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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Minnesota has become a battleground in a presidential campaign that has dramatically tightened nationwide.

A new Star Tribune Minnesota Poll shows that the race is now a dead heat between Barack Obama and John McCain, each supported by 45 percent of likely voters in the state.

The new poll likely will stoke both sides' efforts during the final 51 days until the election, triggering a barrage of advertising, grass-roots politicking and, potentially, stepped-up visits by the candidates.

The poll found that McCain has made gains across the board since a May Minnesota Poll that showed him trailing by 13 points. He has picked up considerable support among men and to a lesser degree among women. He also has boosted his standing with whites, young voters and all levels of household income and education.

Conducted a week after the Republican National Convention was held in St. Paul, the poll likely reflects — at least in part — the traditional bounce candidates enjoy after being in the spotlight.

Part of the rise in McCain's fortunes nationally has been attributed to his choice of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate, a move that has energized his party's conservative base.

But the Minnesota Poll found that the choice of Palin was essentially a wash among the state's voters.

While 30 percent said it made them more likely to vote for the Republican ticket, 26 percent said it made them less likely to do so. For the rest, it didn't make much difference


Clothed, sober, cooperative
JayDubya said:
Absolutely not, that's a homicide in someone else's jurisdiction. We're not the world's policeman.

So US embryo's lives are special and worth protecting at any cost. Foreign embryo's lives are somebody else's problem? I actually find your logic reasonable - I guess I just can't get a grasp on the morality behind it. I'm not arguing either, obviously I agree that we shouldn't be responsible for everyone else's problems - and I certainly don't think we should be interfering with another country's stance on abortion rights.
reilo said:
How do the two areas with the highest concentration of people [Northeast and West], get the least amount of sampling?

That's what I was wondering.

Considering most of the battle grounds are in the West and Midwest, and the ONLY region McCain is winning is the South, and Obama is STILL up by 2 in that poll despite the South being sampled the most...I think that's good news.

Though a 300 person sampling size and 5% MoE kind of sucks. Why do the demographics say this:

Men	513	(47%)
Women	587	(53%)

But the sample is only 359? I really don't get this poll. I want to trust it though, hehe.


OuterWorldVoice said:
So US embryo's lives are special and worth protecting at any cost. Foreign embryo's lives are somebody else's problem? I actually find your logic reasonable - I guess I just can't get a grasp on the morality behind it. I'm not arguing either, obviously I agree that we shouldn't be responsible for everyone else's problems - and I certainly don't think we should be interfering with another country's stance on abortion rights.

Thank you for another 4+ pages on abortion bullshit :D


Frank the Great said:
That's what I was wondering.

Considering most of the battle grounds are in the West and Midwest, and the ONLY region McCain is winning is the South, and Obama is STILL up by 2 in that poll despite the South being sampled the most...I think that's good news.

Though a 300 person sampling size and 5% MoE kind of sucks. Why do the demographics say this:

Men	513	(47%)
Women	587	(53%)

But the sample is only 359? I really don't get this poll. I want to trust it though, hehe.

Actually, I'm guessing that it's actually an error on their part. All the other demographics (by age, location, etc) equal 1100 too. The 359 number is actually the number of people polled in the 30-44 age group. I'm thinking the actual sampling size is 1100 and not 359.
Beavertown said:
You're quite a piece of work, Jay.

He's completely right here.

He'll disagree with my reasoning behind supporting him but it doesn't matter; until we take care of the problems in our own country, everything else should be secondary. The role of the United States government is to deal with the issues in our country first; there should be nothing else before this.

Our economy is beaten down and there are people in this country who don't have fair access to health insurance and other basic necessities of life. Our education system is a joke and is rife with foolishness in the form of No Child Left Behind. We are mixed up in a war that should have never started in the first place.

Jay might not agree with what he perceives as redistribution of wealth but even he would concede that the government should deal with the problems of Americans before the problems of foreigners of whom we have no responsibility for.


AniHawk said:
Actually, I'm guessing that it's actually an error on their part. All the other demographics (by age, location, etc) equal 1100 too. The 359 number is actually the number of people polled in the 30-44 age group. I'm thinking the actual sampling size is 1100 and not 359.
1100 is probably the three-day sample, 359 is single day.


WickedAngel said:
Jay might not agree with what he perceives as redistribution of wealth but even he would concede that the government should deal with the problems of Americans before the problems of foreigners of whom we have no responsibility for.

Yeah, I'll concede that. Even if you believe in the concept of living document and you interpret "general welfare" as many of you do, the full text is:

"The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;"


saelz8 said:
Rove: McCain Ads Go Stretch Truth "Too Far" (VIDEO)

You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension - a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You've just crossed over into the Twilight Zone.


"McCain has gone in some of his ads -- similarly gone one step too far," he told Fox News, "and sort of attributing to Obama things that are, you know, beyond the '100 percent truth' test."

The Obama campaign immediately leaped on the quote. "In case anyone was still wondering whether John McCain is running the sleaziest, most dishonest campaign in history, today Karl Rove -- the man who held the previous record -- said McCain's ads have gone too far," said campaign spokesman Tommy Vietor, in a statement sent to reporters minutes after Rove's on-air comments.

The end times are fast-approaching.


lawblob said:
Obama needs to get this statement into one of his commercials TOMORROW.
I'm crossing my fingers that this will be the narrative until the debates, that McCain's running a sleazy campaign full of lies and you can't trust him.


AniHawk said:
I'm crossing my fingers that this will be the narrative until the debates, that McCain's running a sleazy campaign full of lies and you can't trust him.

The commercial could write itself: "Even Karl Rove, the man who spread lies about McCain having illegitimate black children in 2000; even this man thinks McCain's commercials are full of lies."


saelz8 said:
Rove: McCain Ads Go Stretch Truth "Too Far" (VIDEO)

You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension - a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You've just crossed over into the Twilight Zone.
Holy SHIT :lol :lol :lol :lol

When Rove calls you out... you know you seriously fucked up...

McCain is getting SO bad even Rove is like "goddamn, even I don't want to take credit for this shit!" :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


Chrono said:
What we don't know is that over the past few weeks Obama has been negotiating a deal with The System. The ruling class. The ones behind the curtain.

Rove is simply one of their agents.

So you mean the results for Ohio just shifted to a slight Obama win instead?


Chrono said:
What we don't know is that over the past few weeks Obama has been negotiating a deal with The System. The ruling class. The ones behind the curtain.

Rove is simply one of their agents.

One would think that if there was a System, they wouldn't negotiate.


Chrono said:
What we don't know is that over the past few weeks Obama has been negotiating a deal with The System. The ruling class. The ones behind the curtain.

Rove is simply one of their agents.

We must warn the people!



learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
To top it off, McCain spokesman Brian Rogers said this to the Politico about the increased media scrutiny of the campaign's factual claims: "We’re running a campaign to win. And we’re not too concerned about what the media filter tries to say about it.”

Did he really say that?? Talk shit about the media, and they gonna tell the truth on your ass.


Door2Dawn said:
I guess they can also spin it that way. :lol

Rove also was helping his campaign though so...

Man, I hope the AP article, the NYTimes article, and all the other stuff that led up from Lipstick and The View comes to a head tomorrow. When one campaign tries to get their message out and the other doesn't give a shit about the people or the media, that has to be a big big story.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
What if after all this intense scrutiny from all sides about Rove being part of the McCain camp, has made McCain let him go? Of course, we would never know if he was officially let go since he was an unofficial adviser.

Meaning, this just might be Rove being pissed off at McCain for caving under pressure and getting rid of him.

The McCain camp can't counter saying that the recent ads by them were Rove's idea [they were classic Rove ads], because that would just confirm him being part of their campaign.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Don't think the media has an agenda to keep the election close?

CNN, just now.

"So, how close is New Hampshire? Looking at the latest CNN/Research Opinion poll, we have Obama up 51% to 45%. You might think that is not all that close, but if you take into account the MoE, the state is in a statistical dead heat."





Eric P

JayDubya said:
Yes and no.

No, because like I care what country you're talking about when using taxpayer money for healthcare services.

Yes, because by any chance have you seen the national debt lately? We're in no position to giving money away. If China wants to give the $9 B directly, great, but let's not borrow it from them to give it away to Africa and then we're still on the hook for it.

awesomely enough, they're doing that too!

so africa gets a double dose of china monies!


reilo said:
Don't think the media has an agenda to keep the election close?

CNN, just now.

"So, how close is New Hampshire? Looking at the latest CNN/Research Opinion poll, we have Obama up 51% to 45%. You might think that is not all that close, but if you take into account the MoE, the state is in a statistical dead heat."





:lol They really don't know what a dead heat is.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Tamanon said:
:lol They really don't know what a dead heat is.

No, they do know what a dead heat is, they just don't give a shit. "Dead heat" is such a great buzz phrase that they want to throw it out any chance they can get.


*Puts on tinfoil hat*

I just started reading a bit about Diebold and electronic voting machines in general. Also watching videos like...

Princeton Hacks Diebold

CNN Hacking Demonstration

Fox News Hacking Demonstration

Stephen Spoonamore Diebold Interview (Part 1)

Stephen Spoonamore Diebold Interview (Part 3)

Stephen Spoonamore Diebold Interview (Part 4)

Stephen Spoonamore Diebold Interview (Part 5)

Stephen Spoonamore Diebold Interview (Part 7)

Stephen Spoonamore Diebold Interview (Part 8)

Hacking Democracy

And, uh, am I missing something here? Why haven't we chucked these shoddy electronic machines out the door already and gone back to paper?

You have Diebold continuously lying, Diebold doing illegal software updates, Diebold machines inflating vote counts, Diebold posting the memory port lock key molding on their website, numerous professionals saying Diebold's system is easily hackable, two Princeton graduates and a professor creating a spreadable virus for Diebold's touch panel machines in less than a month, others hacking Diebold's ballot scan machines, the '04 election exit polls being way off from the final vote count, and the then CEO of Diebold promoting the fact that he's a Republican who's held fundraisers for his party.

Again, there must be something obvious I'm missing here. Why are we still supporting this electronic equipment when it appears to be so unreliable?

*Takes off tinfoil hat*


Frank the Great said:
Considering most of the battle grounds are in the West and Midwest, and the ONLY region McCain is winning is the South, and Obama is STILL up by 2 in that poll despite the South being sampled the most...I think that's good news.

I would imagine Obama get's a sizable Midwestern bump from huge Illinois support, especially since it's the most populous state in the region. So I doubt he's leading in other Midwestern states by quite as much as polls for the overall Midwest would indicate.

Funky Papa

ryutaro's mama said:
I love:


That could be ANYTHING in the response.
It's like one of those movie posters with quotes carefully taken out of context from the reviews. The best part is the affected woman doing the narration, though.

That chauvinistic pig LYING about my precious Sarah Palin. How does he dare.


*drowns in jizz*
Funky Papa said:

I can't stand these pathetic, victimized, self-righteous, gender-card playing, utterly bullshit ads. I swear I want to smash the face of whoever is creating them, as well as the narrator, with that shitty, disparaging voice. Not an ounce of fucking substance, but they probably work.


What a crock of shit.

The irony is that Obama has been criticized for being overly generous towards Palin, and not going after her. Imagine what any other candidate who have said. So the worst possible out of context quotes they could get from Obama/Biden is 'good-looking', 'doing what she's told' and 'lying...'.. REALLY? Damn, shows how little they actually have to work with.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Oh, right.

Want to know who else thinks they are lying?

NYTimes: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/13/us/politics/13mccain.html

On the ad specifically:

SCORECARD The advertisement is the latest in a number that resort to a dubious disregard for the facts. The nonpartisan political analysis group Factcheck.org has already criticized “Disrespectful” as “particularly egregious,” saying that it “goes down new paths of deception,” and is “peddling false quotes.” Even the title is troublesome. “Disrespectful” is one of those words that is loaded with racial and class connotations that many people consider offensive.

Washington Post: http://voices.washingtonpost.com/fact-checker/2008/09/weekend_edition.html

Boston Globe: http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2008/09/13/palin_camp_clarifies_extent_of_iraq_trip/

Bloomberg: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601070&sid=a1J0tfV3XJYs&refer=politics


Clothed, sober, cooperative
thekad said:
:lol :lol :lol

This is amazing. All they've got is Sarah Palin, one of the shallowest, most problematic politicians ever to make the national stage. That is now their entire campaign.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Funky Papa said:




:lol oh jesus.

McCain's campaign is such a comically sleazy piece of shit.


reilo said:
Don't think the media has an agenda to keep the election close?

CNN, just now.

"So, how close is New Hampshire? Looking at the latest CNN/Research Opinion poll, we have Obama up 51% to 45%. You might think that is not all that close, but if you take into account the MoE, the state is in a statistical dead heat."





Dead heat? :lol


First tragedy, then farce.
I am starting to smell the backfire a coming. I think the last few days it started, I think the wave is about to hit.

You cannot go taunt the media by saying things like "The facts dont matter". You are basically saying "we are going to lie, and there is nothing you can do about it". Now they are going to find out if there is anything the media can do about it.
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