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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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OuterWorldVoice said:
Paulson just said we should all be proud of how the Financial Markets have handled today's crisis. Like we should all be proud of how OJ signals to change lanes in the Bronco.

Paulson is like Paul Bunyan's axe-the world's biggest tool.


Setec Astronomer
OuterWorldVoice said:
Paulson just said we should all be proud of how the Financial Markets have handled today's crisis. Like we should all be proud of how OJ signals to change lanes in the Bronco.
He didn't speed either!
ABC Breaking News: Fired Official says Palin lied in ABC interview

"She's not telling the truth when she told ABC neither she nor her husband pressured me to fire Trooper Wooten," said Walt Monegan, the Alaskan official whose dismissal by Sarah Palin is the focus of a state investigation known as "Troopergate". "And she's not telling the truth to the media about her reasons for firing me."

In an exclusive interview with ABC News.com, former Alaska Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan said he resisted pressure by the First Couple to re-open an old case against a state trooper, who was in a hotly contested divorce and custody battle with the Governor's sister Molly.

Alaskan lawmakers are investigating whether Palin and her husband used the power of the Governor's office to conduct a personal vendetta against their former brother-in-law, whose behavior during the 2005 divorce was described by the Palin family as " threatening."

In a 20/20 interview, Palin told ABC's Charles Gibson she dismissed Monegan for poor job performance and that neither she nor her husband pressured Monegan to fire State Trooper Wooten. "We never did. I never pressured him to hire or fire anybody," Palin said.

But Monegan told ABC News.com he was summoned to a meeting with Todd Palin in December 2006, shortly after Sarah Palin became governor.

"I was called to her Anchorage formal Governor's office to talk with Todd Palin about an issue that was a private family matter," recounted Monegan. Todd became "upset," Monegan recalled, when told the allegations had already been investigated and the case would not be re-opened.

"When Sarah later called to tell me the same thing, I thought to myself, 'I may not be long for this job.'" But, Monegan said, he stood by his position. "I held the public trust. As Chief, I was responsible."

Governor Palin initially agreed to "cooperate fully" with the Alaska state legislative investigation but since being chosen as John McCain's running mate both she and her husband have refused to testify voluntarily. Friday the legislature issued a subpoena for Todd Palin.

more here: http://www.abcnews.go.com/Blotter/story?id=5804703&page=1
Fragamemnon said:
Disagree completely. It was a great opener to the week and as long as McCain is going to block out the media completely from his campaign it's a very good strategy (until the debates, when we get into the home stretch 1-2 punch of health care and jobs).

I don't think attacks on McCain's honor will work, nor do I think using the media as a shield works either, especially in an ad; there's already the perception that the media is primarily liberal anyway, and McCain has done a good job distancing himself from them (albeit too much lately). This ad is no different than anything Obama has said since McCain was releasing ads suggesting Obama was the cause for high gas prices back during the summer


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
ABC headline.



Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
News Flash 9-15-08

Jesus was a CARPENTER.

For ***** sake, democrats. I realize this whole "invoking religious imagery" thing is new to you guys, but you may want to actually read up on some of this stuff before doing so.

A friend of mine over at Gamespot(*predicts a flood of lolololol Gamespot comments*) makes the occasional Democrat troll blog, and I'm curious if anyone here knows what he is talking about.


Friday: First string of attacks. Largely under the radar thanks to Ike. The View turns on McCain
Saturday: NY Times and other news organizations call McCain's campaign dishonest. Obama/Lincoln: "If you're going to start lying about me, I'm going to start telling the truth about you"
Sunday: McCain campaign says they don't care about facts or what the media says.
Monday: The shit hits the fan full force. The Big Push Back begins.


Suffok has McCain up by 4 in Ohio...despite the fact the same poll has Ohio voters saying Obama will be better at bringing jobs to Ohio than McCain by 11%. Ohio votes are insane. :lol
PhoenixDark said:
I don't think attacks on McCain's honor will work, nor do I think using the media as a shield works either, especially in an ad; there's already the perception that the media is primarily liberal anyway, and McCain has done a good job distancing himself from them (albeit too much lately). This ad is no different than anything Obama has said since McCain was releasing ads suggesting Obama was the cause for high gas prices back during the summer

The attacks on his honor will not work in a wide manner-but they aren't designed to. This election is being played on the margins.

Liberal media or not, unless you want news pundits and editorial writers to talk about your candiacy in a negative light for the rest of the election, you've got to give access to them and engage them, not mock them and keep them away from covering the campaign in a way they are familiar with.
ronito said:
Good lord.

Fear and smear has even become the GOP economic policy.

The odd thing about human nature is that if the economy was rocking right now, you can bet he'd be patting himself on the back saying what an AWESOME JOB he did.


CharlieDigital said:
The odd thing about human nature is that if the economy was rocking right now, you can bet he'd be patting himself on the back saying what an AWESOME JOB he did.

Yup, if the economy is good, the treasury secretary and fed chairman claim to be the reason, if it's not, they claim to be just doing what they can.
Fragamemnon said:
The attacks on his honor will not work in a wide manner-but they aren't designed to. This election is being played on the margins.

Liberal media or not, unless you want news pundits and editorial writers to talk about your candiacy in a negative light for the rest of the election, you've got to give access to them and engage them, not mock them and keep them away from covering the campaign in a way they are familiar with.

I agree. McCain has basically given them the finger, and that's not a good idea. But what's more important than the media's reaction to his slight is the public's reaction. If they already perceive the media to be liberal as it is, these type of claims won't effect their opinions much. It makes no sense to me, and it's basically the same fucking thing Dukakis did.

I don't see how anyone could argue that's a "tough" ad.


PhoenixDark said:
I agree. McCain has basically given them the finger, and that's not a good idea. But what's more important than the media's reaction to his slight is the public's reaction. If they already perceive the media to be liberal as it is, these type of claims won't effect their opinions much. It makes no sense to me, and it's basically the same fucking thing Dukakis did.

I don't see how anyone could argue that's a "tough" ad.
This is the same media that helped run both Gore and Kerry into the ground. And people are going to suddenly believe the media is liberal?

The ad calls out McCain for what he is - a deceptive liar. That's about as brutal as you can get.
GhaleonEB said:
This is the same media that helped run both Gore and Kerry into the ground. And people are going to suddenly believe the media is liberal?

The ad calls out McCain for what he is - a deceptive liar. That's about as brutal as you can get.

I promise you that close to a majority of the nation believes the media to be liberal.


GhaleonEB said:
This is the same media that helped run both Gore and Kerry into the ground. And people are going to suddenly believe the media is liberal?
Umm..you do realize you're talking about a group of people that believe that voting in the same party that got them into this mess will get them out. Not entirely married to reality and/or logic.
GhaleonEB said:
This is the same media that helped run both Gore and Kerry into the ground. And people are going to suddenly believe the media is liberal?

It's not about any sudden change in belief though: the public believes the media has a liberal slant. So running an ad that basically boils down to "the media agrees McCain is lying" doesn't make any sense. Voters already agree/admit negative, dirty ads are effective. They know what's going on, they aren't dumb. The problem is that the ads are clearly effective, and crying about that doesn't change anything.
FYI, apparently that SUSA poll earlier for VA only had african american turnout at 19%. It was 21% for Kerry-does anyone think that Obama is really going to underperform in that category?


Setec Astronomer
ronito said:
Umm..you do realize you're talking about a group of people that believe that voting in the same party that got them into this mess will get them out. Not entirely married to reality.
But $GOP_BLOWHARD told me otherwise, so you're WRONG!


PhoenixDark said:
It's not about any sudden change in belief though: the public believes the media has a liberal slant. So running an ad that basically boils down to "the media agrees McCain is lying" doesn't make any sense. Voters already agree/admit negative, dirty ads are effective. They know what's going on, they aren't dumb. The problem is that the ads are clearly effective, and crying about that doesn't change anything.

ummm... do you get out of your bubble? Not trying to attack or anything, but saying that people know that he is lying is pure and utter bullshit.


testicles on a cold fall morning
PhoenixDark said:
It's not about any sudden change in belief though: the public believes the media has a liberal slant. So running an ad that basically boils down to "the media agrees McCain is lying" doesn't make any sense. Voters already agree/admit negative, dirty ads are effective. They know what's going on, they aren't dumb. The problem is that the ads are clearly effective, and crying about that doesn't change anything.
not sure what you expect then. Obama decided long ago that he wouldn't allow his campaign to descend into the level of fabrications that McCain has no problem with, so we're left with ads that question that question his truthfulness. considering what he has to work with, it's effective and works much better than the stupid computer ad.


Byakuya769 said:
I promise you that close to a majority of the nation believes the media to be liberal.
Yeah, I realized it was the American people was talking about right after I wrote it. :lol

BTW - Gallup polled on this issue over the weekend.




Clevinger said:
Or that she cced government emails to him?

That's one of the most damning things, IMO. If you try and argue this whole thing has nothing to do with family members, then why are you involving the family?
gcubed said:
ummm... do you get out of your bubble?

PD is usually pretty bright, but he's missing the bigger picture here-keeping initiative during the silly season, putting McCain on the defensive, and doing so with virtually no criticism since McCain went right for the gutter after the RNC ended in a dramatically miscalculated overreach.

Now Democrats are hitting a mocking tone, and McCain can't buy a good day in the press to save him, and people are still shoveling up shit from his VP pick (drip drip drip) every day.
gcubed said:
"close to a majority of the nation" is also conservative... do the math

absolutely, but gonna need some of those votes to win or not show up on election day. If they continue to think that big bad "libruhl" media is out to get lady sarah and sir mccain
PhoenixDark said:
It's not about any sudden change in belief though: the public believes the media has a liberal slant. So running an ad that basically boils down to "the media agrees McCain is lying" doesn't make any sense. Voters already agree/admit negative, dirty ads are effective. They know what's going on, they aren't dumb. The problem is that the ads are clearly effective, and crying about that doesn't change anything.
I don't know what you expect him to do. Yes, there might be something to the argument that people won't care that "liberal media" agrees with him. However, who is he supposed to cite? These ads play to independants. Yeah, conservatives who never miss Rush aren't going to buy this, but this is more powerful than just citing himself when calling out McCain.

I really think this could get some traction. I don't expect Gallop to be radically different tomorrow, but I do think standing up to the smears and attempting to debunk them is far better than what we've seen from previous candidates, all the while keeping him above the mud for the time being.

I swear, I think some of the more nervous folks around here aren't going to be satisfied until Obama releases an ad that says "and I hear that he can't even keep it up in bed. Now, we're not suggesting that he's gay, but..."
Fragamemnon said:
FYI, apparently that SUSA poll earlier for VA only had african american turnout at 19%. It was 21% for Kerry-does anyone think that Obama is really going to underperform in that category?
Arnett could also portray a McCain voter from the future:

"I've made a huge mistake."


GhaleonEB said:
Yeah, I realized it was the American people was talking about right after I wrote it. :lol

BTW - Gallup polled on this issue over the weekend.


To be fair, this is the same media that latched onto bristol like a leech, and floated around the idea that Sarah Palin faked her pregnancy. Not really bastions of quality from any angle reporting from any angle.


avatar299 said:
To be fair, this is the same media that latched onto bristol like a leech, and floated around the idea that Sarah Palin faked her pregnancy. Not really bastions of quality from any angle reporting from any angle.

What media floated around the pregnancy faking?
PhoenixDark said:
I agree. McCain has basically given them the finger, and that's not a good idea. But what's more important than the media's reaction to his slight is the public's reaction. If they already perceive the media to be liberal as it is, these type of claims won't effect their opinions much. It makes no sense to me, and it's basically the same fucking thing Dukakis did.

I don't see how anyone could argue that's a "tough" ad.
The public is also used to the he said/she said lazy narrative the media always uses. For them to actually draw a clear distinction between the two is a big deal.
avatar299 said:
To be fair, this is the same media that latched onto bristol like a leech, and floated around the idea that Sarah Palin faked her pregnancy. Not really bastions of quality from any angle reporting from any angle.
Which media was guilty of this?
avatar299 said:
To be fair, this is the same media that latched onto bristol like a leech, and floated around the idea that Sarah Palin faked her pregnancy. Not really bastions of quality from any angle reporting from any angle.

Yea those zany bloggers and their cable television news networks... oh wait.


Tamanon said:
What media floated around the pregnancy faking?
It never got above viral emails and fringe blogs until the McCain campaign used that as the reason they announced Bristol's pregnancy. The media never touched it before they brought it up.
Byakuya769 said:
absolutely, but gonna need some of those votes to win or not show up on election day. If they continue to think that big bad "libruhl" media is out to get lady sarah and sir mccain

He just needs a little bit more moderates and usual Democrats, given expected overall turnout percentages and current grassroots mobilization. Obama doesn't need the kind of significant 'Obamacan' support from Republicans (or self-professed conservatives) that McCain needs from registered Democrats.
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