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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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devilhawk said:
He seems too reasonable to be reading KOS. The rest are tolerable I suppose.

What do you recommend, devilhawk?

And thanks for the recommendations, everyone! I'm going to do my request one last time; I don't want to miss anything.

So, for the PoliGAFfers that missed it; can you please recommend me websites on politics and news? I want to keep up with the world as it is without being chained the PoliGAF's threads. Any and all recommendations are welcome! Thanks in advance.

JohnTinker said:
Yes! I disagree and strongly dislike Obama! Therefore I'm trolling! Unless you want to admit that this thread is really here just for the basis of an Obama love-in and discussion/debate isn't truly permitted here

Well, there are posters here that get to have civil debates and have dissenting opinions. The three that come immediately to mind are devilhawk, JayDubya, and Gaborn. avatar299 also comes in at times, and there have been other people, too.


Snowman Prophet of Doom said:
Biden is knocking this speech out of the fucking park. The guy has a certain charm that just draws you in when he speaks.
He has a father figure tone in his voice. *Batts eyes*.
Snowman Prophet of Doom said:
Biden is knocking this speech out of the fucking park. The guy has a certain charm that just draws you in when he speaks.

I know, America was fucking blind with Obama and Hillary during the primaries. Biden is the man.


I am late , but I just listened to that McCain speech.. Man he sounded even older then before, horrible and :lol at him accusing Obama at insulting and not focusing on the issues.



I swear if I was at that speech and he finished like that and that song came on, I might punch somebody out trying raise someone's mortgage. I would be ready to fight, man.
man, this is the speech he should have given at the convention, this is like an Obama speech compared to a McCain sleeper speech he gave at the convention
Lv99 Slacker said:
What's up with the music? :lol

Is it just my internet connection or does it sound jacked up?
It's probably the stream attempting to keep the sound and picture in sync.




The Lamonster said:
You guys sound hopeful, but realize the MSM won't give a shit about this speech.

This speech? Maybe not. But he's going to repeat it on the stump this week and the talking points will be brought up by Obama surrogates and his campaign all week. No one cares anymore about a single speech except maybe at conventions, but if the message is relayed properly the MSM will have to talk about it.


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So I chose the worst time in history to go eat lunch it would seem?

Cheebs said:
538 lists SurveyUSA as the #1 most accurate pollster so this is really really good news.

Furthermore, SUSA undersold Obama in virtually every state with a major African-American population in the primaries. NC and Missouri especially were total lollerskate performances.

This poll is terrific news.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Great speech. The way he delivers lines like "Helllllooo?" and "GET UP" should be eminently soundbitable, in good way for their campaign.
Fragamemnon said:
Furthermore, SUSA undersold Obama in virtually every state with a major African-American population in the primaries. NC and Missouri especially were total lollerskate performances.
Do you have a link for that?

artredis1980 said:
Claire McCaskill is now becoming the most effective attack dog for the Obama Campaign


we <3 her here in Missouri


testicles on a cold fall morning
kaching said:
Great speech. The way he delivers lines like "Helllllooo?" and "GET UP" should be eminently soundbitable, in good way for their campaign.
seeing as i kvetched over Biden's performance over the last few weeks i owe it to myself to watch this speech. was it picked up on the major news networks?
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