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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag

(CNN) -- Republican nominee Sen. John McCain, appearing Friday on ABC's "The View," was aggressively pressed on Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's qualifications to be vice president as well as his new campaign ads that several independent fact-check groups have called misleading.

Co-host Barbara Walters immediately questioned McCain about a remark he'd made that Palin might be the most "marvelous running mate" ever, asking, "That's not a little strong?"

"We politicians are never given to exaggerations or hyperbole, as you know," McCain joked, before praising Palin as the most "popular governor in America" and one who has united a "spark in America."

Walters went on to press Palin's reformist credentials, noting McCain has served in Washington for more than two decades and asking repeatedly, "Who's she going to reform, you?"

McCain answered by saying Democrats have controlled Congress for two years, but then Walters quickly interrupted: "But tell me who she is going to reform -- we aren't talking about the economy, we're not talking about housing; she was chosen to reform, who is she going to reform?"

Appearing somewhat frustrated, McCain said, "The Democrat Party, the Republican Party, even an independent. She'll reform all of Washington."

Walters, seeming somewhat exasperated, asked, "How? What will she do? What is she going to reform specifically, senator?"

McCain said Palin had a strong record on vetoing earmark spending.

"The fact is she was a reform governor, she took on an incumbent governor of her own party and defeated him. She sold the airplane and fired the chef," McCain said, referring to Palin's efforts to put her predecessor's state jet up for auction on eBay and her dismissal of the governor's personal chef.

"She sold the airplane at a loss," Walters interrupted.

(The jet failed to draw sufficient bids on eBay and later was sold at a loss through an ordinary aircraft brokerage.)

McCain later was pressed on the increasingly derisive tone of the campaign and his new television commercial that carries the widely discredited claim Obama supported comprehensive sex education for kindergartners as an Illinois state senator.

McCain defended the ad's claims as well as those of a Web ad that said Obama's "lipstick on a pig" comments were directed at Palin. He added that the tone of the campaign might have been more amicable if Obama had agreed to his proposals for a series of town-hall meetings.

"If we had done what I asked Sen. Obama to do, I don't think you'd see the same tenor of this campaign," he said. "Why don't you ask Obama the next time he's on this show why won't he be in town meetings with me?"

Walters responded, "You bring us Sarah Palin, and we'll ask Obama."

McCain also appeared Friday on "The Rachael Ray Show."

Meanwhile, the McCain and Obama camps accused each other of engaging in lies, unfair attacks and gutter politics in a series of television ads and memos Friday.

McCain's campaign released a television ad, titled "disrespectful," that accuses McCain's Democratic rival of launching desperate attacks and smears against Palin.

In the McCain ad, the announcer says that the Obama camp had "lashed out at Sarah Palin" and dismissed Palin as "good looking" as the Democratic nominee's face appears on the screen. The announcer also says the Democrats had said Palin was doing "what she was told" and had "desperately" called her a liar.

"How disrespectful," the announcer says. "And how Gov. Sarah Palin proves them wrong, every day."

Obama never made any of the statements the McCain camp released to support the ad, and the comment that Palin was "good looking" was made by the Democratic vice presidential nominee, Sen. Joe Biden, in a self-deprecating joke when he was asked what the "obvious" differences were between the two vice presidential nominees.

...more at the actual article

In my opinion, The View did a better job calling out McCain's lies than all these major news channels, how embarrassing for the major MSM.
such a joke. you hear about how a president mccain will be more than willing to work across the aisle and embrace those who disagree, but he can't even handle valid questions from a bunch of morning talkshow hosts. we are beyond fucked if he wins this thing, not that that's news.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
quadriplegicjon said:
cindy mccain is now trashing the view: http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.co...in-tough-interviewers-picked-our-bones-clean/

:lol so.. they trash the media, and now they are trashing day time talk shows.

quadriplegicjon said:
cindy mccain is now trashing the view: http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.co...in-tough-interviewers-picked-our-bones-clean/

:lol so.. they trash the media, and now they are trashing day time talk shows.
McCain: Waaaah! Why don't they just accept our lies? Waaah!

And WTF was this "Well maybe the tenor of the campaign wouldn't be this way if he had accepted my proposal."? You don't get your way so you go ballistic? Hmm . . this temper . . . I've heard about it . . .


ryutaro's mama said:
You need to add that text to the pic to cut down having to re-cover the same material over and over again.

I think this might be necessary.

Cloudy said:
Yeah I know but I don't get it. Someone could just post their bet on McCain. So? :p

I was responding to Frankie's post about his victory plans with my victory plans?
Ron Paul Endorses Third Parties
Former Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul has refused to endorse Sen. John McCain or Sen. Barack Obama, calling the race a charade and choosing instead to back four independent candidates. What do you think?

Sarah Sprague,
Landscape Architect
"All four? I wish he could be more specific as to how I can waste my vote.

Jeff Baldwin,
Systems Analyst
"That’s it, I’m taking down the Ron Paul sign from my neighbor’s lawn."

Sean Leslie,
Bus Driver
"Are any of his endorsees good-looking ladies? 'Cause those are the only candidates I care about anymore."


Can someone explain to me what The View is? Is it really a day-time talk show program (you know, the kind watched by housewives and the unemployed) or is it a current affairs program? I've heard of Barbara Walters, though she's often spoken of in the same breath as Martha Stewart.

What sort of viewership does it have?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
viciouskillersquirrel said:
Can someone explain to me what The View is? Is it really a day-time talk show program (you know, the kind watched by housewives and the unemployed) or is it a current affairs program? I've heard of Barbara Walters, though she's often spoken of in the same breath as Martha Stewart.

What sort of viewership does it have?
It's a ridiculously popular morning program for women. There is a panel with five or so regulars (Joy Behar, Barbara Walters, Whoopi Goldberg, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, and the Woman Who Thinks the Earth is Flat) that talk about a bunch of shit that men pretend they can't deal with for an hour an episode.

I've watched the show a little...I think it's one of the better daytime options for stay-at-home men and women. They often discuss substantive issues and are so far out ahead of Maury or Montell that it's a joke. Considering that they have been the hardest interview of the presidential season so far (and they've had Michelle, Roboto McCain, McCain, and I think Obama on, but maybe not), it kind of speaks to the type of discourse they have on the show.

It's not that bad. With Rosie O'Donnell gone they rarely waste time discussing conspiracy theories and bullshit.
viciouskillersquirrel said:
Can someone explain to me what The View is? Is it really a day-time talk show program (you know, the kind watched by housewives and the unemployed) or is it a current affairs program? I've heard of Barbara Walters, though she's often spoken of in the same breath as Martha Stewart.

What sort of viewership does it have?

It's a day time current events style talk show. It has mainly celebrities on promoting whatever they are promoting but they also dabble in light politics for the most part.

It's geared towards women and housewives and retired women since that's generally who's home watching during that time of day.


Y2Kev being an expert on daytime shows targeted at women. Now that's something I didn't expect.

Pretty fucking sad if those guys asked tougher questions than the actual news networks. Kinda like the Daily Show/Colbert Report situation.


viciouskillersquirrel said:
Can someone explain to me what The View is? Is it really a day-time talk show program (you know, the kind watched by housewives and the unemployed) or is it a current affairs program? I've heard of Barbara Walters, though she's often spoken of in the same breath as Martha Stewart.

What sort of viewership does it have?

From the NY Times:

The show is watched by 3.4 million people, according to Nielsen, 78 percent of whom are women and whose median age is 56 years old.

More about the show, and the interview, at the link.
Y2Kev said:
It's not that bad. With Rosie O'Donnell gone they rarely waste time discussing conspiracy theories and bullshit.

To be fair Rosie is also the one that got them back to being somewhat relevant as she was the most political and confrontational of the group.


Note from fivethirtyeight on today's polls:

Overall, the landscape has not changed very much since the Republican convention – we’re just collecting different evidence about where the bounce might or might not be in different states. Arguably, however, there are a few signs that McCain is beginning to come off his peaks. Between the four national tracking polls, McCain now leads by an average of just 0.25 points, his smallest margin since the convention.


Y2Kev said:
It's a ridiculously popular morning program for women. There is a panel with five or so regulars (Joy Behar, Barbara Walters, Whoopi Goldberg, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, and the Woman Who Thinks the Earth is Flat) that talk about a bunch of shit that men pretend they can't deal with for an hour an episode.

I've watched the show a little...I think it's one of the better daytime options for stay-at-home men and women. They often discuss substantive issues and are so far out ahead of Maury or Montell that it's a joke. Considering that they have been the hardest interview of the presidential season so far (and they've had Michelle, Roboto McCain, McCain, and I think Obama on, but maybe not), it kind of speaks to the type of discourse they have on the show.

It's not that bad. With Rosie O'Donnell gone they rarely waste time discussing conspiracy theories and bullshit.

Agreed...the first two segments are usually devoted to "Hot Topics", discussing serious topics in the news, or entertainment fluff, or both(sometimes they have whole episodes as "Day of Hot Topics")...then there's the celebrity plugging stuff, and lifestyle/gadgets/giveaways, etc.

A lot of times the hot topic discussions can get pretty heated since most of the panel is liberal, and Elisabeth is the sole republican. There's also a generational/age divide and, IMO, Elisabeth usually comes across as quite naive and closed-minded. She's well versed in her realm, but that's about it. She can be such a shill...Sherri Shepard is dead wait and can say some incredibly stupid and naive things as well...she and Elisabeth are relatively new moms and sometimes their "as a mother" crap is annoying.

Whoppi and Elisabeth often get into words with each other...though not quite to the level as Elisabeth did with Rosie(yet, at least)...but there are times when even poised and neutral Barbera Walters all but backslaps Elisabeth. It's great with she shuts her down in that classic Barbera Walters way.

At any rate, I was extremely pleased to see them press McCain in a way the MSM has yet to do. This Palin love-affair crap is nauseating.

Btw, with shows like The Insider, Entertainment Tonight, etc, usually replaying clips of interest later in the evening, as well as an ever increasing Tivo/DVR userbase, the audience of The View extends beyond just those home during the daytime.


I also do not understand the betting graphic and what those numbers mean.

I do understand Intrade, though, and those numbers concern me.
Oh wow. Woopi Goldberg is one of the hosts? I thought she only did movies.

Also, it should be rather embarrassing that a daytime talk show, an appearance specifically selected by the McCain campaign to serve as a fluff piece, asked the questions that mainstream journalists wouldn't.

It's funny, but it seems to me that unlike the MSM in the US, the women on The View don't need McCain's goodwill to keep themselves going, meaning that they're not scared of asking these types of questions.
viciouskillersquirrel said:
Oh wow. Woopi Goldberg is one of the hosts? I thought she only did movies.

Also, it should be rather embarrassing that a daytime talk show, an appearance specifically selected by the McCain campaign to serve as a fluff piece, asked the questions that mainstream journalists wouldn't.

It's funny, but it seems to me that unlike the MSM in the US, the women on The View don't need McCain's goodwill to keep themselves going, meaning that they're not scared of asking these types of questions.

Some of our media does ask these questions (60 minutes for example) but unfortunately in a campaign mode it is easier for a politician to either duck questions or not answer them or bs them and move onto the next question. In an odd way whenever these people are on "softball shows" where there is a bit of real political interest (Not shit like Leno) they can't as easily spin their way past because they are trying to be in their most appealing mode and they can't blow off the hosts and get them upset.
Schrade said:
I'd take it with several large hunks of rock salt. It says it's coming from Fars news which is an Iranian news thingy.

I just recently heard a report that suicides in the U.S. military is actually lower than the national average. They might have taken this report, gotten the number of suicides in it and used it in their story to say it all happened at once.

It is lower than the national average but, there has been a spike that has taken it up


PhoenixDark said:
Whoopi made my eyes roll with the slavery reference but overall it was good to see McCain's shit thrown back in his face

I think she just said it because it's the first argument you make to make sure that the person doing the "constructionist" argument understands his own argument.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Stoney Mason said:
Some of our media does ask these questions (60 minutes for example) but unfortunately in a campaign mode it is easier for a politician to either duck questions or not answer them or bs them and move onto the next question. In an odd way whenever these people are on "softball shows" where there is a bit of real political interest (Not shit like Leno) they can't as easily spin their way past because they are trying to be in their most appealing mode and they can't blow off the hosts and get them upset.
Asking questions and getting a BS answer is one thing. What the MSM fails to do on those political-related shows is that they don't follow up on the answers.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
mj1108 said:

It is disrespectful to ask the right wing candidate about his or her policies. This is the actual fucking narrative too, not an exaggeration.


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Our media comes up with good questions, but a large majority of them don't stay on the topic until they get a straight answer.

Paxman style is what we need more of.


NetMapel said:
Asking questions and getting a BS answer is one thing. What the MSM fails to do on those political-related shows is that they don't follow up on the answers.

Very true, I saw Wolf Blitzer ask McCain's campaign manager about the lies in the commercials, and he said something else about Obama voting "present". Then Wolf just moved right along without even acknowledging it or pressing it.
devilhawk said:
Way to wait for a verifiable source.

Here is the Fars News Agency:

Anyone who assumed this was automatically true without additional sources is pathetic.
You're pathetic. Is it really that hard to believe that this type of shit happens?

And really why would the FNA need to lie about something like this? The truth is on their side in this particular incident. There was a massacre, the soldiers couldn't handle it and committed suicide. There is nothing pro-American or pro-western world about this story.


Tamanon said:
I think she just said it because it's the first argument you make to make sure that the person doing the "constructionist" argument understands his own argument.
Didn't McCain vote against some type of civil rights act or something?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
RubxQub said:
Our media comes up with good questions, but a large majority of them don't stay on the topic until they get a straight answer.

Paxman style is what we need more of.

They could have a ratings Juggernaut if they hired him, but not one of our milquetoast politicians would have the nards to go on.
sevenchaos said:
You're pathetic. Is it really that hard to believe that this type of shit happens?

And really why would the FNA need to lie about something like this? The truth is on their side in this particular incident. There was a massacre, the soldiers couldn't handle it and committed suicide. There is nothing pro-American or pro-western world about this story.

The only reason we know this happened is this one, anti-American story. Pardon me if I feel like waiting before I decide it's true or not.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
sevenchaos said:
You're pathetic. Is it really that hard to believe that this type of shit happens?

And really why would the FNA need to lie about something like this? The truth is on their side in this particular incident. There was a massacre, the soldiers couldn't handle it and committed suicide. There is nothing pro-American or pro-western world about this story.

Note the typo, bizarre arithmetic and 27 day gap. If you think the US military somehow managed to keep a lid on this for a month, you're crazy.

Sixteen US troops form the 57th Unit of the Airborne Division have committed suicide inside a military base in Iraq, security sources say.

I (more)

Sixteen US troops form the 57th Unit of the Airborne Division have committed suicide inside a military base in Iraq, security sources say.

Iraqi security sources have revealed that 21 US troops had committed suicide inside a former Iraqi air force base 27 days ago, Fars News Agency reported on Monday.
Tamanon said:
Very true, I saw Wolf Blitzer ask McCain's campaign manager about the lies in the commercials, and he said something else about Obama voting "present". Then Wolf just moved right along without even acknowledging it or pressing it.

That's my main problem with CNN and MSNBC. They are content to hear the spin and move on. That's why Campbell Brown not backing down to McCain's campaign manager is the exception and not the rule which is tragic. CNN daytime bores me to tears and MSNBC only has surrogates from both sides spewing talking points without getting them to come clean with specifics. Watching that is truly waste of time.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Stoney Mason said:
Well to be fair she is a famous journalist who had a lot of big interviews but some people always thought her interview style was too soft and too personal. Of course not everybody felt that way but some did.

should have said 'famous,' not 'great.' that, of course is debatable.


RubxQub said:
Paxman style is what we need more of.
Did you originally support the bridge to nowhere?

Did you originally support the bridge to nowhere?

Did you originally support the bridge to nowhere?

Schrade said:
I'd take it with several large hunks of rock salt. It says it's coming from Fars news which is an Iranian news thingy.

I just recently heard a report that suicides in the U.S. military is actually lower than the national average. They might have taken this report, gotten the number of suicides in it and used it in their story to say it all happened at once.

It is lower than the national average but, there has been a spike that has taken it up


maximum360 said:
That's my main problem with CNN and MSNBC. They are content to hear the spin and move on. That's why Campbell Brown not backing down to McCain's campaign manager is the exception and not the rule which is tragic. CNN daytime bores me to tears and MSNBC only has surrogates from both sides spewing talking points without getting them to come clean with specifics. Watching that is truly waste of time.


MSNBC slants liberal, but all of the hosts are way too agreeable to bullshit being spewed.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Juice said:

MSNBC slants liberal, but all of the hosts are way too agreeable to bullshit being spewed.

Stop propogating that shit. They have two famous liberal commentators and in every other way, it is a corporate driven news behemoth, same as any other. The way it reports everything - the economy, finance, politics, science, culture - there is NOTHING liberal about it.
Juice said:

MSNBC slants liberal, but all of the hosts are way too agreeable to bullshit being spewed.

It's not just MSNBC either, it's everyone. Often they'll challenge the surrogate once, then when the surrogate offers up some bullshit retort the reporter will say "and I guess we'll just have to leave it at that." No, you don't leave it at "that", you do your job.

The McCain thinks the American public is stupid and that the media is complacent, willing to keep this race close no matter what. Sadly they're kinda right about the American public but the media often defends itself quite viciously, as seen after the SNL flac over the loving coverage Obama was getting compared to Hillary; the media proceeded to tear into him nonstop until NC/Indiana came around.


Tamanon said:
Very true, I saw Wolf Blitzer ask McCain's campaign manager about the lies in the commercials, and he said something else about Obama voting "present". Then Wolf just moved right along without even acknowledging it or pressing it.
Best political team on television right there.

What a joke.
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