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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Master of the Google Search
Funky Papa said:


Obama and his people can't let this escape them. I better see 5 new commercials next week calling McCain and his cronies on their faux bullshit and their indifference to it. An amateur college kid could write up some nasty ads with all the material floating out there.

Why is it a "compliance fund"? Are they assimilating the U.S.? That and the "Invest in Victory" thing kind of give me a sense of false urgency. Plus, in an investment I'm sure I'd be getting my money back. Will he be refunding me plus interest if he loses?

And it looks like someone applied the "Putty" tool to spread his face in photoshop.


dabig2 said:
Obama and his people can't let this escape them. I better see 5 new commercials next week calling McCain and his cronies on their faux bullshit and their indifference to it. An amateur college kid could write up some nasty ads with all the material floating out there.

you don't say...

Screen starts with Image of George Bush

This is George W. Bush, 43rd President of the United States of America. He is the lone US President to have the highest and lowest approval ratings

Screen shows “90%” on one side of the picture and “28%” on the other side.

During his presidency, he has couragely led the US into two wars, a record national debt, and helped to ensure that the constitution will be upheld to a ridiculously unflinching degree by appointing two conservative justices to the supreme court

Screen switches to another picture of G dub

President Bush has also helped to reduce are standing on the world stage as well as remove the little international leverage we had

Screen switches to a picture of John McCain

This is John McCain
Picture of George Bush is put up next to McCain’s pic

This is George Bush

In the year 2000, John lost to George. Think about it. You’re voting for a guy that lost to a cheerleader


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
The Abominable Snowman said:

Why is it a "compliance fund"? Are they assimilating the U.S.? That and the "Donate to Victory" thing kind of give me a sense of false urgency.

And it looks like someone applied the "Putty" tool to spread his face in photoshop.

He's on publicly funded money now with a $80mil cap. Anything you donate to him, goes to the RNCC "Compliance Fund".


First tragedy, then farce.
reilo said:
He's on publicly funded money now with a $80mil cap. Anything you donate to him, goes to the RNCC "Compliance Fund".

which is why Obama opted out of public financing. There are so many loopholes he was going to get screwed. McCain is not allowed to raise any money when he takes public financing, but he can raise money for the RNC. The RNC can then spend money on ads that are 99% McCain ads with a cursory mention of the RNC.. or they can make it an "issue" ad that is about the party platform and not even mention the RNC once.

Its stupid.


has calmed down a bit.
So, according to the fivethirtyeight model, when do we start to see Obama bounce back to take the lead? It's tough going over there and seeing that electoral map looking worse than 2004.


Master of the Google Search
The Abominable Snowman said:

Why is it a "compliance fund"? Are they assimilating the U.S.? That and the "Invest in Victory" thing kind of give me a sense of false urgency. Plus, in an investment I'm sure I'd be getting my money back. Will he be refunding me plus interest if he loses?

And it looks like someone applied the "Putty" tool to spread his face in photoshop.
The letters asking for money that I get from McCain every week or two are even sillier

AniHawk said:
That's the one!


fivethirtyeight said:
[Obama protesters] were loud, and clearly served their purpose of infuriating the 1,000-1,500 folks standing outside watching on the big screen. I watched as grinning University of Nevada College Republicans easily filled volunteer call time and canvassing sheets as the Obama folks did all the recruiting necessary

Fucking morons (meaning Obama protesters. Though you probably can't be too bright to campaign on behalf of McCain just because you like the shallowness of his Palin pick).


VanMardigan said:
So, according to the fivethirtyeight model, when do we start to see Obama bounce back to take the lead? It's tough going over there and seeing that electoral map looking worse than 2004.
If you look back in 2004 electoral-vote.com maps... It's looked far worse for Kerry. Kerry got a boost after the last debate. I'll save my worries (besides fraud) for after the last debate.


*drowns in jizz*
Wait- WHAT?? Palin was never in Iraq now? Wasn't that the fucking centerpiece of her 'foreign policy' experience? Do the lies never end?
Got a door to door Obama campaign person today. They opened an Obama office in the center of town. I'm thinking about stopping in and seeing if they need any help. What kind of things do they do beside calls and door to door?

I want to support the effort, but I don't agree with the issues enough to try to persuade people.


VanMardigan said:
So, according to the fivethirtyeight model, when do we start to see Obama bounce back to take the lead? It's tough going over there and seeing that electoral map looking worse than 2004.
Well remember, gallup had Obama down by 2 pre-conventions, and now he's down by 2 in the gallups, so you could say that the convention bumps are over.


StoOgE said:
I am starting to smell the backfire a coming. I think the last few days it started, I think the wave is about to hit.

You cannot go taunt the media by saying things like "The facts dont matter". You are basically saying "we are going to lie, and there is nothing you can do about it". Now they are going to find out if there is anything the media can do about it.

The McCain camp already said they didn't care what the media was going to say about what they were doing....so it sounds like it's all going to be going downhill from here for McCain.


PrivateWHudson said:
Got a door to door Obama campaign person today. They opened an Obama office in the center of town. I'm thinking about stopping in and seeing if they need any help. What kind of things do they do beside calls and door to door?

I want to support the effort, but I don't agree with the issues enough to try to persuade people.

Just go down there and see what you can do to help out.


PrivateWHudson said:
Got a door to door Obama campaign person today. They opened an Obama office in the center of town. I'm thinking about stopping in and seeing if they need any help. What kind of things do they do beside calls and door to door?

I want to support the effort, but I don't agree with the issues enough to try to persuade people.
So don't hammer the issues -- tell them you typically vote for Republicans but, despite your differences with the Democratic platform, you are still supporting Obama. That really is a powerful enough message in itself.


Diablos said:
So don't hammer the issues -- tell them you typically vote for Republicans but, despite your differences with the Democratic platform, you are still supporting Obama. That really is a powerful enough message in itself.

I think there's stuff he can do to help out without doing that. I'd rather people get educated and know why they're voting for this guy instead of using PUMA logic.
Slurpy said:
Wait- WHAT?? Palin was never in Iraq now? Wasn't that the fucking centerpiece of her 'foreign policy' experience? Do the lies never end?
Original list of countries:

The Ireland trip was a fueling stop on her way back.
Germany she visited Alaska national guard troops at the base there.
Kuwait she also visited Alaska national guard troops, getting very close the border
Iraq has now been ruled out as the campaign confirms her permissions ended at the border, so she never went into Iraq.

However, if has also come out she has been to:

Mexico was a personal vacation
Canada - no one knows if this was business, as her state is literally touching this giant country and maybe they wanted to cooperate on Alcan enhancements (needed on the Canadian side) or something, or if it was vacation, or just a pit stop, like Anchorage to Winnipeg to New York or something.

So yeah


*drowns in jizz*
From CNN:

McCain's campaign released a television ad, titled "Disrespectful," that accuses McCain's Democratic rival of launching desperate attacks and smears against Palin.

In the McCain ad, the announcer says the Obama camp had "lashed out at Sarah Palin" and dismissed Palin as "good-looking" as the Democratic nominee's face appears on the screen. The announcer also says the Democrats had said Palin was doing "what she was told" and had "desperately" called her a liar.

"How disrespectful," the announcer says. "And how Gov. Sarah Palin proves them wrong, every day."

Obama never made any of the statements the McCain camp released to support the ad, and the comment that Palin was "good-looking" was made by the Democratic vice presidential nominee, Sen. Joe Biden, in a self-deprecating joke when he was asked what the obvious differences were between the two vice presidential nominees.

Biden repeatedly has said on the campaign trail that he respected Palin and that he thought she was qualified for the vice presidency.

FactCheck.org pointed out the quote from an Obama adviser that Palin was doing "what she was told" was taken out of context. The quote is taken from the response of Obama's chief strategist, David Axelrod, in which he said Palin had misrepresented Obama's legislative record. "Maybe that's what she was told" about his voting record, Axelrod



AniHawk said:
I think there's stuff he can do to help out without doing that. I'd rather people get educated and know why they're voting for this guy instead of using PUMA logic.
...and you don't think there will be a bunch of people there doing what you want? Trust me, there will be. His situation is more unique and would be valuable to them. I don't think you have to kiss Obama's ass if you still wanna vote for the guy, geez.


kkaabboomm said:
Original list of countries:

The Ireland trip was a fueling stop on her way back.
Germany she visited Alaska national guard troops at the base there.
Kuwait she also visited Alaska national guard troops, getting very close the border
Iraq has now been ruled out as the campaign confirms her permissions ended at the border, so she never went into Iraq.

However, if has also come out she has been to:

Mexico was a personal vacation
Canada - no one knows if this was business, as her state is literally touching this giant country and maybe they wanted to cooperate on Alcan enhancements (needed on the Canadian side) or something, or if it was vacation, or just a pit stop, like Anchorage to Winnipeg to New York or something.

So yeah
Even I've been to Canada. Big fucking deal.

But hey guys, she's right next door to Russia! Wow!


PrivateWHudson said:
Got a door to door Obama campaign person today. They opened an Obama office in the center of town. I'm thinking about stopping in and seeing if they need any help. What kind of things do they do beside calls and door to door?

I want to support the effort, but I don't agree with the issues enough to try to persuade people.
There is data entry, general office stuff, if the traffic is high enough, people to serve as front desk or merchandise sales people, if the office is small enough, people to manage the office while the campaign staffers are running about. There are also always volunteer recruitment/confirmation calls, where you're calling supporters to either recruit to volunteer, or confirm volunteer shifts they signed up for, so there is no persuading necessary (besides the, "would you feel like you've done all that you can do when it is November 5th?" persuading?).

Stop on by, I've always liked all the offices I've worked out of.


Door2Dawn said:
Well, if they are now thumbing their nose at the msm, when only a few days ago it seemed McCain's attacks went by without hardly any criticism from them, that's not exactly a good position for them to be in heading for the fall.
kkaabboomm said:
Original list of countries:

The Ireland trip was a fueling stop on her way back.
Germany she visited Alaska national guard troops at the base there.
Kuwait she also visited Alaska national guard troops, getting very close the border
Iraq has now been ruled out as the campaign confirms her permissions ended at the border, so she never went into Iraq.

However, if has also come out she has been to:

Mexico was a personal vacation
Canada - no one knows if this was business, as her state is literally touching this giant country and maybe they wanted to cooperate on Alcan enhancements (needed on the Canadian side) or something, or if it was vacation, or just a pit stop, like Anchorage to Winnipeg to New York or something.

So yeah

Vetting more like betting ftw


Diablos said:
Well, if they are now thumbing their nose at the msm, when only a few days ago it seemed McCain's attacks went by without hardly any criticism from them, that's not exactly a good position for them to be in heading for the fall.

I'm wondering a little if SNL will factor into the news at all. Back in the primaries, when the media was still arguably biased for Obama, they went sharply negative for him after the debates sketch. Now Poehlarry told the media to grow a pair. I'm hoping all of this culminates starting tomorrow.


Slurpy said:
From CNN:

When will we see Wolf Blitzer reporting this in his politics show (what's it called, the situation room?).

When will we hear anything on TV about this, because I don't know about you, but I'd feel better if the media fact-checkers wouldn't just release their articles online while they're letting the Republican talking-heads defend that shit unchallenged on air.

I really hope the media backlash starts sometime soon, because I'm sick and tired of the news networks not doing their goddamn job and exposing these lies for what they are on the biggest stage possible.


VanMardigan said:
So, according to the fivethirtyeight model, when do we start to see Obama bounce back to take the lead? It's tough going over there and seeing that electoral map looking worse than 2004.

I wonder if they've got a good post-GOP-convention-2004 map for Kerry-v-Bush? Might be a better benchmark to look at.


There's no law against sending a SASE with nothing inside, right?

I'm just worried of being abducted in the middle of the night by RNC hired goons.


Haunted said:
When will we see Wolf Blitzer reporting this in his politics show (what's it called, the situation room?).

When will we hear anything on TV about this, because I don't know about you, but I'd feel better if the media fact-checkers wouldn't just release their articles online while they're letting the Republican talking-heads defend that shit unchallenged on air.

I really hope the media backlash starts sometime soon, because I'm sick and tired of the news networks not doing their goddamn job and exposing these lies for what they are on the biggest stage possible.

The media in the US apparently can't present facts to the people during an election, that would be unbalanced reporting. During an election the media must apparently simply repeat what the parties say.


National Tracking Poll Update

Poll             McCain       Obama        Lead      Daily Movement
Diageo/Hotline   43           45           O +2      M -2
Gallup           47           45           M +2      None
Rasmussen        50           47           M +3      M +1, O +1
Research 2000    45           47           O +2      M -1, O +1

Gallup and Rasmussen margins are unchanged today. Research 2000 and Diageo/Hotline show movement leading to an Obama +2 margin in each. (Note: Rasmussen shifted their party ID weightings, bringing Republicans and Democrats to roughly equal in weight. This will likely mean McCain leads in their poll for the foreseeable future.)

In the daily trackers, McCain's spike has clearly crested, and may be starting to fade.



GhaleonEB said:
National Tracking Poll Update

Poll             McCain       Obama        Lead      Daily Movement
Diageo/Hotline   43           45           O +2      M -2
Gallup           47           45           M +2      None
Rasmussen        50           47           M +3      M +1, O +1
Research 2000    45           47           O +2      M -1, O +1

Gallup and Rasmussen margins are unchanged today. Research 2000 and Diageo/Hotline show movement leading to an Obama +2 margin in each. (Note: Rasmussen shifted their party ID weightings, bringing Republicans and Democrats to roughly equal in weight. This will likely mean McCain leads in their poll for the foreseeable future.)

In the daily trackers, McCain's spike has clearly crested, and may be starting to fade.


So the average has McCain up a quarter point over Obama.


AniHawk said:
So the average has McCain up a quarter point over Obama.
Yup. And the most recent national poll, Newsweek, has them tied. Pollster updated to include today's tracking polls (they are added every three days) and it shifted the balance from "lean red" to "toss up" and shows McCain cresting. He was ahead an average of 4 a few days ago; now it's 2.1.


Small, but it's movement. I'm guessing they'll be tied in a week.
Rlan said:
The "Lying" quote is from this ad:


The "Politicians Lying About Their Record?" line, about the bridge to Nowhere :lol
Oh wow. This gets richer and richer. Obama started ramp things up this weekend, but the media was distracted. If they go full bore starting tomorrow morning, it will be a huge McCain pile-on.


Ether_Snake said:
The media in the US apparently can't present facts to the people during an election, that would be unbalanced reporting. During an election the media must apparently simply repeat what the parties say.

It's a farce. Prove me wrong, US media, prove me wrong and show that journalistic integrity still exists on US TV.


The McCain 'debate with himself' video should be an ad. Why keep saying Mcain agrees with Bush when you have him on video?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
GhaleonEB said:
Yup. And the most recent national poll, Newsweek, has them tied. Pollster updated to include today's tracking polls (they are added every three days) and it shifted the balance from "lean red" to "toss up" and shows McCain cresting. He was ahead an average of 4 a few days ago; now it's 2.1.


Small, but it's movement. I'm guessing they'll be tied in a week.

Oh wow. This gets richer and richer. Obama started ramp things up this weekend, but the media was distracted. If they go full bore starting tomorrow morning, it will be a huge McCain pile-on.

Speaking of Pollster.com:

They have Florida at +4 for McCain, and it is colored to "lean red".

Yet, they have New Mexico +4 for Obama, and it is colored to "toss up".

And fuck, they are using Zogby Interactive in their polling data. Since July, out of 6 polls, 4 of them [CNN, ARG, Rasmussen x2] have Obama in the lead in NH. Yet, Zogby Interactive, TWICE, has McCain up. Not only that, but they are using a "Likely Voter" method of less than 450 sample size.
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