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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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The Lamonster said:
oh for fucks sakes

Hey so is Obama doing SNL tonight or not?

No he isn't. Hurricane ended that chance. No way is he doing SNL with Ike after Republicans gave up a day of the RNC for Gustav


Remember people, 538 is usually a few days behind in the trends. They had Obama still going strong while McCain was already gaining in the national polls. I'm sure that in a few days 538's numbers will tighten
Y2Kev said:
he has been saying we should have gone with hillary for like a week.

From a political perspective I don't think that was ever in doubt. It is what it is. Still early. Still 4 debates. A tightening race, etc.
Stoney Mason said:
From a political perspective I don't think that was ever in doubt. It is what it is. Still early. Still 4 debates. A tightening race, etc.
We all know if he picked Hillary, the GOP would have plenty of video and sound bytes to show us, proving how two-faced politicians can be.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Stoney Mason said:
From a political perspective I don't think that was ever in doubt. It is what it is. Still early. Still 4 debates. A tightening race, etc.
I still think she wasn't the right decision. High negatives, appealing to a tiny group of PUMAs.


Setec Astronomer
I don't get why some of you are so obsessed with Democrats making the right pick or not. Face it, no matter who he or she is, or how perfect he or she may be, you'll still get this sort of shit. Lies are the great equalizer. :p


The Lamonster said:
We all know if he picked Hillary, the GOP would have plenty of video and sound bytes to show us, proving how two-faced politicians can be.
This is true. The only VP pick McCain could've made that would've equaled the ampunt of harm Hillary would've brought to the Obama campaign would be Romney.

woeds said:
Remember people, 538 is usually a few days behind in the trends. They had Obama still going strong while McCain was already gaining in the national polls. I'm sure that in a few days 538's numbers will tighten

laserbeam said:
No he isn't. Hurricane ended that chance. No way is he doing SNL with Ike after Republicans gave up a day of the RNC for Gustav
Sigh, leave it to Obama to use the hurricane for political reasons to try to look like he cares about the people affected by the hurricane.
The Lamonster said:
We all know if he picked Hillary, the GOP would have plenty of video and sound bytes to show us, proving how two-faced politicians can be.

Like I say that's assuming people care about these video and sound bytes or don't have enough wisdom to realize this is a campaign. There were lots of negatives with picking Palin and for the most part its been a good political pick so it's not just as simple as that. It's about motivating and energizing people. Not saying he can't win with Biden. Just saying the reality is from the political perspective it didn't gain him much at all. This is a separate argument from a governing perspective where I think he will be fine.


mamacint said:

Quoted so I hope everyone reads the article in the link quoted.

Another excerpt from it, which I thought was timely:

Article said:
Not deeply versed in policy, Ms. Palin skipped some candidate forums; at others, she flipped through hand-written, color-coded index cards strategically placed behind her nameplate.

Before one forum, Mr. Halcro said he saw aides shovel reports at Ms. Palin as she crammed. Her showman’s instincts rarely failed. She put the pile of reports on the lectern. Asked what she would do about health care policy, she patted the stack and said she would find an answer in the pile of solutions.

Article said:
As she assembled her cabinet and made other state appointments, those with insider credentials were now on the outs. But a new pattern became clear. She surrounded herself with people she has known since grade school and members of her church.

Article said:
While Ms. Palin took office promising a more open government, her administration has battled to keep information secret. Her inner circle discussed the benefit of using private e-mail addresses. An assistant told her it appeared that such e-mail messages sent to a private address on a “personal device” like a Blackberry “would be confidential and not subject to subpoena.”

Article said:
As Ms. Palin’s star ascends, the McCain campaign, as often happens in national races, is controlling the words of those who know her well. Her mother-in-law, Faye Palin, has been asked not to speak to reporters, and aides sit in on interviews with old friends.


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Stoney Mason said:
Like I say that's assuming people care about these video and sound bytes or don't have enough wisdom to realize this is a campaign. There were lots of negatives with picking Palin and for the most part its been a good political pick so it's not just as simple as that. It's about motivating and energizing people. Not saying he can't win with Biden. Just saying the reality is from the political perspective it didn't gain him much at all. This is a separate argument from a governing perspective where I think he will be fine.

Palin looks like a good pick so far. Time will prove that the pick was a horrible one.
Questioning Obama's VP pick is just another distraction the GOP would love to create a lot of noise about. Palin talks about it to try and rile up some of the Hillary and 'vagina' voters (my wife agreed with this term and said that by voting for McCain-Palin they would really get screwed :lol ). Wolf Blitzer and others would love to push that angle as well. Some journalists just obsess over Clinton drama.


Jak140 said:
He wasn't supposed to excite people. The point of the VP pick is to do no harm and maybe shore up a few weaknesses.

To some extent you're right. Ideally your VP shouldn't hurt you, but at the same time Palin's getting so much coverage she's suffocating EVERYONE else. The disparity is enough to show that she's stolen "the story" from Obama. In fact, google trends on that...

Stoney - I think that the Republicans are basically operating on the idea that a fresh face is going to reinvigorate the campaign, even with scandals and negative coverage. At some point there's a sympathy backlash for negative coverage as well, particularly given some of the nature of the negative coverage (the Kos blogger who spread rumors about Trig's parentage for example)
mj1108 said:
I'd rather have a VP who actually knows his stuff and can help Obama over the next 4 years than a flash-in-the-pan "American Idol" VP.

I agree but I would also rather win and get my policies enacted rather than lose a devasting defeat (I mean momentum wise not the size of the victory) that sets back the Democratic party as a loss here will certainly do. I'm just being realistic.

The race is also just about 50-50 now so there is no reason to be overly joyful or overly pessimistic at this moment.


Gaborn said:
To some extent you're right. Ideally your VP shouldn't hurt you, but at the same time Palin's getting so much coverage she's suffocating EVERYONE else. The disparity is enough to show that she's stolen "the story" from Obama. In fact, google trends on that...

Well if she had been vetted at all and didn't have all of this drama with her, it might be a little different.


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Gaborn said:
To some extent you're right. Ideally your VP shouldn't hurt you, but at the same time Palin's getting so much coverage she's suffocating EVERYONE else. The disparity is enough to show that she's stolen "the story" from Obama. In fact, google trends on that...

Stoney - I think that the Republicans are basically operating on the idea that a fresh face is going to reinvigorate the campaign, even with scandals and negative coverage. At some point there's a sympathy backlash for negative coverage as well, particularly given some of the nature of the negative coverage (the Kos blogger who spread rumors about Trig's parentage for example)

Negative backlash my butt. That will NOT happen. All of this policy stuff is what's going to take that teflon off of her.

And everytime she opens her mouth without a note card will hurt her too.


The Lamonster said:
I'm in MO so I was calling St. Louis county voters, which is usually a bellwether (am I using that term correctly?).

It was my first time volunteering and the Obama people were like, "where'd this guy come from? When's he gonna stop?!?" Apparently I was the state leader in calls for the day by the time I left. And when I was leaving they said "wait wait wait! Where did you come from? What are you at in your life right now? Please come back!" so I signed up for tomorrow too.

Let's make it six hours tomorrow ;)

That's great! I've found volunteering for Obama a lot of fun too. I haven't done phone banking yet. Though, I learned how to train people for phone banking. People from all walks of life have come in to do it. Middle school to High school aged kids up to 80 year old's and all economic classes as well. Everyone has been very friendly and once people come in they tend to come back and stay longer the next time. I was asked to be an intern after I performed so well on my first day and a half. At least in my area, anyone with computer skills is much needed. Before I came, most of the data entry was being done by middle aged women with minimal computer skills. So if some of you are afraid to make phone calls or register voters, you can still help out a great deal. All the information from phone banking, canvassing, voter registration, and volunteer data needs to be inputted into their software.


mckmas8808 said:
Negative backlash my butt. That will NOT happen. All of this policy stuff is what's going to take that teflon off of her.

And everytime she opens her mouth without a note card will hurt her too.

Historically I'd say that issues play a bit less of a role than most people would like them to, and like it or not women especially DO benefit from sympathy support when people are attacking them (whether the attacks are fair or not)


HolyStar said:
This worry shows that PoliGAF can't predict popularity trends. When Palin was announced everyone was like :lol but now look.

Well, now her fav/unfav level is starting to drop and independents are backing off McCain.


So today we have:

1) Polls continuing to tighten toward zero
2) McCain/Palin are lying/misleading is ramping up as a media narrative

Gotta like where this is trending!


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
HolyStar said:
This worry shows that PoliGAF can't predict popularity trends. When Palin was announced everyone was like :lol but now look.
A lot of us were very nervous (I was so nervous). Still am, but I think she's getting exposed and the media is turning on McCain.
Old? Here's the back and forth from today, and holy shit...

McCain campaign spokesman Tucker Bounds criticized Obama for showing "zero restraint" given the storm and said the "attacks mark a new low from Barack Obama."

The Obama campaign's response was even tougher.

"We will take no lectures from John McCain, who is cynically running the sleaziest and least honorable campaign in modern presidential campaign history," said Obama spokesman Bill Burton. "His discredited ads with disgusting lies are running all over the country today. He runs a campaign not worthy of the office he is seeking."


HolyStar said:
This worry shows that PoliGAF can't predict popularity trends. When Palin was announced everyone was like :lol but now look.

Everyone was like: :lol

But now with all the dirt on her and how people are turning on McCain's ads and it's like: :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


gkrykewy said:
McCain/Palin are lying/misleading is ramping up as a media narrative

Gotta like where this is trending!

I think Monday this is gonna be the Obama campaign's narrative at least. I read a New York Times article that pretty much called McCain on the bullshit.

I think the first time I heard it was out of Rachel Maddow's mouth during or around the RNC convention. "We're just gonna call them lies."


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Gaborn said:
Historically I'd say that issues play a bit less of a role than most people would like them to, and like it or not women especially DO benefit from sympathy support when people are attacking them (whether the attacks are fair or not)

But McCain is at the top of the ticket.


Revengeance said:
Old? Here's the back and forth from today, and holy shit...

LOL Tucker Bounds LOL.

This is the same bitch Campbell Brown owned on CNN (which led to the McCain campaign pulling any further interviews from the network).
PHOTOS: Obama in Manchester this morning






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AniHawk said:
I think Monday this is gonna be the Obama campaign's narrative at least. I read a New York Times article that pretty much called McCain on the bullshit.

I think the first time I heard it was out of Rachel Maddow's mouth during or around the RNC convention. "We're just gonna call them lies."

REPs will just be like lol elite media. But they forget that, that same media has to put out their message and can turn on them at anytime.

So yeah it's still :lol at McCain.
"We will take no lectures from John McCain, who is cynically running the sleaziest and least honorable campaign in modern presidential campaign history," said Obama spokesman Bill Burton. "His discredited ads with disgusting lies are running all over the country today. He runs a campaign not worthy of the office he is seeking."

Shit just got real.
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