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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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reilo said:
Media is running with the "Palin won't appear for interviews" bit.

Jee, I wonder why of all things they run with this :lol The media is so self-interested.

Anyway, I really hope that the Palin affair doesn't get revealed. She is already being billed as an "everyday woman" and cheating on her husband would only make her appear more like that.
I feel weird for asking this question, but I'm going back in time again:

Did President Clinton help create the housing bubble by keeping interest rates low? I know that the housing market can greatly influence the economy, so I was just wondering. I could've sworn Speculawyer talking about this weeks ago. =\
Yeah, the president doesn't set interest rates at all. The Fed sets some rates and Greenspan was a total whore and cut rates real low and kept them there too long to help Bush. (I used to admire Greenspan but then he totally whored out for Bush.) It back-fired. Also, Greenspan should have not let the banks go so wild with lax lending rules and crazy 'products' like the no-interest loans, balloon loans, 'ninja' loans, etc.

I didn't expect much from Bush but I expected much better behavior from Greenspan.


I saw the Mavrick sign on TV and my jaw dropped. With the USA! USA!, ZERO! and Drill Baby Drill! chanting it really came off like an episode of Raw. Then you had the protesters and the backdrop snafu. Surreal.
gamerecks said:
Fuck, McCain could have come out, dropped a deuce on stage, and started chanting "USA, USA, USA" and tons of people would have said it was captivating.

Gotta admit, I'd be captivated by that.
reilo said:
Media is running with the "Palin won't appear for interviews" bit.
Well . . . they were just gonna ask her 'sexist' question anyway. :lol

I'm sure they want to figure out 'their story' for Troopergate, earmark-gate, possible infidelity, book banning, and all sorts of other things before she goes out and spews more things that conflict with the various written records.
Incognito said:
People are really flummoxed on why McCain would have a larger viewership than Obama? Really? Is nobody taking into account that the RNC convention coincided with the summer holiday season ending? Not to mention everyone back at home after Labor Day...
I'm glad that so many people witnessed such an epic failure.


has calmed down a bit.
GhaleonEB said:
I didn't think it would be that close. There's a lot of ways to interpret it and spin it.

--Obama is still the relative unknown here
--McCain came right after the football premier
--Lots of young, tech-savvy Obama supporters watched it online
--The 30% of Americans who still support Bush would turn in to watch McCain, but not bother to watch Obama

Amid all that: the election is going to be closer than we think. Reality check time.

Yeah, it's pretty weak spin though. Obama may be relatively unknown (really? still?), but the Dems had the benefit of more energy from their base (plus it's a Democratic year), a historic speech, and a great speaker in a football stadium. Everyone last night was saying the football game would own McCain (lulz). I guess Obama could release the online viewership, but I doubt it will amount to anything significant, and why wouldn't the 70% who do not support Bush watch Obama?

People are really flummoxed on why McCain would have a larger viewership than Obama? Really? Is nobody taking into account that the RNC convention coincided with the summer holiday season ending? Not to mention everyone back at home after Labor Day...

This........is even weaker spin.
teruterubozu said:
It's the Cheney approach - nothing new.

Cheney? Who's that? Is he from the Independence Party?

He can't be from the Republican party because I just watched 3 solid days of Republicans and never heard that name once.
speculawyer said:
Yeah, the president doesn't set interest rates at all. The Fed sets some rates and Greenspan was a total whore and cut rates real low and kept them there too long to help Bush. (I used to admire Greenspan but then he totally whored out for Bush.) It back-fired. Also, Greenspan should have not let the banks go so wild with lax lending rules and crazy 'products' like the no-interest loans, balloon loans, 'ninja' loans, etc.

I didn't expect much from Bush but I expected much better behavior from Greenspan.

I know the president doesn't have the power to set interest rates low, but reading this:


In 1994, Greenspan went to Clinton and warned him that interest rates were going to rise, but Clinton wanted to keep interest rates low. He wanted to keep rates low for his homeownership proposal.


reilo said:
Media is running with the "Palin won't appear for interviews" bit.
I don't watch TV, so I need to ask - who is the media? Could you elaborate on the source, context, etc?

Also, I don't know why the contradiction didn't strike me until now. McCain has been saying for months that Obama is this snooty elitist. They make him out to be this huge egotist running because he thinks he's just so awesome. But Obama spent most of his speech talking about helping out working people, the needs of the American people.

What did John McCain spend much of his time talking about? John McCain. And very little time talking about the middle class. How can he accuse Obama of ego, when he spends so much time talking up himself?


VanMardigan said:
Yeah, it's pretty weak spin though. Obama may be relatively unknown (really? still?), but the Dems had the benefit of more energy from their base (plus it's a Democratic year), a historic speech, and a great speaker in a football stadium. Everyone last night was saying the football game would own McCain (lulz). I guess Obama could release the online viewership, but I doubt it will amount to anything significant, and why wouldn't the 70% who do not support Bush watch Obama?
I wasn't quantifying any of those - just listing them. I'm surprised.

I do think that hardcore Bush supporters are more likely to watch McCain than Obama, and that there's not as many the other way around. But I can't really back that up, just a theory. But the last point I made is the most telling: it's simply going to be close. The polls are only 2-6% apart from each other. That means only 1-3% of people changing their minds swings this (on a popular vote basis).
Jason's Ultimatum said:
I know the president doesn't have the power to set interest rates low, but reading this:


In 1994, Greenspan went to Clinton and warned him that interest rates were going to rise, but Clinton wanted to keep interest rates low. He wanted to keep rates low for his homeownership proposal.
But did Greenspan agree to keep them low? I do not believe so. (Which was probably the right thing to do.)

There is the famous Greenspan quote "Clinton was the best Republican president."

Uh . . . no. Republicans are fiscally irresponsible . . . even Greenspan is suckered by the myth. (This is time for legit usage of the cartoon!)


hokahey said:

His teeth were destroyed as a result of "enhanced interrogation techniques"

edit: I know he overuses the POW card, but his teeth really were ruined in Vietnam and shouldn't be made of anymore than his arms


VanMardigan said:
This........is even weaker spin.

Actually, that's probably the biggest factor among those listed. I work with transportation data, and you never use summer data for that reason - something like 10-15% of people just aren't in town. It's also part of the reason why the islamists chose 9/11 - post labor day.

Still, HUGE numbers no doubt. People are engaged.
woeds said:
I'll be seriously dissapointed if the Obama campaign doesn't make an ad out of this
yeah, me too. What a huge piece of low-hanging fruit. The best thing is that the GOP crowd was eager to support anything the person at the podium said so if they use direct clips, it looks like the entire party is filled with elitists that sneer at people that do community organizing & civic service. (I don't think they all feel that way, they were mostly just ignorant as to what 'community organizing' is and probably thought it was a bunch of black panthers.)


Socreges said:
are we seriously making fun of the teeth of a man in his 70s?

Yes. What kind of man can't take care of his teeth to the point that they look like they're rotting out of his head?
Jason's Ultimatum said:
WTF. Why I am reading from Clinton's economic accomplishments that he kept rates low, among other policies, that enabled the highest home ownerhip ever? :lol :(

Here . .. the Fed hiked the rates during 1994 from 3.25 in Feb 1994 to 6.0 in Feb 1995.


December 19 ... 25 5.50
July 6 ... 25 5.75
February 1 50 ... 6.00

November 15 75 ... 5.50
August 16 50 ... 4.75
May 17 50 ... 4.25
April 18 25 ... 3.75
March 22 25 ... 3.50
February 4 25 ... 3.25

And then watch Greenspan become a total whore when Bush came to office in 2001:



VanMardigan said:
Yeah, it's pretty weak spin though. Obama may be relatively unknown (really? still?), but the Dems had the benefit of more energy from their base (plus it's a Democratic year), a historic speech, and a great speaker in a football stadium. Everyone last night was saying the football game would own McCain (lulz). I guess Obama could release the online viewership, but I doubt it will amount to anything significant, and why wouldn't the 70% who do not support Bush watch Obama?

This........is even weaker spin.

The football game led directly into the convention, complete with teasers and promos during the game. It was a perfect lead in.

Die hards of both sides watched both speeches to see what the enemy was up to.

Independents watched both speeches.

Basically, the American public en masse is highly motivated and interested. Both sides have plenty to be happy about with these ratings.
urk said:
I didn't watch all of McCain's speech, but I apparently saw more than Biden and his staff did. "I didn't hear them say a thing about aid to education!"


It's one thing to mention it, it's another to actually say something about the issue. Okay, it's the civil rights issue of our era...and??? And?!?!? You have something to follow that up with? Are you going to give tax credits for college students? Are you going to support 0-K education? What's the deal?

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urk said:
I didn't watch all of McCain's speech, but I apparently saw more than Biden and his staff did. "I didn't hear them say a thing about aid to education!"


Exactly where did it say anything about aid? You know... money you can borrow to get a HIGHER education. That's what Joe Biden was talking about.

McCain was talking about elementary and secondary education. Also... if Education is a civil right? How is not health?


A wise man once told me that a man that can't get the little things right will never get the big things right. Brushing your teeth everyday is one of the little things.
Education is the Civil Rights issue of our era!

What the hell does that mean?

Edit: Perhaps it is some code words for "I want vouchers so people can send their kids to some whacked out religious schools with tax dollars."?


hokahey said:
Yes. What kind of man can't take care of his teeth to the point that they look like they're rotting out of his head?

Can we get a thread where undecided people like myself can get educated on the candidates without all the hate? Some here are doing a great job and I can say I have gone from definitely voting for McCain to being on the fence. Others have so much hate that they are clouding the issues.
speculawyer said:
Here . .. the Fed hiked the rates during 1994 from 3.25 in Feb 1994 to 6.0 in Feb 1995.


And then watch Greenspan become a total whore when Bush came to office in 2001:


Thanks. Maybe I was way off base. I mean, when I read this:

At the request of President Clinton, the U.S. Department of Housing
and Urban Development (HUD) is working with dozens of national
leaders in government and the housing industry to implement the
National Homeownership Strategy, an unprecedented public-private
partnership to increase homeownership to a record-high level over the
next 6 years. The ideal of homeownership is so integral a part of the
American Dream that its value for individuals, for families, for
communities, and for society is scarcely questioned. This paper
provides a brief survey of research into the nature and significance of
homeownership's presumed benefits, particularly for lower income
households and other underserved populations.

One of the key principles was to keep mortgage rates low so more people could afford homes.

- Today - Families have Enjoyed $2,000 Effective Tax Cut: Wall Street analysts credit deficit reduction with lowering interest rates by 2 full percentage points. [Goldman Sachs, GSWIRE Undistorted by the Budget Surplus, April 14, 2000]. This means that a family taking out a home mortgage of $100,000 expects to save roughly $2,000 per year in mortgage payments. Thanks in part to low mortgage rates, the homeownership rate increased to 67 percent in 1999 --the highest rate on record. Lower interest rates also cut both car payments and student loan payments by $200 annually for families taking out typical loans.


Karma said:
Can we get a thread where undecided people like myself can get educated on the candidates without all the hate? Some here are doing a great job and I can say I have gone from definitely voting for McCain to being on the fence. Others have so much hate that they are clouding the issues.

That was obviously a joke, rather than actual tooth hatred.
El_TigroX said:
Exactly where did it say anything about aid? You know... money you can borrow to get a HIGHER education. That's what Joe Biden was talking about.

McCain was talking about elementary and secondary education. Also... if Education is a civil right? How is not health?

I can't listen to Biden, I'm pretty sure McCain also talked about opening up Community Colleges to Federally sponsored adult education.


butthole fishhooking yes
CharlieDigital said:
It's one thing to mention it, it's another to actually say something about the issue. Okay, it's the civil rights issue of our era...and???


Education -- education is the civil rights issue of this century.


Equal access to public education has been gained, but what is the

value of access to a failing school? We need...

(APPLAUSE) We need to shake up failed school bureaucracies with

competition, empower parents with choice.


Let's remove barriers to qualified instructors, attract and reward

good teachers, and help bad teachers find another line of work.


When a public school fails to meet its obligations to students, parent

-- when it fails to meet its obligations to students, parents deserve

a choice in the education of their children. And I intend to give it

to them.


Some may choose a better public school. Some may choose a private one.

Many will choose a charter school. But they will have the choice, and

their children will have that opportunity.


Senator Obama wants our schools to answer to unions and entrenched

bureaucrats. I want schools to answer to parents and students.


And when I'm president, they will.


My fellow Americans, when I'm president, we're going to embark on the

most ambitious national project in decades.

Oh, and whoever penned the phrase for McCain's life story piece, "When you live in a box..." needs to be banned from ever picking up a pen and paper again. How about prison or cell? These are perfectly suitable terms. But box? Was he begging for change? Not to mention "living in a box" is a pretty good metaphor for being detached from reality.


speculawyer said:
What the hell does that mean?

It's because.....You know!-- There are some people in America that think having a solid education doesn't make you smart! It's battle that's been raging within the Republican party for years!
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