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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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That's still some serious shit. If they were that powerful only four years ago, don't underestimate them again. I'm not saying the same thing will happen, but god dammit, I hope some important people are paying attention this time around just in case.

It might as well be considered a fact that there will always be some level of fraud, no doubt -- but something that massive? Unreal...


quadriplegicjon said:
Some things are being done to prevent it. New governor and secretary of state in Ohio have made some major changes and should help mitigate shenanigans.

I have to be hopeful, since it's just too depressing to think McCain could steal it like that. :(
Killthee said:

So let me see if I understand this data correctly...

Obama will only increase your taxes if you earn more than 603,402?


GhaleonEB said:
Some things are being done to prevent it. New governor and secretary of state in Ohio have made some major changes and should help mitigate shenanigans.

I have to be hopeful, since it's just too depressing to think McCain could steal it like that. :(
All he has to do is look the other way. It's clear that it was basically set up that way for Bush last time.

Look at what we're learning about people in Michigan getting fucked over. It's already starting to happen in some places.


StoOgE said:
Drek, while I generally agree that the pollsters who are basing their demographics off of 2000 and 2004 numbers are completely wrong, I dont think it is going to give Obama all of those states. My guess is Obama is going to outperform the national polls by about +3-5 from what we are seeing polled. The fact that some of these polls are assuming black turnout *below* 2004 levels makes me laugh.

That said, not all states are going to be effected the same way. Some of the swing states have smaller black and youth populations. So you cant say he is +3 in all states. I also think Georgia, North Carolina and Missouri are out of play at this point.

That said, no matter what Pollster says, NH, NM, IA and MI are all going Obama.

Its going to come down to can he win CO, VA, OH, FL or NV. Basically the map is still in Obamas favor, much like Kerry in 2004, McCain has to run the table.
Obama has two key advantages over McCain when it comes to beating the polling numbers.

1. He's got a much larger and better organized ground game in all 50 states.

2. The current polls are disingenuous (as previously stated).

I agree that the polling manipulation is probably only good for a 3-5 point swing, but the superior ground game in the run up to the election is also likely worth at least a couple points as well.

Take Missouri for example. A state that seems to be in the bag for McCain. But recent polls give it only a 5 point gap, closing rapidly from the double digit leads of a few months ago, and Obama's ground game should play perfectly in a state that has its population concentrated along the central beltway of I-70 (St. Louis, Columbia, and Kansas City). It has a historically non-voting black population that came out strong in the primaries, has recently elected more democratic officials than in the past, and borders two of Obama's powerhouse states, Illinois and Iowa. The more important of those two is Illinois because St. Louis is a city that really straddles the state line. Many residents of the Metro East could easily register for Missouri instead, creating a couple thousand voter swing. Nothing huge, but again, another boost.

Or lets consider Georgia. What percentage of the vote does he need to win it? Certainly not 50%, because Bob Barr is going to play spoiler in his home state if anywhere, and some five party polls are tracking him at double digits in Georgia. Obama's own campaign has said they think 47% wins it in Georgia. Another state where the black population is larger than the national average, where Obama has been active for a while, and where many recent polls have shown him breaking 40%. All it'd take is a little extra push from Barr and a few points of surge and he could see a victory there with only 45% of the electorate.

I personally think Ohio, Virginia, and Colorado are already blue and that the media is just grossly misrepresenting them. The Udall v. Schaffer race in Colorado is a good example of this number fixing. There is no incumbent running for that senate seat and Udall is leading by solid double digits in recent polls. So a significant majority of Coloradans are looking to vote for a democratic senator but not a democratic president, when the Republican presidential candidate has actually pissed a good chunk of the state off in talking about water rights and how as POTUS he'd require Colorado to share more water with Arizona? I don't see it.

The Senate races have tightened some, but not nearly as much as the presidential election supposedly has. Most people aren't down the line party voters but the difference in play is far too great to be legitimate, especially with how all the polling outlets have started playing with their numbers and no longer attaching the same open disclaimers for doing so.
Diablos said:
Has anyone read the Rolling Stone article?


This article is HUGE. I'm not posting all of it... feel free to put emphasis on what you find to be most interesting. This part is pretty amazing (depressing):

If it happened in 2004, it can happen again. Wow. That's awful.

Why bother with real polls. Let's just use exit polls to determine the next President. None of us would have to stay up late. Probably wouldn't even have to bother going to vote after we get off work at 6pm. It should all be wrapped up by dinnertime.


Diablos said:
All he has to do is look the other way. It's clear that it was basically set up that way for Bush last time.

Look at what we're learning about people in Michigan getting fucked over. It's already starting to happen in some places.

I was starting to cheer up about this whole thing.



PrivateWHudson said:
Why bother with real polls. Let's just use exit polls to determine the next President. None of us would have to stay up late. Probably wouldn't even have to bother going to vote after we get off work at 6pm. It should all be wrapped up by dinnertime.

And while we're at it, why bother with looking at the results of 2004 with a completely open mind (the guy analyzing it that I quoted in my post HATES DEMOCRATS for crying out loud) and comparing it to a tested and true method of being accurate in previous elections that weren't driven by nearly as many corrupt actions.

The writing is on the wall. Voters who showed up after they had dinner aren't solely to blame here.


AndyIsTheMoney said:
so if you earn 2.8 million, between McCain and Obama there is a difference of taxes you will pay equaling a million dollars. wow

On average of course, it gets kinda twisted at that level because it's a percentage with no ceiling to the income.


So let me see if I understand this data correctly...

Obama will only increase your taxes if you earn more than 603,402?

so if you earn 2.8 million, between McCain and Obama there is a difference of taxes you will pay equaling a million dollars. wow

That chart is based on AVERAGES...

All he's doing is repealing the Bush tax cuts on folks making $250,000+. The highest income tax rate will be 39% again instead of 36%. Keep in mind that you only pay the higher tax rate on the amount over a certain tax bracket (not the entire salary)
Instigator said:
And destroy America in the process.

This is socialism.

the country is headed this way, its a slow process but will only be a matter of time. As we increase taxes on the corporations and investors, along with globalization, be prepared to see further business development in China, India, etc. There becomes a point when it is much more economically feasible to do so.
Instigator said:
And destroy America in the process.

This is socialism.

Wow . . . I didn't realize that from the 1920s to the 2000 the USA was a socialist country!

Seriously now . . . go for hyperbole!

You conservatives are supposed to love the old days . . . now you hate them?


speculawyer said:
Wow . . . I didn't realize that from the 1920s to the 2000 the USA was a socialist country!

Seriously now . . . go for hyperbole!

You conservatives are supposed to love the old days . . . now you hate them?

Dude, it's Instigator:p
speculawyer said:
Wow . . . I didn't realize that from the 1920s to the 2000 the USA was a socialist country!

Seriously now . . . go for hyperbole!

You conservatives are supposed to love the old days . . . now you hate them?

Check the poster. Satire.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
the country is headed this way, its a slow process but will only be a matter of time. As we increase taxes on the corporations and investors, along with globalization, be prepared to see further business development in China, India, etc. There becomes a point when it is much more economically feasible to do so.

Gulags by 2012.
speculawyer said:
Wow . . . I didn't realize that from the 1920s to the 2000 the USA was a socialist country!

Seriously now . . . go for hyperbole!

You conservatives are supposed to love the old days . . . now you hate them?

Edit: And I'm going to have nightmares from the avatar above my post.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
the country is headed this way, its a slow process but will only be a matter of time. As we increase taxes on the corporations and investors, along with globalization, be prepared to see further business development in China, India, etc. There becomes a point when it is much more economically feasible to do so.

You young children have no idea what you are talking about.

Serious now . . . was Ike a communist? That is what you are saying.


Yaweee said:
Why are people comparing the candidates' tax policies? There's not a chance in hell either of them are going to pass as is, especially considering how terminally fucked the federal budget is.

Word. Up.
speculawyer said:
Wow . . . I didn't realize that from the 1920s to the 2000 the USA was a socialist country!

Seriously now . . . go for hyperbole!

You conservatives are supposed to love the old days . . . now you hate them?

You think we don't practice any socialistic values? As time goes on we continue to grow government, add entitlement programs, further re-distribute wealth. Obviously some of this is to our benefit, but due to a much more competitive global market, its going to be to our detriment over the long run. Why do you think we are losing so many of our manufacturing jobs?
Cloudy said:

Guys behind the Swiftboat garbage are coming out with ads against Obama..

I remember the talking heads giving Obama grief over backing out of public financing claiming that the Obama swiftboating thing was a myth. One thing I realize about talking heads is that they never own up to a mistake (except a minor few). They'll just act like they never said anything and push another narrative.

The sad things is that backing out of the public financing option is probably the only way Obama can still relatively even with McCain money-wise. Throw in Texas billionaires throwing money at anti-Obama Ads and it tips the scale big time in McCain's direction.
AniHawk said:
She is the scariest thing about a McCain/Palin presidency. She'd probably have everyone that voted against her sent to the guillotine if it wasn't for the pesky Bill of Rights.
It's not like she went to school with more than 20 people though. They can't run the gov.


AniHawk said:
Also, the Republican 527 ads... ugh. It's gonna be Jeremiah Wright 24/7 and other shit that calls attention to Obama's race.

What does Jeremiah Wright have to do with Obama's race? A white person can have a black pastor too you know.
Gaborn said:
What does Jeremiah Wright have to do with Obama's race? A white person can have a black pastor too you know.

Guilt by association. Having a radical African American pastor makes you a radical (Or some such nonsense).


WickedAngel said:
Guilt by association. Having a radical African American pastor makes you a radical (Or some such nonsense).

I'm not buying it, again, the beliefs of your pastor do nothing to call attention to your skin color.


Gaborn said:
I'm not buying it, again, the beliefs of your pastor do nothing to call attention to your skin color.

That's nice of you to think that, but the real world is a much dumber and sadder place.


Gaborn said:
I'm not buying it, again, the beliefs of your pastor do nothing to call attention to your skin color.

Of course it doesn't. My stepdad is already using Wright as proof that Obama has allegiance to Africa instead of America.


AniHawk said:
The whole point is to subconsciously call upon deep-rooted fears that many whites have, and to make Obama out to have the same attitude Wright does.

Because only black people have black pastors, right? :lol :lol


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
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