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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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artredis1980 said:


Obama erases a little bit of the lead from 538

Starting to move back to the side of good, light, and truth.

Also, they mention that right now the results behave conservatively, and that the current ahead-of-tracking numbers for Obama might be noise. They adjusted the model once already (which gave Obama the ridiculous 75% win two weeks back).


Jonm1010 said:
As someone who lived in Chalmette for a large protion of his life, I think that video did more to hit the nail on the head than anything I have heard in terms of the racial divide between whites and blacks in the New Orleans area.
Except a ton of stuff in that article is flat our wrong. Bristol is not looked upon fondly by the American public, and I don't think many know(or better yet, care) what the boy says on myspace.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
avatar299 said:
Except a ton of stuff in that article is flat our wrong. Bristol is not looked upon fondly by the American public, and I don't think many know(or better yet, care) what the boy says on myspace.
Hes talking about the video....


avatar299 said:
Except a ton of stuff in that article is flat our wrong. Bristol is not looked upon fondly by the American public, and I don't think many know(or better yet, care) what the boy says on myspace.

this comment tells me you didnt watch the video as it is not the same things as the article. But by all means tell me what you thought was wrong in the article or video.
avatar299 said:
Except a ton of stuff in that article is flat our wrong. Bristol is not looked upon fondly by the American public, and I don't think many know(or better yet, care) what the boy says on myspace.
But the DailyKos . . . everyone reads that. :D
Fatalah said:
Man, I never thought I'd see it tilt so far toward John McCain's favor after I saw Obama hit 310 two weeks ago.

It's really sort of deceptive, because to be honest Obama's firewall has always remained intact (and McCain still hasn't found a decent path to 270, much less multiple ones). The shift is occuring mainly due to red states getting redder.


This is what Jim Cramer had to say about an hour ago:


Why blame the government?

Because this stuff was so known and so obviously in the cards that you have to wonder whether perhaps the government has some marching orders from the president to do nothing until after every collapse -- nothing that is preventive.

This weekend, William Gruver -- a board member of TheStreet.com and a professor at Bucknell and a limited partner at Goldman Sachs (GS Quote - Cramer on GS - Stock Picks) -- wrote a piece for the New York Times op-ed page about the need to relook at the endless deregulation that got us here, post-Glass Steagall. It talked about getting ahead of problems and making the system less complex. Good advice! After the next few weeks, there will only be a few survivors left.

Time to put in new rules: Don't wait for a new administration.

All of this was just too obvious. Neither the people who run the government nor the rules they have are right for a time of far more sophisticated interlinking instruments.


Fragamemnon said:
It's really sort of deceptive, because to be honest Obama's firewall has always remained intact. The shift is occuring mainly due to red states getting redder.


I hope to have a clearer view of things at fivethirtyeight by Friday.
Breaking News
Dow Plunges 500 Points on Lehman Bankruptcy, Merrill Sale, AIG Woes- AP

Stocks retreated sharply and Treasury bond prices jumped Monday as investors reacted to a stunning reshaping of the landscape of Wall Street that took out two storied names: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. and Merrill Lynch & Co.... » read more

Don't worry folks . . . the fundamentals of the economy are sound. Johnny told me.

Remain calm . . . don't panic.



No worries guys, just biggest one-day drop since July 2002! It's all good.

thekad: He seems to be for more regulation, but all he talks about is changing the regulations, "reforming" them.


Steve Youngblood said:
I'm not going to start listening to all this doom and gloom until Hannity weighs in and tells me that things have taken a bad turn.

From the little I caught, he's saying that it's bad now, and it's because of Andrew Cuomo, Barney Frank and Chuck Shumer.:p


MThanded said:
White Privilege, White Entitlement and the 2008 Election(Written by a white guy before you guys jump on me and say this is biased and racist)

Him Talking about White Privilege

That was an impressively scathing article, entirely too based in reality I'm afraid. Still at work so I can't view that vid yet (with sound, at least), but I'm looking forward to doing so when I get home.


The Blue Jihad said:
"I think that continues the line of argument that is disrespectful in the extreme, and yes, I would say, sexist in the sense that just because Sarah Palin has different views than Hillary Clinton does not mean that she lacks substance. She has a lot of substance."


Oh crap! She's got the OOZE!!!

A century or so ago, McCain claimed in ads that Obama called Palin a 'pig'. However,today he retracted that:

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) _ Did Barack Obama really call Sarah Palin a pig, as a John McCain ad leads people to believe?

"No," McCain said Monday.

The Republican presidential nominee defended the ad anyway, saying Obama "chooses his words very carefully." The implication: Obama was slyly up to something when he said McCain's call for change in Washington is "lipstick on a pig," days after Palin made a lipstick joke at the Republican convention.

McCain's message machine is being run through a badly worn Captain Crunch decoder ring or something.


Fragamemnon said:
The GOP meme for the economic meltdown is "blame it on Congressional Democrats!" .

lol good luck with that in a presidential year. u r fucked.

Lots of people are dumb though. They've been using the "It's the fault of the Democrats!" line a lot. I ran into a guy here in SoCal that was towing it. Since I frequent that place of business a few times a month, I decided not to get into it with him and left. But I was pretty pissed. Especially since this is a district led by Bush's lapdog, David Dreier.
Today, donations to the Obama campaign get matched dollar for dollar (read: if you donate $25, it gets turned to $50). If I donate through NeoGAF for Obama, would that still hold true?

What's the link for the NeoGAF Obama group?


captmcblack said:
Today, donations to the Obama campaign get matched dollar for dollar (read: if you donate $25, it gets turned to $50). If I donate through NeoGAF for Obama, would that still hold true?

What's the link for the NeoGAF Obama group?

Wait, what? Whose doing the matching, some insanely rich kindly old man?


Fragamemnon said:
The GOP meme for the economic meltdown is "blame it on Congressional Democrats!" .

lol good luck with that in a presidential year. u r fucked.

John McCain doesn't even want to pretend that anything's wrong with the economy. The least the man could do is give some semblance that he has any idea what's going on around him, and what's going on with the people that he pretends to care so deeply about (i.e. not the upper class). Biden earlier today in North Carolina was great:

"I could walk from here to Greensboro, I wouldn’t run into one person who thought we’d made economic progress unless I ran into John McCain."


Jonm1010 said:
this comment tells me you didnt watch the video as it is not the same things as the article. But by all means tell me what you thought was wrong in the article or video.
I thought the link was to the article.

Either way the article is to narrow to be focused. on something like "white privilege" What about the privilege of celebrity, of being a women, of being a candidate. Does the fact she has an army of people factor into it.

Is this white privilege or is this class privilege.

And the video has problems to. Slavery is insanely expensive and it destroys the economy, it has happened in every country that abolished it including us. Poor whites didn't care about slaves because they were farmers and the idea of working for plantation owners was almost non-existent until after the civil war. They fought in that war becuase they saw it as an attack on their lifestyle. Northern industrial Americans would burn down their farms and change their society into something they didn't want. (and they did. It is war after all.)

The argument for closing the border is largely security based, not economy based. in fact it's mainly poor minorities that I have seen argue against illegal immigration based on the job market.

People voted for David Duke as a protest vote, because corruption was rampant in Louisiana. In fact Duke ran as a reformed christian that would bring Christianity and good conscience to the State, not as a klansmen. it became a story because everyone was suprised the wacko got close(actually he wasn't really close.) Ironically this guy doesn't mention Bobby Jindal (The actual governor right now of LA) at all. Apparently everyone in LA hates blacks but loves Hindus

I have never heard of the guy before, so i can't comment on his works, but there are some stretches in that video.


Fragamemnon said:
A century or so ago, McCain claimed in ads that Obama called Palin a 'pig'. However,today he retracted that:

McCain's message machine is being run through a badly worn Captain Crunch decoder ring or something.
He's probably just shocked the media is actually questioning what he says. I expect him to explode and demand silence, obedience and pancakes any moment now.

Via Kos: my favorite quote about Palin so far, from the Lt. Gov. of my home state:

Iowa Lt. Gov. Patty Judge (D) said:
Sarah knows how to field-dress a moose. I know how to castrate a calf. Neither of those things has anything at all to do with this election. But since we know so much about Sarah’s special skills, I wanted to make sure you knew about mine too.


The Blue Jihad said:
"I think that continues the line of argument that is disrespectful in the extreme, and yes, I would say, sexist in the sense that just because Sarah Palin has different views than Hillary Clinton does not mean that she lacks substance. She has a lot of substance."


No wonder HP went down.
Also, the Tina Fey/Carly thing is absurd, to attack SNL, a legitimate, and equal-opportunity provider of parody is just nonsense.

When McCain loses, everyone will point back to this day as the point where the wheels totally came off the Shit Talk Express. His campaign has been doling out nothing but jibberish and confusion all day, while Obama, Biden, the campaign, and their surrogates have raked them over the coals.
captmcblack said:
Today, donations to the Obama campaign get matched dollar for dollar (read: if you donate $25, it gets turned to $50). If I donate through NeoGAF for Obama, would that still hold true?

What's the link for the NeoGAF Obama group?
Wait, why?
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