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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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AndyIsTheMoney said:
this is what has become of American democracy, doesn't this make anyone a little sad we don't show an ounce of respect anymore? (yes i admit im guilty of it too, but at least im slightly ashamed)

Just as offensive as a Muslim cartoon. Jihad now!
StoOgE said:
Yes, no one has ever openly mocked a political figure before today. Sexist.

satire and mocking has always existed. but there seems to be a searing hate for the other side, almost as if they don't consider them as human beings. Hey i know this is the pot calling the kettle black here, ive been very guilty of it. anyways it was just a simple observation. ignore it or bash it like most of you do with my posts.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
AndyIsTheMoney said:
i think youre greatly overplaying racism. The type of people who wouldn't vote for a man because hes black probably isn't exactly a "motivated voter" imo. Besides im sure there are some black Americans who will vote for Obama simply because he is black and on no issues, so this cancels out the few who wont vote for him simply because he is black.

I think you're underestimating how many old people are racist. And the old are the most dedicated voters.
OuterWorldVoice said:
I think you're underestimating how many old people are racist. And the old are the most dedicated voters.

yeah your probably right, there are probably some old racist voters. but i think Obama will also bring many, many new voters to the booths who would have otherwise never voted in an election. So theres good along with the bad
The Blue Jihad said:
Real Leaders Don't Cram for the Interviews



AndyIsTheMoney said:
yeah your probably right, there are probably some old racist voters. but i think Obama will also bring many, many new voters to the booths who would have otherwise never voted in an election. So theres good along with the bad
In each of the past two general elections, the proportion of youth voters has gone up. That trend will continue this cycle.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
AndyIsTheMoney said:
i think youre greatly overplaying racism. The type of people who wouldn't vote for a man because hes black probably isn't exactly a "motivated voter" imo. Besides im sure there are some black Americans who will vote for Obama simply because he is black and on no issues, so this cancels out the few who wont vote for him simply because he is black.

Yes that was my point and why he could win VA.


Huzah said:
Palin aside, don't marginlize McCain's qualifications for candidacy by just using a comparison of education.
Fine, as long as he doesn't aggrandise his qualifications for candidacy with just three little letters.


worldrunover said:
Don't need to read much past that.
I'm white. I was raised in southwest Georgia. I'm not a bigoted hick. Take that shit on a person-to-person basis. Nobody likes it when a group they're in is generalized. Don't be guilty of the same thing, even as a joke.
Shins said:
I'm white. I was raised in southwest Georgia. I'm not a bigoted hick. Take that shit on a person-to-person basis. Nobody likes it when a group they're in is generalized. Don't be guilty of the same thing, even as a joke.

Why so serious? I'm from Florida, FFS. It's one-third of G/A/F yet you don't see me taking every dumb thing done by other Floridians so personal.

And we fucked up a presidential election.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
this is what has become of American democracy, doesn't this make anyone a little sad we don't show an ounce of respect anymore? (yes i admit im guilty of it too, but at least im slightly ashamed)
Why does Palin deserve respect? For the lies? For the earmarks 180 degree turn? For being a flaming hypocrite on sex ed? For trying to ban a book while refusing to read it? Please, enlighten me.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
AndyIsTheMoney said:
this is what has become of American democracy, doesn't this make anyone a little sad we don't show an ounce of respect anymore? (yes i admit im guilty of it too, but at least im slightly ashamed)

:lol why did i imagine you saying that while eating some obama waffles!




I'm just wondering when this mythical time when we all respected candidates was.

The treatment Palin or Obama are getting (weird how no one talks about John McCain anymore) pales in comparison to some of the stuff that was said about JFK/LBJ/Nixon.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
besada said:
I'm just wondering when this mythical time when we all respected candidates was.

The treatment Palin or Obama are getting (weird how no one talks about John McCain anymore) pales in comparison to some of the stuff that was said about JFK/LBJ/Nixon.

He wants to teach ye old sex ed to children of most young ages!
GhaleonEB said:
Or more to the point, compare what Obama did in Illinois to what Palin did as mayor.

On that note, read this:


The things she has done in her time as a "small town mayor" who kept government "open" smack of Bush/Cheney. She surrounded herself with familiar people that had no qualifications (Who she knew from school or from church) and appointed them to high-paying government positions with little to no credentials to support their hirings.

It truly is baffling that this hasn't destroyed her. Where is the CNN coverage?
AndyIsTheMoney said:
you really gonna argue that a senator does more than a governor, or even mayor for that matter? im not saying shes more experienced or qualified the he is, but come on.

I'm going to argue he does a hell of a lot more than a mayor of a 6000-person town.

My hometown had 4000 people and the mayor's job was part time.

I'll give you governor, but that's a couple of years vs Barack's 8 with a larger constituency *before* becoming a Senator. Now his constituency is about 10x hers. Granted, hers has different responsibilities, but it also has zero nation-wide or international aspects.


Good. Looks like the bump is over...

I think Barack will start trending up again if he owns the debates. The reason the McCain camp keeps crying for town halls is cos they're scared that him vs. Obama just 3 times won't look good for him..
mckmas8808 said:
No dumb O'Reilly said 28%. What the hell did you watch man? :lol

Obama said 20%.

Shit. My memory was a bit hazy on the subject:

O'REILLY: You said between 25 and 28.

OBAMA: No, what we said is let's say we go up to 20. I've talked to…

O'REILLY: Twenty is OK, not 25.

OBAMA: Well, you and I agree.

O'REILLY: All right.


And leave it @ 15% for people making under 250k?

I think both candidates agree that, let's say a couple makes a $500,000 profit from selling their home (If you're single it would be $250,000). That's tax free. Anything over, that's when the two differ when it comes to capital gains tax.

But yeah. McCain will keep it at 15% and Obama 20% for those income over $250,000.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
I hate that experience has somehow become synonymous with ability, or knowledge, or aptitude.


aka iby.h
GhaleonEB said:


correct me if im wrong, but haven't the weekends been bad for obama, so this is actually good news.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
just thought i would show the haters


edit: i fail at posting pictures

Not aimed at you but one of the minor frustrating elements in debating the "Republicans", or "Conservatives" or "Libertarians" (I know that is supposed to be a separate ideology) on the board is that they generally claim not to (or don't) reflect the mass of Republicans that exist in this country. By that I mean the Republican brand is in such tatters at the moment that very few people anymore on this board take up the active defense of George Bush or even John Mccain for that matter like they did a few years ago. Therefore there is always a disconnect because many of the liberals actually support the Democratic candidates and take the good along with the bad into arguing debates where as some stay cooly on the side and have an easier task of simply taking potshots at one candidate while denying they support the other. No saying there is anything necessarily wrong with this. Just noting that it occurs quite a bit.
iby.h said:
correct me if im wrong, but haven't the weekends been bad for obama, so this is actually good news.

given the strength of Obama's ground game, and huge advantage in newly registered voters in swing states, I'd say a statistical tie on a weekend is VERY good news.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
Door2Dawn said:
Haha you know you don fucked up when Karl fucking Rove says you've gone to far.

Rove only said it after the host pushed him, and even then it was a tortured admission, 'beyond the 100% truth test.' He also failed to mention that the Obama 'email' ad came after the slew of McCain attack ads.


Greenspan says this is the worst economy he's ever seen.

"Oh, by far," Greenspan said, when asked if the situation was the worst he had seen in his career. "There's no question that this is in the process of outstripping anything I've seen and it still is not resolved and still has a way to go and, indeed, it will continue to be a corrosive force until the price of homes in the United States stabilizes. That will induce a series of events around the globe which will stabilize the system."


First tragedy, then farce.
Door2Dawn said:
Haha you know you don fucked up when Karl fucking Rove says you've gone to far.

If Obama doesnt have this in an ad by tommorow he has missed a golden oppurtunity.
Stoney Mason said:
Not aimed at you but one of the minor frustrating elements in debating the "Republicans", or "Conservatives" or "Libertarians" (I know that is supposed to be a separate ideology) on the board is that they generally claim not to (or don't) reflect the mass of Republicans that exist in this country. By that I mean the Republican brand is in such tatters at the moment that very few people anymore on this board take up the active defense of George Bush or even John Mccain for that matter like they did a few years ago. Therefore there is always a disconnect because many of the liberals actually support the Democratic candidates and take the good along with the bad into arguing debates where as some stay cooly on the side and have an easier task of simply taking potshots at one candidate while denying they support the other. No saying there is anything necessarily wrong with this. Just noting that it occurs quite a bit.

ill defend bush on many issues. The war in Afghanistan was very well operated and quickly accomplished. Iraq also was a successful invasion (its the occupation that has been bad at points). The surge which has been successful. His support for aids treatment in Africa. Trying to do something with the failing education system with no child left behind. The tax cuts, and the market reaching an all time high just a couple years ago. Getting Libya To Give Up Its WMD Programs in 2003. Also, North Korea giving up its nuclear ambitions (although i know they are talking of re-instating it)

of course he has failures too. Katrina, failure after the fall of Iraq. Lack of oversight which allowed mortgage lenders to give low interest loans to every person who asked, and leading to the mortgage crisis. Underestimating Russia. Huge government spending and deficit. Not handling the illegal immigration problem

I have an enormous amount of respect for what John McCain has went through, and accomplished.


First tragedy, then farce.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
ill defend bush on many issues. The war in Afghanistan was very well operated and quickly accomplished. Iraq also was a successful invasion (its the occupation that has been bad at points). The surge which has been successful. His support for aids treatment in Africa. Trying to do something with the failing education system with no child left behind. The tax cuts, and the market reaching an all time high just a couple years ago. Getting Libya To Give Up Its WMD Programs in 2003. Also, North Korea giving up its nuclear ambitions (although i know they are talking of re-instating it)

of course he has failures too. Katrina, failure after the fall of Iraq. Lack of oversight which allowed mortgage lenders to give low interest loans to every person who asked, and leading to the mortgage crisis. Underestimating Russia. Huge government spending and deficit. Not handling the illegal immigration problem

I have an enormous amount of respect for what John McCain has went through, and accomplished.

What the fuck have you been paying attention to?

Afghanistan a success? Half the fucking country is out of the central government control. Of the region we do have some form of control of it, a big chunk of that is because we are looking the other way on drug lords business dealings. Afghanistans destabalizing effect has now reached across to the tribal regions of Pakistan, and in case you didnt notice, that country now hates us too. Their government has given their army authorization to shoot US forces that cross the border.

No child left behind a "good point" its a complete fucking failure.

You give Bush credit for the economy hitting an "all time high" just a few years ago. It was the lack of oversight in the lending industry that allowed the market to hit that all time high. Most economists now believe we are fealing the effects of the 2001 recession that never really ended compounded by the collapse of the financial sector. The economy never recovered from Bush's first recession, smoke and mirrors propped it up for a few years and now that those have collapsed we are in worse shape than we were before real estate "saved us".

His tax cuts are assinine too, what kind of fiscal conservative cuts taxes while waging 2 wars? Its beyond stupid.

and what has the surge accomplished? A decrease in violence? That is all well and good, but the Iraqi government is fucked. There are basically 3 seperate regions that dont communicate with each other, we are having to pay off warlords to fight for us, and the Iraqi government is refusing to pay for its own security. What we have is a less violent region, but we are propping that up. Very little political reconcilliation has taken place.

North Korea isnt a success yet, it way too premature to give him credit there.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
ill defend bush on many issues. The war in Afghanistan was very well operated and quickly accomplished. Iraq also was a successful invasion (its the occupation that has been bad at points). The surge which has been successful. His support for aids treatment in Africa. Trying to do something with the failing education system with no child left behind. The tax cuts, and the market reaching an all time high just a couple years ago. Getting Libya To Give Up Its WMD Programs in 2003. Also, North Korea giving up its nuclear ambitions (although i know they are talking of re-instating it)

of course he has failures too. Katrina, failure after the fall of Iraq. Lack of oversight which allowed mortgage lenders to give low interest loans to every person who asked, and leading to the mortgage crisis. Underestimating Russia. Huge government spending and deficit. Not handling the illegal immigration problem

I have an enormous amount of respect for what John McCain has went through, and accomplished.

That's a fairly positive outlook on Afghanistan, no?
The economy hasn't hit any "all-time high" under Bush except the Dow Jones Industrial Average, which better have, since it's not adjusted for inflation and corporations are growth-based. I'd expect the DJII hit all-time highs in nearly every President's administration since the depression.


First tragedy, then farce.
Ignatz Mouse said:
The economy hasn't hit any "all-time high" under Bush except the Dow Jones Industrial Average, which better have, since it's not adjusted for inflation and corporations are growth-based. I'd expect the DJII hit all-time highs in nearly every President's administration since the depression.

shhh, we are burying our heads in the sand.


Soybean said:
I'd want at least a few points lead for Obama to counteract any Bradley effect.
That's the scariest unknown.

One would hope that the "better ground game effect" would cancel out the Bradley Effect, at least in the battleground states with a heavy ground organization. But who knows. We've never had a black/white candidate race on a national level.


testicles on a cold fall morning
AndyIsTheMoney said:
ill defend bush on many issues. The war in Afghanistan was very well operated and quickly accomplished. Iraq also was a successful invasion (its the occupation that has been bad at points). The surge which has been successful. His support for aids treatment in Africa. Trying to do something with the failing education system with no child left behind. The tax cuts, and the market reaching an all time high just a couple years ago. Getting Libya To Give Up Its WMD Programs in 2003. Also, North Korea giving up its nuclear ambitions (although i know they are talking of re-instating it.
Afghanistan has gone so well that the troops we're pulling out of Iraq now need to be relocated there to counter increased militarism in the tribal region. and what does it mean that Iraq was a successful invasion? Iraq has always been a paper tiger, and the biggest question mark was what happens after the government was toppled, not how. if it was managed better the surge might not have been necessary. thanks to Rumsfeld mismanagement we invaded Iraq with too few troops, no security plan, a threadbare reconstruction agenda and no exit strategy.

and to give Bush credit for any success in Iraq's security situation is bullshit. the troops are to thank, not for Bush finally realizing we needed more. it also does a disservice to the Awakening, which may or may not bite us in the ass later once Maliki assumes control of the operation.

as to Bush's economy management - our GDP growth was completely dependent on massive consumer debt spending thanks to low interest rates and a runaway housing bubble that the administration and Fed Reserve fostered. tax cuts didn't grow spending - cheap credit did.
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