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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Obama better use that line from Greenspan. It's a freakin' meatball down the strikezone...

"Even Alan Greenspan says we can't afford McCain's tax cuts for the richest 1%"


PS: Hey fiscal conservatives (do they even exist anymore), what now?
The Blue Jihad said:
You really think Putin is going to give a shit about her talking up sanctions?

Uh... never said anything of the sort. All I said is I read people freaking out and criticizing her because she wants to start war with Russia based on what they saw on ABC and that wasn't what she said.

This part of her response is absolute nonsense. The world is NOT some piss-ant suburbia. The issues you have with a next-door neighbor are making sure a tree isn't hanging over the fence. Picking up their mail when they go on vacation. House-sitting, on occasion. Play-dates for the kids. Agreeing to have their kids over for a few hours after school. She betrays her own inexperience when she tries to use suburb lingo in the context of international relations.

I don't think she meant people in Alaska should go over to Russia when they need to borrow sugar.

One, the world is not small enough for her "next-door neighbor" approach. This isn't her hometown. "We're all in this together so let's get along" in the sense she's using it is a Disney "aw shucks" small town mantra that has no place in the geopolitical arena. She's trying to treat international politics in the same way she'd deal with a next-door neighbor. "We're able to see Russia" is clear evidence of that. But the world--especially as it relates to international politics--is much bigger than her hometown.

I don't see any difference between that and the change bullshit that Obama has been shoving down our throats.

Two, we didn't "win" the Cold War. Nobody did. It wasn't a war for anyone to win; it was a war for everyone to lose. Both sides knew that if a shot were fired, it would be the end of civilization as we knew it. It was a stare-down. There was never going to be a shot fired. Palin claiming a US victory in the Cold War with no shots fired betrays her inexperience and lack of basic historical perspective.

That's your opinion and that's fine but imho we did win the Cold War. How did we not? The Soviet Union fell. The Berlin Wall fell. Communism is dead. Yeah, the "without a shot fired" comment does sound a little strange considering the name Cold War derives from the fact that everyone knew no shot would be fired. But she said that to illustrate her point that we can negotiate with and handle Russia without the use of the military.

There's no confusion what the Bush Doctrine is, though. It's a foreign policy that allows the US to make a "preventative" attack against a nation that is believed to provide some sort of international threat.

Or it could be the policy stating that countries harboring terrorists should be treated no differently than terrorists themselves and are essentially themselves responsible for anything said terrorists do. Or the spreading of democracy for American security. Among other things. Hell, Gibson himself gave his interpretation of the thing in the interview, and it was a different interpretation than what he has said in the past :lol

We can see the Bush Doctrine at work. It's the justification for the Iraq War (WMDs and links to Al Qaeda). It's going to be the justification to take announced military action against Iran (nuclear power). For Palin to be completely unaware of this is unsettling. She's an elected official. She should have been following the news.

And when Gibson explained it to her, her response was nonsensical gibberish. She didn't discuss policy details. She didn't explore how the US has used the Bush Doctrine in the War on Terror. She obviously had never even heard of the Bush Doctrine until Gibson brought it up.[/quote]

Yeah I'm sure you're right, she'd never heard of it at all :lol In fact when he asked her about Georgia and Russia I'm surprised she didn't jump up asking when the US invasion happened :lol She obviously did know about it and knew there were different policies and seemed annoyed that he would be that vague with the question. I don't see any gibberish in her answer, she gave as honest and direct an answer she could have given without just saying "yes". She didn't need to discuss the policy, Gibson explained which of the 7 policies he was talking about :D

No, the unedited transcript shows how she's completely unqualified for the job. She doesn't talk policy details, even when pressed for them.

Exactly when was she pressed for them?

edit wow I'm sorry, this came out way bigger than I thought it would be. I won't do this again :lol Cya when the debates come around, should be good fun.


Cloudy said:
Obama better use that line from Greenspan. It's a freakin' meatball down the strikezone...

Well, he better make sure he's not the entire Yankee lineup at the moment then. :-(

Edit: bumblebeetuna--is there another link not sourced to Mark Levin? No offense, but dude's not exactly unbiased, ya know? Thanks.
In Office, Palin Hired Friends and Hit Critics

WASILLA, Alaska — Gov. Sarah Palin lives by the maxim that all politics is local, not to mention personal.

So when there was a vacancy at the top of the State Division of Agriculture, she appointed a high school classmate, Franci Havemeister, to the $95,000-a-year directorship. A former real estate agent, Ms. Havemeister cited her childhood love of cows as one of her qualifications for running the roughly $2 million agency.

Ms. Havemeister was one of at least five schoolmates Ms. Palin hired, often at salaries far exceeding their private sector wages.



The Lamonster said:
Well I just got finished phone banking at my local Obama office for five hours. It was awesome and you all must do the same.

Lots of undecideds out there!
Awesome. 5 hours is pretty insane for phone banking. What state are you in and any more info on how it went?

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
minus_273 said:
has anyone posted the new zogby polls yet?

State: Pennsylvania

Updated: 9/13/2008

Summary: McCain - 49.1% Obama - 44.3% Not Sure/Other - 6.6%
State: New Hampshire

Updated: 9/13/2008

McCain - 49.1%
Obama - 42.8%
Not Sure/Other - 8.1%

New hampshire i can understand but PA? WTF.

:lol you love your zogby interactive. and yes its been posted.


Son of Godzilla said:
If Dobbs spewing his xenophobic bullshit whenever immigration is brought up isn't enough to get him off the air, nothing is.

I still have hope that Dobbs will pull a Don Imus eventually. He's bound let his xenophobic rage get the best of him sooner or later and have a major slip-up.


Bumblebeetuna said:
I don't see any difference between that and the change bullshit that Obama has been shoving down our throats.
:lol :lol :lol

You don't see a difference between Palin approaching foreign policy matters like she would deal with a next-door nieghbor, and Obama promising that his administration will bring change?

:lol :lol :lol
Cloudy said:
Obama better use that line from Greenspan. It's a freakin' meatball down the strikezone...

"Even Alan Greenspan says we can't afford McCain's tax cuts for the richest 1%"


PS: Hey fiscal conservatives (do they even exist anymore), what now?



bish gets all the credit :)


MightyHedgehog said:
Yes, I do dream of a Democrat/left-leaning Independent control over Washington for the next two or three decades...the Republicans/"conservative" near-domination of almost the last 40 years needs to fucking end already.

I'm not sure what country you're talking about, but it isn't ours. Many Republican appointees to the Supreme Court have clear leftist progressive records, and the Democrat appointees certainly do as well. The Democrats have also dominated the legislature for the majority of the past four decades. That's two out of the three branches.

speculawyer said:
Look . . . when you go on "The View" and talk about 'strict constructionist interpretation, that *is* cryptic bullshit. It is a reactionary legal ideology that most people don't understand other it being anti-abortion.

So, you're saying the primary demographic for the View is people that are superficial or dumb?

I haven't watched it enough to definitively agree, but if you're simply saying he failed to dumb it down for his context, I'm not sure how that's the same criticism that was levied earlier.
numble said:
Awesome. 5 hours is pretty insane for phone banking. What state are you in and any more info on how it went?
I'm in MO so I was calling St. Louis county voters, which is usually a bellwether (am I using that term correctly?).

It was my first time volunteering and the Obama people were like, "where'd this guy come from? When's he gonna stop?!?" Apparently I was the state leader in calls for the day by the time I left. And when I was leaving they said "wait wait wait! Where did you come from? What are you at in your life right now? Please come back!" so I signed up for tomorrow too.

Let's make it six hours tomorrow ;)


I think I may have just been phonebanked: "calling to see if you support Barack Obama for president" ; "Oh, yeah, definitely!" :lol

In Office, Palin Hired Friends and Hit Critics

WASILLA, Alaska — Gov. Sarah Palin lives by the maxim that all politics is local, not to mention personal.

So when there was a vacancy at the top of the State Division of Agriculture, she appointed a high school classmate, Franci Havemeister, to the $95,000-a-year directorship. A former real estate agent, Ms. Havemeister cited her childhood love of cows as one of her qualifications for running the roughly $2 million agency.

Ms. Havemeister was one of at least five schoolmates Ms. Palin hired, often at salaries far exceeding their private sector wages.

And hannity rails about Rezko. Jesus fuck.
Speaking of phone banking, I keep getting calls from the RNC. Like, I've gotten 4 calls in this last week. I think I'm gonna try and keep the next one on the phone for as long as possible.


I mean GREENSPAN just spoke against McCain's tax cuts. How many want to bet that this material WON'T make its way into an ad. It's too effective at showing the incompetence of McCain. We just had McCain talk about running on ambition, not country first. Why not put that in an ad and end it with the question, "Is John McCain really country first? Or is it more lies he wants you to believe in?" Oh wait, that'd be too effective. Time to talk about John McCain's goofy sweater he wore last year while golfing.

I mean could you possibly be in any better position to win an election and yet make it as difficult as possible for yourself? You have a guy that's running in a party that just offered 8 years of utter incompetence. A guy who has innumerous amounts of video evidence that would decimate a democrat if he had similar evidence against him... a guy who picked a vastly underqualified VP on a whim. All of this and MORE, and the race is neck and neck?

Is it possible to make a NeoGAF 527 lol...

(CNN) – Sarah Palin did not visit troops in Iraq, a spokesperson for the Republican VP nominee confirmed Saturday, as new details emerged about the extent of the Alaska governor’s foreign travel.

In July of last year, Palin left North America for the first time to visit Alaskan troops stationed in Kuwait. Palin officials originally said her itinerary included U.S. military installations or outposts in Germany and Kuwait, and that she had visited Ireland. An Alaska spokeswoman for Palin had said Iraq was also one of the stops on that trip.

The Boston Globe reported Saturday that Palin visited the Iraqi side of a border crossing — but never journeyed past the checkpoint.

Earlier: McCain defends Palin's experience level

Earlier, campaign aides confirmed reports that Palin’s time in Ireland on that trip had actually been a re-fueling stop.

Jesus H. Christ. I don't want to hear another person deny the racist tendencies of GOP. What more proof do you need?

REV 09 said:

From AP:

While Obama Waffles takes aim at Obama's politics by poking fun at his public remarks and positions on issues, it also plays off the image of the classic pancake-mix icon Aunt Jemima, which has been widely criticized as a demeaning stereotype. Obama is portrayed with popping eyes and big, thick lips as he stares at a plate of waffles and smiles broadly.
Placing Obama in Arab-like headdress recalls the false rumor that he is a follower of Islam, though he is actually a Christian.
On the back of the box, Obama is depicted in stereotypical Mexican dress, including a sombrero, above a recipe for "Open Border Fiesta Waffles" that says it can serve "4 or more illegal aliens." The recipe includes a tip: "While waiting for these zesty treats to invade your home, why not learn a foreign language?"
The novelty item also takes shots at 2004 Democratic nominee John Kerry, Obama's wife, Michelle

First off, this is THE religious right summit. Just to show you how ungodly, how un-Christian, the religious really is. Second, just imagine the outcry if we'd sold "Cindy McCain drug testing kits" at our big conventions. McCain and Palin are speaking at this convention (as is Obama). Are they going to be speaking out against this blatant racism, sexism and Latino bashing, or does John McCain only care about prejudice when it's a lie that helps him win an election? Greg Mitchell has more, including a photo of the product.


Setec Astronomer
MightyHedgehog said:
I don't know...I think that this election cycle is their "we're not conservative enough" reaction just by taking on the woefully unpopular Bush-Cheney platform and making it potentially even more conservative in the, IMO, likely event that McCain leaves office within the first term...giving it over to Palin.
If the primaries are any indication, the leading segment will definitely try to blame it on McCain being insufficiently conservative, but at the same time, I suspect a great deal of Republicans don't want to be pulled even further to the right while losing elections.

It'll be interesting to watch if that happens.


speculawyer said:
Jesus H. Christ. I don't want to hear another person deny the racist tendencies of GOP. What more proof do you need?
The waffles aren't from the GOP though, their just from some random dumbfucks in Tennessee.


Master of the Google Search
Hitokage said:
If the primaries are any indication, the leading segment will definitely try to blame it on McCain being insufficiently conservative, but at the same time, I suspect a great deal of Republicans don't want to be pulled even further to the right while losing elections.

It'll be interesting to watch if that happens.
I have a feeling it will ultimately parallel the Democrats during the 80s. After a disappointing administration and election they go further to the left/right before finally deciding on a centerist candidate in 1992/2016


JayDubya said:
So, you're saying the primary demographic for the View is people that are superficial or dumb?

No. Look up the word "cryptic". I like its use in Biology:

"Tending to conceal or camouflage". Or what what's his face said earlier about Rehnquist and true views eventually coming out.

JayDubya said:
I haven't watched it enough to definitively agree, but if you're simply saying he failed to dumb it down for his context, I'm not sure how that's the same criticism that was levied earlier.

Jay, it's like a 4 minute clip or something. *sigh* And here I thought calling you Palin's secret lover would be what pissed you off.
Just got back from a Camp Obama training session in which well over 100 people gave up their Saturday and spent 9 hours training, learning, and organizing for the battleground states. Mind you, this was in Texas. I'm officially headed to Denver, Colorado, for the 10 days leading up to the election. :D


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
The Lamonster said:
Well I just got finished phone banking at my local Obama office for five hours. It was awesome and you all must do the same.

Lots of undecideds out there!

How man people do you think will register because of your work?


bob_arctor said:
Jay, it's like a 4 minute clip or something.

I watched the McCain clips, I'm saying I don't watch the View regularly. On the basis of those clips I probably wouldn't want to start, either.


JayDubya said:
I watched the McCain clips, I'm saying I don't watch the View regularly. On the basis of those clips I probably wouldn't want to start, either.

We finally agree on something. That was the first time for me as well aside from maybe pics of Elizabeth Hasselbeck who is all kinds of hot.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
The Lamonster said:
I'm in MO so I was calling St. Louis county voters, which is usually a bellwether (am I using that term correctly?).

It was my first time volunteering and the Obama people were like, "where'd this guy come from? When's he gonna stop?!?" Apparently I was the state leader in calls for the day by the time I left. And when I was leaving they said "wait wait wait! Where did you come from? What are you at in your life right now? Please come back!" so I signed up for tomorrow too.

Let's make it six hours tomorrow ;)

Dude you are the man!!! How many people did you call?


So we're all feeling a bit optimistic right now, right? Gallup has the gap at a close 2, we're seeing what those crazy 527s can do against the Republicans, and the media looks like it's in a sea change. Pretty nice feeling, after how the rest of this week was shitty I think we can all sit back today and not worry about anythi
JayDubya said:
I watched the McCain clips, I'm saying I don't watch the View regularly. On the basis of those clips I probably wouldn't want to start, either.

It's a show targeted towards women. Generally housewives. You're not exactly their key demo.
mckmas8808 said:
How man people do you think will register because of your work?
Well we were only calling registered voters, but I was extra polite and informative to the undecideds. I told them the dates of the debates and pimped www.barackobama.com/issues.

I also made sure to energize and thank the Obama supporters. I told them to spread the word and warned them that the deadline to register other folks is October 8th.

mckmas8808 said:
Dude you are the man!!! How many people did you call?
I called hundreds of voters today. We tried to look up the final tally when I was done but there were computer issues. But I know it was a hell of a lot!


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Incognito said:
Just got back from a Camp Obama training session in which well over 100 people gave up their Saturday and spent 9 hours training, learning, and organizing for the battleground states. Mind you, this was in Texas. I'm officially headed to Denver, Colorado, for the 10 days leading up to the election. :D

Great man! Do it for your country!
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