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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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FlightOfHeaven said:
I agree with you, actually. I believe in a strong free market with little regulation, except when needed to protect consumers (see environmental standards, sub-prime mortgage lending rates, speculation on the stock market).

And the Dems are guilty at times, no doubt. I'm with you here, too. The problem is that the Republican Party, on the whole, have been much worse economically on the whole.

You'll find me honestly open and receptive to conservative economic ideas. Just not Republican ones.

Same. : /

Change we need, Polyhedron. Change we need.

how do you feel about nationalized health care?


Verano said:
Oh like being democrat immunes you from being illogically childish. This is silly. You're silly.
No, but people like to act like democrats are above this sort of thing.

People in this thread always whine about wanting an election about the issues, but take glee in pictures of McCain that look old and the suspicion that Palin's daughter had a daughter and Palin is pretending it belongs to her, and make avatars about how gross McCain is? It's silly and hypocritical. If you want an election about issues, act like it.

Note: I'm not saying everyone is guilty of this, by the way, it's actually a small minority. I heart you guys.

Sarah Palin apparently gave the same stump speech again in Nevada this evening, complete with the THNX BUT NO THNX bullshit and the eBay lie.

The campaign also estimated that 10,000 people showed up at the Pavilion where the event was held, despite park officials saying that the venue only holds 3,500 people at capacity.

It's like the Democrats wrote the chain of events for their narrative and the GOP followed it, this is getting absurd.
TDG said:
No, but people like to act like democrats are above this sort of thing.

People in this thread always whine about wanting an election about the issues, but take glee in pictures of McCain that look old and the suspicion that Palin's daughter had a daughter and Palin is pretending it belongs to her, and make avatars about how gross McCain is? It's silly and hypocritical. If you want an election about issues, act like it.

Note: I'm not saying everyone is guilty of this, by the way, it's actually a small minority. I heart you guys.

the funny thing is i remember looking at studies that showed negative campaigning actually discouraged voting by 4-6%, in terms of voter turnout


Setec Astronomer
FlightOfHeaven said:
I agree with you, actually. I believe in a strong free market with little regulation, except when needed to protect consumers (see environmental standards, sub-prime mortgage lending rates, speculation on the stock market).
...well, not just consumers but victims of externalities, and also to protect the market itself from participants seeking to make it less free(see antitrust laws).

Otherwise I tend to agree, but I put more stock in Murphy's Law when it comes to situations of corruption and I don't prefer an ineffective and inefficient(including costs shoved on others) private solution just because it's "private". If it's better to be run as a public program, it should be run as a public program. At the same time, if it isn't, it shouldn't.

Oh, and the forces of the free market need to be fully countered in some situations because short-term interests run entirely counter to long-term interests, like with wildlife management and species becoming high-price delicacies.


mckmas8808 said:
I guess we'll see who wins in the end. The same party that could never beat F'ing Bush or a new campaign that beat the Clintons when nobody saw it coming.

Yep, for the record I think it's about 50/50 right now, it honestly could go either way and no one on either side should be overly confident or overly panicked.


I have now reentered panic mode. With the swiftboating 527 shitfuck bottom-feeders of humanity getting going and the whole thing about vote tampering in places like Ohio from 2004, and McCain/Palin not giving a shit about lying to the American people, I'm getting worried.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
how do you feel about nationalized health care?

It needs to be, for the time being, mixed.

Children are not at fault for what their parents do, so I support nationalized child care. What blame does a child have for being born poor or rich?

Adults, though... I want to see a national system for them complemented with a private system. If you have the money for better health care, you should have access to superior health care. I don't think that you should have to lose your house because of an accident.

I also oppose the very notion of an insurance company. It's a service industry that remains profitable only if it denies service to the customer. To me, that's antithetical to the notion of what business should be. In this day and age, the stockholder, not the customer, is king. If the stockholder benefits at the expense of the customer, it's good business. It shouldn't be.


Setec Astronomer
AniHawk said:
I have now reentered panic mode. With the swiftboating 527 shitfuck bottom-feeders of humanity getting going and the whole thing about vote tampering in places like Ohio from 2004, and McCain/Palin not giving a shit about lying to the American people, I'm getting worried.
GOP doesn't control the board of elections in Ohio anymore.

I also oppose the very notion of an insurance company. It's a service industry that remains profitable only if it denies service to the customer. To me, that's antithetical to the notion of what business should be. In this day and age, the stockholder, not the customer, is king. If the stockholder benefits at the expense of the customer, it's good business. It shouldn't be.
Welcome to the legal purpose of a public corporation. :p


100% logic failure rate
AndyIsTheMoney said:
so if you earn 2.8 million, between McCain and Obama there is a difference of taxes you will pay equaling a million dollars. wow
This really bothers me for some reason and I'm no where near to earning that much. It doesn't seem fair.


AniHawk said:
I have now reentered panic mode. With the swiftboating 527 shitfuck bottom-feeders of humanity getting going and the whole thing about vote tampering in places like Ohio from 2004, and McCain/Palin not giving a shit about lying to the American people, I'm getting worried.

Tonight? Did I miss something (aside from SNL)?

EDIT: LOL, "ask this one about dinosaurs" :lol


gkrykewy said:
Tonight? Did I miss something (aside from SNL)?

527 swiftboating group is going after Obama now. Palin reincorporated "Thanks but no thanks" back into her speech. They just don't give a fuck. Those greedy power-hungry American-hating fucks.
Hitokage said:
...well, not just consumers but victims of externalities, and also to protect the market itself from participants seeking to make it less free(see antitrust laws).

Otherwise I tend to agree, but I put more stock in Murphy's Law when it comes to situations of corruption and I don't prefer an ineffective and inefficient(including costs shoved on others) private solution just because it's "private". If it's better to be run as a public program, it should be run as a public program. At the same time, if it isn't, it shouldn't.

Oh, and the forces of the free market need to be fully countered in some situations because short-term interests run entirely counter to long-term interests, like with wildlife management and species becoming high-price delicacies.

Right, right. I forgot to mention that.

Just to put it out there, I'm honestly just a pragmatist. Only thing I'm truly and deeply liberal on are social issues, and even then, I have conservative viewpoints here and there. Economically, though, I'm much more of a pragmatist. If it works, it works. I don't care for consumers being abused.

I'm not too happy with workers being abused, either, but that's much, much harder to solve, especially in cases of exported labor.
ralexand said:
This really bothers me for some reason and I'm no where near to earning that much. It doesn't seem fair.

imagine paying 50-60% in taxes. so for 6 months out of the year you are solely working for the gov...and people say you dont pay enough
I'm sorry, am I the only one not feeling very good about the polls? Its getting worst and worst every day at 538.

Anyone got the link to the Neogaf Obama donation page? I think I better start putting money in there now.


ralexand said:
This really bothers me for some reason and I'm no where near to earning that much. It doesn't seem fair.

Again, those are AVERAGES. It's just going back to the Clinton tax rates. Were those years really so bad?

That said, if I was making that much and only cared about tax policies, I'd be tempted to vote McCain too. It's everyone else that I can't understand..


Setec Astronomer
AndyIsTheMoney said:
imagine paying 50-60% in taxes. so for 6 months out of the year you are solely working for the gov...and people say you dont pay enough
Imagine not having to lift a finger for most of your annual income. Imagine only being taxed on the small portion you actually had to work for. After all, unearned income is sacred, earned income not as much.


AniHawk said:
527 swiftboating group is going after Obama now. Palin reincorporated "Thanks but no thanks" back into her speech. They just don't give a fuck. Those greedy power-hungry American-hating fucks.

There are 527s on both sides, and the number of tools who see Palin's stump speeches live is vanishingly small compared to the number of people seeing on the news that that claim is bullshit.

And don't diminish The View aspect either - that was a big deal.


domokunrox said:
I'm sorry, am I the only one not feeling very good about the polls? Its getting worst and worst every day at 538

Check back in a week.
Cloudy said:
Again, those are AVERAGES. It's just going back to the Clinton tax rates. Were those years really so bad?

i was younger in the 90s, but wasn't Clinton perceived as friendly in terms of business and taxes? I thought he was much more central in this area. plus he had a repub congress most of the time also:D


Byakuya769 said:
..... cute.

Who made that weak ass ad?
It's not going to run on TV. It's a web ad tied to the push against McCain's lobbyist ties. I thought it was amusing and effective and got the point across, but the TV ads will have to be much harder hitting. The one he released on Friday was spot-on.


AndyIsTheMoney said:
i was younger in the 90s, but wasn't Clinton perceived as friendly in terms of business and taxes? I thought he was much more central in this area. plus he had a repub congress most of the time also:D

The Clinton tax rates are the ones Obama would be restoring.


domokunrox said:
I'm sorry, am I the only one not feeling very good about the polls? Its getting worst and worst every day at 538.

Anyone got the link to the Neogaf Obama donation page? I think I better start putting money in there now.


Setec Astronomer
AndyIsTheMoney said:
i was younger in the 90s, but wasn't Clinton perceived as friendly in terms of business and taxes? I thought he was much more central in this area. plus he had a repub congress most of the time also:D
Clinton is the evil man who supposedly gave us the largest tax increase in history, resulting in a crippled economy and millions left eating their shoes for sustenance.
Hitokage said:
Welcome to the legal purpose of a public corporation. :p

I've heard it's horribly inefficient, in terms of medicine, though. : /

And the Feds need to step it up. People game the system way too much. If they could fix that, I'd be happy and go for the government solution 100%.


GhaleonEB said:
It's not going to run on TV. It's a web ad tied to the push against McCain's lobbyist ties. I thought it was amusing and effective and got the point across, but the TV ads will have to be much harder hitting. The one he released on Friday was spot-on.

Yeah I've already seen the main lobbyist ad running on TV here in NC.
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