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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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devilhawk said:
Well my ultra paranoid guess would be that the MSNBC writer wrote the statement ambigously as possible so that the 500 comments that followed are all screaming liar, liar. Then the blogs can pick up on the suppose lie and it can spread all over.

But I know better than that. The writer just sucks.

A narrative has been set. Unfortunately McCain has pissed off the wrong people this time. :p


devilhawk said:
Well my ultra paranoid guess would be that the MSNBC writer wrote the statement ambigously as possible so that the 500 comments that followed are all screaming liar, liar. Then the blogs can pick up on the suppose lie and it can spread all over.

But I know better than that. The writer just sucks.

Yeah because we know the McCain campaign would NEVER lie.


mj1108 said:
Yeah because we know the McCain campaign would NEVER lie.
They have showed on TV repeatedly recently very large overflow crowds at McCain campaign events. They have been large enough at several of them that they have after the event ended gone outside to redo the event for the people outside.

Pavillion holding a certain number would not reflect people outside etc.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
ok, obviously i was younger, i was just saying i was a younger person, and cared more about other shit than politics, so i wouldn't remember as much politically from the Clinton years as i would the Bush years.

You could say something like "My interests were elsewhere" or "I wasn't as mature then." It'd work without opening yourself to ridicule. : p

I got what you meant, though.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
JayDubya said:
Gaborn's gay.

Together, they could be a pair of wacky roommates getting into zany hijinks every week.

They could get married to get around the Condo board.... oh wait. No they couldn't. Best vote Republican then, to speed it up.


laserbeam said:
They have showed on TV repeatedly recently very large overflow crowds at McCain campaign events. They have been large enough at several of them that they have after the event ended gone outside to redo the event for the people outside.

Pavillion holding a certain number would not reflect people outside etc.

They pay operatives to play protesters what makes you think the GOP wouldn't pay for "supporters" in an effort to continue this meme that after Palin all the worms crawled out of their holes to squirm for McCain. The GOP is playing the same book from 2004 and 2006 ,something tells me that like 2006 where Rove proclaimed that the polls where wrong and they would win big, they will again fall on their faces.


Setec Astronomer
Look, Obama had lots of overflow crowds too. Let's not get too caught up in attendance numbers when it's certain that whoever was there was lied to. ;)


Small balls, big fun!
<mckmas8808> I think our neighbor is a racist. He keeps giving me dirty looks and never talks to me.

<Gaborn> Can't be. I saw him voting the other day!

<mckmas8808> ... *gives patented reaction shot*

<Gaborn> *shrugs, grins*

*Studio audience laughs, segues into warm applause*

And cut to commercial!


mckmas8808 said:
This is very simple to understand. I kinda wish 40 million households could see this video. :(

It's not "sexy" news like lipstick on a pig garbage..

Maybe Obama should put out ads during NFL games highlighting this stuff.

Also, here's some insight into the way he views the economy. this is an interesting watch for anyone.


Regardless of politics, wouldn't it be great to have a President who's actually smart again? *sigh*


Mandark said:
<mckmas8808> I think our neighbor is a racist. He keeps giving me dirty looks and never talks to me.

<Gaborn> Can't be. I saw him voting the other day!

<mckmas8808> ... *gives patented reaction shot*

<Gaborn> *shrugs, grins*

*Studio audience laughs, segues into warm applause*

And cut to commercial!

:lol Stuck the landing!


Mandark said:
<mckmas8808> I think our neighbor is a racist. He keeps giving me dirty looks and never talks to me.

<Gaborn> Can't be. I saw him voting the other day!

<mckmas8808> ... *gives patented reaction shot*

<Gaborn> *shrugs, grins*

*Studio audience laughs, segues into warm applause*

And cut to commercial!

:lol :lol (For the record, I'd clearly be Matthau's Oscar, I'm about as messy, unkempt, and downright slovenly a human being as exists)


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Mandark said:
<mckmas8808> I think our neighbor is a racist. He keeps giving me dirty looks and never talks to me.

<Gaborn> Can't be. I saw him voting the other day!

<mckmas8808> ... *gives patented reaction shot*

<Gaborn> *shrugs, grins*

*Studio audience laughs, segues into warm applause*

And cut to commercial!



Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Cloudy said:
It's not "sexy" news like lipstick on a pig garbage..

Maybe Obama should put out ads during NFL games highlighting this stuff.

Also, here's some insight into the way he views the economy. this is an interesting watch for anyone.


Regardless of politics, wouldn't it be great to have a President who's actually smart again? *sigh*

Okay can somebody in PoliGaf explain to me why the fuck people still think Palin is as expirenced as Obama?

I mean seriously! His interviews are on a whole different level than Sarah's. I mean seriously. Gaborn you can't deny this truth man.


mckmas8808 said:
Okay can somebody in PoliGaf explain to me why the fuck people still think Palin is as expirenced as Obama?

I mean seriously! His interviews are on a whole different level than Sarah's. I mean seriously. Gaborn you can't deny this truth man.

Nope, Obama's more polished than Palin (experience is a relative term, but Obama certainly has had more national experience running through the campaign and is better spoken). On the other hand Palin's running for VP which is probably a lower standard (again, the Quayle example who... well... I mean my GOD how could anybody lose to a ticket with that man)
I don't know why Obama and the Dems don't just flat out say in four simple words "I'll cut your taxes!&#8221;- end of sentence.

Instead they complicate things by saying "middle class" and using percentages. Americans don't know or care what percentage or class they belong too. They just want their money. Let the media and H&R Block decipher and calculate the numbers.


Small balls, big fun!
FlightOfHeaven: You know what really makes things funny? Explaining them!

I'd rather people stop using "experience" as a metric completely unless they explain what specific skills a candidate has gained from that experience and how they couldn't be gotten otherwise.

And no, saying "executive experience" doesn't count.
RobotChant said:
Instead they complicate things by saying "middle class" and using percentages. Americans don't know or care what percentage or class they belong too. They just want their money. Let the media and H&R Block decipher and calculate the numbers.
Because everyone, even (especially?) rich people, thinks that they are middle-class.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
RobotChant said:
I don't know why Obama and the Dems don't just flat out say in four simple words "I'll cut your taxes!”- end of sentence.

Instead they complicate things by saying "middle class" and using percentages. Americans don't know or care what percentage or class they belong too. They just want their money. Let the media and H&R Block decipher and calculate the numbers.

Because it'll be a lie. I don't want Obama to turn into the McCain campaign. For people making over 250K your taxes may go up.


Mandark said:
FlightOfHeaven: You know what really makes things funny? Explaining them!

I'd rather people stop using "experience" as a metric completely unless they explain what specific skills a candidate has gained from that experience and how they couldn't be gotten otherwise.

And no, saying "executive experience" doesn't count.


mckmas8808 said:
Okay can somebody in PoliGaf explain to me why the fuck people still think Palin is as expirenced as Obama?

I mean seriously! His interviews are on a whole different level than Sarah's. I mean seriously. Gaborn you can't deny this truth man.

I wouldn't suggest that Obama has less intellect or poise, but in terms of experience, Obama was a state senator about as long as Palin was a mayor, and he's been a senator slightly longer than she's been a governor.

They both have a pretty short resume for the job.

Not that I'd care anyway, since "experience" doesn't trump issue stance positions. Biden has a lot of experience, but I can't say I'd agree with him on virtually anything. I could say something fairly similar about John McCain, actually.


I'm glad to see more attack ads from the Obama side. If McCain is McLobby. Palin should be Ms. Idunno. Splice vids of her looking clueless on the Bush doctrine, what does a VP do, no opinion on the Iraq war and no opinion on Freddie mac and Fannie Mae and make an ad.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
JayDubya said:
I wouldn't suggest that Obama has less intellect or poise, but in terms of experience, Obama was a state senator about as long as Palin was a mayor, and he's been a senator slightly longer than she's been a governor.

They both have a pretty short resume for the job.

Not that I'd care anyway, since "experience" doesn't trump issue stance positions. Biden has a lot of experience, but I can't say I'd agree with him on virtually anything. I could say something fairly similar about John McCain, actually.

Wow so you hate all 4 people then. That sucks.

But if Obama does win, would it make you feel a little better that an actual smart person is president again?


mckmas8808 said:
Wow so you hate all 4 people then. That sucks.

But if Obama does win, would it make you feel a little better that an actual smart person is president again?

I think if you're paying attention you'd note that Jaydub and I both hate all 4 of them.
mckmas8808 said:
Because it'll be a lie. I don't want Obama to turn into the McCain campaign. For people making over 250K your taxes may go up.

If this number is so irrelevant that you don't care to include them in your plan, who cares if they vote for you. They know that you aren't including them in your plans. These people aren't voting for you either way, why hold back your campaign because of them.

This is the why Dems continue to lose on tax issues.


mckmas8808 said:
Wow so you hate all 4 people then. That sucks.

Didn't say that really, either. But yeah, that's usually the case.

But if Obama does win, would it make you feel a little better that an actual smart person is president again?

Feeling better? Not really. Smart and disagreeing with me is more dangerous than incompetent and disagreeing with me. Bill Clinton is a good example of someone as whip-smart as he is slimy.

I'd almost rather see a McCain without the power to get his aggressive foreign policy goals accomplished coupled with a legislature that can't override his vetoes. I just brought up Bill Clinton, and well, there's several reasons why he had a positive little number on that long-past-obnoxious fiscalconservative.gif - one of those reasons, one of the strongest ones, would be the divided government.

someone else read this, please. i just finished it, and it fills in a couple holes/fills out the story surrounding the backstory leading up to the bedside confrontation of ashcroft about warrantless wiretapping and the involvement of cheney/etc in the entire program.

i am...not in shock. shock isnt the right work. because i knew the basics of it. but, just...wow. the fact that this ever happened, just, wow. i hope this gets someones attention, somewhere, who might care.


Kinda OT Jay, but lefties keep threatening to move to Canada or Europe if their choice of candidate doesn't win. Do you have some place to go?


Azih said:
Kinda OT Jay, but lefties keep threatening to move to Canada or Europe if their choice of candidate doesn't win. Do you have some place to go?

If only the British had renewed their lease on Hong Kong...

Also, my candidates of choice never win, because only Republicans or Democrats can win, and as a rule, most of them suck too much to be my candidates of choice.

America has a lot going for it, and to the extent that it widely diverges from the politics of the rest of the "West," that is a good thing, and also generally an exclusive quality. Should the progressives have their druthers and American politics move to the European center or further still to the left, there is no "Canada" to flee to.


kkaabboomm said:

someone else read this, please. i just finished it, and it fills in a couple holes/fills out the story surrounding the backstory leading up to the bedside confrontation of ashcroft about warrantless wiretapping and the involvement of cheney/etc in the entire program.

i am...not in shock. shock isnt the right work. because i knew the basics of it. but, just...wow. the fact that this ever happened, just, wow. i hope this gets someones attention, somewhere, who might care.

I feel as you do. One of the greatest failings of the Democrats, and congress in general has been it's failure to keep this administration from continuing to shit on the constitution. If the Democrats had a spine they'd be investigating and inditing many figures in the current administration without waiting for Obama or some future politician to win the Presidency so they don't fear backlash.


Small balls, big fun!
The real problem with stuff like the FISA debacle is that the majority of the population intuitively supports it.

For all the efforts on the pages of The Nation and Reason, warantless wiretapping et al are still boutique issues for liberal and libertarian activists. They just don't connect with moderate or low-information voters, who haven't directly had their rights abrogated in any really obvious ways.

Which is why we have an independent judiciary, of course. So that rights don't become solely dependent on the consent of the majority.


kkaabboomm said:

someone else read this, please. i just finished it, and it fills in a couple holes/fills out the story surrounding the backstory leading up to the bedside confrontation of ashcroft about warrantless wiretapping and the involvement of cheney/etc in the entire program.

i am...not in shock. shock isnt the right work. because i knew the basics of it. but, just...wow. the fact that this ever happened, just, wow. i hope this gets someones attention, somewhere, who might care.

I'm not done with it myself but its a continuation of earlier pieces this year that revealed a lot of how the NSA program was justified. Lots has occurred since the first stories including the resignation of Gonzo and various other aids have also left, unfortunately the bad news is that since then we have now been given a complete sandbagger in Mukassey and Ashcroft has come forth but has made excuses for his old bosses in congressional hearings rather than be a real patriot I'm guessing they have dirt on this choir boy that and the GOP seems to pay well even after you leave your post so don't feel so outraged when I tell you that nothing will come of this.


Gaborn said:
I feel as you do. One of the greatest failings of the Democrats, and congress in general has been it's failure to keep this administration from continuing to shit on the constitution. If the Democrats had a spine they'd be investigating and inditing many figures in the current administration without waiting for Obama or some future politician to win the Presidency so they don't fear backlash.

It's not as if the average Democrat disapproves of adding new and varied powers to the executive branch, it's just that they just want their guy (or gal) in charge of said branch.


JayDubya said:
It's not as if the average Democrat disapproves of adding new and varied powers to the executive branch, it's just that they just want their guy (or gal) in charge of said branch.

Of course, and it's not like Obama is going to be particularly keen on investigating abuses of FISA for example should he get re-elected, he voted to reauthorize it, expand the powers, and provide the telecomms immunity afterall. Still, ideally you'd think for all the outrage they expressed in '04 over the PATRIOT Act (quite rightly) they'd actually DO something about it now that they have congress. Of course, it's hard to do that when the majority of them voted for it in the first place. gah, sometimes i hate politics.
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