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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Byakuya769 said:
anecdotal and generally useless insight into why the viewership for McCain was higher...

My mother told me about how her coworkers said pretty much "I tried to watch obama, but right when he got up there he started talking about mccain so I turned it off".

Me on the other hand tried to watch mccain from beggining to end (though I practically dosed off), and I will watch it again today because I want to be informed of the opposing views.

Just found it funny that the generally subdued shots Obama took at McCain could cause someone to turn his speech off.
Similarly, my wife's parents shut off Palin's speech as soon as she started the Obama mudslinging, which was almost immediate. We almost did, too. Like you, I watched everything to make sure I heard both sides (and like you, I almost fell asleep last night listening to the utterly monotone and unengaging McCain and enduring the endless USA-USA-USA we're-the-best egostroking). The Mavrick thing made it all worth it, though. :)


"More than 38.9 million people tuned in to coverage of the final night of the GOP convention. In comparison, Obama’s acceptance speech at the Democratic convention drew 38.4 million viewers."

Overall Obama probably had a bigger audience though
Byakuya769 said:
anecdotal and generally useless insight into why the viewership for McCain was higher...

My mother told me about how her coworkers said pretty much "I tried to watch obama, but right when he got up there he started talking about mccain so I turned it off".

Me on the other hand tried to watch mccain from beggining to end (though I practically dosed off), and I will watch it again today because I want to be informed of the opposing views.

Just found it funny that the generally subdued shots Obama took at McCain could cause someone to turn his speech off.

What is more likely imo is that the Democratic convention got a wide swath of people into the election now and the general public is engaged since the election is close and a lot of people also watched the Republican convention. The conventions are really the kick off to the presidential race so for the average joe, it's his clue to start paying attention now.


Rugasuki said:
Anyone post this yet?

09/04/2008 Order Denying Motion Case Motion #3: Motion to Make Case File Confidential 0.00 0.00
09/03/2008 Motion to Make Case File Confidential Attorney: Pro per (0100001) Scott Alan Richter (Petitioner); Case Motion #3 0.00 0.00
09/03/2008 Motion for Expedited Consideration of: Motion to Make Case File Confidential Attorney: Pro per (0100001) Case Motion #2 0.00 0.00

Todd Palin's former business partner that allegedly had an affair with Sarah Palin filed an expidited motion to make his divorce file private and it was just denied today.

It's speculation but maybe the reason he tried to have it made confidential is because it discusses the alleged affair between him and Sarah Palin.

This is where I originally saw the story (before the motion was denied)


"The party of traditional family values", gentlemen.



they just showed a little bit of the next obama vs o'reilly interview. they were basically screaming at each other :lol


Stoney Mason said:
What is more likely imo is that the Democratic convention got a wide swath of people into the election now and the general public is engaged since the election is close and a lot of people also watched the Republican convention. The conventions are really the kick off to the presidential race so for the average joe, it's his clue to start paying attention now.

Think you pretty much nailed it. The Conventions for the vast majority is when the Election begins. The last 19 months was an annoyance for many people. Now they will tune in and start thinking.

Thats why the debates can seemingly turn a pretty assured result upside down.


syllogism said:
"More than 38.9 million people tuned in to coverage of the final night of the GOP convention. In comparison, Obama’s acceptance speech at the Democratic convention drew 38.4 million viewers."

Overall Obama probably had a bigger audience though


typhonsentra said:
Spoke too soon, O'Reilly said the portion where he questions him about Ayers and Wright will air next week.

I don't know, it might be good as long as O'Reilly just asks him about it so Obama can explain it to his ignorant viewers.
Lemonz said:

Wow . . . this is looking weird . . .

Lawmakers to issue subpoenas in Troopergate
(ANCHORAGE) – Legislative leaders today announced that a joint House and Senate Judiciary Committee hearing will take place on Friday, September 12, 2008, at 9:00 a.m. in Anchorage to issue subpoenas in the ongoing investigation into the events surrounding the termination of former Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan. They also set a date of October 10, 2008, for the completion of special counsel Stephen Branchflower’s report.

This week, seven key witnesses informed Mr. Branchflower through their attorneys that they would not provide depositions. Their depositions, which had been agreed to and scheduled earlier with Mr. Branchflower, were cancelled within the last 72 hours. Additionally, the Governor’s lawyer has stated that he represents the Governor and the Governor’s office, and has forbidden any contact by Mr. Branchflower with any member of that office. Mr. Branchflower wishes to depose some of those employees. The issuance of the subpoenas is intended to get at the truth and to expedite the completion of his report to the public.

House Judiciary Chairman Jay Ramras, R-Fairbanks, said that the reason for the earlier completion date for the report is to avoid the appearance of a last-minute ‘October surprise,’ and to give both sides plenty of time to respond to the contents of the report. “I met with Mr. Branchflower on Wednesday, along with my vice-chair Representative Nancy Dahlstrom and Senator Hollis French. We agreed that an earlier completion date was achievable, and that it was fair to all sides. We are satisfied that the report can be finished by no later than October 10, 2008.”

Representative Ramras expressed confidence in Mr. Branchflower’s ability to produce a timely report. “I just met the man for the first time Wednesday. I was impressed. He is organized and task-oriented. He says he can get done ahead of schedule. I believe him.”

“We also discussed and agreed amongst ourselves that no subpoena will be issued for the Governor,” said Representative Nancy Dahlstrom, R-Eagle River. “She has told the public that she intends to cooperate with the investigation, indeed, she has told the public that she welcomes the investigation and I have every faith that she means it. If necessary we can send Mr. Branchflower to wherever the Governor is, or she can give her statement to him over the telephone, whatever is most convenient for her. We recognize that her schedule is extremely busy, and we want to accommodate that.”

Under Alaska law, a subpoena requiring the attendance of a witness before a standing committee may be issued by the chairman of a committee when authorized to do so by a majority of the membership of the committee and with the concurrence of the Senate President or of the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

“We had scheduled and then cancelled a joint House-Senate Judiciary hearing for Aug. 18, 2008, because at that time every witness that Mr. Branchflower contacted agreed to sit down and give a statement,” said Senator Hollis French, D-Anchorage.

Senator Charlie Huggins, R-Rural Mat-Su/Chugiak, the vice-chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, also expressed his support for an earlier report. “Clearly it is in the best interests of everyone to get the job done ahead of schedule,” said Senator Huggins.


I'm not worried about Obama being questioned regarding Ayers because there isn't actually a story there. The made-up story that Republicans use to attack him is more damaging


Cheebs said:
That makes me realize something. A LOT of young people decided early to vote for Obama but I doubt they follow politics on TV. While McCain's base is older, much more likely to watch tv coverage perhaps?

It doesn't explain why in 2004 Bush and Kerry had near even tv viewership but McCain dwarfed Obama this time when youth support was behind Kerry like Obama and then they were even less passionate so less likely to watch coverage in 2004 rather than 2008 so I am back to square one. There has to be some logic behind it cause it wasn't Palin's night yesterday.
Yep, I also think Obama supporters are more likely to watch the competitions speech than the other way around.

It's easier for conservatives to be disgusted with things they think are immoral, or there are more things for them to be disgusted about (Quantity>Quality). I think even percieved (whether warranted or not) support of issues they feel are immoral by the opposing party or candidates can cause them to ignore the content being communicated, changing the channel because of intuitive moral conclusions on their part, the same way someone may turn away from a mutilated body. It's more likely they'll be disgusted by something because there are more things for them to be disgusted about, which probably makes it more likely they won't watch Obama's speech. It could account for the .5 difference.

There are academic papers on this as well, in case anyone is curious.

The Depths Of Disgust (Easier)

Conservatives Are More Easily Disgusted Than Liberals

Disgust As Embodied Moral Judgment


speculawyer said:
Wow . . . this is looking weird . . .

Lawmakers to issue subpoenas in Troopergate
“We also discussed and agreed amongst ourselves that no subpoena will be issued for the Governor,” said Representative Nancy Dahlstrom, R-Eagle River. “She has told the public that she intends to cooperate with the investigation, indeed, she has told the public that she welcomes the investigation and I have every faith that she means it. If necessary we can send Mr. Branchflower to wherever the Governor is, or she can give her statement to him over the telephone, whatever is most convenient for her. We recognize that her schedule is extremely busy, and we want to accommodate that.”
She told the public that, but she's also refused to speak to the investigator. WTF.


has calmed down a bit.
GhaleonEB said:

That is unbelieveable. Did you comment on that already?

I give props if ANYBODY on here guessed that McCain and his running mate would've outdrawn Obama/Biden last week, or even after Palin was announced. Just quote your post and get your props. This is a total surprise for me.
I feel weird for asking this question, but I'm going back in time again:

Did President Clinton help create the housing bubble by keeping interest rates low? I know that the housing market can greatly influence the economy, so I was just wondering. I could've sworn Speculawyer talking about this weeks ago. =\


VanMardigan said:
That is unbelieveable. Did you comment on that already?

I give props if ANYBODY on here guessed that McCain and his running mate would've outdrawn Obama/Biden last week, or even after Palin was announced. Just quote your post and get your props. This is a total surprise for me.

FYI, McCain's speech has inflated ratings because it was directly after the football game. They dropped off by the end of his speech. Not a huge difference, but it would likely put him behind Obama


has calmed down a bit.
sangreal said:
FYI, McCain's speech has inflated ratings because it was directly after the football game. They dropped off by the end of his speech. Not a huge difference, but it would likely put him behind Obama

I didn't even expect it to be close, given the historic nature of Obama's speech. Did you?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
urk said:

Fuck yeah!

jeff: kinda sad that you can go to a wwe event
jeff: see better spelling

My friend commenting after I showed them those screen caps.


Palin bubble watch:

A senior McCain campaign official advises that, despite the gaggle of requests and pressure from the media, Gov. Sarah Palin won't submit to a formal interview anytime soon. She may take some questions from local news entities in Alaska, but until she's ready -- and until she's comfortable -- which might not be for a long while -- the media will have to wait. The campaign believes it can effectively deal with the media's complaints, and their on-the-record response to all this will be: "Sarah Palin needs to spend time with the voters."

Not out of the question are appearances on lighter, fluffier television shows. But -- not for a while.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Amir0x said:
So guys what's the news from this morning til now
Rumors floating around that there are being subpoenas handed down in troopergate.


VanMardigan said:
I didn't even expect it to be close, given the historic nature of Obama's speech. Did you?
I didn't think it would be that close. There's a lot of ways to interpret it and spin it.

--Obama is still the relative unknown here
--McCain came right after the football premier
--Lots of young, tech-savvy Obama supporters watched it online
--The 30% of Americans who still support Bush would turn in to watch McCain, but not bother to watch Obama

Amid all that: the election is going to be closer than we think. Reality check time.
CharlieDigital said:
I think the guys who were saying earlier that the RNC seemed like a WWE show were onto something. Can't have a WWE show without someone waving a misspelled sign with hilarious stabs at adding artistic flair.
Jason's Ultimatum said:
I feel weird for asking this question, but I'm going back in time again:

Did President Clinton help create the housing bubble by keeping interest rates low? I know that the housing market can greatly influence the economy, so I was just wondering. I could've sworn Speculawyer talking about this weeks ago. =\

Uhhhh. No.

That was Alan Greenspan. During the Bush years after 9/11.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
MSNBC: Unemployment rate today is the highest in five years.
So slightly more people watched McCain give a speech widely considering to be flat and low on specifics than Obama's praised speech which was full of specifics...and people think this is a BAD thing?


butthole fishhooking yes
Matthew Gallant said:
I think the guys who were saying earlier that the RNC seemed like a WWE show were onto something. Can't have a WWE show without someone waving a misspelled sign with hilarious stabs at adding artistic flair.

They're desperately trying to tap into the zeitgeist they seem Obama swirling in. I think this was less WWE and more American Idol.


VanMardigan said:
That is unbelieveable. Did you comment on that already?

I give props if ANYBODY on here guessed that McCain and his running mate would've outdrawn Obama/Biden last week, or even after Palin was announced. Just quote your post and get your props. This is a total surprise for me.

McCain clearly got a huge bump from the NFL opener, though. His speech started literally minutes after the game finished, and the networks (including ABC, which was showing the game) tuned in to him immediately.


PhoenixDark said:
So slightly more people watched McCain give a speech widely considering to be flat and low on specifics than Obama's praised speech which was full of specifics...and people think this is a BAD thing?

Um, America.


woeds said:

"That's not change, it's more of the same"
They're copying his slogans, WORD BY WORD. And AGAIN they lie about his positions. I don't care if McCain was POW, he's a sad excuse for a human being.

It's amusing to me how the McCain campaign is acting like the Obama campaign is a media-only entity by trying to highjack his message and bully him with Palin while crying sexism. They are completely underestimating the fact that Obama has a huge amount of active supporters, more than any other candidate for president in pretty much any election before. Attacking Obama like this is going to make them more energized and give Obama more money to fund Gotv and ads countering their messages and spend more time at the campaign offices.
The $8M vs $1M for Palin is a good illustration of this.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
I feel weird for asking this question, but I'm going back in time again:

Did President Clinton help create the housing bubble by keeping interest rates low? I know that the housing market can greatly influence the economy, so I was just wondering. I could've sworn Speculawyer talking about this weeks ago. =\


Bold claim, but his bill in Congress opened many doors in the secondary mortgage market. Since banks could sell so many shitty mortgages, they went crazy with the sub-prime programs, and now we are stuck in this mess.

Incognito said:
Uhhhh. No.

That was Alan Greenspan. During the Bush years after 9/11.

Maybe I got the terms confused. Maybe highest home ownership ever? Clinton did want to keep interest rates low when he entered office, even though Greenspan wanted to raise rates due to inflation.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Media is running with the "Palin won't appear for interviews" bit.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
I feel weird for asking this question, but I'm going back in time again:

Did President Clinton help create the housing bubble by keeping interest rates low? I know that the housing market can greatly influence the economy, so I was just wondering. I could've sworn Speculawyer talking about this weeks ago. =\

You can thank Alan Greenspan and the policies he implemented when he ran the fed
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