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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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reilo said:
Speaking of Pollster.com:

They have Florida at +4 for McCain, and it is colored to "lean red".

Yet, they have New Mexico +4 for Obama, and it is colored to "toss up".
Florida is a 4.1 margin for McCain, and New Mexico is 3.9 for Obama. I think 4.0 is where it tips.

And yeah, I'm not worried about New Mexico. Obama will take it, Colorado and Iowa. Every time I start to panic from now on, I'm going to repeat those states over and over.
Haunted said:
There's such a thing as social responsibility.




Frank the Great said:



Thank God that's not real.

Seriously, though. I t should be possible to balance the two. There's a point where you simply can't justify playing the ratings game over showing some objectiveness and accountability anymore.
Haunted said:
Seriously, though. I t should be possible to balance the two. There's a point where you simply can't justify playing the ratings game over showing some objectiveness and accountability anymore.

The only time objectiveness matters over ratings is when bias reaches such an extent that it hurts ratings. Which really means that ratings always rule.

Sorry to ruin your faith.


SCReuter said:
*Puts on tinfoil hat*

I just started reading a bit about Diebold and electronic voting machines in general. Also watching videos like...

Princeton Hacks Diebold

CNN Hacking Demonstration

Fox News Hacking Demonstration

Stephen Spoonamore Diebold Interview (Part 1)

Stephen Spoonamore Diebold Interview (Part 3)

Stephen Spoonamore Diebold Interview (Part 4)

Stephen Spoonamore Diebold Interview (Part 5)

Stephen Spoonamore Diebold Interview (Part 7)

Stephen Spoonamore Diebold Interview (Part 8)

Hacking Democracy

And, uh, am I missing something here? Why haven't we chucked these shoddy electronic machines out the door already and gone back to paper?

You have Diebold continuously lying, Diebold doing illegal software updates, Diebold machines inflating vote counts, Diebold posting the memory port lock key molding on their website, numerous professionals saying Diebold's system is easily hackable, two Princeton graduates and a professor creating a spreadable virus for Diebold's touch panel machines in less than a month, others hacking Diebold's ballot scan machines, the '04 election exit polls being way off from the final vote count, and the then CEO of Diebold promoting the fact that he's a Republican who's held fundraisers for his party.

Again, there must be something obvious I'm missing here. Why are we still supporting this electronic equipment when it appears to be so unreliable?

*Takes off tinfoil hat*
After watching all of that and reading the rolling stone article, I'm not sure if I should cast a vote or setup the bomb at Diebold.
excuse the fuck out of me but why in the flying fuck is this not being reported by the media?


Sixteen US troops form the 57th Unit of the Airborne Division have committed suicide inside a military base in Iraq, security sources say.

Iraqi security sources have revealed that 21 US troops had committed suicide inside a former Iraqi air force base 27 days ago, Fars News Agency reported on Monday.

According to the sources, the 21 troops were treated in a hospital but only five soldiers have survived and they are in a critical condition. Security officials said they used potent narcotics to kill themselves.

The troops' motivations for suicide are not known but according to Iraqi sources the servicemen belonged to the 57th Unit of the US Airborne Division that was behind the massacre of several Iraqi families-- mostly women and children-- in northern Baghdad, said Ali al-Baghdadi an Iraqi security official.

The suicides took place in the soldiers' dormitory after the dinner time.
"The bodies of the US troops became misshapen such a way that they looked like 5000-year mummies," said a witness.

According to Iraqi officials' estimates, some 600 US troops, including senior officers, have committed suicide in Iraq since the invasion of the country in 2003. Half of the suicide attempts have been successful.


Frank the Great said:
The only time objectiveness matters over ratings is when bias reaches such an extent that it hurts ratings. Which really means that ratings always rule.

Sorry to ruin your faith.
You guys should really think about revamping your system to bring it in line with the way it's handled in other countries - one or two publicly funded, independent news networks people can rely on.

The way it's now is just hurting you. :/

Probably not possible to realise that with the way lobbyist and interest groups have permeated pretty much every sector of the media (and the economy - hell - the country in general), though.

AniHawk said:
There's only PBS and that's pretty much all because of Mr. Rogers and he's dead now.
Yeah, that's exactly what I'm talking about.

*reads wiki* Yeah, why am I not surprised to see that Republicans tried to close them down/alter their programme in their favour repeatedly. Objective/balanced reporting is a direct threat to the Republicans. Ugh.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Hey doom and gloom gafers. y'all have been bitching and moaning and freaking out about recent polls. Being prescient, I myself have not. Many here have discussed their suicide scenarios, but I am thinking about my celebration scenario.

If Obama wins, I am going to buy a very expensive bottle of elitist champagne and drink to your health - all of you, including Jay and Gaborn, who I totally disagree with, but generally respect and alway enjoy arguing with, and even AndyIstheMoney - because I genuinely believe those people will benefit tremedously from an Obama administration. Andy in particular will benefit from improved education in the country.

Cheers, and fingers crossed.


Haunted said:
You guys should really think about revamping your system to bring it in line with the way it's handled in other countries - one or two publicly funded, independent news networks people can rely on.

The way it's now is just hurting you. :/

Probably not possible to realise that with the way lobbyist and interest groups have permeated pretty much every sector of your economy/market, though.

There's only PBS and that's pretty much all because of Mr. Rogers and he's dead now.


OuterWorldVoice said:
Hey doom and gloom gafers. y'all have been bitching and moaning and freaking out about recent polls. Being prescient, I myself have not. Many here have discussed their suicide scenarios, but I am thinking about my celebration scenario.

If Obama wins, I am going to buy a very expensive bottle of elitist champagne and drink to your health - all of you, including Jay and Gaborn, who I totally disagree with, but generally respect and alway enjoy arguing with, and even AndyIstheMoney - because I genuinely believe those people will benefit tremedously from an Obama administration. Andy in particular will benefit from improved education in the country.

Cheers, and fingers crossed.

Co-sign! Also:



artredis1980 said:
excuse the fuck out of me but why in the flying fuck is this not being reported by the media?

I'd take it with several large hunks of rock salt. It says it's coming from Fars news which is an Iranian news thingy.

I just recently heard a report that suicides in the U.S. military is actually lower than the national average. They might have taken this report, gotten the number of suicides in it and used it in their story to say it all happened at once.


all that he wants is another baby
OuterWorldVoice said:
Hey doom and gloom gafers. y'all have been bitching and moaning and freaking out about recent polls. Being prescient, I myself have not. Many here have discussed their suicide scenarios, but I am thinking about my celebration scenario.

If Obama wins, I am going to buy a very expensive bottle of elitist champagne and drink to your health - all of you, including Jay and Gaborn, who I totally disagree with, but generally respect and alway enjoy arguing with, and even AndyIstheMoney - because I genuinely believe those people will benefit tremedously from an Obama administration. Andy in particular will benefit from improved education in the country.

Cheers, and fingers crossed.

I second this act of celebration. I know we, in Chicago, are throwing an Election Night A-Go-Go, where we, all hopped up on Hopium and wearing the clothes we changed into for believin' in, will tear this mother down.


Schrade said:
I'd take it with several large hunks of rock salt. It says it's coming from Fars news which is an Iranian news thingy.

I just recently heard a report that suicides in the U.S. military is actually lower than the national average. They might have taken this report, gotten the number of suicides in it and used it in their story to say it all happened at once.

Actually the right thing to do would be the check the rate over the years, not in comparison to the national average.


Here's a really good video on the current economic crisis the U.S. faces. Interviewed economist expects 200-300 banks to close, a potential worldwide recession, and a trillion or more tossed onto the national debt. Reason given for why this is happening? Self-regulation failed miserably. I'd want to discuss it more but I'm more interested in whatever manufactured news story the media is pushing today.

Man I feel like we are entering new times. There are going to be some dramatic cultural, economic, and political changes in these upcoming years. With only the start of a systematic economic downfall and a new outlook on foreign relations... the people in this country are going to be transformed.
Karma Kramer said:
Man I feel like we are entering new times. There are going to be some dramatic cultural, economic, and political changes in these upcoming years. With only the start of a systematic economic downfall and a new outlook on foreign relations... the people in this country are going to be transformed.

Sounds quite painful. :(
Ignatz Mouse said:
Sounds quite painful. :(

Your lucky you don't live here right now.

But honestly, if things aren't going to get better... then I would almost perfer things just got really really bad. So this country can rebuild itself from the ground up again.
on second thought the other user is right, the news gives source from an iranian news agency so even though Al Jazeera is a pretty reliable source from the middle east, I would not believe this news right now
Cheebs said:
I love how Iowa has taken Obama on like a favorite son. He is basically the third senator from Iowa.

Iowa has a very interesting progressive mix in modern history despite not having a wide demographic mix. Dukakis won Iowa. Obviously being next to Illinois helps and the fact that they put him on the map with his first major victory.


First tragedy, then farce.
Cheebs said:
I love how Iowa has taken Obama on like a favorite son. He is basically the third senator from Iowa.

They really do love him there. I mean, this is a real honest bellweather swing state, and the other swing states are looking like swing states. Iowa on the other hand looks more like Illinois than the rest of the midwest.


First tragedy, then farce.
quadriplegicjon said:
cindy mccain is now trashing the view: http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.co...in-tough-interviewers-picked-our-bones-clean/

:lol so.. they trash the media, and now they are trashing day time talk shows.

That is why that line of attack always backfires. It backfired on Hillary too. They went after the media, and it worked for a while. The media went back towards the middle and maybe even gave Hillary better chances than she really did. Then after a while, the media got fed up and turned on her after NC/IN primaries. Obama did do better than expected in IN, but he did better than expected many times before that. The media *all* called the race that night.

They are starting to turn on McCain and Palin. I think the thing that really ticked them off was Palin announcing her daughter was preggers.. then after the media reported it McCain goes off about how sexist it is reporting the story that they put out there. Throw in McCains strategsist thumbing his nose at the press saying "we are going to lie and you cant stop it" and you have a recipe for a full on media backlash. Good job McCain.


Guy Legend said:
Holy fuck.

Fuck you Republicans.
Way to wait for a verifiable source.

Here is the Fars News Agency:
Wiki said:
Fars News Agency (FNA) is an Iranian news agency. It was officially launched in Tehran in February 2002 to "promote the principles of the Islamic Revolution and safeguard national interests".
Anyone who assumed this was automatically true without additional sources is pathetic.
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