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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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perfectchaos007 said:

McCain ahead of Obama 4% in the polls. Jeez Democrats need dirt on Palin FAST
They have plenty of dirt on her, people just don't care because she doesn't have a penis.

Also, regular convention bump, the lead is shrinking, etc.
Deus Ex Machina said:
Obama Canceled SNL- Just reported on MSNBC-- no link
nooooo why?

I hope he didn't cancel just because of the whole "celebrity" meme. I'll be fucking pissed.

EDIT: Yeah, going on SNL while a hurricane is ravaging Texas isn't such a great idea now that I think of it. But neither is eating cake with the President.


mckmas8808 said:
Just listening to this speech makes me know that Obama will win! He said that they have 42 headquarters in Virginia alone.


This is really why Obama will win. The guy has much too large of a ground game and free support to mobilize people. I mean they can dis him all they want for being a community organizer but this is what community organizers do.

The media has great control over the population but people you know are much more persuasive. This is why I wish that Obama and Biden would talk more at their speaking events about talking to at least one person each person in the crowd knows about the issues, and to have that person talk to someone else. Word of mouth is so powerful.


Barack Obama is scheduled to appear on “Saturday Night Live” tomorrow night, but he may pull out if Hurricane Ike devastates Houston, Texas, "SNL" creator-producer Lorne Michaels told Politico on Friday.

Thats from much earlier in the day

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Deus Ex Machina said:
Obama Canceled SNL- Just reported on MSNBC-- no link

Definitely a good idea in my opinion. This just wouldn't be a good time to do so in my opinion. With Ike coming in and people losing their homes and even their lives, it would look good to have him on a late night comedy show laughing it up with 'celebrities' and having a good ol' time bashing Palin in some skits.
laserbeam said:
I agree with you but if such editing was done as Official transcripts versus what was aired etc is true thats pretty shitty of ABC no matter who is the one being interviewed

There wasn't any editing, really. The part of that video they used in the interview included the "Pray for" sentence at the start. Gibson is a smart guy. He saw what most sensible people saw in that church video: a religious speech with very clear and pronounced "This is a Holy War" overtones. Everyone, including Gibson, is starting to see enough of Palin speak to know when she's trying to dance around a particular point or issue. She was trying to dance around "This is a Holy War" in the video. And in the way Gibson questioned her on the Holy War statement, he gave Palin enough rope to hang herself with.

It was a fair method, I'd say. Was still a total softball strategy, too.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
gkrykewy said:
I never thought John Fund was such a know-nothing tool. I was wrong.
I'm glad Bill called him on the fact that he's absolutely full of bullshit if he expects anyone to believe he didn't know what the Bush Doctrine was. What an offensive load of stinking bullshit.

Garofalo misses the boat when she says things like, "Democrats are fundamentally better people." She sacrifices a great point-- the tenor of the Republican Convention was vicious, disingenuous, and disgraceful-- to make an outrageous statement for no reason.
Y2Kev said:
Garofalo is on fire :lol

"yeah republicans are people who have less compassion, don't respect diversity, they are close minded, etc etc etc"..."yeah i think republicans should be jailed"

she open minded and compassionate...towards people who believe what she does.

I swear Democrats are giving the election to republicans with this Palin bashing, it amazes me they cant see this


Garofalo was as level headed as always. Which is to say that she had "crazy" dialed up to 11 from the time she first opened her mouth.


JayDubya said:
Garofalo was as level headed as always. Which is to say that she had "crazy" dialed up to 11 from the time she first opened her mouth.

Not as bad as Fund dialing to a hundred on the "spinelss toadie" meter.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
I swear Democrats are giving the election to republicans with this Palin bashing, it amazes me they cant see this

That's why she was chosen but the Repubs realize that if they win they have to keep her right? You can't just ship her back to Alaska.


gkrykewy said:
Roseanne was right about your smirk, too.

As much as I dislike Garofalo's crazy politics, she's at least kind of intelligent and capable of being funny. When Roseanne came out, I flipped the channel, so I won't get the reference. That's not a problem for me.


Saint Gregory said:
That's why she was chosen but the Repubs realize that if they win they have to keep her right? You can't just ship her back to Alaska.

Well technically they could. Delay troopergate til post election. Get her caught up in it and bye bye. Though that is not what they will do
lawblob said:
What channel? I love Garofalo!

That's what makes her so awesome!

it was on Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO, it really is a good political talk show, that is if you have HBO. Its very left leaning, but still has usually good dialogue even though im screaming at my TV half the time
Saint Gregory said:
That's why she was chosen but the Repubs realize that if they win they have to keep her right? You can't just ship her back to Alaska.

me? so im a republican now? oh yea thats right i was labeled as an evil republican because i usually have a dissenting opinion of what GAF believes. Just so you know im registered independent




AndyIsTheMoney said:
it was on Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO, it really is a good political talk show, that is if you have HBO. Its very left leaning, but still has usually good dialogue even though im screaming at my TV half the time

Gotcha. I listen to Real Time every week via iTunes. I am always a week behind on the show, so I won't get to listen til next week.

Unfortunately, right now I am watching Letterman interview a talking scarecrow.
Meg Ryan


AndyIsTheMoney said:
Just so you know im registered independent

:lol :lol :lol

So's my mother-in-law. Do you enjoy Sean Hannity as well?

I was actually a registered independent until last year, just to cut back on junk mail. Had to register DEM to have an actual vote in the Philadelphia mayoral race.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
AndyIsTheMoney said:
"yeah republicans are people who have less compassion, don't respect diversity, they are close minded, etc etc etc"..."yeah i think republicans should be jailed"

she open minded and compassionate...towards people who believe what she does.

I swear Democrats are giving the election to republicans with this Palin bashing, it amazes me they cant see this

gkrykewy said:
I'm glad Bill called him on the fact that he's absolutely full of bullshit if he expects anyone to believe he didn't know what the Bush Doctrine was. What an offensive load of stinking bullshit.

Garofalo misses the boat when she says things like, "Democrats are fundamentally better people." She sacrifices a great point-- the tenor of the Republican Convention was vicious, disingenuous, and disgraceful-- to make an outrageous statement for no reason.

So I basically agree with you on that point, except for one detail: the jailing thing was a joke raised by Fund.
TDG said:
They have plenty of dirt on her, people just don't care because she doesn't have a penis.

Also, regular convention bump, the lead is shrinking, etc.

Bullshit. Everyone was treating Hillary as if she had a massive cock. Why should it be different for another woman?


Zefah said:
Definitely. I don't think there is any good reason to edit an interview unless it is just meaningful pauses in between questions or something. However, the part that I bolded was probably better left out of the televised interview for Palin's sake. I don't think that saying something so incredibly religious would go over well with the moderate independents who were watching. I think it is bad that ABC cut out anything she said, but I think that particular edit was something the McCain camp shouldn't be complaining about.

You need to get out and see the world some more. Not everyone shares the groupthink views of those in the Poligaff bubble. And BTW, (Not attacking you necessarily, just some of the irrational stuff I see posted here.) Calling someone stupid or mentally defective because they don't support your views is narrow-minded and ignorant. I expect more from those who consider themselves enlightened.

We can agree to disagree without being viscerally objectionable.
gkrykewy said:
:lol :lol :lol

So's my mother-in-law. Do you enjoy Sean Hannity as well?

he can be kind of a mouthpiece at times but i do watch hannity and combs. if you want to blast me for who else i listen to, i listen to michael savage sometimes also. he would be considered much more offensive to you the hannity.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
me? so im a republican now? oh yea thats right i was labeled as an evil republican because i usually have a dissenting opinion of what GAF believes. Just so you know im registered independent

I'm sorry, so do Independents realize that they'll have to keep her?


giga said:
i see this posted but I have no clue what it means. it's only 9/12? predictions?

It's from 538, and it's from THE MIDDLE OF AUGUST.


AndyIsTheMoney said:
he can be kind of a mouthpiece at times but i do watch hannity and combs. if you want to blast me for who else i listen to, i listen to michael savage sometimes also. he would be considered much more offensive to you the hannity.

Good thing we have the truly independent like you to make all the decisions in this country, AndyIsTheMoney.

Nice stealth-edit.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
laserbeam said:
I agree with you but if such editing was done as Official transcripts versus what was aired etc is true thats pretty shitty of ABC no matter who is the one being interviewed

The same bullshit happened with Reverend Wright. So it's really not media bias.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
The graph only really deals with "convention bump" bump-- McCain could get a bump from some real thing happening in the world that wouldn't really be accounted for.


giga said:
i see this posted but I have no clue what it means. it's only 9/12? predictions?
Here's the context.


A month ago, on August 15th, Nate at fivethirtyeight did an analysis on past convention bounces. The then took into account the unique aspects of this cycle - the veep timing, the back to back conventions - and modeled what he though the convention bounces would look like this time around. As it turns out, he was exactly correct. So far, at least.

In the fivethirtyeight tracker, Obama got a six point bounce. Which dissipated during the GOP convention, leaving McCain two points ahead. Which is where their model has him now.

If their projection holds, things will normalize out over the next 10 days or so. In other words, this is still part of the expected bounce period, and no one should be panicking unless Obama is still behind after the first debate (which coincidentally is in two weeks).

This is coming from someone who was panicking this morning, BTW.
Saint Gregory said:
I'm sorry, so do Independents realize that they'll have to keep her?

i cant remember who said the quote "vice presidency is a do nothing job". but seriously for those of you scared of her, you only need worry if McCain dies. To which i reply his mother was at the republican convention still kicking it. so i think he may be around a while.


gkrykewy said:
Dude, you're the one referring to mass murderers in white coats. Doesn't get any crazier than that in this country.

No, hit men.

I call people that take money for a contract killing service hit men, because that's what they are.

Meanwhile Garofalo's ranting on about how Kerry really won and Diebold fixed the election.
gkrykewy said:
It's from 538, and it's from THE MIDDLE OF AUGUST.


Good thing we have the truly independent like you to make all the decisions in this country, AndyIsTheMoney.

Nice stealth-edit.

i edited because i said something personal about the person who posted me, i said unlike him i listen to people besides who i agree with. then i edited because it wasn't an appropriate response
AndyIsTheMoney said:
me? so im a republican now? oh yea thats right i was labeled as an evil republican because i usually have a dissenting opinion of what GAF believes. Just so you know im registered independent
You and me both. If I got a dollar for how many accusations on GAF that I am a republican even though I'm a registered democrat just because I don't like Obama, I could retire.
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