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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Fragamemnon said:
A century or so ago, McCain claimed in ads that Obama called Palin a 'pig'. However,today he retracted that:

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) _ Did Barack Obama really call Sarah Palin a pig, as a John McCain ad leads people to believe?

"No," McCain said Monday.

The Republican presidential nominee defended the ad anyway, saying Obama "chooses his words very carefully." The implication: Obama was slyly up to something when he said McCain's call for change in Washington is "lipstick on a pig," days after Palin made a lipstick joke at the Republican convention.

McCain's message machine is being run through a badly worn Captain Crunch decoder ring or something.
Well . . . he didn't really retract it . . . he just just denied the direct 'called her a pig' view but continued to push that it was some secret message that Obama was pushing because Obama "chooses his words very carefully."

Of course, one could say the same conspiracy theory argument against the McCain camp . . . they just put that "difference between a hockey mom & pitbull . . . lipstick" line in the Palin speech to set a trap for the next time Obama used that lipstick/pig phrase (which he has used before). Do I believe that? Of course not. But it isn't really anymore far-fetched than the McCain's loopy conspiracy theory.
TheKingsCrown said:
Wait, why?

Why are they matching? I dunno. It was mentioned in an e-mail from the campaign.
Why do I want the link? So I can donate as part of NeoGAF, and (possibly) get the benefit of the match as well.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
in that sense, they were defining Hillary Clinton as very substantive, and Sarah Palin as totally superficial. I think that continues the line of argument that is disrespectful in the extreme, and yes, I would say, sexist in the sense that just because Sarah Palin has different views than Hillary Clinton does not mean that she lacks substance. She has a lot of substance.

Wait, so you can only be sexist about Repblican women? Or maybe I am mangling this - any criticism of a female, even in a context where another female is being buoyed as substantive in the same context, is sexist? I can't even being to figure out her point, other than, "I am right wing."


man, i wish someone would have the balls to call Carly out.

So Carly, we are talking to you because we figure we have no better person who can speak for CEO's running companies into the ground then receiving golden parachutes and a kick in the ass on the way out the door... so... how did you almost ruin your company?
gcubed said:
So Carly, we are talking to you because we figure we have no better person who can speak for CEO's running companies into the ground then receiving golden parachutes and a kick in the ass on the way out the door... so... how did you almost ruin your company?

Carly: "I will not respond to such sexist remarks."
Tamanon said:
From the little I caught, he's saying that it's bad now, and it's because of Andrew Cuomo, Barney Frank and Chuck Shumer.:p
Wait, even Hannity is conceding that things are bad? And all this time, I thought he would never admit that the economy could be in bad shape. It's unpatriotic! Why doesn't he love America?


avatar299 said:
People voted for David Duke as a protest vote, because corruption was rampant in Louisiana. In fact Duke ran as a reformed christian that would bring Christianity and good conscience to the State, not as a klansmen. it became a story because everyone was suprised the wacko got close(actually he wasn't really close.) Ironically this guy doesn't mention Bobby Jindal (The actual governor right now of LA) at all. Apparently everyone in LA hates blacks but loves Hindus

I have never heard of the guy before, so i can't comment on his works, but there are some stretches in that video.

Your talking to someone who's family, uncles, aunts and so on all told me stories about his town hall stump speeches blaming the black man for all their problems. And like the video pointed out, Chalmette is the place where the first ordinance of the city council after the storm was to not allow anyone to rent property in St Bernard parish unless they were a blood relative. This was DIRECTLY in response to the fear that the "black people" will come in overpopulate the whites. I should know, I have uncles that run the local paper, an uncle on the city council, a former teacher that's now parish president, that joked at Arabi Diner with my friends and me at 2:00am that they were gonna make sure Chalmette doesnt look like the color of the 9th ward.


McCain: "I promise you, we will never put the country in this position again!"

Why the fuck did you put it in this position in the first place?!


MThanded said:

John McCain said:
We can’t bust heads like we used to, but we have our ways. One trick is to tell ‘em stories that don’t go anywhere - like the time I caught the ferry over to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for my shoe, so, I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on ‘em. ‘Give me five bees for a quarter,’ you’d say.
Now where were we? Oh yeah - the important thing was I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn’t have white onions because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones.

Yeah! I'm on board!
I really hope that this economic meltdown crap doesn't last too long so that we can get back to the meat and potatoes of any good presidential election: a war of personalities.


Steve Youngblood said:
I really hope that this economic meltdown crap doesn't last too long so that we can get back to the meat and potatoes of any good presidential election: a war of personalities.

Holy shit, Rick Davis posts on gaf?


*drowns in jizz*
Holy shit, looks like I missed alot today.

That latest Obama ad is awesome. Rightfully brutal, and its all quotes from respected publications.

The pendulum better start swinging the other way this week.

PS- Why the fuck do they think that Carli Fiorina's opinion means anything? She's the ultimate example of a failure that doesn't deserve their financial success.
Trakdown said:
McCain: "I promise you, we will never put the country in this position again!"

Why the fuck did you put it in this position in the first place?!

McCain's entire candidacy is build on a Tomorrow basis. I've made mistakes, and yes I've supported the president on most issues, but Tomorrow I'm going to change.

He's the ultimate political procrastinator, well outside of Palin. McCain Palin: The Mavericks of Tomorrow, Maybe


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Jonm1010 said:
Your talking to someone who's family, uncles, aunts and so on all told me stories about his town hall stump speeches blaming the black man for all their problems. And like the video pointed out, Chalmette is the place where the first ordinance of the city council after the storm was to not allow anyone to rent property in St Bernard parish unless they were a blood relative. This was DIRECTLY in response to the fear that the "black people" will come in overpopulate the whites. I should know, I have uncles that run the local paper, an uncle on the city council, a former teacher that's now parish president, that joked at Arabi Diner with my friends and me at 2:00am that they were gonna make sure Chalmette doesnt look like the color of the 9th ward.

avatar299 where are you????
Trakdown said:
Holy shit, Rick Davis posts on gaf?
No, it's just that this nonsense distracts from the theatrics of campaigning. Issues? Who cares about that garbage? I'm here to see spin and faux emotion that panders to a gullible electorate! I'm here to see the spinmasters demonstrating their craft.
we know McCain has a bad temper, I hope someone contacts Obama and tells him that. Tell him that when he is debating McCain try to get him angry and go beserk
Steve Youngblood said:
No, it's just that this nonsense distracts from the theatrics of campaigning. Issues? Who cares about that garbage? I'm here to see spin and faux emotion that panders to a gullible electorate! I'm here to see the spinmasters demonstrating their craft.

I agree with this-given the choice between substance and character assassination, I vastly prefer the latter. No country in the US has the kind of political theater that we have and we are the envy of the world for it-that's why our elections get so much attention.

It's like the difference between watching a destruction derby of fiery death and listening to episode of car talk. It's pretty clear which one is more entertaining to watch.
CNN does thier Poll or Polls

CNN: "McCain's convention bounce is gone"

The bounce John McCain received in national opinion polls following his party's convention and the selection of Sarah Palin to the GOP presidential ticket appears to have evaporated, a new CNN poll of polls suggests.

In the latest CNN survey of several recent national polls, Obama and McCain are locked in a dead heat at 45 percent each with 10 percent who remain undecided with 50 days remaining until Election Day.

“When we average the latest national polls, it is increasingly clear that neither candidate has any serious momentum at the moment,” said CNN Senior Political Researcher Alan Silverleib. “The convention bounces have faded and left us with a dead heat. Even though we are now in the final stretch of this historic marathon campaign for the presidency, the White House is still genuinely up for grabs.”

CNN's latest poll of polls consists of three recent surveys: Newsweek (September 10-11), Gallup (September 12-14), and Diageo/Hotline (September 12-14). It does not have a sampling error.

artredis1980 said:
we know McCain has a bad temper, I hope someone contacts Obama and tells him that. Tell him that when he is debating McCain try to get him angry and go beserk

you don't even have to make him go HULK POW SMASH on TV, just slice and dice him enough so he starts interrupting and looks like a angry old man. The media would feast on his rotting political corpse for the rest of the election cycle if that happened.
OuterWorldVoice said:
Wait, so you can only be sexist about Repblican women? Or maybe I am mangling this - any criticism of a female, even in a context where another female is being buoyed as substantive in the same context, is sexist? I can't even being to figure out her point, other than, "I am right wing."

It's one of those amazingly simple-yet-complex Epistemological queries found on high-level philosophy examinations. The Republicans say nothing and yet say everything. They say nothing for you to discover Sarah Palin. Explore the belief in Sarah Palin, the knowledge in Sarah Palin, and the truth in Sarah Palin. If you believe in Sarah Palin, you will know Sarah Palin. If you know Sarah Palin, you will trust Sarah Palin. If you trust Sarah Palin, you will believe in Sarah Palin.

Or in other words, they're fucking insane.


Okay, Fuck CNN. Right now their developing story is "What Happened to the Real Issues"?

You wouldn't fucking cover them, you dickless jagoffs. THAT'S what happened.


Trakdown said:
Okay, Fuck CNN. Right now their developing story is "What Happened to the Real Issues"?

You wouldn't fucking cover them, you dickless jagoffs. THAT'S what happened.

Well, maybe this is their way of shirking responsibility and laying it all at the feet of McCain's campaign. I'd settle for that at least.


Jonm1010 said:
Your talking to someone who's family, uncles, aunts and so on all told me stories about his town hall stump speeches blaming the black man for all their problems. And like the video pointed out, Chalmette is the place where the first ordinance of the city council after the storm was to not allow anyone to rent property in St Bernard parish unless they were a blood relative. This was DIRECTLY in response to the fear that the "black people" will come in overpopulate the whites. I should know, I have uncles that run the local paper, an uncle on the city council, a former teacher that's now parish president, that joked at Arabi Diner with my friends and me at 2:00am that they were gonna make sure Chalmette doesnt look like the color of the 9th ward.
Sounds like your town is racist, congrats, but that doesn't speak for the entire state now is it a good argument that LA is now clearly a "white power" state when they elected a hindu right after the storm


"Obama is a job-killing machine!"
"So you're trying to scare?"
"What? NO!"

Dammit Matthews, when she asked for one economist who proposed tax increases during this economy, name Greenspan and watch her shit herself!
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