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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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OuterWorldVoice said:
Watch for significant SNL bounce too. No kidding.
Uhhhhh McCain has appeared on the show many times, not only that he has HOSTED it twice.

But if SNL guest spots get you more likely to be president than we'd have President Steve Martin with Vice President Alec Baldwin by now.
GDJustin said:
Is no one in this topic discussing the errors in polling methodology that led to the big swing to McCain? It was all over the lefty blogs, the other day.

Basically, Pollsters polled an equal number of self-identified Reps and Dems for the latest round of national polls, even though there's 10M more registered Democrats than Republicans, nationwide...

That was discussed briefly but the hand-wringing and angst is much more fun :lol
mckmas8808 said:
This is an important video for Obama supporters.


This is the Obama way of thinking. He beat Hillary by not freaking out. I think this man has got this!
All he's doing is preaching to the choir here. His base knows that McCain is more of the same. Obama is saying that just because he's on the right side of the issues that he will win the debates easily, and he seems to forget how George Bush "won" his debates. He says that McCain's new "Reform" theme is not going to work because his policies are exactly the same and his campaign is run by lobbyists. But it is fucking working as the polls are proving.


McCain camp is fucking pathetic:


Throw the flag against: The McCain-Palin campaign.

Call: Illegal shift.

What happened: The campaign Friday launched a 30-second Spanish-language television ad charging that Democrat Barack Obama and his Senate colleagues torpedoed meaningful changes in immigration laws.

"The press reports that their efforts were 'poison pills' that made immigration reform fail," the ad charges. "The result: No guest worker program. No path to citizenship. No secure borders. No reform. Is that being on our side? Obama and his congressional allies ready to block immigration reform, but not ready to lead."

What that's wrong: Media accounts cited two votes as effectively killing immigration reform last year - and Obama was on the same side as McCain in both.

On June 7, supporters failed by 15 votes to cut off a filibuster. McCain and Obama voted to limit debate. The Politico headline the next day: "Senate immigration compromise collapses."

On June 28, another effort to limit debate failed by 14 votes; CNN called it a "crushing defeat." Obama and McCain again voted to cut off debate, but it was largely Republican senators who led the filibuster.

In its review of the 2007 Congress, Congressional Quarterly cited both votes as crucial to killing the immigration measure.

Penalty: Set the McCain-Palin campaign's credibility back five yards.


To read the CNN account on the June 28 vote:


Good grief..


polyh3dron said:
All he's doing is preaching to the choir here. His base knows that McCain is more of the same. Obama is saying that just because he's on the right side of the issues that he will win the debates easily, and he seems to forget how George Bush "won" his debates. He says that McCain's new "Reform" theme is not going to work because his policies are exactly the same and his campaign is run by lobbyists. But it is fucking working as the polls are proving.
In fact, the polls are proving that McCain has gained a post-convention bump, just as every presidential candidate does. Why is this so hard to understand?


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
GDJustin said:
Is no one in this topic discussing the errors in polling methodology that led to the big swing to McCain? It was all over the lefty blogs, the other day.

Basically, Pollsters polled an equal number of self-identified Reps and Dems for the latest round of national polls, even though there's 10M more registered Democrats than Republicans, nationwide...

Found the link:


Yes yes, it's Daily KOS, but there's actually some very verifiable facts in the piece... worth checking out for an explanation on the polling shift to mccain.


Emory University political scientist Alan Abramowitz is highly skeptical of the new Gallup, USA Today and CBS polls. About the latter, which showed a statistically insignificant two point lead for McCain, Abramowitz said: "One reason for the dramatic difference between the two recent CBS polls is that the two samples differed fairly dramatically in terms of partisan composition. The first sample was 35.2% Democratic, 26.2 percent Republicans, and 38.6 percent independent. The second sample was 34.9% Democratic, 31.1% Republican, and 34.0% independent. That's a change from a 9 point Democratic advantage to a 3.8 point Democratic advantage. That alone would probably explain about half of the difference in candidate preferences between the two [CBS] polls."


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Tyrone Slothrop said:
so when is it okay to go in panic mode?

NEVER! WTF! At one Obama headquarter in Orlando FL. they are registering 2,000 people a day.

And 80% of them are democrats. Why are you panicking?



Palin says Obama regrets bypassing Clinton

Sep 12 09:25 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer

Article said:
NEW YORK (AP) - Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin said Friday she thinks Barack Obama regrets not making Hillary Rodham Clinton his running mate.
Palin praised Clinton's "determination, and grit and even grace" during the Democratic primaries, sounding an altogether different note than when she suggested earlier this year that the New York senator was whining about negative press coverage and campaigning in a way that was not advancing the cause of women in politics.

"I think he's regretting not picking her now," Palin told ABC News.

Her comment brought a sharp rejoinder from Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, on behalf of the Obama campaign: "Sarah Palin should spare us the phony sentiment and respect. Governor Palin accused Senator Clinton of whining."

Palin, in the second part of her first major interview since she joined the GOP ticket, also defended the nearly $200 million in federal pet projects she sought as Alaska governor this year even as John McCain told a television audience she had never requested them.

Palin was confronted in the interview with two claims that have been a staple of her reputation since joining McCain: that she was opposed to federal earmarks, even though her request for such special spending projects for 2009 was the highest per capita figure in the nation; and that she opposed the $398 million Bridge to Nowhere linking Ketchikan to an island with 50 residents and an airport.

Palin actually turned against the bridge project only after it became a national symbol of wasteful spending and Congress had pulled money for it.

Palin told ABC's Charles Gibson that since she took office, the state had "drastically" reduced its efforts to secure earmarks and would continue to do so while she was governor.

"What I've been telling Alaskans for these years that I've been in office, is, no more," Palin said.

When Gibson noted she had requested money to study the mating habits of crabs and harbor-seal genetic research—the kind of small-bore projects that draw McCain's ire—Palin said the specific requests had come through universities and other public entities and weren't worked out by lobbyists behind closed doors.

On the Bridge to Nowhere, Palin said she had supported a link from the mainland to the airport but not necessarily the costly bridge project.

"We killed the Bridge to Nowhere," Palin said flatly, despite evidence she had supported the project in its early stages.

On social issues, Palin reiterated her opposition to abortion rights—parting with McCain, who supports legal abortion in cases of rape or incest. Palin would not allow those exceptions. She also said she opposes embryonic stem cell research, which McCain supports.

Palin refused to say whether she believed homosexuality was an orientation or a choice. "I'm not one to judge," Palin said.

Palin's comments came after McCain sat for a feisty grilling on ABC's "The View," where he claimed erroneously that his running mate hadn't sought money for federal pet projects.

"Not as governor she didn't," McCain said, ignoring the record.

Palin's entry in the race has drawn support from many white women, and the McCain campaign hopes in particular that she can pull Clinton's supporters away from Obama. It was in that spirit that she heaped praise on Obama's defeated rival in the face of her earlier criticisms.

"What determination, and grit, and even grace through some tough shots that were fired her way—she handled those well," Palin said.

In March, Palin was asked about coverage of Clinton at a Newsweek forum, and said: "Fair or unfair, I think she does herself a disservice to even mention it, really. I mean, you gotta plow through that. You have to know what you're getting into ... when I hear a statement like that coming from a woman candidate with any kind of perceived whine about that excess criticism, or you know maybe a sharper microscope put on her, I think, 'That doesn't do us any good—women in politics."

Delaware Sen. Joe Biden, the man Obama picked for his ticket, defended Clinton this week when a voter told him it was best that he was chosen over the New York senator. Biden said Clinton "might've been a better pick than me."

In Alaska, meanwhile, the investigator looking into whether Palin abused her power as governor in trying to fire her former brother-in-law asked state lawmakers for the power to subpoena Palin's husband, Todd, a dozen others and the phone records of a top aide. The state House and Senate judiciary committees were expected to grant the request.

Palin told ABC she welcomed the investigation. "There's nothing to hide in this," she said.

Palin was in Alaska on Friday and scheduled to attend a campaign rally in Nevada on Saturday while McCain took the day off, a reflection of her growing status as the GOP ticket's celebrity draw.

On "The View," McCain said that Palin had "ignited a spark" among voters but acknowledged they parted ways on certain issues. The Arizona has said human behavior is largely responsible for climate change and opposes drilling for oil in a federally protected refuge, for example.

McCain appeared to back off a bit from his claim that Palin was the best vice presidential pick in U.S. history when he joked, "We politicians are never given to exaggeration or hyperbole."

The GOP hopeful also stood by two debunked campaign commercials—one which said Obama favored comprehensive sex education for kindergarten students and another that suggested Obama had called Palin a pig. Both are factually inaccurate.

Obama, as an Illinois state senator, voted for legislation that would teach age-appropriate sex education to kindergartners, including information on rejecting advances by sexual predators. And while Obama told a campaign rally this week that McCain's policies were like "putting lipstick on a pig," he never used the phrase in connection with Palin.

"Those ads aren't true. They're lies," said "View" co-host Joy Behar.

"They're not lies," McCain said, insisting that Obama "chooses his words very carefully" and should never had made the lipstick remark.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
polyh3dron said:
All he's doing is preaching to the choir here. His base knows that McCain is more of the same. Obama is saying that just because he's on the right side of the issues that he will win the debates easily, and he seems to forget how George Bush "won" his debates. He says that McCain's new "Reform" theme is not going to work because his policies are exactly the same and his campaign is run by lobbyists. But it is fucking working as the polls are proving.

Damn it Poly the polls are moving because the REP convention WAS LAST WEEK! Darn near all the state polls were taken between the 5th and the 9th.

That's right after the convention.
polyh3dron said:
All he's doing is preaching to the choir here. His base knows that McCain is more of the same. Obama is saying that just because he's on the right side of the issues that he will win the debates easily, and he seems to forget how George Bush "won" his debates. He says that McCain's new "Reform" theme is not going to work because his policies are exactly the same and his campaign is run by lobbyists. But it is fucking working as the polls are proving.

This is the way I look at this. Let's suppose McCain and Obama were in a (to borrow Joe Biden's favorite word) literal race. Like, with cars. So they're racing alonga nd along came the DNC like a shot of nitro (no car buff). Bam, Obama gets a burst of speed and flies ahead. But it's a short burst. Now McCain, he has this wild, whacked out nitro (Palin). Problem is, the stuff hasn't been tested properly before hitting the streets. Sure, he's got the regular old stuff he could rely on, but he wants the good shit. The experimental shit.

So he uses this crazy crap and it works like a charm for a while. Holy shit, Obama doesn't even know what hit him. McCain went flying past! Problem is, it's just a bit harder to control the car. Gotta maybe change the way you're running things. Also, no telling how long this shit will last and what exactly the backlash will be. Third, there is the risk of just blowing the car up straight to fuck. Granted, may not be a huge risk, but it's there.

Too metaphorical? Well, you get the idea. The point is Palin will be exposed for what she is soon enough, things will begin to even out, and this race will ultimately be won by the better driver. So everyone chill the fuck out.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
mckmas8808 said:
Just listening to this speech makes me know that Obama will win! He said that they have 42 headquarters in Virginia alone.


That is the first I have seen of an Obama campaign volunteer headquarters. That is some moving stuff right there. It was great to see so many demographics in the crowd as well. I really felt like going out and volunteering after watching that (even though I live in Seattle which is sure to be a landslide victory for Obama), but I am leaving the country again in less than a week.

Seeing scenes like that really make me think that Obama has a good chance of victory in this race. I think I might donate some more money to the campaign, although I really don't approve of that recent anti-McCain commercial that attacks him for not being able to use a computer. It just wasn't well done and came off as kind of petty to me.


formerly sane
worldrunover said:
This is the way I look at this. Let's suppose McCain and Obama were in a (to borrow Joe Biden's favorite word) literal race. Like, with cars. So they're racing alonga nd along came the DNC like a shot of nitro (no car buff). Bam, Obama gets a burst of speed and flies ahead. But it's a short burst. Now McCain, he has this wild, whacked out nitro (Palin). Problem is, the stuff hasn't been tested properly before hitting the streets. Sure, he's got the regular old stuff he could rely on, but he wants the good shit. The experimental shit.

So he uses this crazy crap and it works like a charm for a while. Holy shit, Obama doesn't even know what hit him. McCain went flying past! Problem is, it's just a bit harder to control the car. Gotta maybe change the way you're running things. Also, no telling how long this shit will last and what exactly the backlash will be. Third, there is the risk of just blowing the car up straight to fuck. Granted, may not be a huge risk, but it's there.

Too metaphorical? Well, you get the idea. The point is Palin will be exposed for what she is soon enough, things will begin to even out, and this race will ultimately be won by the better driver. So everyone chill the fuck out.

Been saying that for sometime myself. Though obama needs to do a better job of linking Palin as to why McCain is a bad choice. They want to prop this trophy up then lets use it against them.

Strength can be weakness
Weakness can be Strength
Perception and the perspective one takes is everything
worldrunover said:
This is the way I look at this. Let's suppose McCain and Obama were in a (to borrow Joe Biden's favorite word) literal race. Like, with cars. So they're racing alonga nd along came the DNC like a shot of nitro (no car buff). Bam, Obama gets a burst of speed and flies ahead. But it's a short burst. Now McCain, he has this wild, whacked out nitro (Palin). Problem is, the stuff hasn't been tested properly before hitting the streets. Sure, he's got the regular old stuff he could rely on, but he wants the good shit. The experimental shit.

So he uses this crazy crap and it works like a charm for a while. Holy shit, Obama doesn't even know what hit him. McCain went flying past! Problem is, it's just a bit harder to control the car. Gotta maybe change the way you're running things. Also, no telling how long this shit will last and what exactly the backlash will be. Third, there is the risk of just blowing the car up straight to fuck. Granted, may not be a huge risk, but it's there.

Too metaphorical? Well, you get the idea. The point is Palin will be exposed for what she is soon enough, things will begin to even out, and this race will ultimately be won by the better driver. So everyone chill the fuck out.
Oh I know there's going to be backlash for all this bullshit, I'm just concerned that the backlash (with swing voters) won't happen until after the election.

I'm afraid that the experimental shit put him in the lead just long enough to get him across the finish line even though he is a shitty driver.


McCain camp goes after ABC:

“Governor Palin’s full statement was VERY different” from the way Gibson characterized it,” read a statement circulated by McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds.

“Gibson cut the quote — where she was clearly asking for the church TO PRAY THAT IT IS a task from God, not asserting that it is a task from God.

“Palin’s statement is an incredibly humble statement, a statement that this campaign stands by 100 percent, and a sentiment that any religious American will share,”

The exchange between Palin and ABC’s Charlie Gibson, in which she questioned the accuracy of the quote attributed to her, was edited out of the television broadcast but included in official, unedited transcripts posted on ABC’s Web site, as well as in video posted on the Internet.

Gibson’s quote left out what Palin said before that:

“Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God. That’s what we have to make sure that we’re praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God’s plan.”

The edited televised version included a partial clip of that quote, but not the whole thing.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
laserbeam said:
McCain camp goes after ABC:

“Governor Palin’s full statement was VERY different” from the way Gibson characterized it,” read a statement circulated by McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds.

“Gibson cut the quote — where she was clearly asking for the church TO PRAY THAT IT IS a task from God, not asserting that it is a task from God.

“Palin’s statement is an incredibly humble statement, a statement that this campaign stands by 100 percent, and a sentiment that any religious American will share,”

The exchange between Palin and ABC’s Charlie Gibson, in which she questioned the accuracy of the quote attributed to her, was edited out of the television broadcast but included in official, unedited transcripts posted on ABC’s Web site, as well as in video posted on the Internet.

Gibson’s quote left out what Palin said before that:

“Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God. That’s what we have to make sure that we’re praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God’s plan.”

The edited televised version included a partial clip of that quote, but not the whole thing.

This is just as bad as saying that it is a task from god in my opinion. She is saying that she hopes that the war in Iraq is a task from god. She wants the slaughtering of hundreds of thousands of people, the displacement of millions, all for unjustified reasons, to be a task given from god. I just don't understand how modern evangelists can be so against such things like abortion and claim they are pro-life when on the other end of the spectrum they are all for killing brown people who may not share their beliefs.


Zefah said:
This is just as bad as saying that it is a task from god in my opinion. She is saying that she hopes that the war in Iraq is a task from god. She wants the slaughtering of hundreds of thousands of people, the displacement of millions, all for unjustified reasons, to be a task given from god. I just don't understand how modern evangelists can be so against such things like abortion and claim they are pro-life when on the other end of the spectrum they are all for killing brown people who may not share their beliefs.

I agree with you but if such editing was done as Official transcripts versus what was aired etc is true thats pretty shitty of ABC no matter who is the one being interviewed
laserbeam said:
McCain camp goes after ABC:

“Governor Palin’s full statement was VERY different” from the way Gibson characterized it,” read a statement circulated by McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds.

Lame whining, Gibson was wrong with his original assertion, but even the shortened clip shown showed that she was asking for the congregation to pray that the mission was from God. Not ABC's fault people may have taken it otherwise.


What I find so sickening, is not that McCain/Palin are such scumbags for pulling out everything conceivable dirty trick that is makcing Karl Rove blush but that people in this day and age actually believe this shit.

How the fuck is this even an election? This is the biggest smear job in recent history.
ABC gave them a soft ball interview.

And now ABC is getting trashed by McCain.

You know, I think they just blew whatever chances they had with the media. Of course, this poses a problem; nothing rallies the oppressors like the idea of being oppressed.
perfectchaos007 said:

McCain ahead of Obama 4% in the polls. Jeez Democrats need dirt on Palin FAST

It's there, tons of it. It's just that no one cares.

Democrats need to focus the election back on McCain/Bush, not McCain/Palin. I think they are making a calculated effort to wait until the Palin love-fest ends, and will demolish her at the debate.

Until the debate though, I don't expect to hear much about her at all from the Obama camp, if anything. And nothing after it, either. She really doesn't deserve any attention, they really need to get the country to focus on the issues.

If the election turns into a referendum on Palin, she will win. Dems need to avoid that.
laserbeam said:
I agree with you but if such editing was done as Official transcripts versus what was aired etc is true thats pretty shitty of ABC no matter who is the one being interviewed
There's no real editting in the aired interview. Gibson just seperates the quotes. And it's not entirely obvious which way she meant it, so crying about it is just silly.


FlightOfHeaven said:
ABC gave them a soft ball interview.

And now ABC is getting trashed by McCain.

You know, I think they just blew whatever chances they had with the media. Of course, this poses a problem; nothing rallies the oppressors like the idea of being oppressed.

Well to be fair everyone last night was mocking the ABC interview saying the McCain camp edited it but the truth is coming out that ABC edited out parts of quotes etc.

Thats not very professional especially when it causes headlines based on half quotes etc.
Frank the Great said:
It's there, tons of it. It's just that no one cares.

Democrats need to focus the election back on McCain/Bush, not McCain/Palin. I think they are making a calculated effort to wait until the Palin love-fest ends, and will demolish her at the debate.

Until the debate though, I don't expect to hear much about her at all from the Obama camp, if anything. And nothing after it, either. She really doesn't deserve any attention, they really need to get the country to focus on the issues.

If the election turns into a referendum on Palin, she will win. Dems need to avoid that.

Bush/McCain wasn't that impactful first time and was only a big deal with already Obama voters. The Change message is what appealed to the independants etc and the Repunlicans to their credit Hijacked it quick and easy

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
laserbeam said:
I agree with you but if such editing was done as Official transcripts versus what was aired etc is true thats pretty shitty of ABC no matter who is the one being interviewed

Definitely. I don't think there is any good reason to edit an interview unless it is just meaningful pauses in between questions or something. However, the part that I bolded was probably better left out of the televised interview for Palin's sake. I don't think that saying something so incredibly religious would go over well with the moderate independents who were watching. I think it is bad that ABC cut out anything she said, but I think that particular edit was something the McCain camp shouldn't be complaining about.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
The Kos poll has Obama in the lead by 1 point.


12-Sep    46%       47%        2%        2%        1%        2%

MEN       50%       42%        3%        3%        1%        1%
WOMEN     43%       51%        1%        1%        1%        3%

DEM       13%       82%        1%        1%        1%        2%
REP       90%        7%        1%        1%        0%        1%
IND       45%       42%        4%        4%        1%        4%
OTH       46%       42%        3%        3%        2%        4%

WHITE     57%       35%        3%        2%        1%        2%
BLACK      4%       93%        0%        0%        0%        3%
LATINO    27%       67%        0%        1%        0%        5%
OTHER      7%       85%        0%        0%        0%        8%

18-29     30%       62%        0%        1%        0%        7%
30-44     49%       44%        4%        1%        1%        1%
45-59     44%       48%        2%        3%        1%        2%
60+       55%       39%        1%        3%        1%        1%

NE        37%       56%        1%        1%        1%        4%
SOUTH     55%       38%        3%        1%        1%        2%
MIDWEST   44%       49%        2%        2%        1%        2%
WEST      44%       48%        2%        3%        1%        2%


It looks like McCain is running the score up in the South. If this is the case it might show that McCain could win the popular vote but lose the race.


What a bunch of ungrateful SOBs. ABC clearly chopped the whole thing interview up so she wouldn't look even more ignorant and unqualified..
mckmas8808 said:
The Kos poll has Obama in the lead by 1 point.

It looks like McCain is running the score up in the South. If this is the case it might show that McCain could win the popular vote but lose the race.

*returns to "new ideas for electoral voting" thread and deletes all posts*


remember me
mckmas8808 said:
The republicans are fucking horrible. Why would the majority of the people want lying scum to run the country when they are so obvious about their lies?

The answers to this question make my stomach turn. it's amazing how many people still believe Obama is a muslim and think he's lying about being a christian. Multiple times on NPR they've had interviews with people claiming that, and every time it makes me want to punch something. A white man would never be accused of being muslim for spending 4 years as a kid in Indonesia.

This country is still disgustingly racist. They'd rather have a lying white man than an honest black man.
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