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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Illuminati said:
You and me both. If I got a dollar for how many accusations on GAF that I am a republican even though I'm a registered democrat just because I don't like Obama, I could retire.

That sounds like Republican talk



Does anyone else think this entire McCain bounce would've been averted if the Democratic convention went after the Repub convention? I think it would've.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
i cant remember who said the quote "vice presidency is a do nothing job". but seriously for those of you scared of her, you only need worry if McCain dies. To which i reply his mother was at the republican convention still kicking it. so i think he may be around a while.

Not that I want to give creedance to... well anything you just said but how many times has Mrs. McCain had cancer. Or how many years did she spend malnourished in a POW camp. She's not exactly an accurate barometer in this case.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
The Kos poll has Obama in the lead by 1 point.


12-Sep    46%       47%        2%        2%        1%        2%

MEN       50%       42%        3%        3%        1%        1%
WOMEN     43%       51%        1%        1%        1%        3%

DEM       13%       82%        1%        1%        1%        2%
REP       90%        7%        1%        1%        0%        1%
IND       45%       42%        4%        4%        1%        4%
OTH       46%       42%        3%        3%        2%        4%

WHITE     57%       35%        3%        2%        1%        2%
BLACK      4%       93%        0%        0%        0%        3%
LATINO    27%       67%        0%        1%        0%        5%
OTHER      7%       85%        0%        0%        0%        8%

18-29     30%       62%        0%        1%        0%        7%
30-44     49%       44%        4%        1%        1%        1%
45-59     44%       48%        2%        3%        1%        2%
60+       55%       39%        1%        3%        1%        1%

NE        37%       56%        1%        1%        1%        4%
SOUTH     55%       38%        3%        1%        1%        2%
MIDWEST   44%       49%        2%        2%        1%        2%
WEST      44%       48%        2%        3%        1%        2%


It looks like McCain is running the score up in the South. If this is the case it might show that McCain could win the popular vote but lose the race.


BobLoblaw said:
Does anyone else think this entire McCain bounce would've been averted if the Democratic convention went after the Repub convention? I think it would've.

Certainly. Shame DEMs couldn't win the all-star game this year.


Illuminati said:
You and me both. If I got a dollar for how many accusations on GAF that I am a republican even though I'm a registered democrat just because I don't like Obama, I could retire.

A true liberal would know that retirement is out of the question. We are all going to be working two jobs w/o healthcare until we die. It's the worst economy since the depression with no hope in sight.

I still doubt your credentials.


mckmas8808 said:

It looks like McCain is running the score up in the South. If this is the case it might show that McCain could win the popular vote but lose the race.
fivethirtyeight has that as an 8% chance right now - the highest it's been.

New Newsweek poll out today has the race tied, 46 all. I'm inclined to think a tie game in the national goes Obama due to ground game.


It's somewhat good that Obama is down right now... He just needs to keep it CLOSE. It would be good for Obama to start building momentum around October. Keep the race close now, get your groove in October, and close this thing out.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
HokieJoe said:
You need to get out and see the world some more. Not everyone shares the groupthink views of those in the Poligaff bubble. And BTW, (Not attacking you necessarily, just some of the irrational stuff I see posted here.) Calling someone stupid or mentally defective because they don't support your views is narrow-minded and ignorant. I expect more from those who deign to consider themselves enlightened.

We can agree to disagree without being viscerally objectionable.

I need to get out and see the world some more? Well, no offense, but I have been "out in the world" quite a bit in my 23 years of being alive. By "the world" did you mean the so-called 'bible-belt'? I argued that Palin was probably better off with that full quote being cut because it makes her look like a evangelist who hopes that the war in Iraq is some kind of holy war. She is bringing up God and the Christian religion as a hopeful justification for the carnage that is taking place in Iraq.

I don't think such overly-religious sentiments will appeal to anyone but fellow evangelists. I know Christianity is still the dominant religion in this country and that there are a ton of radical Christians in this country, but I doubt any moderate Christian would appreciate her saying that the Iraq war might be the will of god. You have to be pretty radical to believe or even hope for something like that.

Also, I'm not sure if you were directing that last comment at me in particular, but where did I call anyone stupid for disagreeing with me? Do I think a lot of people in this country are pretty dumb or willfully ignorant? Yes. A lot of the time they happen to disagree with my opinions too, but as this thread has proven there are a lot of dumb people out there who agree with my opinion and wish for the death of Palin's son. There are also plenty of smart people out there who agree with my opinion. Millionaires who vote republican are probably pretty smart if their goal is to maximize their gains. Greedy? Perhaps. Uncaring of others less fortunate than themselves? Most likely. But stupid? No.
Stoney Mason said:
As long as you've been displaying your hypocritcal stances and trollish behavior. How long has that been?

hypocritical stances? what have i been hypocritical about? have fun searching through my post history. i post something bad about McCain, and im agreed with. I post something bad about Obama, and im called a troll. that's hypocrisy
Oh . . . it is such a joy to see the press do its job. The truth shall set you free.

Analysis: McCain's claims skirt facts, test voters
By CHARLES BABINGTON, Associated Press Writer Fri Sep 12, 12:43 PM ET

WASHINGTON - The "Straight Talk Express" has detoured into doublespeak.

Republican presidential nominee John McCain, a self-proclaimed tell-it-like-it-is maverick, keeps saying his running mate, Sarah Palin, killed the federally funded Bridge to Nowhere when, in fact, she pulled her support only after the project became a political embarrassment. He said Friday that Palin never asked for money for lawmakers' pet projects as Alaska governor, even though she has sought nearly $200 million in earmarks this year. He says Obama would raise nearly everyone's taxes, when independent groups say 80 percent of families would get tax cuts instead.

Even in a political culture accustomed to truth-stretching, McCain's skirting of facts has stood out this week. It has infuriated and flustered Obama's campaign, and campaign pros are watching to see how much voters disregard news reports noting factual holes in the claims.

McCain's persistence in pushing dubious claims is all the more notable because many political insiders consider him one of the greatest living victims of underhanded campaigning. Locked in a tight race with George W. Bush for the Republican presidential nomination in 2000, McCain was rocked in South Carolina by a whisper campaign claiming he had fathered an illegitimate black child and was mentally unstable.

Shaken by the experience, McCain denounced less-than-truthful campaigning. Vowing to live up to his "straight talk" motto, he apologized for his reluctance to criticize the flying of the Confederate flag at South Carolina's state Capitol in a bid for votes. When the so-called Swift Boat Veterans for Truth attacked the military record of Democrat and fellow Navy officer John Kerry in 2004, McCain called the ads "dishonest and dishonorable."

Now, top aides to McCain include Steve Schmidt, who has close ties to Karl Rove, Bush's premier political adviser in 2000.

Politicians usually modify or drop claims when a string of newspaper and TV news accounts concludes they are untrue or greatly exaggerated. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, for example, conceded she had not come under sniper fire in Bosnia after a batch of debunking articles subjected her to scorn during her primary contest against Obama.

But McCain and his running mate Palin, the Alaska governor, were defiant this week in the face of similar reports. Day after day she said she had told Congress "no thanks" to the so-called Bridge to Nowhere, a rural Alaska project that was abandoned when critics challenged its costs and usefulness. For nearly a week, major news outlets had documented that Palin supported the bridge when running for governor in 2006, noting that she turned against it only after it became an object of ridicule in Alaska and a symbol of Congress's out-of-control earmarking.

The McCain-Palin campaign made at least three other aggressive claims this week that omitted key details or made dubious assumptions to criticize Obama. It equated lawmakers' requests for money for special projects with corruption, even though Palin has sought millions of dollars in such "earmarks" this year.

It produced an Internet ad implying that Obama had called Palin a pig when he used a familiar phrase, which McCain also has used, about putting "lipstick on a pig" to try to make a bad situation look better. McCain supporters said Obama was slyly alluding to Palin's description of herself as a pit bull in lipstick, but there was nothing in his remarks to support the claim. Obama accused the GOP campaign of "lies and phony outrage."

The lipstick wars were fully engaged when the McCain campaign produced another ad saying Obama favored "comprehensive sex education" for kindergartners. The charge triggered the sort of headlines becoming increasingly common in major newspapers and wire services monitoring the factual content of political ads and speeches.

"Ad on Sex Education Distorts Obama Policy," was the headline on a New York Times article Thursday. "McCain's 'Education' Spot is Dishonest, Deceptive," The Washington Post's "Fact Checker" article said.

Damn the whole article needs bolding.

AndyIsTheMoney said:
hypocritical stances? what have i been hypocritical about? have fun searching through my post history. i post something bad about McCain, and im agreed with. I post something bad about Obama, and im called a troll. that's hypocrisy

Your crude Hillary "joke" for one when you whine about the same behavior on Palin a few posts above for one which is why I responded to you when I normally don't as you don't bring very much substantive to the table from what I've seen.


ToxicAdam said:
A true liberal would know that retirement is out of the question. We are all going to be working two jobs w/o healthcare until we die. It's the worst economy since the depression with no hope in sight.

I still doubt your credentials.

And a true conservative would be in an alcohol-induced coma over the freddie/fannie bailout. Your credentials are very much in doubt.


Illuminati said:
You and me both. If I got a dollar for how many accusations on GAF that I am a republican even though I'm a registered democrat just because I don't like Obama, I could retire.
It's blind allegiance to Obama or you get the full brunt of PoliGAF's wrath. No distention, no altering opinion allowed.


Daily Tracking Poll Round Up

Poll             McCain       Obama        Lead      Daily Movement
Diageo/Hotline   44           45           O +1      M -2, O +1
Gallup           48           45           M +3      O +1
Rasmussen        49           46           M +3      M +1, O -2
Research 2000    46           47           O +1      M +1

National tracking polls today were a wash. Rasmussen had McCain picking up a net three points, Diageo/Hotline had him losing a net of three. Gallup showed Obama picking up one, while Research 2000 has McCain gaining one. No movement in the average.

I get the sense from these that McCain has peaked, for now at least. Fivethirtyeight is predicting the current margins to hold until the debates.



Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
giga said:
i see this posted but I have no clue what it means. it's only 9/12? predictions?

By next Saturday or Sunday we should start seeing an up tick in the polls for Obama. Until then McCain will be ahead by 2 or so points.
Stoney Mason said:
Your crude Hillary "joke" for one when you whine about the same behavior on Palin a few posts above for one which is why I responded to you when I normally don't as you don't bring very much substantive to the table from what I've seen.

Hilary joke=1 Palin joke= 1,000+ and counting

im pretty sure democrats in this thread are still up in this thread in terms of jokes.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Illuminati said:
You and me both. If I got a dollar for how many accusations on GAF that I am a republican even though I'm a registered democrat just because I don't like Obama, I could retire.

I'm curious. Who did you like in the race?


I hope that Obama is cutting down from the 50 state strategy and now starting to focus resources on the swing states that have the highest probability of turning for him.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
Hilary joke=1 Palin joke= 1,000+ and counting

im pretty sure democrats in this thread are still up in this thread in terms of jokes.

Like I say I take individual tally of people and their individual hypocrisies. If your stance is some people are hypocritical therefore I get to be hypocritical that's fine. Just don't whine if somebody says Palin is a wackjob christian or some other such variation on said "joke".


BobLoblaw said:
Does anyone else think this entire McCain bounce would've been averted if the Democratic convention went after the Repub convention? I think it would've.

Yeah, I was really pissed at how Barack's awesome speech was hardly covered the next day :(


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
GhaleonEB said:
fivethirtyeight has that as an 8% chance right now - the highest it's been.

New Newsweek poll out today has the race tied, 46 all. I'm inclined to think a tie game in the national goes Obama due to ground game.

Oh snap. Tied in Newsweek too. Great. If Obama can hold those polls and get Gallup and Rasmeunnn polls down then we'd be good media wise.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
kevm3 said:
I hope that Obama is cutting down from the 50 state strategy and now starting to focus resources on the swing states that have the highest probability of turning for him.

Some people from texas has moved to New Mexico


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
kevm3 said:
It's somewhat good that Obama is down right now... He just needs to keep it CLOSE. It would be good for Obama to start building momentum around October. Keep the race close now, get your groove in October, and close this thing out.

I'm glad to see you finally say something positive for once. For the last couple days you've been freaking out. :lol


kevm3 said:
I hope that Obama is cutting down from the 50 state strategy and now starting to focus resources on the swing states that have the highest probability of turning for him.
It must be said that a few months ago, the 50 state strategy was possible. It no longer is. He's not revising his strategy by choice but by need. This is going to go down to the wire.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
devilhawk said:
It's blind allegiance to Obama or you get the full brunt of PoliGAF's wrath. No distention, no altering opinion allowed.

This is a pure lie and you know it. I for one respect your opinions here. :D
Stoney Mason said:
Like I say I take individual tally of people and their individual hypocrisies. If your stance is some people are hypocritical therefore I get to be hypocritical that's fine. Just don't whine if somebody says Palin is a wackjob christian or some other such variation on said "joke".

where in this thread have i whined about jokes? sure i stated my opinion that bashing of Palin is creating a backlash in middle America, but i dont recall whining about palin jokes. although i post alot maybe i have, but again i don't recall complaining about a palin joke. its a fucking joke, who cares

and yeah i dont like Hillary or her mullet, whats the big deal
ToxicAdam said:
A true liberal would know that retirement is out of the question. We are all going to be working two jobs w/o healthcare until we die. It's the worst economy since the depression with no hope in sight.

I still doubt your credentials.
Actually, true reality-based liberals know that social security is perfectly fine and doesn't need to be dismantled.
giga said:
..why again are people panicing if it's a +-3 race? Sheesh.

because due to the condition of the country, democrats should have a 10 point lead right now. There is so much they can blame the republicans on, and yet its still so close. seriously if democrats cant win this election they need to hire some new strategists.

edit: my fast typing affects me again
AndyIsTheMoney said:
where in this thread have i whined about jokes? sure i stated my opinion that bashing of Palin is creating a backlash in middle America, but i dont recall whining about palin jokes. although i post alot maybe i have, but again i don't recall complaining about a palin joke. its a fucking joke, who cares

and yeah i dont like Hillary or her mullet, whats the big deal

Don't really care if you don't like her or not. You made a Hillary "joke" I made an "asshole" joke about you. It's all good. Jokes are good right?


AndyIsTheMoney said:
because due to the nation of the country, democrats should have a 10 point lead right now. There is so much they can blame the republicans on, and yet its still so close. seriously if democrats cant win this election they need to hire some new strategists.
i don't think it's that necessary to bring out the big guns yet. keep it as a trump card for october in case one of the debates goes bad.


GhaleonEB said:

I assume this is a Gallup poll prognostication based on historical trends?

I kind of like what's going on now, anyway, because like I said back around the conventions, a tight race up to November will hopefully keep Democrats/Obama voters motivated. Democrats actually far outnumber Republicans in this country (source), but as we see almost every election, they never seem to turn out in the amount that was expected.


Keep it close until october, and that's when we need to really catch our momentum. Start paring down and really focusing on the states we have the biggest chance of winning while we continue to maintain the Democratic strongholds.

I still feel Obama needs to come stronger with some of his ads, but we're in a decent position right now.

How many points is McCain up by in Texas?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
AndyIsTheMoney said:
because due to the condition of the country, democrats should have a 10 point lead right now. There is so much they can blame the republicans on, and yet its still so close. seriously if democrats cant win this election they need to hire some new strategists.

edit: my fast typing affects me again

Did you forget that Barack is a black man?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
VALIS said:
I assume this is a Gallup poll prognostication based on historical trends?

I kind of like what's going on now, anyway, because like I said back around the conventions, a tight race up to November will hopefully keep Democrats/Obama voters motivated. Democrats actually far outnumber Republicans in this country (source), but as we see almost every election, they never seem to turn out in the amount that was expected.

You can blame us black people for that. Oh year and young people. But I don't think you have to worry about those two groups this year. ;)

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
This shows the polls on Gallup for the past week. It's been wild, but there is an upturn on Obama's part

AndyIsTheMoney said:
he can be kind of a mouthpiece at times but i do watch hannity and combs. if you want to blast me for who else i listen to, i listen to michael savage sometimes also. he would be considered much more offensive to you the hannity.

The herbalist Wiener boy? That explains a lot.
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