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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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AndyIsTheMoney said:
its the bottom 50% who suffer the most not from taxes, but from cost of products. Housing, gas, food, etc. You wanna increase tax on business that's fine, but you have to realize that the bottom percent will suffer more from this increase than business will. How can you debate this? Whats your solution, socialize all business to regulate pricing? seriously what are you advocating?

Well socialism is pretty cool. We should start doing that more.
ANCHORAGE, Alaska - A campaign spokesman says Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin won't speak with an investigator hired by lawmakers to look into the firing of her public safety commissioner.

McCain campaign spokesman Ed O'Callaghan told a news conference Monday that the governor, the Republican nominee for vice president, will not cooperate as long as the investigation "remains tainted." He said he doesn't know whether Palin's husband would challenge a subpoena issued to compel his cooperation.

The campaign insists the investigation has been hijacked by Democrats. It says it can prove Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan was fired because of insubordination on budget issues -- not because he refused to fire a state trooper who had divorced Palin's sister.

Fuck the law


Frank the Great said:
The wealthy have been claiming that everyone benefits from them being more wealthy since capitalism began. The trickle-down effect is just the newest method for them to try and convince people to let them have more money, against the people's own economic interest.

Pretty sure there is no historical reference for trickle down economics ever working.
Pretty much.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
AndyIsTheMoney said:
its the bottom 50% who suffer the most not from taxes, but from cost of products. Housing, gas, food, etc. You wanna increase tax on business that's fine, but you have to realize that the bottom percent will suffer more from this increase than business will. How can you debate this? Whats your solution, socialize all business to regulate pricing? seriously what are you advocating?

I wasn't advocating anything, I was making a glib joke. But you responded to that by taking the part of the big businesses that happily increased the prices of the things you described after they got the Bush tax relief.



PhoenixDark said:
It's amazing how these people support policies which make other people rich while ignoring them so fervently. They cheer as other people get rich off of them (DRILL BABY DRILL)
It's depressing, mostly. But the GOP is good at what it does - polarize and defraud a gulliple electorate.

Edit: It's almost like I knew what Andy was going to post.


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AniHawk said:
So how come no one will report that she's not cooperating at all and abusing her power and obviously hiding something?
Haven't you been paying attention? She's so adorable in those little glasses!


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
AndyIsTheMoney said:
yep..say that while you drink your coffee from starbucks and listen to your Ipod
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

That actually just happened :lol
OuterWorldVoice said:
I wasn't advocating anything, I was making a glib joke. But you responded to that by taking the part of the big businesses that happily increased the prices of the things you described after they got the Bush tax relief.


oh yes big business is my god. I wish my salary reflected this. but sometimes some of you react like an angry mob with fires and pitchforks. Im not going to pretend business is charity, its not. But you act like the poor carry the country in taxes, and they don't. You say TAX THE RICH!!11!! like they pay nothing.


testicles on a cold fall morning
no. what matters more is wage growth for middle income families - something which hasn't happened occurred during this Administration.
The costs of typical middle-class items continue to rise faster than prices. Cases in point: from the start of this business cycle in March 2001to March 2006 college tuition grew by 45.0 percent; gasoline prices — a critical part of transportation costs — rose by 67.5 percent; and prices in general grew by 13.5 percent. In the first quarter of 2006, prices in general rose on an annualized basis by 4.2 percent from December 2005 to March 2006, while tuition costs increased by 6.5 percent and gasoline prices grew by 36.3 percent.

At the same time, middle-class families’ incomes have been flat or declining in inflation- adjusted terms. Inflation-adjusted weekly wages in March 2006 were actually below those recorded at the start of the most recent economic recession in March 2001. And the average inflation adjusted weekly wage in the first quarter of 2006 was below that of the fourth quarter of 2005.


AndyIsTheMoney said:
oh yes big business is my god. I wish my salary reflected this. but sometimes some of you react like an angry mob with fires and pitchforks. Im not going to pretend business is charity, its not. But you act like the poor carry the country in taxes, and they don't. You say TAX THE RICH!!11!! like they pay nothing.

The rich should pay 60% of their earnings to help out with the country they love to pillage.

Then we could have universal healthcare, college for everyone, and a better society overall.
thekad said:
It's depressing, mostly. But the GOP is good at what it does - polarize and defraud a gulliple electorate.

Edit: It's almost like I knew what Andy was going to post.

It reminds me of Apocalypse Now where Kurtz said if he had 10 battalions of robotic, un-empathetic killers the US's problems in Vietnam would be non-existent. Except here the GOP has millions of battalions of robotic voters more obsessed with the personal gain of the rich than their own welfare - and like Matthews said it's been working like clockwork for decades


AniHawk said:
The rich should pay 60% of their earnings to help out with the country they love to pillage.

Then we could have universal healthcare, college for everyone, and a better society overall.

I missed AniHawk sarcasm. This is a great joke post.


when is my burrito
Xisiqomelir said:

Then add payroll taxes.

Bottom 50% - 10.75%
50% - 75% - 14.85%
75% - 90% - 16.65%

Add 1.2% to everybody above that.
AniHawk said:
So how come no one will report that she's not cooperating at all and abusing her power and obviously hiding something?
Maybe they are letting the story build?

She totally flip-flopped on this too . . . she had earlier said "Hold me accountable" and was open to the investigation. But now she is whining that the 'investigation is tainted'. How did the investigation change? It didn't change at all . . . absolutely NOTHING had changed in the investigation.

The only thing that changed is that she got asked to be the VP. Then she suddenly flip-flopped and no longer would cooperate at all.

Now there is real ethics & reform you can believe in.
I will leave me iPod and home and get my Starbucks to go cause I have a RSVP for the Barbra Streisand Hollywood fundraiser Tuesday.

Thank you very much.


PhoenixDark said:
It reminds me of Apocalypse Now where Kurtz said if he had 10 battalions of robotic, un-empathetic killers the US's problems in Vietnam would be non-existent. Except here the GOP has millions of battalions of robotic voters more obsessed with the personal gain of the rich than their own welfare - and like Matthews said it's been working like clockwork for decades

Thats not true the rich are concerned obviously with their own welfare. The middle class Republicans truly believe the Democrats are going to tax them into oblivion and the lower class likes Guns and God.
thekad said:
Andy picked a funny day to defend big business.

actually whats going on with lehman, fannie, freddie, bear sterns, etc is an example of the market working, correcting itself from abuse.

that is until the government jumps in and saves the day.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
AndyIsTheMoney said:
actually whats going on with lehman, fannie, freddie, bear sterns, etc is an example of the market working, correcting itself from abuse.

that is until the government jumps in and saves the day.
...do you have any fucking idea what would have happened to the economy if the government just let all this shit slip? Are you kidding me?
AniHawk said:
It really is a joke post, since Andy didn't get the one at the top of the page.

i realized it was joke, but there are a handful of people who read it, and agreed with it, so i posted for them to read. didnt mean to single you out though


testicles on a cold fall morning
AndyIsTheMoney said:
actually whats going on with lehman, fannie, freddie, bear sterns, etc is an example of the market working, correcting itself from abuse.

that is until the government jumps in and saves the day.
so it's better not to have regulations in place that dissuades against ponzi financing schemes and speculative bubbles because...


Professional Schmuck
AndyIsTheMoney said:
i realized it was joke, but there are a handful of people who read it, and agreed with it, so i posted for them to read. didnt mean to single you out though

and by fundamentals, you meant the american worker, rite
RubxQub said:
...do you have any fucking idea what would have happened to the economy if the government just let all this shit slip? Are you kidding me?

i know, not just our economy but the global market as well. i wasn't saying this was bad, but if bugs me some of the heads of these corporations will get away with their abuse.


Guy Legend said:
Wow, Mitt Romney calling out McCain's BS...:D


+1 respect for Mitt.

Even though this video is not about this specific ad...

Really, the sheer implications of what the McCain ad was suggesting is more than abominable. It was downright satanic. I don't really understand why this isn't being feverishly reported everywhere, as it is literally one of the darkest things being spread in this campaign. People got angry at the Harold Ford ad, this is a billion times worse. Now I'm sure there's plenty of details I've forgotten over the years over past elections, but I'm not sure there were any where an ad played that literally implied that the rival candidate was attempting to sell sex to little children, even in a roundabout way.

This is not hyperbole. If you defend such an ad and the candidate who pushes it, you're probably about as honorable as the piece of shit that came out of my ass an hour ago. And it says dark things about where the Republican party is. Sad days indeed, for a once great party.
scorcho said:
so it's better not to have regulations in place that dissuades against ponzi financing schemes and speculative bubbles because...

Of course. Regulation in all forms is bogus. Safety, Environmental, predatory. ALL BOGUS!

Let the invisible hand fix it all!


Stoney Mason said:
This has been posted multiple times and it's about Romney talking about Mccain lying about him rather than Obama.
What was McCain saying that upset Romney so much? At the time I had little interest in the Republican primaries and thought of McCain as being honorable and Romney seemed like a douche, so I kind of just assumed that Romney was the one with a dirty campaign.:lol
Trurl said:
What was McCain saying that upset Romney so much? At the time I had little interest in the Republican primaries and thought of McCain as being honorable and Romney seemed like a douche, so I kind of just assumed that Romney was the one with a dirty campaign.:lol


Mccain and Romney palpably didn't like each other the most during the primaries and they both distorted each other's positions as in all primary battles but Mccain was accused by a lot of conservative pundits at the time of really distorting some of Romney's positions.


Professional Schmuck
Amir0x said:
Even though this video is not about this specific ad...

Really, the sheer implications of what the McCain ad was suggesting is more than abominable. It was downright satanic. I don't really understand why this isn't being feverishly reported everywhere, as it is literally one of the darkest things being spread in this campaign. People got angry at the Harold Ford ad, this is a billion times worse. Now I'm sure there's plenty of details I've forgotten over the years over past elections, but I'm not sure there were any where an ad played that literally implied that the rival candidate was attempting to sell sex to little children, even in a roundabout way.

This is not hyperbole. If you defend such an ad and the candidate who pushes it, you're probably about as honorable as the piece of shit that came out of my ass an hour ago. And it says dark things about where the Republican party is. Sad days indeed, for a once great party.

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