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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Tamanon said:
Of course it doesn't. My stepdad is already using Wright as proof that Obama has allegiance to Africa instead of America.

WTF? Wright was a US Marine. If two blacks communicate I guess it becomes an African nationalist movement? :D
Gaborn said:
I'm not buying it, again, the beliefs of your pastor do nothing to call attention to your skin color.

I don't care if you buy it or not. I've heard that cited as a reason in actual spoken conversations. Do you honestly think the media would have played on it for so long if it wasn't a big issue?


WickedAngel said:
I don't care if you buy it or not. I've heard that cited as a reason in actual spoken conversations. Do you honestly think the media would have played on it for so long if it wasn't a big issue?

Your pastors beliefs may reflect on you a little bit, but that's an IDEOLOGICAL problem, not a RACIAL problem. the Wright scandal was portrayed as hurting Obama's CHARACTER, not race baiting. It's wrong either way, but it was not a scandal about race.


Gaborn said:
Your pastors beliefs may reflect on you a little bit, but that's an IDEOLOGICAL problem, not a RACIAL problem. the Wright scandal was portrayed as hurting Obama's CHARACTER, not race baiting. It's wrong either way, but it was not a scandal about race.

You don't listen to Hannity then. The constant repititions of BLACK THEOLOGY.
Fuck, I bought a ticket to go check out Burn After Reading at 10pm completely forgetting about SNL (west coaster here). I'm going to miss the Tina Fey awesomeness :(

Screenshot plz?


Gaborn said:
Your pastors beliefs may reflect on you a little bit, but that's an IDEOLOGICAL problem, not a RACIAL problem. the Wright scandal was portrayed as hurting Obama's CHARACTER, not race baiting. It's wrong either way, but it was not a scandal about race.

So Obama's speech about race was just a coincidence then.

It happened because it had nothing to do about race.

He just thought it would be an interesting topic for 40 minutes.

And nothing provoked it.

By the way, I'm being sarcastic.
Gaborn said:
Well, keep in mind that the Dems will more than probably still control congress either way, so it's up to them whether they can pass it and potentially override a veto (assuming they would have to), more probably I don't see McCain vetoing it if the Dems pass it.
Also, just for your sake you might be careful about faux signatures, as far as I know they're against forum rules

If it takes a presidential veto override to get equal pay for equal work for women what does that say about the person who would be president?
I sign all my posts and since it hurts no one no action has been taken against me. Thanks for your concern but I'd be more worried about a McCain adminstation over whether or not my posts have a signature.

The Dark One


Tamanon said:
You don't listen to Hannity then. The constant repititions of BLACK THEOLOGY.

You're right, I'm not a fan of giant asshol... er giant di... err... I'm not a fan of Hannity.

Anihawk - Of course he had to address his stance on race and his view of race relations, he's in a unique position as the first credible african american candidate, it's natural for him to speak on it, but it was not because of Wright.
AniHawk said:
The whole point is to subconsciously call upon deep-rooted fears that many whites have, and to make Obama out to have the same attitude Wright does.

theres no deep root fears about it. Of course they (obama and wright) can have different opinions, but it doesn't mean you cant question why a man would continue to go to a church which speaks beliefs he strongly doesn't agree with for 20 years. Wright is a huge hypocrite in my opinion. the man has a 13 million dollar house and great success, then he turns around and says goddamn our country? Talks about how we should help the poor and we aren't doing enough, yet buys a 13 million dollar house? From watching the few speeches I have seen of his, he doesn't seem to ease racism but enrage it. Again ive only seen a few speeches, but it becomes pretty clear no what his intent is from what ive seen. (not to mention he cheated on his wife with a, WHITE WOMAN!!!!)
Gaborn said:
Your pastors beliefs may reflect on you a little bit, but that's an IDEOLOGICAL problem, not a RACIAL problem. the Wright scandal was portrayed as hurting Obama's CHARACTER, not race baiting. It's wrong either way, but it was not a scandal about race.
This is how it would have played in Libertopia.

We don't live in Libertopia.


AndyIsTheMoney said:
theres no deep root fears about it. Of course they (obama and wright) can have different opinions, but it doesn't mean you cant question why a man would continue to go to a church which speaks beliefs he strongly doesn't agree with for 20 years. Wright is a huge hypocrite in my opinion. the man has a 13 million dollar house and great success, then he turns around and says goddamn our country? Talks about how we should help the poor and we aren't doing enough, yet buys a 13 million dollar house? From watching the few speeches I have seen of his, he doesn't seem to ease racism but enrage it. Again ive only seen a few speeches, but it becomes pretty clear no what his intent is from what ive seen. (not to mention he cheated on his wife with a, WHITE WOMAN!!!!)

What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
You think we don't practice any socialistic values? As time goes on we continue to grow government, add entitlement programs, further re-distribute wealth. Obviously some of this is to our benefit, but due to a much more competitive global market, its going to be to our detriment over the long run. Why do you think we are losing so many of our manufacturing jobs?

I know. Those god damn Republicans with their socialistic policies, uniting government with business. What the hell. They nationalize giant banks, buying them out, then they allow people in business to work for government so that the government can provide them with funding.

I wish we could go back to the free market. : ( Business needs to be freed from the chains of government funding.
AniHawk said:
What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
bu bu bu bu but ur librul so therefore ur an athiest so lol at u for mentioning god hahahaha


FlightOfHeaven said:
I know. Those god damn Republicans with their socialistic policies, uniting government with business. What the hell. They nationalize giant banks, buying them out, then they allow people in business to work for government so that the government can provide them with funding.

I wish we could go back to the free market. : ( Business needs to be freed from the chains of government funding.

Abso-friggen-lutely. End corporate subsidies. End corporate welfare PERIOD. Get the government out of the bailout business.


AniHawk said:
What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
OLD. Been used in the thread already and in image form too.
speculawyer said:
Black theology?

Is Hannity that racist? Does he worship a white-power Christ or something?

in his interview with wright he was talking about using religion to divide instead of unite, saying black theology meaning it was exclusively for black principles, and therefore excluded all other races. he was referencing this because of wrights webpage or the churches webpage talking about everything in a black context (help black communities, help black people, help the black poor, etc). Everything was labeled for black people only. Hannity was asking him why wouldn't he include all people in the principles.

not really defending hannity, but for those that seen the interview i dont think he was being racist
AniHawk said:
What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

thanks a simple wrong woulda been fine!
FlightOfHeaven said:
I know. Those god damn Republicans with their socialistic policies, uniting government with business. What the hell. They nationalize giant banks, buying them out, then they allow people in business to work for government so that the government can provide them with funding.

I wish we could go back to the free market. : ( Business needs to be freed from the chains of government funding.

i agree flight, fanny may and freddie mac right? free market with some oversight would be nice for me, which is mostly what we have. Dont act like the Dems aren't guilty partner


TDG said:
Yes please. Frankly, I find it a bit classless. Aren't democrats supposed to be above these personal attacks?
And also, it's gross. I put him on Ignore the first time I saw it. Great guy. Horrific avatar. :(


Sensing a new media cycle on the rise as Politico, The New York Times and Associated Press, among others, took note of the McCain campaign's increasing disregard for the facts in its latest round of attacks, Barack Obama doubled down on his anti-McCain attacks today, launching another salvo in his campaign to discredit his foe's change and reform bona fides.

The DNC released a 65-page document, "No Reformer," asserting McCain has close ties to some 170 lobbyists, and the campaign released a new TV spot and a Web site, McLobbyist.com, as part of an "integrated campaign" that will also feature lobbyist-themed events in some 20 states over the next three days.


Looks like an assault coming on two fronts. One, on the "change" front, tearing into McCain as more of the same, lobbyists, etc. The other is on the lies/honor thing. Both designed to tear down the maverick label. Could be brutally damaging since it's piggy-backing on the growing media narrative.


Reads Ace as Lace. May God have mercy on their soul
TDG said:
Yes please. Frankly, I find it a bit classless. Aren't democrats supposed to be above these personal attacks?

Oh like being democrat immunes you from being illogically childish. This is silly. You're silly.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
i agree flight, fanny may and freddie mac right? free market with some oversight would be nice for me, which is mostly what we have. Dont act like the Dems aren't guilty partner

I agree with you, actually. I believe in a strong free market with little regulation, except when needed to protect consumers (see environmental standards, sub-prime mortgage lending rates, speculation on the stock market).

And the Dems are guilty at times, no doubt. I'm with you here, too. The problem is that the Republican Party, on the whole, have been much worse economically on the whole.

You'll find me honestly open and receptive to conservative economic ideas. Just not Republican ones.

chubigans said:
Yeah, Im gonna have to use the ol ignore list too. :(

Same. : /

Change we need, Polyhedron. Change we need.
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