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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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First tragedy, then farce.
I think the other critical thing is the debates.

Im not just talking about the fact that Palin is going to look clueless next to Biden or that Obama is a better speaker than McCain.

Here is what is really going to hurt McCain/Palin. On almost every single issue (save for the environment) Obama/Biden are going to be able to say "ok, that sounds all well and good, but that is the exact same thing Bush has done for 8 years. We need change in this country and you arent offering anything different"

Now, I know that Obama/Biden have been doing this already in their stump speeches. But they are going to be able to do this for 80% of the questions asked.. more people will be paying attention, and they will be saying it to their face. and here is the critical thing: how do they respond? They either lie outright that it isnt Bush's policy (at which point Obama/the moderators will call them out) or they just sit there and take it.

The debates *cant* go well for them, even if their speaking ability outperforms "the bar"
kevm3 said:
This so called, it's just the convention bounce talk needs to stop. Obama is trending negative and he needs to do something to fix it.
Chicken Little
(Today, 07:28 PM)
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he's got the avatar too


The Chosen One said:

This is one of the downsides to living in a solid blue state (California). Obama will never hold a large rally here. He'll only come here in stealth mode to meet with rich donors. Even worse, I'm in the San Diego area (which is fairly conservative) so he'll never waste his time coming here.

The electoral college can bite me.

Yeah, poor you and your perfect weather.

One of the few plus sides of living in the midwest is that national politics pays attention to you. We really don't have a lot else going.


First tragedy, then farce.
AniHawk said:
Obama's gonna have to release a "I will cut more taxes for middle class and working class families than John McCain" commercial though. I think that's the biggest thing about the economy and the biggest McCain lie that hurts him right now.

Dont worry, he will. But now he can run it in the context of "Old crazy lying McCain lies again about my tax policy. He should go to factcheck.org but he cant use the internets. Lulz"


kevm3 said:
This so called, it's just the convention bounce talk needs to stop. Obama is trending negative and he needs to do something to fix it.

A better tag would be: "Another election virgin."


Setec Astronomer
StoOgE said:
Dont worry, he will. But now he can run it in the context of "Old crazy lying McCain lies again about my tax policy. He should go to factcheck.org but he cant use the internets. Lulz"
What might be more historically apt would be to drop the line "there you go again". :D


First tragedy, then farce.
maximum360 said:
I guess politics doesn't change much. It's a repeat of 1988 but with two different candidates.

Obama is *not* Dukakis. For one thing, he didnt take a 3 month hiatus in the middle of the campaign to go back to being governor *edited out brain fart*. He also hasnt taken a goofy ass picture in a tank.

Dukakis was a train wreck of a campaign, people comparing Obama to Dukakis arent doing it out of intellectual honesty, they are doing it because they want to tie Obama to him for political reasons.

For one thing, anyone here think Obama is losing California?
The sleazy campaign style is backfiring big time on McCain because he played up his "straight talk" "I'm going to run a respectful campaign and talk about this issues" image big time. His campaign officials have admitted over and over again that all they care about is winning. Palin's pick enforces that. And McCain and Palin have shown themselves to be pathological liars on the campaign trail and in interviews/show and make no apologies about it.
Xeke said:
I thought it was Cheebs till you pointed it out.
It was Cheebs during the primaries. Remember him and PD repeatedly saying, "just you wait, don't underestimate the Clintons, Hillary will win" etc etc etc :lol


First tragedy, then farce.
maximum360 said:
The sleazy campaign style is backfiring big time on McCain because he played up his "straight talk" "I'm going to run a respectful campaign and talk about this issues" image big time. His campaign officials have admitted over and over again that all they care about is winning. Palin's pick enforces that. And McCain and Palin have shown themselves to be pathological liars on the campaign trail and in interviews/show and make no apologies about it.

Yeah, you can disregard facts and only care about winning. Campaigns do it all the time. You probably just shouldnt say it out loud to the press over and over again.


It seems in the US now people think "balanced media coverage" means "letting a party lie because calling them out on a lie would be unbalanced coverage, it's up to the people to decide, we just report!".


First tragedy, then farce.
Ether_Snake said:
It seems in the US now people think "balanced media coverage" means "letting a party lie because calling them out on a lie would be unbalanced coverage, it's up to the people to decide, we just report!".

That is pretty much what the cable news has become. Just bringing a bunch of party hacks on to spout talking points, and letting them get away with saying anything they want. My guess is its better for ratings.


The Lamonster said:
It was Cheebs during the primaries. Remember him and PD repeatedly saying, "just you wait, don't underestimate the Clintons, Hillary will win" etc etc etc :lol
They were right about a lot of things, such as "this isn't over yet," and keeping expectations in check in specific states. Ohio and Texas come to mind.


Rugasuki said:
I was reading it and then posting the post while those appeared. Mine also links to the entire memo and not the shortened MSNBC version. Sorry for offending you.

Ghaleon posted the full one with the NBC report.


TDG said:
They were right about a lot of things, such as "this isn't over yet," and keeping expectations in check in specific states. Ohio and Texas come to mind.
Except it was over by Ohio and Texas.
The Lamonster said:
Chicken Little
(Today, 07:28 PM)
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he's got the avatar too
So how about not resorting to personal insults because someone dears to say something critical...?

You have to understand that the McCain bump was unexpected in the first place, and is also taking a while longer than most people thought it would.

(I know Gallup's projections for the next week or so match to "reality" up till now, and that the convention bumps will eventually fade away according to them, but the McCain > Obama trend is still pretty disturbing and unexpected.)




Ether_Snake said:
It seems in the US now people think "balanced media coverage" means "letting a party lie because calling them out on a lie would be unbalanced coverage, it's up to the people to decide, we just report!".

No, that's been US journalism since at least the mid-70s. It's this fake balance of "always two equally true sides to a political story" farce that gave rise to Fox News & MSNBC, because people on both sides couldn't stand being portrayed in the media as not right when they were, and the opposing side as not wrong when they were.


Souldriver said:
So how about not resorting to personal insults because someone dears to say something critical...?

You have to understand that the McCain bump was unexpected in the first place, and is also taking a while longer than most people thought it would.
Dude, people have explained how predictable (and normal) this convention bump was so many times, it's not even worth explaining anymore. At this point I would say, if you don't want to be treated like you're dumb, don't act dumb.


The Lamonster said:
holy shit have you guys seen these? Apparently The Atlantic hired a liberal photographer to photograph McCain...


here's a preview, and the rest are even worse :lol


This kind of thing is counter-productive and doesn't win any hearts or minds--and those it does, does so dishonestly. I understand the motivation for having some damning angles for use in commercials, but it's dishonest--especially at a time when Obama has all of the integrity momentum
The Lamonster said:
holy shit have you guys seen these? Apparently The Atlantic hired a liberal photographer to photograph McCain...



How did she get permission to photograph McCain, when this were her intentions? Or are these just photoshops of existing photo's?

If McCain was really involved here, this is pretty low blow from that woman.


Setec Astronomer
Juice said:
No, that's been US journalism since at least the mid-70s. It's this fake balance of "always two equally true sides to a political story" farce that gave rise to Fox News & MSNBC, because people on both sides couldn't stand being portrayed in the media as not right when they were, and the opposing side as not wrong when they were.
Eh, not quite. Fox News is the product of a longstanding campaign as branding the media liberal simply because they weren't sympathetic to conservatives.
Souldriver said:
How did she get permission to photograph McCain, when this were her intentions? Or are these just photoshops of existing photo's?

If McCain was really involved here, this is pretty low blow from that woman.
AniHawk said:
I'm pretty sure that top one was shopped.
When The Atlantic called Jill Greenberg, a committed Democrat, to shoot a portrait of John McCain for its October cover, she rubbed her hands with glee.

She delivered the image the magazine asked for—a shot that makes the Republican presidential nominee look heroic. Greenberg is well known for her highly retouched images of bears and crying babies. But she didn’t bother to do much retouching on her McCain images. “I left his eyes red and his skin looking bad,” she says.


But she didn’t bother to do much retouching on her McCain images. “I left his eyes red and his skin looking bad,” she says.

After getting that shot, Greenberg asked McCain to “please come over here” for one more set-up before the 15-minute shoot was over. There, she had a beauty dish with a modeling light set up. “That’s what he thought he was being lit by,” Greenberg says. “But that wasn’t firing.”

What was firing was a strobe positioned below him, which cast the horror movie shadows across his face and on the wall right behind him. “He had no idea he was being lit from below,” Greenberg says. And his handlers didn’t seem to notice it either. “I guess they’re not very sophisticated,” she adds.

The Atlantic didn’t select the diabolical looking McCain for its cover. Greenberg is hoping to license that image to some other magazine (she negotiated a two-week embargo with The Atlantic so she could re-license images from the shoot before the election).

Warned that the image is just the kind of thing that will stir up the anti-media vitriol in the conservative blogosphere, Greenberg said, “Good. I want to stir stuff up, but not to the point where I get audited if he becomes president.”

That said, she goes on to explain that she’s thought about replacing McCain’s mouth with bloody shark teeth and displaying the image on a billboard with the message that the candidate is a bloodthirsty war monger.

Given her strong feelings about John McCain, we asked whether she had any reservations about taking the assignment in the first place.

“I didn’t,” she says. “It’s definitely exciting to shoot someone who is in the limelight like that. I am a pretty hard core Democrat. Some of my artwork has been pretty anti-Bush, so maybe it was somewhat irresponsible for them [The Atlantic] to hire me.”

The teeth one took me aback.
TDG said:
Dude, people have explained how predictable (and normal) this convention bump was so many times, it's not even worth explaining anymore. At this point I would say, if you don't want to be treated like you're dumb, don't act dumb.
There were a lot of people who didn't expect this kind of chance in the polls, yes, even the ones who know fairly well what the temporary effect of the conventions mean.

I think it's fairly reasonable to be rather concerned with the current situation. There's a chance Obama will get better numbers in a few days, but there's also a chance (with the Palin hype, something gaf didn't predict well either) that this is more than just a convention bump. So god forbid that someone in this thread expresses his concerns without being belittled, tagged and called dumb.

I hope the whole Palin mania backfires big time so we get some decent polls again. I personally think the "streams will cross" again in the near future. *hopes*
The Lamonster said:
Uhu, but are these just existing (old) pics of him she used, or did he actually come to a photoshoot session for her, thinking she'll make some lovely photo's of him. If it's the latter: that's kinda sad.

Also, as someone has mentioned earlier: this kind of publicity doesn't work. On the contrary, it makes McCain look like the victim, so he'll get more sympathy.

quadriplegicjon said:
the pictures in the atlantic are normal. at least the cover is. these are probably just form her website.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Souldriver said:
How did she get permission to photograph McCain, when this were her intentions? Or are these just photoshops of existing photo's?

If McCain was really involved here, this is pretty low blow from that woman.

the pictures in the atlantic are normal. at least the cover is. these are probably just from her website.


Souldriver said:
Also, as someone has mentioned earlier: this kind of publicity doesn't work. On the contrary, it makes McCain look like the victim, so he'll get more sympathy.


Look at what she said; she doesn't care besides stirring shit up. She's a moron.
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