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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Incognito said:
Just saw the "Equal pay" ad. That's some hard hitting stuff right there. Damn.
Me too. Great ad. It is nothing but the truth. Nothing the McCain campaign can say about the ad.

After seeing that ad, I donated $25 to Obama.


Setec Astronomer
Kittowny said:
What is sensible regulation? Obviously right now what happened makes people call for more regulation, but I'm not sure if this is necessarily the best thing in the long run. CLEARLY there's a lesson learned from Merrill, Bear and Leahman, but whom was the lesson meant for? The government? Or the market participants? Why can't self-regulation improve instead of having the government take over? Why is it everytime when something bad happens the government feels the need to take control over everything?

We've been down this road before, quite a few times.

Back then we set up institutions and laws to keep companies honest and accountable, and to limit the damage of future banking failures.

Fast-forward to the modern day when such companies and the political party representing them wanted these safeguards removed claiming they were stifling their true earning potential saying TRUST US.

All hell breaks loose, and here you are today acting like this is entirely novel.


Stoney Mason said:
Great interview on TDS. How people aren't charging the white house with pitchforks at this president and vice president I'll never know...

Although it looked like being exposed to that much evil really beat the soul out of the author. Will have to check out the book.
Kittonwy said:
Economics isn't his background, I just don't buy into this as this whole "obama is america's savior" thing.
Certainly not the area he has focused on . . . but he did work for an economic publication. And he's got some great advisors like Volker and Rubin

And he is by no means "america's savior" . . . but my goal is just not to have another person that totally fucks things up. Is that too much to ask for? Do we really need the elect the guy who said he doesn't know anything about economics?
Hitokage said:

We've been down this road before, quite a few times.

Back then we set up institutions and laws to keep companies honest and accountable, and to limit the damage of future banking failures.

Fast-forward to the modern day when such companies and the political party representing them wanted these safeguards removed saying they were stifling their true earning potential saying TRUST US.

All hell breaks loose, and here you are today acting like this is entirely novel.
Those who fail to study history are doomed to repeat it.

It really is more than just an empty saying.
Imm0rt4l said:
daily show was kinda wack tonight. which is sad since the comedy in this election writes itself.

Disagree. I thought the commentary section was fine and the interview was fine. That anchor skit wasn't so hot but 2 out of 3 good segments generally equal a good daily show for me.


PantherLotus said:

:lol :lol :lol :lol

Can we count that as another lie -- or just batshit crazy?

It's almost like McCain isn't even trying. Just throw whatever out there and see what happens.


Kittonwy said:
AMERICA has fucked America over every possible way, people who have NO BUSINESS buying houses are buying them on mortgages approved by unscrupulous participants in the industry

Oh oh oh, Kittonwy saying that there would have been a need for regulation?


Hitokage said:

We've been down this road before, quite a few times.

Back then we set up institutions and laws to keep companies honest and accountable, and to limit the damage of future banking failures.

Fast-forward to the modern day when such companies and the political party representing them wanted these safeguards removed claiming they were stifling their true earning potential saying TRUST US.

All hell breaks loose, and here you are today acting like this is entirely novel.

I don't think it's novel at all but it's something that we've been dealing with for a long time, do you now go and take over and tell all these companies what to do after trying to deregulate the markets for decades?


Ether_Snake said:
Oh oh oh, Kittonwy saying that there would have been a need for regulation?

What are you regulating? People who can't afford mortgages trying to buy houses they've got no business owning? Wouldn't common sense take care of that?


speculawyer said:
Certainly not the area he has focused on . . . but he did work for an economic publication. And he's got some great advisors like Volker and Rubin

And he is by no means "america's savior" . . . but my goal is just not to have another person that totally fucks things up. Is that too much to ask for? Do we really need the elect the guy who said he doesn't know anything about economics?

Vote for Ron Paul.


Kittonwy said:
I don't think it's novel at all but it's something that we've been dealing with for a long time, do you now go and take over and tell all these companies what to do after trying to deregulate the markets for decades?
You didn't even read his post, did you?
Kittonwy said:
What are you regulating? People who can't afford mortgages trying to buy houses they've got no business owning? Wouldn't common sense take care of that?
Obviously not. Duh!

A lot of people tried to get loans . . . so what? Many of them were stupid & irresponsible and they should not have tried to get loans. Yeah . . . I blame them. But they are stupid.

The people with the money are supposed to be the smart ones though. They should have known better. But they lended the money anyway. So they get a lot of blame too.


Count of Concision
Kittonwy said:
What are you regulating? People who can't afford mortgages trying to buy houses they've got no business owning? Wouldn't common sense take care of that?

Uhh, no shit. Of course if our culture were different, and people had good sense, they wouldn't enter into agreements where they bite off more than they can chew. But there need to be checks at multiple levels to ensure that the errors of the (frequently ill-informed) common folk don't become systemic risks.

That, ostensibly, is why we employ professionals, since they should know better and should exercise sound judgment by taking a broader view. This is also -- again, ostensibly -- why we have regulatory agencies. These fail-safes didn't work because they stopped taking their role as fail-safes seriously. We're bearing the fruits of the abandonment of that responsibility now.
I just went to Youtube to check the latest ads and all three "Recommended for You" clips at the top are anti-Mccain. Is that telling about me or the traffic on Youtube?
Hitokage said:

We've been down this road before, quite a few times.

Back then we set up institutions and laws to keep companies honest and accountable, and to limit the damage of future banking failures.

Fast-forward to the modern day when such companies and the political party representing them wanted these safeguards removed claiming they were stifling their true earning potential saying TRUST US.

All hell breaks loose, and here you are today acting like this is entirely novel.

Those who fail to learn from history... how's the rest of that go?


Kittonwy said:
What are you regulating? People who can't afford mortgages trying to buy houses they've got no business owning? Wouldn't common sense take care of that?

Errr was there some sort of common sense regulation in place I was not aware of?

Obviously it wouldn't take care of that, it didn't!

LAWS regulate human actions, not sense, especially not the common kind!


scorcho said:
besides for your utter lack of knowledge on government budgets or economic theory and policies, you're also Canadian, which means i really could give fuck all about your views on our domestic situation


It's kind of amazing how you can summarize an entire poster's history in one sentence.


Stoney Mason said:
They are just so good because they point out the fucking hypocrisy when the media won't.

I can't watch it, comedycentral.com is blocked in Canada:|


speculawyer said:
He can't win.

Of course he can't. Like Huckabee, Romney, Hillary Clinton, Mary Ruwart, etc., he ran for a party's nomination and lost. So you can't win if you're not on any ballot.

Unless you mean for Congress. In which case, I don't think any of us are in his district.
Kittonwy said:
What are you regulating? People who can't afford mortgages trying to buy houses they've got no business owning? Wouldn't common sense take care of that?

wouldn't common sense tell lenders not to go for mortgages that they won't collect on?


Setec Astronomer
Byakuya769 said:
wouldn't common sense tell lenders not to go for mortgages that they won't collect on?
Common sense doesn't last in the face of speculation frenzy. Remember how people in the 90s declared we had a "New Economy" of perpetual boom? Actually, remember the tv show made with that as the tagline just before it all came down? :lol

Anyway, the exact same mentality cropped up with certain banks finding that certain financial devices made struggling debtors more profitable than those who paid in full on time, and since they sell the loan to somebody else anyway, people began to feel invincible even through it was all based on a housing bubble many people recognized years before it popped.
Hitokage said:
Common sense doesn't last in the face of speculation frenzy. Remember how people in the 90s declared we had a "New Economy" of perpetual boom? Actually, remember the tv show made with that as the tagline just before it all came down? :lol

Anyway, the exact same mentality cropped up with certain banks finding that certain financial devices made struggling debtors more profitable than those who paid in full on time, and since they sell the loan to somebody else anyway, people began to feel invincible even through it was all based on a housing bubble many people recognized years before it popped.

Oh I know, I was more aiming to combat a "common sense" argument with a "common sense" argument.
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