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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Gaborn said:
To some extent you're right. Ideally your VP shouldn't hurt you, but at the same time Palin's getting so much coverage she's suffocating EVERYONE else. The disparity is enough to show that she's stolen "the story" from Obama. In fact, google trends on that...

Palin mania is due to her being a new and largely unvetted face. It will die down in a few weeks. You never want your VP to overwhelm the top of your ticket, especially when a large part of it is due to scandals. Palin is a horrible VP pick, and the polls show her unfavorablity rising as people get to know her. Yes, she threw everyone off guard and that initially generated a lot of interest, but the flipside of that is going to come around and bite McCain in the ass.


Revengeance said:
Old? Here's the back and forth from today, and holy shit...

"We will take no lectures from John McCain, who is cynically running the sleaziest and least honorable campaign in modern presidential campaign history," said Obama spokesman Bill Burton. "His discredited ads with disgusting lies are running all over the country today. He runs a campaign not worthy of the office he is seeking."

Fucking right.
Deus Ex Machina said:
PHOTOS: Obama in Manchester this morning





That's a good crowd size. NH needs to jump on board with the hopeium so Obama can spend more time in O-hio and other swing states.
mj1108 said:
Republicans will all be like lol NY Times, liberal media

NYT said:
But an examination of her swift rise and record as mayor of Wasilla and then governor finds that her visceral style and penchant for attacking critics — she sometimes calls local opponents “haters” — contrasts with her carefully crafted public image.



Jak140 said:
Palin mania is due to her being a new and largely unvetted face. It will die down in a few weeks. You never want your VP to overwhelm the top of your ticket, especially when a large part of it is due to scandals. Palin is a horrible VP pick, and the polls show her unfavorablity rising as people get to know her. Yes, she threw everyone off guard and that initially generated a lot of interest, but the flipside of that is going to come around and bite McCain in the ass.

If Dan Quayle can be on a winning ticket...
Jason's Ultimatum said:
Uh, so what's the problem? It was on her itinerary and she didn't end up making it to the country.

The campaign is claiming that she did go into Iraq until they were called on it. It has nothing to do with her and more to do about the campaign's spin cycle.


The Lamonster said:
Well I just got finished phone banking at my local Obama office for five hours. It was awesome and you all must do the same.

Lots of undecideds out there!

Good for you man, I hope more Obama supps do the same thing.


For SoCal Probama Poligaffers, Obama's doing a drive for change thing to Nevada. Next one is from the 26th to the 28th. It's for voter registration and the like. Just thought I should mention it.


Door2Dawn said:
Because 1988 is the same as 2008. You're so right Gaborn.

Of course it's not the same. I'm just saying that for the most part people won't vote against a president with a less than stellar VP choice, and regardless, the perception most people seem to have of Palin is rather positive. To me that indicates that she's probably currently a positive, and if she becomes a negative Mccain would simply de-emphasize her role in the campaign, I don't think it'd hurt him the way McGovern was hurt by Eagleton UNLESS she's actually found culpable in the trooper-gate situation.


*drowns in jizz*
Many lawmakers contend that Ms. Palin is overly reliant on a small inner circle that leaves her isolated. Democrats and Republicans alike describe her as often missing in action. Since taking office in 2007, Ms. Palin has spent 312 nights at her Wasilla home, some 600 miles to the north of the governor’s mansion in Juneau, records show.

During the last legislative session, some lawmakers became so frustrated with her absences that they took to wearing “Where’s Sarah?” pins.

Many politicians say they typically learn of her initiatives — and vetoes — from news releases.

Mayors across the state, from the larger cities to tiny municipalities along the southeastern fiords, are even more frustrated. Often, their letters go unanswered and their pleas ignored, records and interviews show.

Sound like anyone else in the current administration? Yeah, this is exactly what we need.


Gaborn said:
If Dan Quayle can be on a winning ticket...
Compare the popularity of Reagan to that of GW Bush. HW Bush would have won regardless. Palin bolstered a campaign on life-support, as soon as her shine wears off the boost she offered will too. Completely different situation.


I was reading about the Roman Senate during the days of the Roman Empire on wikipedia:

Since no senator could stand for election to a magisterial office without the emperor's approval, senators usually did not vote against bills that had been presented by the emperor. If a senator disapproved of a bill, he usually showed his disapproval by not attending the senate meeting on the day that the bill was to be voted on.


How times have not changed (except now the people are the Emperor, in a way).


Ether_Snake said:
I was reading about the Roman Senate during the days of the Roman Empire on wikipedia:


How times have not changed (except now the people are the Emperor, in a way).

Eh, I'd say the media is the emperor, not the people.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Gaborn said:
Of course it's not the same. I'm just saying that for the most part people won't vote against a president with a less than stellar VP choice, and regardless, the perception most people seem to have of Palin is rather positive. To me that indicates that she's probably currently a positive, and if she becomes a negative Mccain would simply de-emphasize her role in the campaign, I don't think it'd hurt him the way McGovern was hurt by Eagleton UNLESS she's actually found culpable in the trooper-gate situation.

If you want history then explain to me how Palin herself will deliver McCain multiple states when thats never happened before.
The Lamonster said:
Well I just got finished phone banking at my local Obama office for five hours. It was awesome and you all must do the same.

Lots of undecideds out there!

I worked the ground game for almost 4 hours.

Starting around 11.

In the Miami sun.

I'm DEFINITELY doing calls next time :lol


Setec Astronomer
Slurpy said:
Sound like anyone else in the current administration? Yeah, this is exactly what we need.
I've said it before, but while the Obama campaign tries to tie McCain to Bush on policy issues, Palin IS Bush--in beliefs, in attitude towards authority, and in governance.


Y2Kev said:
I still think she wasn't the right decision. High negatives, appealing to a tiny group of PUMAs.
would of drawn in clinton voters, would of done a better job "unifying" the democratic party, would of provided an even bigger shot of adrenaline to the democratic supporters, would of swung the media spotlight fully towards their direction, any bad blood between obama and hillary supporters would of been erased at the DNC, would of secured women votes, preventing the Palin pick which would of prevented the republican base getting energized

she would of been a much better choice for the elections, but obama chose biden for a reason


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formerly sane
Odrion said:
would of drawn in clinton voters, would of done a better job "unifying" the democratic party, would of provided an even bigger shot of adrenaline to the democratic supporters, any bad blood between obama and hillary supporters would of been erased at the DNC, would of secured women votes, preventing the Palin pick which would of prevented the republican base getting energized

With a woman like hillary at vp I wonder how long obama would survive at being president. That woman is a scumbag and is far more ruthless than most will ever realize.


mckmas8808 said:
If you want history then explain to me how Palin herself will deliver McCain multiple states when thats never happened before.

By herself she probably won't, although she'll probably convince some PUMA's to actively vote for McCain rather than going Nader or sitting out. What she does do is take coverage, attention, and buzz away from Obama. Elections are about energy and buzz and excitement. Obama's biggest advantage was the excitement people had, the energy of a long period of mostly positive coverage for him, and that for the most part the media ignored McCain prior to the RNC (sure they covered Obama negatively at times, but they hardly covered McCain at all). In fact, over the last year McCain got 36% of the coverage Obama got according to Google trends. In the last 30 days by contrast, Palin is getting 25% more coverage than Obama even though Obama is still getting 35% more coverage than McCain.


LCGeek said:
With a woman like hillary at vp I wonder how long obama would survive at being president. That woman is a scumbag and is far more ruthless than most will ever realize.
this is all I get for "reasons why obama shouldn't chose her", some dumbshit conspiracyistic statements that sound stupid when read out loud

heck hillary being veep would of been like the democratic version of cheney. who wants to take out the leader if his replacement is more frightening?


Hitokage said:
I've said it before, but while the Obama campaign tries to tie McCain to Bush on policy issues, Palin IS Bush--in beliefs, in attitude towards authority, and in governance.

Yeah but they shouldn't actually focus too much on her.
LCGeek said:
With a woman like hillary at vp I wonder how long obama would survive at being president. That woman is a scumbag and is far more ruthless than most will ever realize.

Yes, she would have had Obama assassinated. Absolutely reasonable.
LCGeek said:
With a woman like hillary at vp I wonder how long obama would survive at being president. That woman is a scumbag and is far more ruthless than most will ever realize.
Did you just say that if she was VP, Hillary would've Obama assassinated?



But in 1995, Ms. Palin, then a city councilwoman, told colleagues that she had noticed the book “Daddy’s Roommate” on the shelves and that it did not belong there, according to Ms. Chase and Mr. Stein. Ms. Chase read the book, which helps children understand homosexuality, and said it was inoffensive; she suggested that Ms. Palin read it.

“Sarah said she didn’t need to read that stuff,” Ms. Chase said. “It was disturbing that someone would be willing to remove a book from the library and she didn’t even read it.”
Bumblebeetuna said:
Uh... never said anything of the sort. All I said is I read people freaking out and criticizing her because she wants to start war with Russia based on what they saw on ABC and that wasn't what she said.

But the thing is, if you're pointing to the cut materials and suggesting they show Sarah Palin as more competent than she really is, it's fair to ask you what Putin's reaction will be. We both know that he'll laugh in her face. No government in the world is going to take Sarah Palin seriously. The only country that remotely believes she's qualified at all is the US. Outside of America, she's a laughing stock. She will be unable to talk foreign policy with any leaders.

I don't think she meant people in Alaska should go over to Russia when they need to borrow sugar.

Then what could she possibly have meant by "Russia is our next-door neighbor"? Come on, man. It's obvious how she thinks she can approach foreign policy. She believes it to be no different than dealing with a neighbor who lets their dog shit on her lawn. What she doesn't get is that this neighbor has a dog that will shit nuclear weapons if given the opportunity.

I don't see any difference between that and the change bullshit that Obama has been shoving down our throats.

The difference is that Obama has at least taken the time to do his research. He's not approaching this in an "aw shucks" manner that attempts to characterize the system in tragically oversimplified terms.

That's your opinion and that's fine but imho we did win the Cold War. How did we not? The Soviet Union fell. The Berlin Wall fell. Communism is dead. Yeah, the "without a shot fired" comment does sound a little strange considering the name Cold War derives from the fact that everyone knew no shot would be fired. But she said that to illustrate her point that we can negotiate with and handle Russia without the use of the military.

We didn't win the Cold War. The Cold War ended due to the collapse of the USSR. Gorbachev assumed control and pushed the USSR in a different direction. This enabled individual countries to establish themselves. There was some pressure from Washington, but had it not been for reform-minded Gorbachev, the Cold War would not have ended. American didn't win the Cold War. It was internal strife and reform within the USSR that ended the Cold War. "We must not repeat the Cold War" is a fucking stupid thing to say. We should always repeat the Cold War...because it's negotiations, for chrissakes. Palin has absolutely zero historical perspective and it shows. She's name-dropping Cold War because it sounds good to the uninformed masses.

Or it could be the policy stating that countries harboring terrorists should be treated no differently than terrorists themselves and are essentially themselves responsible for anything said terrorists do. Or the spreading of democracy for American security. Among other things. Hell, Gibson himself gave his interpretation of the thing in the interview, and it was a different interpretation than what he has said in the past :lol

A country harboring terrorists falls into the specifics that will vary from country to country. But that still falls under the fundamental concept of the Bush Doctrine: if you pose a threat we will attack you. Spreading democracy for American security is a post-war rationalization and has little to do with the doctrine itself, especially considering that American democracy is basically a joke since the Patriot Act, which is a joke itself, because limiting your citizen's freedoms isn't what a true patriot does.

Yeah I'm sure you're right, she'd never heard of it at all :lol In fact when he asked her about Georgia and Russia I'm surprised she didn't jump up asking when the US invasion happened :lol She obviously did know about it and knew there were different policies and seemed annoyed that he would be that vague with the question. I don't see any gibberish in her answer, she gave as honest and direct an answer she could have given without just saying "yes". She didn't need to discuss the policy, Gibson explained which of the 7 policies he was talking about :D

Uh...when someone replies with "his worldview" that's pretty solid evidence that the person truly has no idea what the topic actually is or involves. I don't know what you're trying to say with your bit about Georgia and Russia. What are you trying to get at there? Furthermore, the answer she gave was gibberish, because "his worldview" isn't an answer at all; it's a response that crappy students use to buy time so they can come up with a better-sounding reply. Then when Gibson very vaguely refers to it, she comes up with a very vague, amorphous blob (typical strategy, by the way...be as vague as you can and hope something sticks) and finishes it with "There have been mistakes made. And with new leadership, and that’s the beauty of American elections, of course, and democracy, is with new leadership comes opportunity to do things better." She finishes her answer with emotional pandering in the hopes that it will distract Gibson (or her audience). She didn't answer sufficiently at all. She gave no honest and direct answer. And she absolutely needed to discuss policy, because Gibson only gave her the concept of the policy; she needed to apply it...but she didn't, which is why we're having this conversation right now.

Exactly when was she pressed for them?

Um...Iran. Bush Doctrine. How she'd deal with the Georgia/Russia conflict. Gibson was asking her straight questions. Her responses did not display any comprehension of the critical policies.

edit wow I'm sorry, this came out way bigger than I thought it would be. I won't do this again :lol Cya when the debates come around, should be good fun.

Fuck, dude. Don't apologize. I'd prefer longer replies. Shows that people are at least taking the time to think and type.


The Lamonster said:
I don't have to -- it's pretty obvious that they are behind.

I guess it should have been most evident when they had Obama way ahead of McCain when everyone else had them tied or Obama starting to lose ground.

Their site needs to react to newer data at a faster pace. It's getting silly.
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