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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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maximum360 said:
Andrea Mitchell already played up that "impatient teacher" angle and said that it would make small town/rural American even more fond of Palin and this interview may even be seen as sexist by some women.

Hilarious if true. Dickheads still want a Bush-type in Office. Jebus.


I wonder if Abrams is pissed off that Keith actually does a toss for Rachel and never even acknowledged that Abrams had a show after his.:lol
Tamanon said:
There is nothing funnier than Krauthammer talking about snobbery and intellectual condescension.

Plus, even if he first coined the term...Gibson absolutely used it correctly. No sensible individual honestly believes that anyone in the Bush administration is spreading democracy. "Spreading democracy" is merely the most recent attempt at re-justifying the war in Iraq after the initial justification fell apart. Democracy has no place in the Bush Doctrine. What does have a place in the Bush Doctrine, however, is preemptive (or is that preventative? lol) military aggression. It's that military aggression that's leading us closer and closer to war with Iran.

For anyone to suggest that the Bush Doctrine has to do anything with democracy...is patently absurd. Hell, our own democracy is dramatically weakened because of how the Bush Doctrine has been exploited.


It's amazing how McCain iswinning using attack after attack, constantl flip flopping, and now, hehas just jacked Obama's change campaign. You know why he's winning? Because the Dems have been weak on calling them on it. The American public doesn't know about it. They're not following Obama's every move and McCain's every move as close as us. They only hear soundbites of the political process. "hey guys, McCain can't use computers! You know McCain is Bush, etc." The Dem attacks have been weak so far. In the meanwhile, the pubs are calling Obama a pedophile and all other sorts of crazy things.

Hopefully this is a wakeup call and the Dems stop sitting around and thinking that this is just an RNC bounce, and are magically waiting until the debates for things to change. This is a negative SLIDE and is proving the current nice guy talking about the issues thing isn't working. We don't need to wait until Obama slides further, because by then, it'll be too late. If these news pundit IDIOTS covered for Palin on her travesty of an interview, they'll paint the debates as competitive no matter how well Obama and Biden performs. These poor excuses for journalists are putting their ratings over an issue as monumental as national security, the economy, etc.

We can't rely on the media and we sure can't 'wait till the debates.' We gotta do something now. I wish I knew some competent guys that were producing ads so I could donate to them. I think I'll donate to the guys producing the wolf ads. The attacks I've seen come from Obama so far have been ineffective. Now is the time to step up, work hard and close this thing out.


kevm3 said:
It's amazing how McCain iswinning using attack after attack, constantl flip flopping, and now, hehas just jacked Obama's change campaign. You know why he's winning? Because the Dems have been weak on calling them on it. "hey guys, McCain can't use computers! You know McCain is Bush, etc." The Dem attacks have been weak so far. Hopefully this is a wakeup call and the Dems stop sitting around and thinking that this is just an RNC bounce, and are magically waiting until the debates for things to change. If these news pundit IDIOTS covered for Palin on her travesty of an interview, they'll paint the debates as competitive no matter how well Obama and Biden performs. These poor excuses for journalists are putting their ratings over an issue as monumental as national security, the economy, etc.

We can't rely on the media and we sure can't 'wait till the debates.' We gotta do something now. I wish I knew some competent guys that were producing ads so I could donate to them. I think I'll donate to the guys producing the wolf ads. The attacks I've seen come from Obama so far have been weak. Now is the time to step up, work hard and close this thing out.

The worst part about that computer attack now is with the reports from 2000 about his injuries etc the McCain camp can turn that around and demand apologies how it was totally inappropriate etc.

That Gives the McCain camp a few days of controversy to control air waves more


laserbeam said:
The worst part about that computer attack now is with the reports from 2000 about his injuries etc the McCain camp can turn that around and demand apologies how it was totally inappropriate etc.

That Gives the McCain camp a few days of controversy to control air waves more

Nah, Obama's lucky it was released when Ike hit, it won't get any coverage and he won't air it.
kevm3 said:
It's amazing how McCain iswinning using attack after attack, constantl flip flopping, and now, hehas just jacked Obama's change campaign. You know why he's winning? Because the Dems have been weak on calling them on it. The American public doesn't know about it. They're not following Obama's every move and McCain's every move as close as us. They only hear soundbites of the political process. "hey guys, McCain can't use computers! You know McCain is Bush, etc." The Dem attacks have been weak so far. In the meanwhile, the pubs are calling Obama a pedophile and all other sorts of crazy things.

Hopefully this is a wakeup call and the Dems stop sitting around and thinking that this is just an RNC bounce, and are magically waiting until the debates for things to change. This is a negative SLIDE and is proving the current nice guy talking about the issues thing isn't working. We don't need to wait until Obama slides further, because by then, it'll be too late. If these news pundit IDIOTS covered for Palin on her travesty of an interview, they'll paint the debates as competitive no matter how well Obama and Biden performs. These poor excuses for journalists are putting their ratings over an issue as monumental as national security, the economy, etc.

We can't rely on the media and we sure can't 'wait till the debates.' We gotta do something now. I wish I knew some competent guys that were producing ads so I could donate to them. I think I'll donate to the guys producing the wolf ads. The attacks I've seen come from Obama so far have been ineffective. Now is the time to step up, work hard and close this thing out.

Do it. I did, and got a few friends to as well. Apparently they're showing only in Ohio, but with more money they can expand to other markets.

Colorado, for example, would be a good one.


The Obama computer attack ad means someone in his research group should be let go. McCain is widely acknowledged as being a pioneer in using the internet in his 2000 campaign and this Forbes article makes the attack even worse.


This Internet-driven decentralization meant that the McCain campaign could organize down to a virtually block-by-block level for little cost. It allowed a thin organization to compete against the heavily financed and well-organized Bush machine, and it gave McCain campaign dollars an estimated 4-to-1 advantage over Bush greenbacks.

McCain himself was convinced early on that the Internet had to play a critical role in the campaign. Time and again it allowed him to leverage his money and his organization. "In the Virginia primary," McCain told me, "we needed a lot of petitions signed to get on the ballot. We had the form available to download off the Internet and got 17,000 signatures with very little trouble."

Ultimately, McCain realized he couldn't go the distance, but the message was clear to any political organization with hopes for the future. His Web team had played the Internet like a Stradivari. . . .

In certain ways, McCain was a natural Web candidate. Chairman of the Senate Telecommunications Subcommittee and regarded as the U.S. Senate's savviest technologist, McCain is an inveterate devotee of email. His nightly ritual is to read his email together with his wife, Cindy. The injuries he incurred as a Vietnam POW make it painful for McCain to type. Instead, he dictates responses that his wife types on a laptop. "She's a whiz on the keyboard, and I'm so laborious," McCain admits.


Ripclawe said:
The Obama computer attack ad means someone in his research group should be let go. McCain is widely acknowledged as being a pioneer in using the internet in his 2000 campaign and this Forbes article makes the attack even worse.


That's odd....so why this campaign has he been saying that he's learning the internet and recently learned to use email.....his famous bit was that Cindy has shown him how to get online recently.


I hope you guys realize the following: Every time an election approaches, the unpopular policies of the party in power are always slowed down or placed under a different light until the elections are over. Notice also how most parties who have long-drawn out plans usually set them up so that the end-date of said policies (or its beginning) occurs AFTER an election. For example, let's say Obama would set an objective for greater energy independence, he would say "within the next five years", so that once you get close to the 2012 elections you can't entirely evaluate if the objective has been met or not. This is a very common tactic.

So everything happening now that isn't popular, from war to economic or environmental policies are actually not as unpopular as they would really be if the elections were four years from now, because what would make them highly unpopular has been slowed down or halted until the elections are through. What comes after November is a return of those policies back to their true form, and the train will once again run at full steam, for four years.

The current policies, be it towards Iran, Russia, Iraq, or the domestic ones, are not in their true form at the moment, they are all at rest. I guess you can imagine what this would once the elections are through.


Price Dalton said:
Do it. I did, and got a few friends to as well. Apparently they're showing only in Ohio, but with more money they can expand to other markets.

Colorado, for example, would be a good one.
You know what could be really effective? Giving the wolf ad to PETA. Anyone have any ideas of how to doso?
Sigh, don't you guys see that all you're doing is proving how easily you can be distracted from the real issues by Palin, Palin, Palin...

BTW my name is Hook Tuneup Palin :D


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Ether_Snake said:
I hope you guys realize the following: Every time an election approaches, the unpopular policies of the party in power are always slowed down or placed under a different light until the elections are over. Notice also how most parties who have long-drawn out plans usually set them up so that the end-date of said policies (or its beginning) occurs AFTER an election. For example, let's say Obama would set an objective for greater energy independence, he would say "within the next five years", so that once you get close to the 2012 elections you can't entirely evaluate if the objective has been met or not. This is a very common tactic.

So everything happening now that isn't popular, from war to economic or environmental policies are actually not as unpopular as they would really be if the elections were four years from now, because what would make them highly unpopular has been slowed down or halted until the elections are through. What comes after November is a return of those policies back to their true form, and the train will once again run at full steam, for four years.

The current policies, be it towards Iran, Russia, Iraq, or the domestic ones, are not in their true form at the moment, they are all at rest. I guess you can imagine what this would once the elections are through.

That's pretty ridiculous. Yes some plans are long term, but everything has schedules, milestone moments, and no plans sacrifice for many years for some payoff in the end. Nor have many, if any, major policies worked out to be failes for 5+ years and magically turn, at least not due to the plans themselves.

Two that come to mind are JFK's moon proposal, and Obama's energy plan.

NASA's handling of the moon wasn't nothing for (what would have been) JFK's term. There was progress, they had something to show for it all.

Obama's plan wants independence well past his first term, but do you think it's gonna sacrifice the day to day lives of the country in the meantime?

On top of that, if a President's long term plans flounder for 4 years, he's gone. What President wants to be gone after his first term?
(Today, 05:28 PM)
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"I'm fixin' to do something dumber than hell, but I'm going anyways. "


Ether_Snake said:
I hope you guys realize the following: Every time an election approaches, the unpopular policies of the party in power are always slowed down or placed under a different light until the elections are over. Notice also how most parties who have long-drawn out plans usually set them up so that the end-date of said policies (or its beginning) occurs AFTER an election. For example, let's say Obama would set an objective for greater energy independence, he would say "within the next five years", so that once you get close to the 2012 elections you can't entirely evaluate if the objective has been met or not. This is a very common tactic.

So everything happening now that isn't popular, from war to economic or environmental policies are actually not as unpopular as they would really be if the elections were four years from now, because what would make them highly unpopular has been slowed down or halted until the elections are through. What comes after November is a return of those policies back to their true form, and the train will once again run at full steam, for four years.

The current policies, be it towards Iran, Russia, Iraq, or the domestic ones, are not in their true form at the moment, they are all at rest. I guess you can imagine what this would once the elections are through.
I don't know, the Democrats have really gone into berzerker mode now and it's making me wonder if what Obama was doing was letting McCain's lies slowly build up until after 9/11.


Gold Member
MIMIC said:
:lol I just heard about "The View" incident.

*off to YouTube*

It boggles the mind that he would openly put himself in such a poor position by going on The View. The only Republican on it is that blonde idiot Elizabeth Hasselbeck, and seeing as how their audience is comprised of millions of women, sucking hard is just going to run counter to his 'Palin will get me the women vote' idea.

It's sure to be popular when Barbara Walters doesn't let you off the hook for lying and you can only give that uncomfortable 'I just shit my diapers' smile.
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