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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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kevm3 said:
This so called, it's just the convention bounce talk needs to stop. Obama is trending negative and he needs to do something to fix it.
It is the convention bounce, but that doesn't mean you can't reduce it.


Souldriver said:
There were a lot of people who didn't expect this kind of chance in the polls, yes, even the ones who know fairly well what the temporary effect of the conventions mean.

I think it's fairly reasonable to be rather concerned with the current situation. There's a chance Obama will get better numbers in a few days, but there's also a chance (with the Palin hype, something gaf didn't predict well either) that this is more than just a convention bump. So god forbid that someone in this thread expresses his concerns without being belittled, tagged and called dumb.
Well, the people who didn't expect this were dumb. The convention bump has gone exactly the same way as most projections showed, including five-thirty-eight's, except the bump is actually going away faster than the five-thirty-eight projection.

People are just acting like election virgins, and I don't think, especially after we've been over this so many times, it's out of line to get annoyed at people for acting like that...


I'm just now working my way through the mammoth NYT story. This from page one jumped out at me:

Interviews show that Ms. Palin runs an administration that puts a premium on loyalty and secrecy. The governor and her top officials sometimes use personal e-mail accounts for state business; dozens of e-mail messages obtained by The New York Times show that her staff members studied whether that could allow them to circumvent subpoenas seeking public records.
We. Do. Not. Need. More. Of. This. Shit.
Juice said:
Yeah, poor you and your perfect weather.

One of the few plus sides of living in the midwest is that national politics pays attention to you. We really don't have a lot else going.


I have to admit, it's nice not having to worry about Tornado warnings every spring-time afternoon.

Earthquakes are overrated here. Aside from San Francisco, you can go several years without even feeling a trimmer in most parts of California. Fires are probably our biggest threat.

It still would be nice to have national politicians at least pretend we matter. Every shout-out these candidates give always goes like, "That waitress in Ohio or working class worker in Pennslyvania"... I'm tired of swing state shout-outs.


GhaleonEB said:
I'm just now working my way through the mammoth NYT story. This from page one jumped out at me:

We. Do. Not. Need. More. Of. This. Shit.

McCain voted with Bush 90% of the time and then chose his female doppelganger as a running mate.


Well CBS just had a Palin love fest talking about how great she is and had a ton of Liberal femenist come on talking baout how they are supporting the McCain ticket cause they can vote for issues not using their uterus.


AniHawk said:
McCain voted with Bush 90% of the time and then chose his female doppelganger as a running mate.

Last summer State Representative John Harris, the Republican speaker of the House, picked up his phone and heard Mr. Palin’s voice. The governor’s husband sounded edgy. He said he was unhappy that Mr. Harris had hired John Bitney as his chief of staff, the speaker recalled. Mr. Bitney was a high school classmate of the Palins and had worked for Ms. Palin. But she fired Mr. Bitney after learning that he had fallen in love with another longtime friend.

“I understood from the call that Todd wasn’t happy with me hiring John and he’d like to see him not there,” Mr. Harris said.

“The Palin family gets upset at personal issues,” he added. “And at our level, they want to strike back.”

Through a campaign spokesman, Mr. Palin said he “did not recall” referring to Mr. Bitney in the conversation.

But careers were turned upside down. The mayor quickly fired the town’s museum director, John Cooper. Later, she sent an aide to the museum to talk to the three remaining employees. “He told us they only wanted two,” recalled Esther West, one of the three, “and we had to pick who was going to be laid off.” The three quit as one.
Jesus. This gets worse and worse. I can't even imagine the havoc she would wreak. It would be the attorney firing scandal x10000000.


Clevinger said:
Look at what she said; she doesn't care besides stirring shit up. She's a moron.

eh, she's an artist. This is the type of stuff artists do. Of course she doesnt care. If you don't like it don't look at it.


laserbeam said:
Well CBS just had a Palin love fest talking about how great she is and had a ton of Liberal femenist come on talking baout how they are supporting the McCain ticket cause they can vote for issues not using their uterus.
And not their brains, either, it seems like.
laserbeam said:
Well CBS just had a Palin love fest talking about how great she is and had a ton of Liberal femenist come on talking baout how they are supporting the McCain ticket cause they can vote for issues not using their uterus.

I'm sorry but this sentence made no sense to me. Liberal feminists voting for McCain because of Palin? Does not commute.


As Ms. Palin’s star ascends, the McCain campaign, as often happens in national races, is controlling the words of those who know her well. Her mother-in-law, Faye Palin, has been asked not to speak to reporters, and aides sit in on interviews with old friends.

At a recent lunch gathering, an official with the Wasilla Chamber of Commerce asked its members to refer all calls from reporters to the governor’s office. Dianne Woodruff, a city councilwoman, shook her head.

“I was thinking, I don’t remember giving up my First Amendment rights,” Ms. Woodruff said. “Just because you’re not going gaga over Sarah doesn’t mean you can’t speak your mind.”
Okay, done. Palin is a monster. Just wow.


worldrunover said:
I'm sorry but this sentence made no sense to me. Liberal feminists voting for McCain because of Palin? Does not commute.

Sure it does. There is a segment of the Feminist movement that is more concerned with the notion a female can have power than issues really. They basically said her position on abortion sucks etc but this is a chance for women to make an impact and forever be on the political stage.


laserbeam said:
Sure it does. There is a segment of the Feminist movement that is more concerned with the notion a female can have power than issues reallt. They basically said her position on abortion sucks etc but this is a chance for women to make an impact and forever be on the political stage,
yeah, or she fucks it up so bad that nobody wants a woman for a long time after her,and she becomes the prime example why woman cannot do these type of jobs etc. That would set them back many years..not good


GhaleonEB said:
Jesus. This gets worse and worse. I can't even imagine the havoc she would wreak. It would be the attorney firing scandal x10000000.

I'm starting to wonder if her not speaking to the press was her idea or McCain's. Sounds like your typical secretive horrible government official.


laserbeam said:
Sure it does. There is a segment of the Feminist movement that is more concerned with the notion a female can have power than issues reallt. They basically said her position on abortion sucks etc but this is a chance for women to make an impact and forever be on the political stage,

A side effect from an inevitably horrid Palin presidency is that no one would entrust the presidency to a woman, no matter how capable, for years to come (assuming the US hasn't fully collapsed by then).

rSpooky said:
yeah, or she fucks it up so bad that nobody wants a woman for a long time after her,and she becomes the prime example why woman cannot do these type of jobs etc. That would set them back many years..not good

Whoa... dude...
Did Palin really ebay her jet and give the money to the people of Alaska?

I read she DID put the jet on ebay, but for whatever reason, it didn't sell.


Trakdown said:
I'm starting to wonder if her not speaking to the press was her idea or McCain's. Sounds like your typical secretive horrible government official.
Yeah. Josh Marshall sums it up well:

I've been meaning for a while to write a post explaining just why Trooper-Gate matters -- a lot. And I will. But for now read this piece just out from the Times on Palin's governing style. In a different way it tells the same story -- a small-minded person who populates her administration with cronies and grade-school friends, fires those who dare to criticize her and uses the power of her office to pursue personal vendettas. In other words, someone in the habit of abusing official power who should not be let within a mile of being president.


laserbeam said:
Sure it does. There is a segment of the Feminist movement that is more concerned with the notion a female can have power than issues really. They basically said her position on abortion sucks etc but this is a chance for women to make an impact and forever be on the political stage.

Maybe if it was Clinton. What you are saying IS "voting with our uterus".


when is my burrito
I don't know about you guys but I have a really hard time taking any glee in seeing McCain's cancer and age-ravaged face. This woman is part of the nut job wing of the party more fundamentalist than even move-on.org who I have problems with. There really is no place for this shit in the campaign. This woman's heart is disgusting.


TheGrayGhost said:
Did Palin really ebay her jet and give the money to the people of Alaska?

I read she DID put the jet on ebay, but for whatever reason, it didn't sell.

The Former Governor bought a fancy jet but when she took over she said no need for that and put it on ebay. It didn't sell so they then went with a plane selling firm and sold it. Money went to Alaska because Alaska bought the jet for a Governor who wanted style.
The Chosen One said:

I have to admit, it's nice not having to worry about Tornado warnings every spring-time afternoon.

Earthquakes are overrated here. Aside from San Francisco, you can go several years without even feeling a trimmer in most parts of California. Fires are probably our biggest threat.

It still would be nice to have national politicians at least pretend we matter. Every shout-out these candidates give always goes like, "That waitress in Ohio or working class worker in Pennslyvania"... I'm tired of swing state shout-outs.

I'm in Cali too, and I've yet to see an Obama ad on television. Have seen McCain's ad plenty of times. I just saw for the first time, Obama's ground game in effect today registering voters outside a Target.


TheGrayGhost said:
Did Palin really ebay her jet and give the money to the people of Alaska?

I read she DID put the jet on ebay, but for whatever reason, it didn't sell.

It didn't sell on ebay so she had to sell it to some guy and lost something like 500k on it.


Ether_Snake said:
Maybe if it was Clinton. What you are saying IS "voting with our uterus".

In the sense of voting for a woman it is for sure but like I said they actually used the line we are not voting with our uterus since we are feminists and she opposes abortion yada yada.

Like I said the whole News piece was one big Palin/McCain love fest.


AniHawk said:
rSpooky said:
yeah, or she fucks it up so bad that nobody wants a woman for a long time after her,and she becomes the prime example why woman cannot do these type of jobs etc. That would set them back many years..not good

Whoa... dude...

He worded that poorly (even offensively), but it's absolutely true that a failed Palin vice Presidency / administration would probably seal the deal against women seeking leadership for a generation.

The way the Mondale campaign tried the same thing with Ferraro arguably set women back, and they didn't even win.


Juice said:
He worded that poorly (even offensively), but it's absolutely true that a failed Palin vice Presidency / administration would probably seal the deal against women seeking leadership for a generation.

The way the Mondale campaign tried the same thing with Ferraro arguably set women back, and they didn't even win.

No, I meant that we pretty much posted the same thing.


AniHawk said:
No, I meant that we pretty much posted the same thing.

LOL..yeah that was freaky.

And for the record I do not think that women are unfit for high power positions..but that is how it would be used.


rSpooky said:
LOL..yeah that was freaky.

And for the record I do not think that women are unfit for high power positions..but that is how it would be used.
This campaign has 2 such scenarios pretty much.

Obama loses and many will say that America was not ready for a Black President and since Obama say he will not run again if he loses it could be a very long time before another African-American Runs.


laserbeam said:
This campaign has 2 such scenarios pretty much.

Obama loses and many will say that America was not ready for a Black President and since Obama say he will not run again if he loses it could be a very long time before another African-American Runs.

Democrats worst nightmare in that scenario: McCain serves his term and endorses Palin who picks Jindal as VP who becomes the Republican nominee in 2020. (and no, I'm not predicting 5 consecutive republican terms, much less 7)


Cloudy said:
I didn't really follow the polling early in the primaries cos I assumed Hilary would win. Was there any evidence of the Bradley effect on Obama's numbers then?

Actually, the opposite happened with some states like Indiana and North Carolina. That was probably the youth and black vote though.


Cloudy said:
I didn't really follow the polling early in the primaries cos I assumed Hilary would win. Was there any evidence of the Bradley effect on Obama's numbers then?

Nope. There was a bunch of speculation, but no instances.


Cloudy said:
I didn't really follow the polling early in the primaries cos I assumed Hilary would win. Was there any evidence of the Bradley effect on Obama's numbers then?

No, if anything the opposite, Iowa for example is a vastly disproportionately white state and went for Obama. Still, the question is whether the more moderate electorate would totally ignore his race. Personally I hope it will, and my suspicion is for the most part if that is in effect it'll most likely be in states a Democrat is unlikely to win anyway.


laserbeam said:
This campaign has 2 such scenarios pretty much.

Obama loses and many will say that America was not ready for a Black President and since Obama say he will not run again if he loses it could be a very long time before another African-American Runs.

I really hope he wins. Not just because I believe he's the best candidate but can you imagine the bitterness if he loses a state Kerry won easily (MI for example)?

An Obama presidency would do a lot for race relations in this country and unfortunately the opposite is also true. It'd be a damn shame after he brought so many diverse groups together :(


Trakdown said:
Voting for McCain/Palin is more like "voting in spite of one's uterus."

Speaking of people with a uterus, I don't know if I'm going to be able to get my aunt to vote for Obama. She claims she's an "independent," but I'm not buying it. She's smarter than this. =(
tanod said:
I don't know about you guys but I have a really hard time taking any glee in seeing McCain's cancer and age-ravaged face. This woman is part of the nut job wing of the party more fundamentalist than even move-on.org who I have problems with. There really is no place for this shit in the campaign. This woman's heart is disgusting.
Who's taking glee? The media doesn't seem to want to talk about the fact that the Republican nominee is unhealthy, sick, and is statistically likely to die quite soon.


Cloudy said:
I didn't really follow the polling early in the primaries cos I assumed Hilary would win. Was there any evidence of the Bradley effect on Obama's numbers then?


Final Results is the actual result of the primary/caucus.
RCP Average is the average of polls taken right before the primary.

There are some things to watch out for, some huge percentage of California voters voted 2-4 weeks before the actual primary, so the primary result is not an exact depiction of what the electorate mood was on the primary day.
Miroku said:
eh, she's an artist. This is the type of stuff artists do. Of course she doesnt care. If you don't like it don't look at it.

I'm sure we'll get three hours of whining from Scarbs about the evil libruls. Does the GOP have a personal vendetta against the NY Times? Didn't the NY Times endorse McCain for president?
laserbeam said:
Well CBS just had a Palin love fest talking about how great she is and had a ton of Liberal femenist come on talking baout how they are supporting the McCain ticket cause they can vote for issues not using their uterus.
That makes zero sense. Hey . . . let's support the ticket with No abortion even cases of rape and incest! Oh, did I tell you that they don't support equal pay for women! Woo-hoo!


Small balls, big fun!
laserbeam said:
Sure it does. There is a segment of the Feminist movement that is more concerned with the notion a female can have power than issues really. They basically said her position on abortion sucks etc but this is a chance for women to make an impact and forever be on the political stage.

This is refreshing. Normally it's the male mostly-liberals at GAF talking out of their asses about feminism and women's issues. You really need a conservative to do it right, though.
Juice said:
He worded that poorly (even offensively), but it's absolutely true that a failed Palin vice Presidency / administration would probably seal the deal against women seeking leadership for a generation.

The way the Mondale campaign tried the same thing with Ferraro arguably set women back, and they didn't even win.

I don't even want Ferraro on the White House lawn let alone near the presidency. Palin's just as bad. Vagina voting FTL. When they put up a principled female candidate I'm all for it.
laserbeam said:
worldrunover said:
laserbeam said:
Well CBS just had a Palin love fest talking about how great she is and had a ton of Liberal femenist come on talking baout how they are supporting the McCain ticket cause they can vote for issues not using their uterus.
I'm sorry but this sentence made no sense to me. Liberal feminists voting for McCain because of Palin? Does not commute.
Sure it does. There is a segment of the Feminist movement that is more concerned with the notion a female can have power than issues really. They basically said her position on abortion sucks etc but this is a chance for women to make an impact and forever be on the political stage.

Yeah . . . you just made a lot of sense. You contradicted yourself with your next message! :lol


Gaborn said:
I know Obama staffers and they get paid the same as a different-gendered person in the same position.

You really are distorting things.

EDIT: Not to mention the fact that the article is about his U.S. Senate office, while you're talking about his campaign staff! Do you even read articles before you throw out your distorted charges? This is the 2nd time today that you've distorted something you've read...
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