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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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I think there is a lot of manipulation when it comes to polls.

Then you add dirty tactics to suppress votes when the elections come around.

Then people accept defeat because the polls made it sound like it was a close call.
devilhawk said:
It's blind allegiance to Obama or you get the full brunt of PoliGAF's wrath. No distention, no altering opinion allowed.
Differing opinions are certainly allowed but expect to engage in some debate.

And if you get a fact wrong, prepare to get slaughtered.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Seriously, if you guys complain about being a vocal minority, and you have the majority debating every single one of your dissenting points, maybe it's time to realize that it is not indeed group-think and the majority wanting to suppress differing opinions.

Maybe, just goddamn maybe, people disagree with your opinions and want to debate you on why you believe what you believe.

If you gonna open your mouth and say something, you better be able to defend what you said, and defend it with sound logic.


Here's a good video of Hillary campaigning


Barack needs to give her a public venue to speak... Drop the H-Bomb on the McCain campaign around October. What would be really awesome is if there was one last speech where they got all the big Democrats together... Bill and Hill, Gore, etc, and had a "we are one" speech. That would be a powerful attention grabber.
Does anyone else feel that McCain's ads (smears or not/lies or otherwise) are not only much more effective than Obama's, but are also produced much better? Seems Obama's always have some silly music aimed to make you giggle, while McCain's has the perfect blend of ominous danger (if you elect Obama) and soothing elation (I'm john mccain and I approve this message).

I don't think that it's necessarily the negativity that makes the ads that much better, but the overall production.


100% logic failure rate
If the dems lose this election I don't see how they win another election in the foreseeable future. I can't see a McCain admin being worse than a Bush one and if it isn't Palin is almost a shoe in for the next Presidency giving the fact that blacks will not be very motivated to get out and vote for Clinton giving what happened to Obama. That's a Republican presidency for the next 8 - 24 years.
ralexand said:
If the dems lose this election I don't see how they win another election in the foreseeable future. I can't see a McCain admin being worse than a Bush one and if it isn't Palin is almost a shoe in for the next Presidency giving the fact that blacks will not be very motivated to get out and vote for her giving what happened to Obama. That's a Republican presidency for the next 8 - 24 years.

(neutral) ralexand
100% logic failure rate
(Today, 01:14 AM)
Reply | Quote

hahaha, sorry man...


Byakuya769 said:
Does anyone else feel that McCain's ads (smears or not/lies or otherwise) are not only much more effective than Obama's, but are also produced much better? Seems Obama's always have some silly music aimed to make you giggle, while McCain's has the perfect blend of ominous danger (if you elect Obama) and soothing elation (I'm john mccain and I approve this message).

I don't think that it's necessarily the negativity that makes the ads that much better, but the overall production.

Agreed and I think the content is just more sinister for an attack. Obama's ad about lobbyists wasn't shabby but the Email one was downright lame. Which do you think will get the most coverage too obviously the lame email one that pokes fun unintentionally at a war disability.

Its like the Obama Camp got togeather and debated on how they can say Obama is better than they said "He can send email!"

kevm3 said:
Here's a good video of Hillary campaigning


Barack needs to give her a public venue to speak... Drop the H-Bomb on the McCain campaign around October. What would be really awesome is if there was one last speech where they got all the big Democrats together... Bill and Hill, Gore, etc, and had a "we are one" speech. That would be a powerful attention grabber.

Hillary's power is against Palin. Problem is she has flat out said you will not be using me against Palin.


Byakuya769 said:
Does anyone else feel that McCain's ads (smears or not/lies or otherwise) are not only much more effective than Obama's, but are also produced much better? Seems Obama's always have some silly music aimed to make you giggle, while McCain's has the perfect blend of ominous danger (if you elect Obama) and soothing elation (I'm john mccain and I approve this message).

I don't think that it's necessarily the negativity that makes the ads that much better, but the overall production.
I think production aside (where McCain's have a similar specific theme (don't trust Obama), Obams's change randomly) Obama's are generally the same message (BUSH TWO) while McCain's keep bringing up new doubts. While Obama is right now seemingly like he's throwing everything at McCain and hasn't looked up any of it. (e-mail charges! "Bridge to Nowhere" while Obama and Biden voted for it, etc.)

I'm extremely disappointed in the Obama campaign lately. They seem to have absolutely zero clue.


ralexand said:
If the dems lose this election I don't see how they win another election in the foreseeable future. I can't see a McCain admin being worse than a Bush one and if it isn't Palin is almost a shoe in for the next Presidency giving the fact that blacks will not be very motivated to get out and vote for her giving what happened to Obama. That's a Republican presidency for the next 8 - 24 years.

The problem is, who knows how much of a counry we'll have left if McCain gets to firing up wars in Iran, Russia, etc., and/or if Palin get sleft with the job of handling the Presidency.

I don't hate Palin or anything like that, but to be honest, this election seems like we're trying to take a pistol away from the hands of a baby. Palin, don't play with that! She's clearly not competent for arguably the most important job in the land, which can have dire, dire consequences if not done engaged by a competent person.
I appreciate having devilhawk, JayDubya, Gaborn, and... shoot, there was another decent dude or two around here.

Andy... hmm. I feel that sometimes he has a point, but articulates it badly, and defends it poorly. I still want him around, though.

Just want it to be known.

edit: laserbeam! How can I forget laserbeam.


benjipwns said:
How did they put themselves in a position where they can appear to be mocking/attacking McCain for his war injuries?


benjipwns said:
I think production aside (where McCain's have a similar specific theme (don't trust Obama), Obams's change randomly) Obama's are generally the same message (BUSH TWO) while McCain's keep bringing up new doubts. While Obama is right now seemingly like he's throwing everything at McCain and hasn't looked up any of it. (e-mail charges! "Bridge to Nowhere" while Obama and Biden voted for it, etc.)

I'm extremely disappointed in the Obama campaign lately. They seem to have absolutely zero clue.
I'm pretty sure they have a better clue than you do. No offence.


I agree that the republican ads are much, much more effective. They've been playing on fear for a longggg, longggg time, so they are quite good at it. The Obama ad seems kind of goofy, like a college prank or something. Obama needs to get the wolf guys to produce some commercials for him. He doesn't need an attack dog, he needs an attack wolf. 2 month remain.

I also agree that Hillary would be great to go against Palin, because Palin can't launch "SEXISM SEXISM SEXISM!" charghes against Hillary. Hopefully Obama can convince her to start getting on the attack on Palin. Palin's been trying to piggyback off of Hillary... Hillary needs to smash her back against the wall and knock the lil gal off.
laserbeam said:
Hillary's power is against Palin. Problem is she has flat out said you will not be using me against Palin.

If she goes against Palin, she brings Palin right back into the front of the story. She's making the smart play and ignoring her. Obama needs to run on the issues. If he loses on them

a) America disagrees with them
b) America doesn't give a shit about them

Either way, if those are true, he shouldn't be president. This isn't just "our" America, it's everyone's.
polyh3dron said:
If Obama loses, I think people will look back to Obama's 1982 ad as the thing that cemented the failure.

Such an epic fail when there are so many other things you can go after McLie for.
There are going to be (at least) 30 more ads before the election. People might remember the ones that play the week before the election.


kevm3 said:
How many points is McCain up by in Texas?

Not much polling in the state since it's so solid, but it's double digits. RCP has it a little over 10. 535 has it at nearly 13. And living here, I can tell you that that's probably putting it nicely. Resources are much better spent defending New Mexico, because I don't even think he could get enough going here to force McCain to spend anything on it. He also needs to bail out of his plans in Montana and the Dakotas too and refocus that, since those seem lost after Palin, and shift that over to Colorado and Nevada, and drop North Carolina in favor of focusing it all in Virginia, since the two will tend to move together and Virginia is the bluer of the two, and there's no realistic situation where he'd need both. And move stuff over from Indiana to Ohio, because I think Indiana is lost now, and give up on this Georgia pipe dream he's had from the outset to move it over to Florida, which is the only state that I think is probably a more realistic steal after Palin than before, since she doesn't seem to have played well with the Jewish vote.


This chart seems really accurate so far. It pretty much nailed the exact peak in the point spread after each convention, so I'm inclined to believe it. I guess 538 did a good job predicting that after all, even with the two conventions and the Palin pick all intermingling.

And yeah, the Internet ad is idiotic. I hope the campaign has seen the reaction to it online and never puts it on TV. It would get way worse backlash than the lipstick on a pig fiasco, if it's not going to already just from being online.
laserbeam said:
Agreed and I think the content is just more sinister for an attack. Obama's ad about lobbyists wasn't shabby but the Email one was downright lame. Which do you think will get the most coverage too obviously the lame email one that pokes fun unintentionally at a war disability.

Its like the Obama Camp got togeather and debated on how they can say Obama is better than they said "He can send email!"

Yep, lame really sums up the email ad. Lame, weak, and sorry as hell. It's just weird to me that his campaign has pulled off such wonderful things technically (emails, website, text messages) and fail at a fundamental such as making poignant commercials.


Byakuya769 said:
Yep, lame really sums up the email ad. Lame, weak, and sorry as hell. It's just weird to me that his campaign has pulled off such wonderful things technically (emails, website, text messages) and fail at a fundamental such as making poignant commercials.
It feels like they're convinced that "we think Obama is awesome and we love him, and so will everyone else if we just mock McCain/Palin" is a winning general strategy and got away from the ads they were running in the primary about how different (and great) Obama was by himself. They need to try and ignore McCain/Palin more instead of being so obsessed with them.
FlightOfHeaven said:
I appreciate having devilhawk, JayDubya, Gaborn, and... shoot, there was another decent dude or two around here.

Andy... hmm. I feel that sometimes he has a point, but articulates it badly, and defends it poorly. I still want him around, though.

Just want it to be known.

edit: laserbeam! How can I forget laserbeam.

Ditto on that. I tease and come off as a smart ass at times, but you guys really add to the thread. I'd hate this to turn into nothing but "omg obama gonna lose" or "omg obama is the shiznit" at every swing of the polls, with nothing else going on.


benjipwns said:
It feels like they're convinced that "we think Obama is awesome and we love him, and so will everyone else if we just mock McCain/Palin" is a winning general strategy and got away from the ads they were running in the primary about how different (and great) Obama was by himself. They need to try and ignore McCain/Palin more instead of being so obsessed with them.

Yeah they should focus on Obama and Biden as a great team, and ignore McCain and Palin outright, let the non-official people do the rest.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
kevm3 said:
I agree that the republican ads are much, much more effective. They've been playing on fear for a longggg, longggg time, so they are quite good at it. The Obama ad seems kind of goofy, like a college prank or something. Obama needs to get the wolf guys to produce some commercials for him. He doesn't need an attack dog, he needs an attack wolf. 2 month remain.

I also agree that Hillary would be great to go against Palin, because Palin can't launch "SEXISM SEXISM SEXISM!" charghes against Hillary. Hopefully Obama can convince her to start getting on the attack on Palin. Palin's been trying to piggyback off of Hillary... Hillary needs to smash her back against the wall and knock the lil gal off.
The last thing we need is a catfight between Palin and Hillary; the MSM will go crazy over it and it'll completely overshadow Obama/Biden.


*drowns in jizz*
Byakuya769 said:
Does anyone else feel that McCain's ads (smears or not/lies or otherwise) are not only much more effective than Obama's, but are also produced much better? Seems Obama's always have some silly music aimed to make you giggle, while McCain's has the perfect blend of ominous danger (if you elect Obama) and soothing elation (I'm john mccain and I approve this message).

I don't think that it's necessarily the negativity that makes the ads that much better, but the overall production.

Ive mentioned it before. For some reason or another, the GOP ads do have apparent higher production values. They just seem slicker, and so more prone to be taken seriously. Which doesnt make much sense to me, seeing how Obama's campaign has been so effective at using technology.


*drowns in jizz*
polyh3dron said:
I think one thing is for damn sure. Biden is not doing a very good job at being an attack dog so far.

Have you listened to him speak? He's doing an extremely good job. He shows righteous outrage, unlike Obama. The only problem? The media doesnt give a fuck, and therefore doesnt cover it.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
I'm not optimistic. Even if Obama wins this election, here's the scenarios I see happening in the following years:

- The expectation for Obama is so high that unless he does a PHENOMENAL job in the next 4 years, 2012 is when Republicans will come full swing attacking Obama's 2008 "hope" campaign promises. Let's be realistic, 4 years of Obama isn't going to suddenly make US a utopia so Republicans will spin their attack so hard and so fast that Obama is likely to lose in 2012

- Republicans somehow gets Obama impeached :lol

- World ends as predicted by the Mayans


100% logic failure rate
polyh3dron said:
I think one thing is for damn sure. Biden is not doing a very good job at being an attack dog so far.
On the contrary I thought his talk about the RNC was great. I love what Biden has been saying on the trail even more than what Obama has been saying.
FlightOfHeaven said:
I appreciate having devilhawk, JayDubya, Gaborn, and... shoot, there was another decent dude or two around here.

Andy... hmm. I feel that sometimes he has a point, but articulates it badly, and defends it poorly. I still want him around, though.

Just want it to be known.

edit: laserbeam! How can I forget laserbeam.

ouch, i think i would have rather you called me an asshole like stoney mason did. lol

my point sometimes is too anger some people to see what they say, because often we only speak our true, non politically correct feelings in a moment of outrage


Small balls, big fun!
AndyIsTheMoney said:
my point sometimes is too anger some people to see what they say, because often we only speak our true, non politically correct feelings in a moment of outrage

I want you to know I'm perfectly sanguine when I say that's retarded.
NetMapel said:
I'm not optimistic. Even if Obama wins this election, here's the scenarios I see happening in the following years:

- The expectation for Obama is so high that unless he does a PHENOMENAL job in the next 4 years, 2012 is when Republicans will come full swing attacking Obama's 2008 "hope" campaign promises. Let's be realistic, 4 years of Obama isn't going to suddenly make US a utopia so Republicans will spin their attack so hard and so fast that Obama is likely to lose in 2012

- Republicans somehow gets Obama impeached :lol

- World ends as predicted by the Mayans
If Obama wins who are the Republicans gonna run in 2012? Bobby Jindal? Ron Paul (lol)? Sarah Palin (lolol)? 76 Year Old John McCain (lololol)?


100% logic failure rate
Slurpy said:
Ive mentioned it before. For some reason or another, the GOP ads do have apparent higher production values. They just seem slicker, and so more prone to be taken seriously. Which doesnt make much sense to me, seeing how Obama's campaign has been so effective at using technology.
Yeah, he needs some of those Hollywood donors to help out. I loved the that one sing along ad though. Hope that's playing everywhere. The most effective though has been the one about the wolves. People need to give money to that group so they can broadcast it everywhere.
FlightOfHeaven said:
I appreciate having devilhawk, JayDubya, Gaborn, and... shoot, there was another decent dude or two around here.

Andy... hmm. I feel that sometimes he has a point, but articulates it badly, and defends it poorly. I still want him around, though.

Just want it to be known.

edit: laserbeam! How can I forget laserbeam.

actually let me add one more thing flight, i do have alot of respect for the way you handle people, like me, that often disagrees with others. I don't have any problems with dissenting beliefs or opinions of mine as long as they engage in a conservation that assumes at least a little respect for both sides. but when people come in assuming the intellectual and moral highground nothing can really be gained from their interaction.
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