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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Setec Astronomer
Fragamemnon said:
Also, who the fuck refers to the fundamentals of our economy as the workers? This is doublespeak at its finest, if anyone falls for this I have a used car to sell them.
Exactly, pairing this statement with the very idea of Reaganomics is a total contradiction.
The Lamonster said:

This freaks me out. I certainly don't agree but I can understand supporting McCain. But the fact that Palin is the big draw is insane.

Hey everyone! A charismatic folksy ignorant Christian fundamentalist may run the country . . . sounds like a great idea! It worked so great lately!

Insanity . . . doing the same thing and expecting a different result.
Republican crowds are great:


That could just be a really tan college student, I can't tell. Close as I could do to finding a non-white person.


Fragamemnon said:
Republican crowds are great:


That could just be a really tan college student, I can't tell. Close as I could do to finding a non-white person.

I dunno, I can't see anything in that picture but the ghost now:(

Also, she probably works there.


Fragamemnon said:
Someone should ask Carly if she can relate to the bank executives' situation, given her ability to run HP into the fucking ground, and then get a huge golden parachute when the board booted her sorry ass.

I sorely wish someone would make that reference to her while she's on the Sunday talk shows spouting her nonsense. Hell, I think a few weeks back she began a response to an economic question (about taxes, IIRC) along the lines of, "I'm a businesswoman, I should know...". Alas, no mention of what kind of businesswoman she was.

All the same, it's quite appropriate that she's one of McCain's top surrogates.


not a medical professional
LOL @ Obama - he brought up the "CHANGE WE NEED"

so good.
"Instead of borrowing our lines, he needs to borrow our ideas!"

"Change isn't about slogans, it's about substance".



RapeApe said:
The sketch written by a woman. Those darn women always sexist against themselves.
That's why they gotta elect a woman who would make sure women everywhere will never make the wrong choice anymore.
Haha Obama on McCain using "the change we need," looks behind to the huge ass "Change we need" sign.

"instead of borrowing my line, he needs to borrow some of our ideas"



Obama calling McCain out for stealing his lines, cites the ad this morning that uses "the change we need".

"Instead of borrowing my lines, they need to borrow our ideas!"


"If you think those lobbyists are working for John McCain just to put themselves out of work, then I've got a bridge up in Alaska to sell you"
PhoenixDark said:
Give me a break. It was more of the same.

Disagree completely. It was a great opener to the week and as long as McCain is going to block out the media completely from his campaign it's a very good strategy (until the debates, when we get into the home stretch 1-2 punch of health care and jobs).


The race is where it was preDNC. McCain was up by 2 and now McCain is up by 2 for 3 consecutive polls, that is a statistical dead heat. It will be upto the debates to decide


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Paulson just said we should all be proud of how the Financial Markets have handled today's crisis. Like we should all be proud of how OJ signals to change lanes in the Bronco.


In his defense, if I recall correctly, McCain used "the change we need" at the end of his awful green-screen speech on the day Obama clinched the nomination.


OuterWorldVoice said:
Paulson just said we should all be proud of how the Financial Markets have handled today's crisis. Like we should all be proud of how OJ signals to change lanes in the Bronco.
I'm also proud of my company's stock for plunging along with the rest of the market today. My stock options are bravely staying under water, bless their hearts.
That " I've got a bridge in alaska to sell you " line is classic Bill Clinton-hitting them very, very hard in a humorous and folksy sort of way. The campaign just seems energized today, a spring in their step. I think they are finally catching their breath after the dizzying, weird sequence of events after the DNC.
Farmboy said:
In his defense, if I recall correctly, McCain used "the change we need" at the end of his awful green-screen speech on the day Obama clinched the nomination.
There's no way they would want to bring any attention to that train wreck of a speech.
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