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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Limbaugh Parrot
The Lamonster said:
I smell the onset of trolling
or did somebody just fart?
Yes! I disagree and strongly dislike Obama! Therefore I'm trolling! Unless you want to admit that this thread is really here just for the basis of an Obama love-in and discussion/debate isn't truly permitted here
JohnTinker said:
Yes! I disagree and strongly dislike Obama! Therefore I'm trolling! Unless you want to admit that this thread is really here just for the basis of an Obama love-in and discussion/debate isn't truly permitted here

so do you agree with McCain when he says that Obama supports sex education for kindergardeners?


Limbaugh Parrot
artredis1980 said:
so do you agree with McCain when he says that Obama supports sex education for kindergardeners?
What does the Obama Illinois senate voting record say? What is on the record of passing through his committee?


testicles on a cold fall morning
JohnTinker said:
Yes! I disagree and strongly dislike Obama! Therefore I'm trolling! Unless you want to admit that this thread is really here just for the basis of an Obama love-in and discussion/debate isn't truly permitted here
on the other hand, if you want to come in here linking to a NYPost op-ed from a questionable writer you should expect to be flamed back.

again - since this reportedly took place in July let's see if other media outlets have reported on this attempted subterfuge.
JohnTinker said:
Yes! I disagree and strongly dislike Obama! Therefore I'm trolling! Unless you want to admit that this thread is really here just for the basis of an Obama love-in and discussion/debate isn't truly permitted here

Posting a NY Post smear piece based on nothing is trolling.
JohnTinker said:
What does the Obama Illinois senate voting record say? What is on the record of passing through his committee?

you tell me what I asked? DO YOU AGREE with what John McCain says that Obama supports sex education for kindegardeners

ok here is an easier question: Do you agree that Palin never supported Bridge to Nowhere?
JohnTinker said:
Yes! I disagree and strongly dislike Obama! Therefore I'm trolling! Unless you want to admit that this thread is really here just for the basis of an Obama love-in and discussion/debate isn't truly permitted here
You can have a discussion or you can be



testicles on a cold fall morning
Qwerty710710 said:
If NYC disappears off the map maybe McCain will win NY.
i hope someone in McCain's camp actually reads that poll and starts pushing massive money into here to attempt the impossible.



rancor said:
Obama is up by three in the Daily Kos poll (48-45) but it's a bit hard to take seriously with a moe of 5%.

The net favorable rating is interesting though.


Compare that with four days ago


The sheen is wearing of Palin and the lies and other bullshit is taking its toll.
Is it that trusted though? Real Clear Politics does not include the Daily Kos poll in their averages.


lawblob said:
Offshore drilling will result in 6 cent per gallon price reduction over the next 5-10 years. CHANGE YOU CAN BELIEVE IN!!

Obama should make this widely known. Everyone will understand that offshore drilling is not a solution.

JohnTinker said:
I'm not sure what you're getting at. As far as I know there will hardly be a socalled supply shock because the supply that will be added to the total oil supply isn't very large anyway.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
JohnTinker said:
Yes! I disagree and strongly dislike Obama! Therefore I'm trolling! Unless you want to admit that this thread is really here just for the basis of an Obama love-in and discussion/debate isn't truly permitted here

John, buddy, I am on your side. These guys can be real assholes and dogpile on anyone they think is

a retard.

In fact, they're only even reasonable to outsider views when

They're intelligent and true.

If you need anyone to get your back while you figure this out, let me know. I got you.


Limbaugh Parrot
Cheebs said:
Is it that trusted though? Real Clear Politics does not include the Daily Kos poll in their averages.
I get called out on the NY Post being fair when we're citing the Daily KOS as being an unbiased source?



Cheebs said:
Is it that trusted though? Real Clear Politics does not include the Daily Kos poll in their averages.
Research 2000 has been around for quite a while and as far as I know is a solid if not exactly top tier pollster. I think they usually do state polling though.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Cheebs said:
Is it that trusted though? Real Clear Politics does not include the Daily Kos poll in their averages.

It's a new poll that literally started days ago. We don't know how good it is, yet, but I think they enlisted Research 2000, which is a well respected firm.

JohnTinker said:
I get called out on the NY Post being fair when we're citing the Daily KOS as being an unbiased source?


What? We are discussing a poll by Research 2000.


SSGMUN10000 said:
OMG...my ears hurt everytime Palin speaks. They are showing her speech that she has in Colorado.
Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard.

Here she goes with her robot speech again... cant believe she recites the same shit every single speech :lol :lol


Statement from the Obama campaign:

Today of all days, John McCain's stubborn insistence that the 'fundamentals of the economy are strong' shows that he is disturbingly out of touch with what's going in the lives of ordinary Americans. Even as his own ads try to convince him that the economy is in crisis, apparently his 26 years in Washington have left him incapable of understanding that the policies he supports have created an historic economic crisis.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
It would be so much easier to discuss differences with the other political party if their followers could hold a conversation properly.

Why is it that 90% of people who come here to bash Obama have no ground to stand on whatsoever, but go way out of their way to try and prove their point?

So annoying.
Research 2000 is a good polling outfit. The sample sizes are a bit small for the tracker, but they aren't a partisan outfit-if they were, they would have gotten different numbers from NC last week for sure.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
RubxQub said:
It would be so much easier to discuss differences with the other political party if their followers could hold a conversation properly.

Why is it that 90% of people who come here to bash Obama have no ground to stand on whatsoever, but go way out of their way to try and prove their point?

So annoying.

Not only that, but when we try to refute their points and the sources that they use [which are, at best, questionable] to base their opinion on, they act the victim and start proclaiming that the Obama supporters are just trying to silence the opposition.

That's the definition of a troll. Imagine what would happen if a X360 fanboy went into a Wii/PS3 thread and started posting articles by some third-rate 360 blog run by some teenager as evidence of why the Wii/PS3 sucks?
McCain is beginning to sound like Bush during the Katrina days: claiming everything is all right, while anyone with a tv can clearly tell that nothing is all right.

So out of touch.
Shiggie said:
Palin just saying the same thing over and over again... like wow.

Is she still giving that same stump speech?

It's sort of sad-though hardly suprising that, even with a teleprompter, that dumb wretch isn't smart enough to learn a new set of lines.


RubxQub said:
It would be so much easier to discuss differences with the other political party if their followers could hold a conversation properly.

Why is it that 90% of people who come here to bash Obama have no ground to stand on whatsoever, but go way out of their way to try and prove their point?

So annoying.

There are a few who could hold a conversation... there are a few that make me go... "Thats where the 30% approval rating comes from"


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
SSGMUN10000 said:
Yup and she lied again with here bridge to nowhere part.
She didn't just say "...and I told the Congress 'Thanks, but no thanks, on that Bridge to Nowhere'" did she?

You think they'd spice up her stump speech a bit yet? I haven't learned a single fucking thing about Palin from her own mouth since she's stepped out onto the field. Everything is through media outlets.

What a shitty job of defining yourself.
Fox News Reporter rips open Tucker Bounds a third hole

KELLY: I want to hold you accountable for what McCain is doing, and get you to weigh in on this. Has your candidate gone too far, has he stretched the truth with the voters?

BOUNDS: Well, Megyn, what we have done is gone to great lengths to discuss Barack Obama's record. And I think what you're seeing in this ad today is that he would rather hurl insults than examine his record. I mean, it is true that during a struggling economy, he proposes raising taxes.

KELLY: Not on the middle class.

BOUNDS: Well...ulp...on job growth and small businesses that drive the job growth of this country.

KELLY: But you guys have suggested he's going to raise taxes on the middle class and virtually every independent analyst who took a look at that claim said that's not true. He'll raise it on people making $200,000 or $250,000, but not the middle class.

BOUNDS: Well, Megyn, you're giving him an enormous amount of credit for a guy who has voted only to raise taxes in the United States Senate. For now...for him to make a new claim...for him...now, keep in mind --

KELLY: No, no! Let's stay on point, I'm not giving him any credit. I'm saying what the independent analysts say. They say that claim is false. And if that's false, why would John McCain do that, Tucker? Why wouldn't he just level with the voters and say, look, he's going to raise taxes on the wealthy or whatever you consider somebody to be making over $250,000, it's going to have a trickle down effect. That may not be good for the middle class. But why say he's going to raise taxes on the middle class when he's not?

BOUNDS: Because his record says that he will. If we take ever his word on everything he says he will do, the oceans will part, the sick will become healed. They're all sorts of things that Barack Obama is claiming on this campaign. But when you look is at his record, he has voted to increase taxes, he has voted in support of higher taxes for people making as little as $42,000 a year. I think you and I can both agree that those people are entrenched in the middle-class of this country.

KELLY: Tucker, why did he claim--

BOUNDS: 94 times in three years he is voted in support of higher taxes. Why are we to take him on his word that he would cut any tax? He has no record of doing it.

KELLY: Why did John McCain suggests in an ad that Barack Obama supported, comprehensive sex-ed for kindergartners?

BOUNDS: You'll notice that the Obama campaign has never refuted that. They voted for that in Barack Obama's committee. His committee that he chaired voted to pass that legislation. If you examine the language in the bill--

KELLY: I looked at the language in the bill.

BOUNDS: I know you will have an Obama person on later, I hope that you will ask them if there was language in the bill that actually talked about sex education for kindergartners.

KELLY: The language in the bill talks about age appropriate sex ed, including education about child predators and inappropriate touching. What is wrong with that?

BOUNDS: And sexually transmitted diseases.

KELLY: Right. Why wouldn't you want a kindergartner to be educated somewhat about inappropriate touching from adults?

BOUNDS: About sexually transmitted diseases?

KELLY: No! No! [crosstalk] His campaign says that's not fair, what he was backing was trying to educate little kindergartners on how to avoid sexual predators' and that you are distorting the language of the bill. Your response.

BOUNDS: We did not distort the language of the bill. We told voters that he voted in favor of this education. That is a reform that is on his record. If we cannot talk about the votes that he's actually taken, if we can't talk about the fact that he is supporting higher taxes or has proposed more taxes in a down economy when americans are struggling, what can we talk about? It is an important debate. Let's talk about the facts. No more of the dishonest, sleazy accusations. What he is trying to do is divert attention away from the fact that he is no proven record of making reforms. When voters go to the ballot in November, they will vote for someone who has a record of reform and bipartisanship. That is John McCain, not Barack Obama.
RubxQub said:
You think they'd spice up her stump speech a bit yet? I haven't learned a single fucking thing about Palin from her own mouth since she's stepped out onto the field. Everything is through media outlets.

Dude, every scrap of evidence that's been dug up and shown points to her being dumber than a pile of bricks. I don't know at this point if she's even capable of learning a new set of lines.

edit: Even Fox News is piling on. Message to McCain-when you ignore and build a bubble to block out the media, keep in mind that they have to get their news from somewhere-and that source will be from the other campaign.
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