defensive, which is why I think Biden was not the best possible pick.

The fact that you are not speaking out against the type of campaign McCain is running speaks volumes. It might be smart from their perspective to grab voters, but that's not what our elections should be about. It shouldn't be about buzz, it shouldn't be about lipsticks, it should be about issues.



It's over, guys..

For the first time this year John McCain has taken the lead in the electoral college, albeit by 2 EVs. Today's configuration shows McCain ahead in all the swing states except Colorado. This means he can't afford to lose any of Nevada, New Mexico, Missouri, Ohio, Virginia, and Florida, all of which could go either way. Today might later be remembered as the beginning of the end for Obama, or just a blip. Obama now has 268 EVs. In 2004, John Kerry had 273 on this date.



The Lamonster said:
hmm okay.

Out of our remaning choices, who do you want to be our next president?

I'm voting for McCain, not because I necessarily like or agree with all of his positions, but more because I do not like where Obama wants to take this country.

reilo said:
Have conservatives shown to act any other way though? You did watch the RNCC, right?


What have GOPers done to shed the stereotype and the image that they have built up over the past eight years? What rationale have they given us to make us think, "well, you know, after these last eight years, you really do deserve another chance!" What has the Palin pick done other than reinforce everything that the GOP has been about all of this time? Phil Gramm, Charlie Black, and every other lobbyist running McCain's campaign: what have they done to make us believe that they are not your atypical lobbyist?

It's the battered wife syndrome. Except the left is fighting back and we are fighting fiercely.

I'm not asking people in this thread to vote for them... that would be futile. I'm asking people not to stereotype every conservative based on the actions of their leader. Would it be fair for me to accuse every Clinton supporter of liking marital infidelity?


reilo said:
The fact that you are not speaking out against the type of campaign McCain is running speaks volumes. It might be smart from their perspective to grab voters, but that's not what our elections should be about. It shouldn't be about buzz, it shouldn't be about lipsticks, it should be about issues.

I don't care which of them wins, they're both bad in different ways in my opinion. If McCain wants to go sleazy that's his choice, ask a McCain voter to defend them, not me.


Xeke said:
Dude. Nature will be fine. This planet has been through far worse than human CO2 emissions. The Earth is gonna be around for a long time with or without us and there will be ecosystems with or without us.
Whether or not it will be habitable is the question.


The Lamonster said:

it's all about the ground game, new voters, debates

ohgod ohgod ohgod ohgod
Obama has trailed Kerry numbers on and off for months on that site.

Wait, what? When the fuck did I become the voice of reason here?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Branduil said:
I'm voting for McCain, not because I necessarily like or agree with all of his positions, but more because I do not like where Obama wants to take this country.

I'm not asking people in this thread to vote for them... that would be futile. I'm asking people not to stereotype every conservative based on the actions of their leader. Would it be fair for me to accuse every Clinton supporter of liking marital infidelity?

But McCain is their spokesman. Those are the things he is running on. If that's not what the GOP is about, then they should have picked a better candidate.

GhaleonEB said:
Obama has trailed Kerry numbers on and off for months on that site.

No he hasn't. This is the first time Obama has been down on E-V.com.


I'm still puzzles as to why electoral-vote has Wisconsin blue. It's 3% Obama on Wednesday, I would think that would make it as least only blue outlined?


Setec Astronomer
Xeke said:
Dude. Nature will be fine. This planet has been through far worse than human CO2 emissions. The Earth is gonna be around for a long time with or without us and there will be ecosystems with or without us.
"With us" is supposed to be what we want, not "without us". You can be environmental for the sake of other life if you want, but I see it as sustaining the ecosystem we depend on. Also, there's far far more to environmental issues than carbon emissions, even if they get all the attention these days.
The Lamonster said:

it's all about the ground game, new voters, debates

ohgod ohgod ohgod ohgod
Or, and I know this is crazy, we can accept that this is volatile, and barring anything crazy, there are going to be minor fluctuations all throughout the campaign season.
Branduil said:
I'm voting for McCain, not because I necessarily like or agree with all of his positions, but more because I do not like where Obama wants to take this country.
So...he's going to take your guns, raise your taxes, and kneel to our enemies?



reilo said:
But McCain is their spokesman. Those are the things he is running on. If that's not what the GOP is about, then they should have picked a better candidate.
It's not as if it was a unanimous vote... do you really think McCain would be the nominee if there had been a better alternative than Robotney?


Branduil said:
I'm voting for McCain, not because I necessarily like or agree with all of his positions, but more because I do not like where Obama wants to take this country.

Because a deaf god ignores our pleas.


The Lamonster said:
So...he's going to take your guns, raise your taxes, and kneel to our enemies?

No, he's going to preserve the status quo on abortion, and increase the involvement of government in our lives. But thanks for trying.

Obama is the President we need, but not the one we deserve right now.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Branduil said:
It's not as if it was a unanimous vote... do you really think McCain would be the nominee if there had been a better alternative than Robotney?

So, the GOP is absolved from this... how? IF that's the best the GOP has, then, again, they deserve all the shit they can get. Those are their leaders. These are their criticisms.


RiZ III said:
Meh. Polls swing around all the time. Obama campain really should be more aggressive calling out repub's bullshit though.
Carrie Budoff Brown reports that Obama was asked by a voter today in Dover, N.H., how he would fight back against Republican attacks.

He acknowledged that his supporters are "starting to get nervous," but promised a bare-knuckles fight.

"Here is what I can guarantee you, that we are goign to be hitting back hard," Obama said. "We have been hitting hard. But we are hitting back on the issues that matter to families. I am not going to start making up lies about John McCain. There is an old saying that Abraham Lincoln had about one of his opponents, he said if you don't stop lying about me, I'm going to have to start telling the truth about you."

Obama went on to list his differences with McCain on tax policy, education and other issues.

"I am not going to be distracted or dissuaded from making my case to the American people," he added.


ChrisGoldstein said:

---I cant believe he went on there, awesome

They really should have pressed him on if he really believed Obama was trying to teach sex to little kids since his non-reply seemed to suggest that yes, he did believe that. What a shell of a man.


Cloudy said:
There are a lot of reasons to feel positive. For one thing, I firmly believe that since we have the better candidates that we have time on our side.

You guys need to stop watching the polls so closely. I would say compare poll watching to masturbation, but that would be an insult to masturbation.

And aren't the national polls leveling out? WHile these electoral maps tend to leg?


Setec Astronomer
Branduil said:
No, he's going to preserve the status quo on abortion, and increase the involvement of government in our lives. But thanks for trying.
Amen. Less government bureaucracy, more corporate bureaucracy!


reilo said:
So, the GOP is absolved from this... how? IF that's the best the GOP has, then, again, they deserve all the shit they can get. Those are their leaders. These are their criticisms.
I think you're confusing my complaints with a different argument. I have my own issues with GOP leaders. My complaint is about those stereotyping all conservative VOTERS.


The Lamonster said:
So...he's going to take your guns, raise your taxes, and kneel to our enemies?


Branduil said:
No, he's going to preserve the status quo on abortion, and increase the involvement of government in our lives. But thanks for trying.

And incidentally, he supports violations of the 2nd Amendment and supports making the tax codes in this country even more unjust than it already is.

As far as kneeling to our enemies / "foreign policy," both Obama and McCain are fans of the kind of bullshit Washington warned us against, so they both fail hard.

Personally, my lesser of evils calculus comes out McCain, but I wouldn't vote for the bastard.
Branduil said:
No, he's going to preserve the status quo on abortion, and increase the involvement of government in our lives. But thanks for trying.
So, after all these years, McCain's finally going to right the wrong that was Roe V. Wade? How is he going to do that?

I ask this not to bring up the abortion debate, because I hate that debate. I'm just reiterating my disdain for this as a political issue. I'm not trying to undermine those who care about the topic, but I dislike that every single election, this is a big deal for voters, and nothing ever changes. I honestly hate having to identify as a pro-choicer. Personally, I think there are other important issues that are less divisive that might actually have a chance of being solved, instead of electing the guy who we think might be able to sneak a justice in the Supreme Court who will back up our moral ideology.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
JayDubya said:
And incidentally, he supports violations of the 2nd Amendment and supports making the tax codes in this country even more unjust than it already is.

As far as kneeling to our enemies / "foreign policy," both Obama and McCain are fans of the kind of bullshit Washington warned us against, so they both fail hard.

Personally, my lesser of evils calculus comes out McCain, but I wouldn't vote for the bastard.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and proclaim that Obama knows more about the Constitution, and what is Constitutional, than you do.
Branduil said:
No, he's going to preserve the status quo on abortion, and increase the involvement of government in our lives. But thanks for trying.
fucking shit. I asked you to stop going in circles. Now I am left to question your need for control in other free people's lives and you're just going to shoot back with some bullshit about how I don't care about human life.

And then you contradict your first point with your second. You want less gov't control, yet you wish them to control people in the most literal of ways. You're not wishing for healthcare or retirement control, you're wishing for physical bodily control.

But thanks for trying!
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