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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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I wish 538 had an archive of charts and the electoral map to see how its changed over time. Even the west coast has become sky blue. NE is holdin it down, solid navy blue.


I remember when Christiane Amanpour called out CNN for their blind war coverage a few years back & then just recently the whole bullshit with pentagon plants acting as military analysts. CNN didn't own up to shit. The media in general will never TRULY blame themselves.
Loudninja said:
"Its a very tough time for you party to defend itself"
No it isn't. Every single bad thing that's happened in the last two years is because of that do-nothing Congress in Washington. What can't be explained by that is a carryover from the lousy Clinton years.

Obama 268 McCain 270

Presidential polls today: DE NJ

Dem pickups (vs. 2004): CO IA

GOP pickups (vs. 2004): (None)


avatar299 said:
Sounds like your town is racist, congrats, but that doesn't speak for the entire state now is it a good argument that LA is now clearly a "white power" state when they elected a hindu right after the storm

He just got elected and hes not hindu. And louisiana is a different beast and to get into how the racists reconcile voting for jindal is a long and complicated story, but the short end is hes a republican and people hated Mary Landrieu, sprinkle it in with white guilt and Katrina pandering along with the fact that racism towards African Americans is much more strong than for any other race.


Whoa. Just saw the Brave New PAC commercial during Hardball. The one with one of his fellow POWs saying he doesn't want McCain near the button.


Y2Kev said:
About McCain not having a path to 270: What's wrong with that path above?

CO's the one that may or not go blue. NM's not going red this year.

electoral-vote hasn't updated in a few days. If it had, the new SUSA virginia poll would be factored in.


Y2Kev said:
About McCain not having a path to 270: What's wrong with that path above?
He's very unlikely to hold all of Ohio, New Mexico, Nevada, Florida and Virginia.

If he loses even one of those, Obama wins. McCain basically has to run the table on swing states this year.


Trakdown said:
Anybody else see this Anti-McCain ad featuring a POW that says he's unfit to lead?

Edit: I guess so.

I caught the end of it.
Can't say that I like it that much. Smells of Swift-Boat.


Loudninja said:
I thought NM and Virginia was leaning Obama?

They both are, but electoral-vote's methods take one or an average of a few polls and replace any previous polls. I really doubt NM goes red if CO goes blue. The new SUSA out of VA gives me hope too.


AniHawk said:
They both are, but electoral-vote's methods take one or an average of a few polls and replace any previous polls. I really doubt NM goes red if CO goes blue. The new SUSA out of VA gives me hope too.

Oh ok thanks!
Trakdown said:
Okay, Fuck CNN. Right now their developing story is "What Happened to the Real Issues"?

You wouldn't fucking cover them, you dickless jagoffs. THAT'S what happened.

Tamanon said:
Chuck Todd just called out McComb County, Michigan as racist.:lol :lol

what's the context?


AniHawk said:
They both are, but electoral-vote's methods take one or an average of a few polls and replace any previous polls. I really doubt NM goes red if CO goes blue. The new SUSA out of VA gives me hope too.
From what I can tell, they only use the latest poll for a state. Thus, NM leaning McCain from the Rasmussen poll showing him ahead by two, when it's the only poll in the past month to show him ahead of Obama. I really don't trust their methodology, since they use such a simple metric. Pollster's front page does the same thing, only incorporating all polls in a statistical regression model.

They also have a very strict definition of "lean". Two points is within the margin of error of the poll.


Is this old?


"The New York State Democratic Party will officially not be coordinating with Barack Obama’s campaign because the state party here still accepts money from lobbyists, and the presidential nominee's campaign does not."

I'm not sure why Obama doesn't play this up more. McCain keeps going on and on about Obama never going against his party, but Obama can really play cards like these. When he got the nomination, he ordered the DNC to stop accepting lobbyist and PAC money. He will not work with state Democratic Party's that accept lobbyist money.

Not only does it play a "maverick" angle, it also highlights all the lobbyist ties that McCain and the RNC have.


ArtG said:
There are plenty of things you can attack McCain on.
His service is not one of them.

Sadly, if this election has taught me anything, it is that people really are this stupid, and if you aren't willing to match fire with fire, you will lose.

Democrats constantly lose because they make the same mistake every election. They always think they are taking the higher road by not going full-negative. There is a reason that Republicans win elections, because they lie like motherfuckers. I would rather Obama earn a 'dirty' victory than a noble defeat.


artredis1980 said:
we know McCain has a bad temper, I hope someone contacts Obama and tells him that. Tell him that when he is debating McCain try to get him angry and go beserk
Obama doesn't need to be told that, and I don't believe he'll have to try and get him angry.

Supposedly (from multiple strong sources like Time Magazine) during the 2004 campaign McCain was giving Bush pep talks before the debates, and he got so fired up Bush considered it incredibly off-putting and uncomfortable.

He got that wound up over Bush debating Kerry. How do you think he'll be when its his own debate opportunity?
ArtG said:
I caught the end of it.
Can't say that I like it that much. Smells of Swift-Boat.

Damn. That is quite Karl Rove. In fact Karl Rove did use the "McCain went crazy back in 'Nam" meme during the 2000 SC primary didn't he?


lawblob said:
Sadly, if this election has taught me anything, it is that people really are this stupid, and if you aren't willing to match fire with fire, you will lose.

Democrats constantly lose because they make the same mistake every election. They always think they are taking the higher road by not going full-negative. There is a reason that Republicans win elections, because they lie like motherfuckers. I would rather Obama earn a 'dirty' victory than a noble defeat.

I understand.

However, it would depress me that the only way either party could win elections was to pull out lies on one another, using surrogates to question someone's mental capacity or their patriotism.

It would be saddening that honor, integrity and honesty would be a losing argument with the American people.

We are truly lost as a nation when that becomes true.


speculawyer said:
Damn. That is quite Karl Rove. In fact Karl Rove did use the "McCain went crazy back in 'Nam" meme during the 2000 SC primary didn't he?

And the whole "illegitimate black-baby" thing.


ArtG said:
There are plenty of things you can attack McCain on.
His service is not one of them.
This your first elecion, pal? Anything and everything can and will (and should) be attacked.

Drek said:
He got that wound up over Bush debating Kerry. How do you think he'll be when its his own debate opportunity?
Plus, he almost exploded several times during his debates with Mittens.
ArtG said:
There are plenty of things you can attack McCain on.
His service is not one of them.

Sure you can. He lost 5 fighter jets. He was 4th from last in his graduating class from whatever military academy he went to. (Naval academy I guess?)

Some of his military writings seem to indicate that he is often more concerned about "winning" than doing what is best for the country. These are not football games. Even Saint Patraeus is basically saying that we can't really ever declare "victory" in Iraq. It just isn't that kind of war.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
AniHawk said:
So uh...

...Racist much where you live?
If you mean Albanians mildly racist against every other culture, yes, perhaps. Whites are the majority, but every one gets a long cool, 'cept for a fair bit of Albanians who have Tony Montana complexes.:lol


ArtG said:
I understand.

However, it would depress me that the only way either party could win elections was to pull out lies on one another, using surrogates to question someone's mental capacity or their patriotism.

It would be saddening that honor, integrity and honesty would be a losing argument with the American people.

We are truly lost as a nation when that becomes true.

We are already there. In 1988 Republicans partly won because the ran commercials saying that the Dem. candidate put a rapist back on the street who killed a white woman.

In 1992 Republicans spent millions of dollars paying anyone they could find in Arkansas to come up with any dirt they could find on Clinton. They tried to link him to suicides, financial scandals, multiple affairs, drug addiction, etc.

In 2000 Bush beat McCain by spreading lies that McCain had illegitimate black kids.

Politics is a dirty game, and sadly, any candidate who tries to 'rise above it' is usually a loser at the end of the day.


TDG said:
This your first elecion, pal? Anything and everything can and will (and should) be attacked.

Plus, he almost exploded several times during his debates with Mittens.

Considering the relatively little coverage of the Republican debates versus what will be the Presidential debates, I really hope he loses his temper at least once.

I'm sure the campaign will spin it as 'passionate.'


TDG said:
This your first elecion, pal? Anything and everything can and will (and should) be attacked.

Even your opponent's mental capacity? As in, the guy isn't just wrong: He is crazy to the point that he can't make a decision on whether or not he wants to blow up the world.

Do you know how many people would be bitching and moaning (and rightfully so) in here if an attack group came out with an ad saying:

"Do you want Barack Obama--AN UN-AMERICAN TERRORIST MUSLIM--as your President?"

Neither are right.
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