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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Byakuya769 said:
absolutely, but gonna need some of those votes to win or not show up on election day. If they continue to think that big bad "libruhl" media is out to get lady sarah and sir mccain

besides the few that are going to switch over, isnt democrat registration higher then republican in battleground states? They need democrats to come out, and they need independents...

PD... like it or not, a decent portion of the US gets their views/ideas directly from the media. Saying that people see these ad's and think they are lies may be true on this message board and other people who actually take more then 30 seconds to think about their politics, but there are way more people then that that watch TV and go from there.


Setec Astronomer
Fragamemnon said:
He just needs a little bit more moderates and usual Democrats, given expected overall turnout percentages and current grassroots mobilization. Obama doesn't need the kind of significant 'Obamacan' support from Republicans (or self-professed conservatives) that McCain needs from registered Democrats.
The more the merrier, though!
avatar299 said:
To be fair, this is the same media that latched onto bristol like a leech, and floated around the idea that Sarah Palin faked her pregnancy. Not really bastions of quality from any angle reporting from any angle.
Some republican shill going on air and saying that the media is obsessed with Bristol's Baby a day after they fucking announce Bristol has a baby does not equate with the media being obsessed with Bristol's Baby.
artredis1980 said:
ABC Breaking News: Fired Official says Palin lied in ABC interview

more here: http://www.abcnews.go.com/Blotter/story?id=5804703&page=1

Sadly, the GOPer faithful won't care in the least. She's an evangelical and that basically means she could eat a child on live TV and her fans wouldn't mind as long as she said it was part of God's plan.

They've already accepted the lies about Wooten being a wife-beater so they'll readily accept lies about denying any pressure on Monegan to fire Wooten.

It is mind-boggling.
“It’s salesmanship not leadership for Barack Obama and his running mate to tell families in Michigan that they have plans to aid the middle class when they recently both voted in favor of higher taxes,” said McCain spokesman Ben Porritt.

This looks like they're new response to the tax situation.

Here come the laughs.


The Lamonster said:
isn't that a bad sign?

and lol @ the Alcoholics Anonymous joke
It's means that in addition to undersampling the proportion of AA black voters, they are also under-representing the level of support Obama will probably get from them. :p


Son of Godzilla said:
Some republican shill going on air and saying that the media is obsessed with Bristol's Baby a day after they fucking announce Bristol has a baby does not equate with the media being obsessed with Bristol's Baby.
And the other 4-5 days of coverage come from where?

A lot of people thought the coverage was stupid and overextended, especially when it started to involve her social views on abstinence.
avatar299 said:
There's more than one? Bloggers floated it and News Network focused on the bristols pregnancy. Both were embarrassing.
I was wanting a definition of 'media'. As for your reference of bloggers, we're just going to disregard that, as it's ridiculous to pretend that the average Joe is getting their news from a site that was running with hearsay and speculation about Trig actually being Bristol's kid.

As for Bristol's actual pregnancey, wasn't the Enquirier the one who was going to break the story? What mainstream media was covering this in a way that deserved the outrage given by the GOP? The way they act, I would swear that I should be able to turn on the TV right now and see hour 200 of the nonstop Palin-gate coverage where they're interviewing her old college roommate about how Palin never chipped in for groceries.
GhaleonEB said:
It's means that in addition to undersampling the proportion of AA black voters, they are also under-representing the level of support Obama will probably get from them. :p
I'm still not convinced that a significant number of black and youth new voters will actually turn out in November, although they did for the primaries...

On another note, 9 hours of phone banking for the Obama campaign over the weekend; just signed up for at least two more hours tonight! I strongly encourage all Obama supporters to at least put in a couple hours a week at your local office. We really need more volunteers.


Setec Astronomer
gcubed said:
PD... like it or not, a decent portion of the US gets their views/ideas directly from the media.

Barack Obama said:
Simple math tells the tale. In the thirty-nine town hall meetings I held during my first year in office, turnout at each meeting averaged four to five hundred people, which means that I was able to meet with maybe fifteen to twenty thousand people. Should I sustain this pace for the remainder of my term, I will have had direct, personal contact with maybe ninety-five to one hundred thousand of my constituents by the time Election Day rolls around.

In contrast, a three-minute story on the lowest-rated local news broadcast in the Chicago media market may reach two hundred thousand people. In other words, I--like every politician at the federal level--am almost entirely dependent on the media to reach my constituents. It is the filter through which my votes are interpreted, my statements analyzed, my beliefs examined. For the broad public at least, I am who the media says I am. I say what they say I say. I become who they say I've become.
The Lamonster said:
On another note, 9 hours of phone banking for the Obama campaign over the weekend; just signed up for at least two more hours tonight! I strongly encourage all Obama supporters to at least put in a couple hours a week at your local office. We really need more volunteers.

I've been thinking about doing this.

Can you describe your experiences? How do people take to being called about the campaign? How do you go about engaging them?
avatar299 said:
To be fair, this is the same media that latched onto bristol like a leech, and floated around the idea that Sarah Palin faked her pregnancy. Not really bastions of quality from any angle reporting from any angle.
Man that is a massive pile of bullshit. That conspiracy theory only floated around on some blogs and even there it was just a conspiracy theory. The mainstream media said NOTHING about that. I had not even heard of that theory until the McCain campaign came out saying Bristol was pregnant to dispell such a conspiracy theory.

Go ahead . . . link us to all those MSM stories about that issue.


avatar299 said:
And the other 4-5 days of coverage come from where?

A lot of people thought the coverage was stupid and overextended, especially when it started to involve her social views on abstinence.

Yeah, I don't understand why the media kept the cameras on as the "proud father" was paraded around, also.
avatar299 said:
And the other 4-5 days of coverage come from where?

C'mon . . . if there were "4-5 days of coverage" of this crazy conspiracy theory, surely you can post us a link to at least a single MSM story saying that was anything but a crazy conspiracy theory.

A lot of people thought the coverage was stupid and overextended, especially when it started to involve her social views on abstinence.
WTF? You don't think that when the 17 year old daughter of a national candidate is pregnant, the abstinence-only POLICY views of that candidate are worthy of discussion? WTF?

The economy is tanking . . . I guess the candidates views on the economy are irrelevant! :lol


Setec Astronomer
quadriplegicjon said:
i would looove to see neogaf mentioned on CNN with regard to this election! would be amazing.
As a site whose members broke into her email acount? Are you fucking retarded?


Steve Youngblood said:
I was wanting a definition of 'media'. As for your reference of bloggers, we're just going to disregard that, as it's ridiculous to pretend that the average Joe is getting their news from a site that was running with hearsay and speculation about Trig actually being Bristol's kid.
How is that ridiculous. There are blogs for every political insight. There are blogs on cnn, msnbcs commentators have blogs, and blogs like the national review or the huffington post are enormous. To the point that moderators are now considered "experts" by some news station. Blogs are part of America's media. Deal with it

Steve Youngblood said:
As for Bristol's actual pregnancey, wasn't the Enquirier the one who was going to break the story?
Now the Enquirer isn't part of the media?:lol

Steve Youngblood said:
What mainstream media was covering this in a way that deserved the outrage given by the GOP? The way they act, I would swear that I should be able to turn on the TV right now and see hour 200 of the nonstop Palin-gate coverage where they're interviewing her old college roommate about how Palin never chipped in for groceries.
What station didn't run with it for close to half a week? C-SPAN?

The "media" is not just 3 news station. You have radio stations, blogs, newspaper editorials, commentators, etc etc

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
polyh3dron said:
McCain was unaware of kids having to pay $40 to participate in Florida school sports.

He then goes on to say how great No Child Left Behind has been in improving education.

:lol thats a huge gaffe for floridians.. No Child Left Behind is hated my most everyone here.
quadriplegicjon said:
:lol thats a huge gaffe for floridians.. No Child Left Behind is hated my most everyone here.

As AniHawk (I think) posted earlier:

"Because when you leave every child behind, no child will be left behind" :lol


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
capslock said:
This has to be the greatest ownage I have seen in Senate Hearing history, from a recent bi-partisan Energy Summit. I think Obama needs to make this into an ad or get this dude to be his surrogate.


Get ummm!!!!
avatar299 said:
How is that ridiculous. There are blogs for every political insight. There are blogs on cnn, msnbcs commentators have blogs, and blogs like the national review or the huffington post are enormous. To the point that moderators are now considered "experts" by some news station. Blogs are part of America's media. Deal with it

Now the Enquirer isn't part of the media?:lol
Let's rephrase. Media with an influence. Sure, there are blogs that people go to dilligently, and choose to be informed by them. However, these do not include the types of blogs that were running with Palin scandals of such an inconsequential nature. So, when I say media, I mean what respected, widely-circulated media was running with these rumors? The Enquirer doesn't count, and Daily Kos doesn't count.

What station didn't run with it for close to half a week? C-SPAN?

The "media" is not just 3 news station. You have radio stations, blogs, newspaper editorials, commentators, etc etc
Your last statement goes back to the above. The "media" can encompass whatever you want. I could write trash about Palin on my MySpace page, and by loose definitions, I guess you could say I'm part of the media.

But I don't think most everyday people are getting their news from slanted blogs. I don't think they're getting their news from Rush, or Olbermann.

So, for traditional mediums, this wasn't the story. I remember her unveiling. Palin dominated a day of coverage, and then Gustav took over. Any respectable outlet that most people get their news from was talking about another hurricane moving in on New Orleans. This continued right into the RNC. Real news had better things to deal with than this crap that Republicans were pretending to be outraged about.
avatar299 said:
How is that ridiculous. There are blogs for every political insight. There are blogs on cnn, msnbcs commentators have blogs, and blogs like the national review or the huffington post are enormous. To the point that moderators are now considered "experts" by some news station. Blogs are part of America's media. Deal with it

Back-pedal Back-pedal Back-pedal Back-pedal Back-pedal Back-pedal!

Wow . . . weak too. So if I find some blog post from some racist saying Black people should be enslaved then I can say "THE MEDIA IS SAYING WE SHOULD BRING BACK SLAVERY!"
CharlieDigital said:
I've been thinking about doing this.

Can you describe your experiences? How do people take to being called about the campaign? How do you go about engaging them?

It's pretty simple, actually. You show up (call ahead if you can, though -- or simply go to barackobama.com and make phone calls at home) and a volunteer will give you a call sheet with a list of voters to call. In my experience, it's been a real thrill. I even managed to sign up some folks to attend a 9 hour Camp Obama training session where at the end of the day, you'll be asked if you want to go out of state to help. Cold-calling is intimidating at first, but once you get the first few down you'll be breezing through, deviating from the script to add your own personal touches and generally just having fun. Honestly, it's like poli-gaf writ large.


speculawyer said:
WTF? You don't think that when the 17 year old daughter of a national candidate is pregnant, the abstinence-only POLICY views of that candidate are worthy of discussion? WTF?
It is when we don't know the details of that situation. The assumption that the daughter follows the mother lock step in every social view is pretty stupid, and kinda misses the point of abstinence.

speculawyer said:
Back-pedal Back-pedal Back-pedal Back-pedal Back-pedal Back-pedal!

Wow . . . weak too. So if I find some blog post from some racist saying Black people should be enslaved then I can say "THE MEDIA IS SAYING WE SHOULD BRING BACK SLAVERY!"
dailykos isn't some backwater website. Markos Moulitsas is a fairly rspected liberal voice and has been on MSNBC many times, and on Charlie Rose's show. Not comparable at all.

If I create a local news show full of neo-nazi's and air it publicly does their existence mean news station are no longer part of the media.
CharlieDigital said:
I've been thinking about doing this.

Can you describe your experiences? How do people take to being called about the campaign? How do you go about engaging them?
Sure. In this phase of the campaign, we are just trying to see who is supporting who so we know who we need to call in the future. Once somebody is identified as a McCain or Obama supporter, we will not call them ever again. There simply isn't enough time. We are trying to pinpoint the "leaners" and undecideds.

There are four types of people:

1) Obama supporters. SUPER nice and sometimes they thank me for doing what I'm doing. They all would love to volunteer but some might be too busy in their lives to commit any time to it. We thank them for their support and encourage them to register new voters before October and we "look forward to seeing them in November."

2) Undecideds. We tell them the date of the first debate and encourage them to watch and we answer any questions they might have about the issues (you don't have to do this, but I choose to ask).

3) Private voters. These people are borderline rude but they say they won't talk politics over the phone, or they say it's private or they want on the "do not call list."

4) McCain supporters. They're obviously rude and we don't want to waste any time with them. We simply say "thank you," *CLICK*


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Hitokage said:
As a site whose members broke into her email acount? Are you fucking retarded?

Actually, she can't win that.

They break in and find damning evidence - bad for her.

She held govt secrets in an insecure Yahoo account - bad for her.

Anyway, nobody has actually broken into it right?


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Forget Rove calling McCain on his nonsense, check this:


John McCain's Cousin mourns the loss of the straight talking maverick.

But, as he continually demonstrates in this campaign, my cousin John is long gone. "Straight talk" has been replaced with "flip-flop." Saddest all, this is the same man who, when campaigning in 2000, told a crowd of supporters, "I don't think Bill Gates needs a tax cut. I think your parents do."

avatar299 said:
It is when we don't know the details of that situation. The assumption that the daughter follows the mother lock step in every social view is pretty stupid, and kinda misses the point of abstinence.

Let me go out on a limb here . . . I believe the assumption is that because the daughter is pregnant, she did NOT follow the mother lockstep in every social view. And as a 17 year-old daughter living in the house of the mother, this brings into question the efficacy of such abstinence-only policy. That is the point.


speculawyer said:
Sadly, the GOPer faithful won't care in the least. She's an evangelical and that basically means she could eat a child on live TV and her fans wouldn't mind as long as she said it was part of God's plan.

They've already accepted the lies about Wooten being a wife-beater so they'll readily accept lies about denying any pressure on Monegan to fire Wooten.

It is mind-boggling.
It might be sad for those GOP faithful who just swallow whatever bs the republicans present them, but as long as everyone else recognises what this means for her integrity and acts accordingly (i.e. will not vote for her) things should be fine.
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