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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Hey gang, you remember that ol' Glass-Steagall Act we had after Great Depression 1? Remember how it said that institutions of deposit banking were to be kept strictly separate from institutes of speculative investment so we'd avoid the mistakes of the Roaring Twenties and not have to suffer the same hardships again? Remember how those safeguards were repealed in 1999 by Gramm-Leach-Bliley under finance industry lobbyist pressure? Seen the bullfuckery of Wall St over this whole Maladministration? Notice how Lehman imploded today and we'll be headed for GD2 unless we get damn lucky?

Wanna look at that Senate vote in 1999? Two of the people in the race today voted on it.


Sort by vote, then sort by party and see if you can tell the difference from the first sort for extra fun!


*drowns in jizz*
Amir0x said:
Even though this video is not about this specific ad...

Really, the sheer implications of what the McCain ad was suggesting is more than abominable. It was downright satanic. I don't really understand why this isn't being feverishly reported everywhere, as it is literally one of the darkest things being spread in this campaign. People got angry at the Harold Ford ad, this is a billion times worse. Now I'm sure there's plenty of details I've forgotten over the years over past elections, but I'm not sure there were any where an ad played that literally implied that the rival candidate was attempting to sell sex to little children, even in a roundabout way.

This is not hyperbole. If you defend such an ad and the candidate who pushes it, you're probably about as honorable as the piece of shit that came out of my ass an hour ago. And it says dark things about where the Republican party is. Sad days indeed, for a once great party.

I know this sounds hyperbolic and childish, but this is the closest to a 'good vs evil' contest Ive ever seen here. Not saying that McCain is evil per say, but the tactics and the intent behind the tactics definitely are. There is just such a philosophical and ideological difference between these 2 teams, such a contrast of ideas, and whoever wins this will inevitably change the integrity of the political process in the US, for better (Obama) or for worse (McCain).
Xisiqomelir said:
Hey gang, you remember that ol' Glass-Steagall Act we had after Great Depression 1? Remember how it said that institutions of deposit banking were to be kept strictly separate from institutes of speculative investment so we'd avoid the mistakes of the Roaring Twenties and not have to suffer the same hardships again? Remember how those safeguards were repealed in 1999 by Gramm-Leach-Bliley under finance industry lobbyist pressure? Seen the bullfuckery of Wall St over this whole Maladministration? Notice how Lehman imploded today and we'll be headed for GD2 unless we get damn lucky?

Wanna look at that Senate vote in 1999? Two of the people in the race today voted on it.


Sort by vote, then sort by party and see if you can tell the difference from the first sort for extra fun!

Were under great depression 2 now? Oh by the way, who signed that bill in to law?


AndyIsTheMoney said:
Were under great depression 2 now? Oh by the way, who signed that bill in to law?
A president who clearly didn't understand just how useful the veto was in holding the senate hostage as it pertained to national policy within senate jurisdiction?

If only GWB had been president, I'm sure he would've vetoed the republican written and supported legislation that has taken a big shit on our economy.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
distantmantra said:
Anyone seen this in their local stores?


It's out in Jones' hometown of Seattle at the very least.

you can order it straight from their website: http://www.campaigncola.com/


*drowns in jizz*
AndyIsTheMoney said:
i have two ipods, so does that make me double the average liberal? oh not a coffee drinker so maybe im ok

Na, just double the douche. Oh wait, you don't need 2 ipods for that, you just need to be yourself.


testicles on a cold fall morning
i'm constantly keeping blacks and other minorities down because i deem them inferior, but i support abortion. i guess i'm only half a conservative then?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
The economic diarrhea should favor Obama in a way that should take the focus off bullshit and put it squarely on the issues for good. We're looking at an unprecedented crisis this week.


scorcho said:
i'm constantly keeping blacks and other minorities down because i deem them inferior, but i support abortion. i guess i'm only half a conservative then?

No, it makes sense, considering Sanger's eugenics stance and the racial demographics of abortion customers.



Abner Linwood Holton, Jr. (born September 21, 1923) was the first Republican Governor of Virginia since Reconstruction. He was governor from 1970 to 1974. He was the Republican candidate for governor in 1965 but was defeated by Democrat Mills E. Godwin, Jr. He later unsuccessfully sought the Republican nomination for the US Senate in 1978, having finished third in a field of Richard D. Obenshain, John Warner, and Nathan H. Miller.

Holton was a member of the mountain-valley Republican Party (GOP) that fought the Byrd Organization and was not in favor of welcoming conservative Democrats into the Virginia Republican Party. In 1970, when forced busing was an issue in Virginia, Holton voluntarily placed his children (including future First Lady of Virginia Anne Holton) in the mostly African-American Richmond public schools garnering much publicity. The Republican party, in response, turned their back on him and supported Godwin in 1974, a former conservative Democrat who had turned Republican and who supported "massive resistance" to desegregation.[1][2]

As governor he pushed hard to field Republican candidates in all statewide races instead of endorsing conservative alternatives. This led to weak moderate GOP candidates who ran third in the Virginia US Senate election in 1970 and the special election in 1971 to choose a successor for the deceased J. Sargeant Reynolds.

As the Virginia Republican Party became more conservative, he found himself more in line with the state Democratic Party, ultimately endorsing several Democrats for statewide office, including his son-in-law, Governor Tim Kaine (he has in the past supported moderate Republicans, including John Warner).

Dude is endorsing and campaigning for Obama in Virginia. That should help a good deal there.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
TROOPERGATE: Laughs, Scandals, Shenanigans.



Rick Gorka, a spokesman for the John McCain campaign, said Palin is fully cooperating with the investigation and called Monegan's allegations sour grapes.

"I think people have had their feathers ruffled by Palin because of her willingness to shake things up," he said. "She is not going to win the Miss Congeniality contest."


The governor's husband was upset with his answer, Monegan said, and pointed to the killing of the moose as a criminal act.
Monegan says he explained that it was "more a letter of the law than the spirit of the law" violation, because the trooper's wife - the governor's sister - had a permit for the hunt and had been with him at the time.

"She just didn't want to kill it - it was like looking at Bambi," Monegan said.

What's more, he said, after Wooten killed the moose, he and Molly took it to the home of Sarah Palin's parents, who "butchered it up and gave it back."

In other words, Monegan said, the parents and sister might also have to answer for their actions if he were to pursue a case against the trooper.


Y2Kev said:
The economic diarrhea should favor Obama in a way that should take the focus off bullshit and put it squarely on the issues for good. We're looking at an unprecedented crisis this week.

That's perhaps the ONE GOOD THING about this crisis, in my opinion.

It really will put the arena of thought BACK where it should have been this whole time, the economy, and how people are going to expect to make livelihoods for themselves and their families.

It really can't get any better than this, as Obama and Biden are concerned.


Y2Kev said:
The economic diarrhea should favor Obama in a way that should take the focus off bullshit and put it squarely on the issues for good. We're looking at an unprecedented crisis this week.
Well, according to Dick Morris on H&C today, a normal economic downturn plays to Obama, but an economic crisis actually plays to McCain's favor. So it's hard to say. . . .


Trurl said:
Well, according to Dick Morris on H&C today, a normal economic downturn plays to Obama, but an economic crisis actually plays to McCain's favor. So it's hard to say. . . .

Makes sense, I mean downturn people are scared, but crisis they obviously want someone who thinks drilling is the most important issue.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Trurl said:
Well, according to Dick Morris on H&C today, a normal economic downturn plays to Obama, but an economic crisis actually plays to McCain's favor. So it's hard to say. . . .
Why? I don't really get that. He knows like absolutely nothing about the economy. People panicking one way or another should get them to vote for who they have more confidence in regarding the economy. Not like there are a ton of hedge fund managers who are going to elect McCain for looser regulation and lower taxes.


Xisiqomelir said:
Hey gang, you remember that ol' Glass-Steagall Act we had after Great Depression 1? Remember how it said that institutions of deposit banking were to be kept strictly separate from institutes of speculative investment so we'd avoid the mistakes of the Roaring Twenties and not have to suffer the same hardships again? Remember how those safeguards were repealed in 1999 by Gramm-Leach-Bliley under finance industry lobbyist pressure? Seen the bullfuckery of Wall St over this whole Maladministration? Notice how Lehman imploded today and we'll be headed for GD2 unless we get damn lucky?

Wanna look at that Senate vote in 1999? Two of the people in the race today voted on it.


Sort by vote, then sort by party and see if you can tell the difference from the first sort for extra fun!

Y2Kev said:
Why? I don't really get that. He knows like absolutely nothing about the economy. People panicking one way or another should get them to vote for who they have more confidence in regarding the economy. Not like there are a ton of hedge fund managers who are going to elect McCain for looser regulation and lower taxes.

Once I read Dick Morris I tuned out...


Tamanon said:
Makes sense, I mean downturn people are scared, but crisis they obviously want someone who thinks drilling is the most important issue.

I think it's bullshit. An economic crisis is the end of the Republicans.


Y2Kev said:
Why? I don't really get that. He knows like absolutely nothing about the economy. People panicking one way or another should get them to vote for who they have more confidence in regarding the economy. Not like there are a ton of hedge fund managers who are going to elect McCain for looser regulation and lower taxes.
I think it had something to do with the enormity of the crisis making voters put confidence in someone with balls, I don't know. It really didn't make sense at all. It was just one of the more lawl worthy lines I heard today.

Once I read Dick Morris I tuned out...
Good policy. :lol


It's Dick Morris, don't try to follow his logic too closely. Also pick up his book Condi vs Hillary: The next big presidential race at a big discount!
Tamanon said:
It's Dick Morris, don't try to follow his logic too closely. Also pick up his book Condi vs Hillary: The next big presidential race at a big discount!

I wish political pundits had stats like all the sporting events. I swear dude bats like .210 on his "analysis" and "predictions" but they still trot him out continually as an "expert".


Y2Kev said:
Why? I don't really get that. He knows like absolutely nothing about the economy. People panicking one way or another should get them to vote for who they have more confidence in regarding the economy. Not like there are a ton of hedge fund managers who are going to elect McCain for looser regulation and lower taxes.

Not sure why a navy captain who worked briefly in the private sector as vp of public relations at a beer distributorship or a lecturer of constitutional law would know anything about the economy, it's all about the advisors at this point.


Kittonwy said:
Not sure why a navy captain who worked briefly in the private sector as vp of public relations at a beer distributorship or a lecturer of constitutional law would know anything about the economy, it's all about the advisors at this point.

What? Are you trying to make people even more scared? Phil Gramm is his big economic guy!:lol
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